Lee and Stranger are struggling in the room. Stranger managed to pick up the pistol and aim it at Lee's head. Lee managed to push his hand away and suddenly, the Stranger pulled the trigger. Sudden silence.... Lee saw Clementine, with blood on her stomach,... the she look at Lee.
"Lee?", Clementine fell.
Sudden tears bursting out from Lee's eyes. In anger, he hit Stranger's head multiple time with his bare hands. Stranger now dead.
Lee slowly crawled to Clementine...
Fuck, emotions are too hard at this part, anybody wanna continue?
Fuck, emotions are too hard at this part, anybody wanna continue?
This normally isn't my thing, but... what the heck. I'll give this a shot.
"Sweet Pea...?" Lee said, holding back tears.
Life slowly started to drain out of Clementine's eyes.
"It was all my fault, Lee. I never should have left. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry Lee." Clementine rasped.
"We'll make it through this, Sweet Pea. Just stay with me." Lee grabbed Clementine with his one spare arm, and left the Stranger's room. Lee had found what he came for, but somehow the walk back down the abandoned hall way was worse than when he had first come in to confront the unknown.
"Fuck.... fuck... this can't be happening. Not with you too, Clem."
Clementine's visage began to glaze. Looking in her eyes, Lee saw a reflection, but he wasn't sure of what. He had found Clementine, taught her how to survive... but what had he become?
Lee returned to the outside entrance of the Marsh House. Clementine's breathing became increasingly faint.
"Stay with me Clem." Lee softly said. Clem began to gargle blood.
As Lee drudged through the walkers, something had felt peculiar. None of the walkers had reached out to grab him like before... but why?
The realization hit Lee. Clementine's now lifeless body had been repelling the dead from biting Lee.
The body cradled in Lee's arms was light, but the weight had never felt heavier.
This is the "alternate ending".
Lee and Stranger are struggling in the room. Stranger managed to pick up the pistol and aim it at Lee's h… moreead. Lee managed to push his hand away and suddenly, the Stranger pulled the trigger. Sudden silence.... Lee saw Clementine, with blood on her stomach,... the she look at Lee.
"Lee?", Clementine fell.
Sudden tears bursting out from Lee's eyes. In anger, he hit Stranger's head multiple time with his bare hands. Stranger now dead.
Lee slowly crawled to Clementine...
Fuck, emotions are too hard at this part, anybody wanna continue?
Fuck, emotions are too hard at this part, anybody wanna continue?
This normally isn't my thing, but... what the heck. I'll give this… more a shot.
"Sweet Pea...?" Lee said, holding back tears.
Life slowly started to drain out of Clementine's eyes.
"It was all my fault, Lee. I never should have left. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry Lee." Clementine rasped.
"We'll make it through this, Sweet Pea. Just stay with me." Lee grabbed Clementine with his one spare arm, and left the Stranger's room. Lee had found what he came for, but somehow the walk back down the abandoned hall way was worse than when he had first come in to confront the unknown.
"Fuck.... fuck... this can't be happening. Not with you too, Clem."
Clementine's visage began to glaze. Looking in her eyes, Lee saw a reflection, but he wasn't sure of what. He had found Clementine, taught her how to survive... but what had he become?
Lee returned to the outside entranc… [view original content]
Fuck, emotions are too hard at this part, anybody wanna continue?
This normally isn't my thing, but... what the heck. I'll give this… more a shot.
"Sweet Pea...?" Lee said, holding back tears.
Life slowly started to drain out of Clementine's eyes.
"It was all my fault, Lee. I never should have left. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry Lee." Clementine rasped.
"We'll make it through this, Sweet Pea. Just stay with me." Lee grabbed Clementine with his one spare arm, and left the Stranger's room. Lee had found what he came for, but somehow the walk back down the abandoned hall way was worse than when he had first come in to confront the unknown.
"Fuck.... fuck... this can't be happening. Not with you too, Clem."
Clementine's visage began to glaze. Looking in her eyes, Lee saw a reflection, but he wasn't sure of what. He had found Clementine, taught her how to survive... but what had he become?
Lee returned to the outside entranc… [view original content]
Fuck, emotions are too hard at this part, anybody wanna continue?
This normally isn't my thing, but... what the heck. I'll give this… more a shot.
"Sweet Pea...?" Lee said, holding back tears.
Life slowly started to drain out of Clementine's eyes.
"It was all my fault, Lee. I never should have left. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry Lee." Clementine rasped.
"We'll make it through this, Sweet Pea. Just stay with me." Lee grabbed Clementine with his one spare arm, and left the Stranger's room. Lee had found what he came for, but somehow the walk back down the abandoned hall way was worse than when he had first come in to confront the unknown.
"Fuck.... fuck... this can't be happening. Not with you too, Clem."
Clementine's visage began to glaze. Looking in her eyes, Lee saw a reflection, but he wasn't sure of what. He had found Clementine, taught her how to survive... but what had he become?
Lee returned to the outside entranc… [view original content]
This is the "alternate ending".
Lee and Stranger are struggling in the room. Stranger managed to pick up the pistol and aim it at Lee's h… moreead. Lee managed to push his hand away and suddenly, the Stranger pulled the trigger. Sudden silence.... Lee saw Clementine, with blood on her stomach,... the she look at Lee.
"Lee?", Clementine fell.
Sudden tears bursting out from Lee's eyes. In anger, he hit Stranger's head multiple time with his bare hands. Stranger now dead.
Lee slowly crawled to Clementine...
Fuck, emotions are too hard at this part, anybody wanna continue?
Remember this picture? (Its Lilacsbloom profile pic btw)
The main idea of this pic is that Clementine is bitten, but somehow "immune" to the virus. She's half-walker, half-human. Pretty interesting story to make right?
Let us make a chain story based on this picture. I'll start;
Right after they covered themselves with Walker’s blood, they are ready to face the horde slowly dragging themselves towards Howe’s.
JANE: Don’t make any noise, got it? They might hear something they don’t like. And for fuck’s sake, WALK. Act like you belong and you belong.
Eveyone starts to walk. Sarah, trembling with fear, follow behind Carlos with Clementine behind them. The Walkers pass right through them entering Howe’s. Clementine cannot see Luke, Nick, Kenny, Rebecca or Jane, The remaining member of Howe’s community starting to fire blindly at the horde from the rooftop. The bullets raining down around them, but still doesn’t hit any of them. Sarah starts to whimper in fear. Carlos ask Clementine to calm her down.
CARLOS: Calm her down. Please. Just say something. You’re her friend.
Suddenly, one of the shots from the rooftop hit Carlos in the neck, causing his blood from his veins spraying everywhere. The Walkers immediately grab Carlos and devour him. Sarah watch in horror as his father been eaten in front of her. Sarah’s screaming attract the Walkers around them. Luckily, Sarita is nearby, hacking some of the Walkers surrounding Clementine. Bonnie starts to shoot them. Clementine can heard Kenny calling out for Sarita, Luke calling out for Sarah.
CLEMENTINE: Sarah, get a hold of yourself!
Sarah runs away through the horde like mad, leaving Clementine alone. One of the Walker limping towards her and she swing her axe to its head. The Walker fall. Clementine turn around and saw one of them is getting near Sarita and she doesn’t notice. Clementine run as fast as she can to get to Sarita. Seconds before the Walkers grab Sarita, Clem push her aside, causing her to get bitten at the neck. In pain, Clementine screams. Sarita immediately get up and hack the walker’s head and kick it down.
SARITA: Oh God Clem, you’ve bitten!
Clementine just lying on the tar, holding her bleeding neck which have the bite mark. Sarita starts to call Kenny.
SARITA: Kenny! Where are you?!
Kenny and Mike come running towards them.
KENNY: Christ, thank God. Are you hurt Sarita? Are you alright?
SARITA: I’m fine. But… but… Clem…
Kenny turns to Clementine and notice her wound at the neck
KENNY: No, no, no, not you Clem, not you!
CLEMENTINE: I’m fine Kenny! Let’s just get out of here.
Kenny, still doesn’t believe what just happened, starts to pick Clementine up and run through the horde. Mike and Sarita follows behind him.
KENNY: You’re alright Clem. You’re okay. It’s just a scratch.
CLEMENTINE: Kenny, I’d been…
Clem looks at Kenny’s face. He knows that Clem doesn’t have much time left. He doesn’t want to lose her. Clementine is the only family he got left besides Sarita. Is this what Lee would feel the first time he’s bitten?
The bite effect starts to kick in. Clem’s vision starting to get blurry, her mind goes light and slowly, she pass out. From distance, she can hear Kenny shouting at her to stay awake. She can’t do it, she’s too weak. Too sleepy…
There’s a distant voice, talking about her. But she don’t know who is is. Clem tries to open her eyes. She feels her body is too weak. She look around and notice that she is in a tent. Clem feel her neck, someone had bandaged it.
KENNY: FUCK YOU! You say that again I’ll end you, you understand??!
Clementine hear Kenny screaming outside. She gets up and goes to the door. She couldn’t walk too fast as her body still feels weak. She take a peek outside. It looks like they are at the Parker's Run, the civil war site they previously agreed upon as their meeting spot. Clem sees Kenny are having an argument with Jane. Mike, Rebecca and Bonnie just watching them distance away, they don’t want to involve in the argument. Sarita tries to calm them down.
JANE: Now you listen to me. She’s bitten, in a matter of any seconds, she could turn. You don’t want that to happen right?
KENNY: Any more idea of putting her down, I’ll fucking end you, YOU GOT ME?!
SARITA: Both of you please, stop fighting. This isn’t going anywhere.
Clem slowly goes back into the tent. She’s speechless, her mind just can’t process anything. Is she gonna turn? Is she gonna be put down? What would Lee do? Then, Kenny and Sarita enter the tent.
KENNY: Clem! Hey, I thought… we thought you’re still sleeping.
CLEMENTINE: You guys are having thought of putting me down didn’t you?
KENNY: What? God no, that shitbird Jane is pulling the whole idea of putting you down.
CLEMENITNE: What did you do when Lee’s bitten?
KENNY: Well, we uuhh… Christa cut off his hand...
CLEMENINTE: … that’s not gonna happen to me!
Clementine storm out off the tent
Kenny feels guilty for not taking care of her. He is supposed to take care of Clementine, but now… she’s bitten, he needs to live with that mistakes again… just like what happened to Duck.
Clementine walks to the river, passing through the fountain where Mike, Bonnie, Jane and Rebecca are sitting. Jane stop her.
JANE: Hey kid, listen… I know that you… this is a tough time, with you… bite and all.
CLEMENTINE: So? What’s that got to do with you?
JANE: You’re bitten, before any longer you know you’ll turn… And some people here are worried when you turned…
JANE: Someone gotta put you down, and that someone will not be me.
CLEM: I know…
Sudden silence, then Clementine walk pass by Jane
....and I got nothing right after this part. Anyone can contribute their ideas to this short story since we're waiting for Season 3. =D
Remember this picture? (Its Lilacsbloom profile pic btw)
The main idea of this pic is that Clementine is bitten, but somehow "immune" to … morethe virus. She's half-walker, half-human. Pretty interesting story to make right?
Let us make a chain story based on this picture. I'll start;
Right after they covered themselves with Walker’s blood, they are ready to face the horde slowly dragging themselves towards Howe’s.
JANE: Don’t make any noise, got it? They might hear something they don’t like. And for fuck’s sake, WALK. Act like you belong and you belong.
Eveyone starts to walk. Sarah, trembling with fear, follow behind Carlos with Clementine behind them. The Walkers pass right through them entering Howe’s. Clementine cannot see Luke, Nick, Kenny, Rebecca or Jane, The remaining member of Howe’s community starting to fire blindly at the horde from the rooftop. The bullets raining down around them, but still doesn’t hit an… [view original content]
Remember this picture? (Its Lilacsbloom profile pic btw)
The main idea of this pic is that Clementine is bitten, but somehow "immune" to … morethe virus. She's half-walker, half-human. Pretty interesting story to make right?
Let us make a chain story based on this picture. I'll start;
Right after they covered themselves with Walker’s blood, they are ready to face the horde slowly dragging themselves towards Howe’s.
JANE: Don’t make any noise, got it? They might hear something they don’t like. And for fuck’s sake, WALK. Act like you belong and you belong.
Eveyone starts to walk. Sarah, trembling with fear, follow behind Carlos with Clementine behind them. The Walkers pass right through them entering Howe’s. Clementine cannot see Luke, Nick, Kenny, Rebecca or Jane, The remaining member of Howe’s community starting to fire blindly at the horde from the rooftop. The bullets raining down around them, but still doesn’t hit an… [view original content]
What a lovely story indeed. I have to admit though, way back in 2012 I turned a blind eye towards the TWD game, but I played the demo anyway. I was hooked. I downloaded the whole first episode on iOS, played it, then for some foolish reason (I was a cheapskate back then) decided I didn't want to pay for the other episodes, which I think were all released at that point. Then I made the huge mistake of watching the ending of S1 on Youtube, with the thought that I wasn't going to play the other episodes anyway, so I didn't really feel any emotion, just wasn't expecting it. Fast forward a bit, when last summer I was bored and only had my iPad with me while I was on holiday and I magically remembered S1. So I downloaded it and actually bought the other episodes this time round and at the end, despite already knowing Lee's fate, I cried anyway, I just couldn't hold myself. My main point is the fact that because such a huge spoiler failed to majorly effect my experience, it speaks volumes about how well written the story was and how good Telltale are at telling a tale. Honestly, if I played the game as it came out, not knowing that Lee was going to die, I probably would have locked myself away for a week just to come to terms with the situation haha.
I have to say. I never thought it would be that awesome. What a lovely story. Of all Telltale titles released so far. The Walking Dead Seaso… moren 1 is the best.
I just got the collection on PSN store. for reduced price. So played all the titles now. Waiting for TWD Season 3. And expecting Season 2 for The Wolf Among Us.
I'm betting if anything, that's where the DLC will be announced. They'll also probably be talking about their future projects, including The Wolf Among Us S2. Right? Right?
That seems a little too long of a wait for them to announce a DLC, especially since we've been getting all these tweets and apparent updates lately. If they were going to wait until August to announce a DLC, I would seriously doubt they would already be doing stuff like this 3 months in advance.
They'll also probably be talking about their future projects, including The Wolf Among Us S2. Right? Right?
I'm betting if anything, that's where the DLC will be announced. They'll also probably be talking about their future projects, including The Wolf Among Us S2. Right? Right?
I'm betting if anything, that's where the DLC will be announced. They'll also probably be talking about their future projects, including The Wolf Among Us S2. Right? Right?
If i lived closer to Seattle or had enouh spare money for flights and i would attend PAX as it would be awesome to meet the people from Telltale and see any announcements live, hopfully it gets streamed
Remember this picture? (Its Lilacsbloom profile pic btw)
The main idea of this pic is that Clementine is bitten, but somehow "immune" to … morethe virus. She's half-walker, half-human. Pretty interesting story to make right?
Let us make a chain story based on this picture. I'll start;
Right after they covered themselves with Walker’s blood, they are ready to face the horde slowly dragging themselves towards Howe’s.
JANE: Don’t make any noise, got it? They might hear something they don’t like. And for fuck’s sake, WALK. Act like you belong and you belong.
Eveyone starts to walk. Sarah, trembling with fear, follow behind Carlos with Clementine behind them. The Walkers pass right through them entering Howe’s. Clementine cannot see Luke, Nick, Kenny, Rebecca or Jane, The remaining member of Howe’s community starting to fire blindly at the horde from the rooftop. The bullets raining down around them, but still doesn’t hit an… [view original content]
God it is so hard to write when you're recovering from a crappy cold! x_x
Everyone ends up like this...Clementine had said the same once before with Pete. She regretted uttering those words to him while they were trapped in the back of that truck with walkers banging on the doors from outside. She should've said something better to that dying man scared in the face of death, the guy who'd inevitibly sacrificed what little time he had left to reunite with his nephew, so that Clementine could escape instead.
Clementine seen it happen too much already, what happened to a person when they were bitten. Duck, Lee, Pete and even her own parents had turned as one of those things, now she was next in line, she was the one sick and dying and there wasn't anything she could do to change that.
'This stinks...'
The eleven-year old only made it a couple steps after hearing Kenny leave, saying that he was heading to the river to get her some water, when she stopped, soon breaking out into a painful coughing fit. Her heart jumped like a frightened rabbit in her chest the second she'd pulled her hands away from her mouth, finding them splattered in traces of her own blood that hadn't been there before.
Oh god, this was really happening. It was all real.
Wiping the splatter stains away on her already filthy coat, it didn't go unnoticed. Clementine caught them watching her, Mike, Bonnie and Rebecca, each of their faces a mixture of their own thoughts, from sympathy to even fear. They couldn't even look her in the eye for long when she'd caught them staring, Mike being the one to turn away first, mumbling something to himself with Bonnie second to follow guilty-eyed; Rebecca held Clementine's gaze the longest, with nothing but sorrow there, before even she broke away, the heavily pregnant woman clutching her swollen belly from where she was sat on that bench...
They saw Clementine for what she was now: dead. She wasn't part of them anymore and that realization suddenly made her feel very small.
She wished her parents were here...she wished Lee was here.
Somebody touched her shoulders, the action was light, but it'd still given Clementine a scare.
It was Sarita.
"Why don't you come and sit down," the worried woman said motherly, showing no concerns about keeping her distance as she escorted Clementine over to the statue of two soldiers she had seen earlier. Only then as Sarita helped her to sit down on that wall, did Clementine suddenly get hit by a wave of exhaustion all over again, her body beginning to break out in a feverish sweat, causing the young girl to lean foreward, shutting her eyes tight.
She couldn't tell if she was going to pass out or hurl, maybe both?
It was at this point, Clementine had the misfortune of overhearing Mike whispering from nearby. "You know...Jane, she's gotta point..."
“Don't,” Bonnie warned in just a hush of a voice, “Don't start...”
“I'm just saying...sick of waiting around like this...”
How could they talk about her like she wasn't here? Clementine almost spoke out at them in anger when another violent shook her frame, and she felt Sarita lightly rubbing her back in response.
Wait...something was missing here. What was it?
Opening her eyes, Clementine scanned around that civil war site, a knot of panic tightening in her chest when she realized their group wasn't whole. “Where are the others?”
“Haven't a clue; lost track of them back in the herd,” Jane spoke, standing a little away from them, keeping watch on the treeline. “Haven't shown up yet...”
“I'm sure they're alright,” Sarita said, gripping Clementine's shoulder supportively. “Don't you go worrying about them; they'll make it here in their own time.”
“Yeah, that's the spirit,” Jane said dryly, “keep that attitude up and you'll all be dead before you can say happy hanukkah.”
Sarita scowled at the woman. “Don't say things like that! She's just a child!”
“I'm calling it by how it is,” Jane paused, keeping a watch gaze on the lone fisherman still down at the river, taking his time. “Also your husband's off his lid; you should learn to keep a tighter leash on him, it might do you some favors.”
“He's not my husband, and don't talk about Kenny like that some, some animal!” Sarita said bitterly, her accent heavy voice cracking as she held Clementine closer. “You don't know a thing about him!”
“I know he just cracked open Carver's face with a crowbar some hours ago, and I know I've seen this enough times to not like where it's heading,” Jane spoke in a calmer frame of mind. “You want to help her? Tell her the truth, because lying's not going to solve yours or anybody's problems.”
Clementine was too tired to even argue, but the thoughts of her friends out lost was a worry that wouldn't go away. Luke, Nick and Sarah, why hadn't they arrived yet? They knew where to go, so what was keeping them? Unless they were already...
“I'm going after Sarah!”
Clementine had seen them, Sarah bolting off into the herd, with Luke and Nick following a short time later, a bullet tearing through the second man's shoulder as he'd stumbled in stride, but kept on running.
All three couldn't be dead. They had to still be out there somewhere, right?
Clementine reached up to the side of her neck, wincing in pain the very second her fingers touched the broken skin where the walker had bitten her. The wound was still weeping, but not fatal to have killed her straight away, it would soon though. Clementine didn't have much time, time she didn't want to waste sitting around, waiting for somebody to put a bullet in her head.
“I wanna look for them," she said, "Luke, Nick and Sarah are out there. We can't just wait around; they might need our help.”
Clementine couldn't tell if Jane just found it funny or if she was genuinely impressed by that.
“Out of the question!” Sarita said strictly, “You're not going anywhere.”
Clementine refused to have any of that, lightly pushing the lady's arms away from her as she forced herself shakily to stand. “You can't tell me what to do. They're my friends and I wanna help them.”
“I admire your guts kid, but maybe you should listen to her; you won't be much help to anybody the way you are now, and you're only going to get worse” Jane said almost sounding sorry for her, before adding. “I'll go, I can scout the area for any sign of your friends.”
Clementine looked up at the woman saddened. “I can't come with you?”
“And have papa wolf over there challenge me for round two? I'll pass; besides, you'll just slow me down,” Jane turning to leave in the direction of the woods when she halted, as if considering to say something else, but changing her mind on what that something was last second. “It'll be dark soon, you should probably tell the others to look around for someplace safe to camp for the night.”
“But I...”
It was no use, nothing Clementine said made much difference. Jane was already on her way, vanishing amongst the trees like a ghost to search for her friends alone, and as Clementine looked on, barely managing to stand there on her own two feet, the horrible thought dawned in the eleven-year old's mind that there was a chance she might not see Jane or her friends again...
'Please come back...'
A short time later, Kenny returned from the river.
Remember this picture? (Its Lilacsbloom profile pic btw)
The main idea of this pic is that Clementine is bitten, but somehow "immune" to … morethe virus. She's half-walker, half-human. Pretty interesting story to make right?
Let us make a chain story based on this picture. I'll start;
Right after they covered themselves with Walker’s blood, they are ready to face the horde slowly dragging themselves towards Howe’s.
JANE: Don’t make any noise, got it? They might hear something they don’t like. And for fuck’s sake, WALK. Act like you belong and you belong.
Eveyone starts to walk. Sarah, trembling with fear, follow behind Carlos with Clementine behind them. The Walkers pass right through them entering Howe’s. Clementine cannot see Luke, Nick, Kenny, Rebecca or Jane, The remaining member of Howe’s community starting to fire blindly at the horde from the rooftop. The bullets raining down around them, but still doesn’t hit an… [view original content]
If i lived closer to Seattle or had enouh spare money for flights and i would attend PAX as it would be awesome to meet the people from Telltale and see any announcements live, hopfully it gets streamed
God it is so hard to write when you're recovering from a crappy cold! x_x
Everyone ends up like this...Clementine had said the same onc… moree before with Pete. She regretted uttering those words to him while they were trapped in the back of that truck with walkers banging on the doors from outside. She should've said something better to that dying man scared in the face of death, the guy who'd inevitibly sacrificed what little time he had left to reunite with his nephew, so that Clementine could escape instead.
Clementine seen it happen too much already, what happened to a person when they were bitten. Duck, Lee, Pete and even her own parents had turned as one of those things, now she was next in line, she was the one sick and dying and there wasn't anything she could do to change that.
'This stinks...'
The eleven-year old only made it a couple steps after hearing Kenny leave, saying that he was heading to the river to get her some w… [view original content]
God it is so hard to write when you're recovering from a crappy cold! x_x
Everyone ends up like this...Clementine had said the same onc… moree before with Pete. She regretted uttering those words to him while they were trapped in the back of that truck with walkers banging on the doors from outside. She should've said something better to that dying man scared in the face of death, the guy who'd inevitibly sacrificed what little time he had left to reunite with his nephew, so that Clementine could escape instead.
Clementine seen it happen too much already, what happened to a person when they were bitten. Duck, Lee, Pete and even her own parents had turned as one of those things, now she was next in line, she was the one sick and dying and there wasn't anything she could do to change that.
'This stinks...'
The eleven-year old only made it a couple steps after hearing Kenny leave, saying that he was heading to the river to get her some w… [view original content]
Well, I respect your opinion. My general idea is take a little bit subplot from 28 Weeks Later and put a little twist in it. Clementine is immune to this virus even she's bitten, but not without a cost. The virus started to active and there will be a side effect to her system eg. pupils turning white, skin starting to fall off, basically she's a hybrid of human-walker. Thus, I have a wild idea of "expanding TWD Universe". Just being creative, that's all.
Thinking of suing Telltale "soon" XD
How soon u will do this?
Super soon or sooner than we think?
soon? right, soon?
or not super-super soon, but pretty soon?
I think soon :Р
Prepare for the feels!

This is the "alternate ending".
Lee and Stranger are struggling in the room. Stranger managed to pick up the pistol and aim it at Lee's head. Lee managed to push his hand away and suddenly, the Stranger pulled the trigger. Sudden silence.... Lee saw Clementine, with blood on her stomach,... the she look at Lee.
"Lee?", Clementine fell.
Sudden tears bursting out from Lee's eyes. In anger, he hit Stranger's head multiple time with his bare hands. Stranger now dead.
Lee slowly crawled to Clementine...
Fuck, emotions are too hard at this part, anybody wanna continue?
This normally isn't my thing, but... what the heck. I'll give this a shot.
"Sweet Pea...?" Lee said, holding back tears.
Life slowly started to drain out of Clementine's eyes.
"It was all my fault, Lee. I never should have left. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry Lee." Clementine rasped.
"We'll make it through this, Sweet Pea. Just stay with me." Lee grabbed Clementine with his one spare arm, and left the Stranger's room. Lee had found what he came for, but somehow the walk back down the abandoned hall way was worse than when he had first come in to confront the unknown.
"Fuck.... fuck... this can't be happening. Not with you too, Clem."
Clementine's visage began to glaze. Looking in her eyes, Lee saw a reflection, but he wasn't sure of what. He had found Clementine, taught her how to survive... but what had he become?
Lee returned to the outside entrance of the Marsh House. Clementine's breathing became increasingly faint.
"Stay with me Clem." Lee softly said. Clem began to gargle blood.
As Lee drudged through the walkers, something had felt peculiar. None of the walkers had reached out to grab him like before... but why?
The realization hit Lee. Clementine's now lifeless body had been repelling the dead from biting Lee.
The body cradled in Lee's arms was light, but the weight had never felt heavier.
Dude that was pretty good
Now all we need is a reimagining of Season 2 starring Lee. Yeah...
It's missing something...
There we go ;_;
I'm assuming in this alternate reality Lee isn't bitten.
It's interesting.
Remember this picture? (Its Lilacsbloom profile pic btw)
The main idea of this pic is that Clementine is bitten, but somehow "immune" to the virus. She's half-walker, half-human. Pretty interesting story to make right?
Let us make a chain story based on this picture. I'll start;
Right after they covered themselves with Walker’s blood, they are ready to face the horde slowly dragging themselves towards Howe’s.
JANE: Don’t make any noise, got it? They might hear something they don’t like. And for fuck’s sake, WALK. Act like you belong and you belong.
Eveyone starts to walk. Sarah, trembling with fear, follow behind Carlos with Clementine behind them. The Walkers pass right through them entering Howe’s. Clementine cannot see Luke, Nick, Kenny, Rebecca or Jane, The remaining member of Howe’s community starting to fire blindly at the horde from the rooftop. The bullets raining down around them, but still doesn’t hit any of them. Sarah starts to whimper in fear. Carlos ask Clementine to calm her down.
CARLOS: Calm her down. Please. Just say something. You’re her friend.
Suddenly, one of the shots from the rooftop hit Carlos in the neck, causing his blood from his veins spraying everywhere. The Walkers immediately grab Carlos and devour him. Sarah watch in horror as his father been eaten in front of her. Sarah’s screaming attract the Walkers around them. Luckily, Sarita is nearby, hacking some of the Walkers surrounding Clementine. Bonnie starts to shoot them. Clementine can heard Kenny calling out for Sarita, Luke calling out for Sarah.
CLEMENTINE: Sarah, get a hold of yourself!
Sarah runs away through the horde like mad, leaving Clementine alone. One of the Walker limping towards her and she swing her axe to its head. The Walker fall. Clementine turn around and saw one of them is getting near Sarita and she doesn’t notice. Clementine run as fast as she can to get to Sarita. Seconds before the Walkers grab Sarita, Clem push her aside, causing her to get bitten at the neck. In pain, Clementine screams. Sarita immediately get up and hack the walker’s head and kick it down.
SARITA: Oh God Clem, you’ve bitten!
Clementine just lying on the tar, holding her bleeding neck which have the bite mark. Sarita starts to call Kenny.
SARITA: Kenny! Where are you?!
Kenny and Mike come running towards them.
KENNY: Christ, thank God. Are you hurt Sarita? Are you alright?
SARITA: I’m fine. But… but… Clem…
Kenny turns to Clementine and notice her wound at the neck
KENNY: No, no, no, not you Clem, not you!
CLEMENTINE: I’m fine Kenny! Let’s just get out of here.
Kenny, still doesn’t believe what just happened, starts to pick Clementine up and run through the horde. Mike and Sarita follows behind him.
KENNY: You’re alright Clem. You’re okay. It’s just a scratch.
CLEMENTINE: Kenny, I’d been…
Clem looks at Kenny’s face. He knows that Clem doesn’t have much time left. He doesn’t want to lose her. Clementine is the only family he got left besides Sarita. Is this what Lee would feel the first time he’s bitten?
The bite effect starts to kick in. Clem’s vision starting to get blurry, her mind goes light and slowly, she pass out. From distance, she can hear Kenny shouting at her to stay awake. She can’t do it, she’s too weak. Too sleepy…
There’s a distant voice, talking about her. But she don’t know who is is. Clem tries to open her eyes. She feels her body is too weak. She look around and notice that she is in a tent. Clem feel her neck, someone had bandaged it.
KENNY: FUCK YOU! You say that again I’ll end you, you understand??!
Clementine hear Kenny screaming outside. She gets up and goes to the door. She couldn’t walk too fast as her body still feels weak. She take a peek outside. It looks like they are at the Parker's Run, the civil war site they previously agreed upon as their meeting spot. Clem sees Kenny are having an argument with Jane. Mike, Rebecca and Bonnie just watching them distance away, they don’t want to involve in the argument. Sarita tries to calm them down.
JANE: Now you listen to me. She’s bitten, in a matter of any seconds, she could turn. You don’t want that to happen right?
KENNY: Any more idea of putting her down, I’ll fucking end you, YOU GOT ME?!
SARITA: Both of you please, stop fighting. This isn’t going anywhere.
Clem slowly goes back into the tent. She’s speechless, her mind just can’t process anything. Is she gonna turn? Is she gonna be put down? What would Lee do? Then, Kenny and Sarita enter the tent.
KENNY: Clem! Hey, I thought… we thought you’re still sleeping.
CLEMENTINE: You guys are having thought of putting me down didn’t you?
KENNY: What? God no, that shitbird Jane is pulling the whole idea of putting you down.
CLEMENITNE: What did you do when Lee’s bitten?
KENNY: Well, we uuhh… Christa cut off his hand...
CLEMENINTE: … that’s not gonna happen to me!
Clementine storm out off the tent
Kenny feels guilty for not taking care of her. He is supposed to take care of Clementine, but now… she’s bitten, he needs to live with that mistakes again… just like what happened to Duck.
Clementine walks to the river, passing through the fountain where Mike, Bonnie, Jane and Rebecca are sitting. Jane stop her.
JANE: Hey kid, listen… I know that you… this is a tough time, with you… bite and all.
CLEMENTINE: So? What’s that got to do with you?
JANE: You’re bitten, before any longer you know you’ll turn… And some people here are worried when you turned…
JANE: Someone gotta put you down, and that someone will not be me.
CLEM: I know…
Sudden silence, then Clementine walk pass by Jane
....and I got nothing right after this part. Anyone can contribute their ideas to this short story since we're waiting for Season 3. =D
Ahh I love it!
I call dibs on the next post! >.> lemme write you some magic bro!
Be my guest sis! Continue my work and you shall be rewarded with Luke... I mean, gold, GOLD!
What a lovely story indeed. I have to admit though, way back in 2012 I turned a blind eye towards the TWD game, but I played the demo anyway. I was hooked. I downloaded the whole first episode on iOS, played it, then for some foolish reason (I was a cheapskate back then) decided I didn't want to pay for the other episodes, which I think were all released at that point. Then I made the huge mistake of watching the ending of S1 on Youtube, with the thought that I wasn't going to play the other episodes anyway, so I didn't really feel any emotion, just wasn't expecting it. Fast forward a bit, when last summer I was bored and only had my iPad with me while I was on holiday and I magically remembered S1. So I downloaded it and actually bought the other episodes this time round and at the end, despite already knowing Lee's fate, I cried anyway, I just couldn't hold myself. My main point is the fact that because such a huge spoiler failed to majorly effect my experience, it speaks volumes about how well written the story was and how good Telltale are at telling a tale. Honestly, if I played the game as it came out, not knowing that Lee was going to die, I probably would have locked myself away for a week just to come to terms with the situation haha.
Meh, the "spechul immune survior messiah" has been done a bit too many times in my humble opinion. I like that Clem is just a girl.
What you mean, Laura Perusco?
What does this mean.
When they say "Soon", they mean:
Job said:
I'm betting if anything, that's where the DLC will be announced. They'll also probably be talking about their future projects, including The Wolf Among Us S2. Right? Right?
That seems a little too long of a wait for them to announce a DLC, especially since we've been getting all these tweets and apparent updates lately. If they were going to wait until August to announce a DLC, I would seriously doubt they would already be doing stuff like this 3 months in advance.
Cruel reality for you...
Lilac y u do this? ;__;
If i lived closer to Seattle or had enouh spare money for flights and i would attend PAX as it would be awesome to meet the people from Telltale and see any announcements live, hopfully it gets streamed
Wow I enjoyed it :0
God it is so hard to write when you're recovering from a crappy cold! x_x
Everyone ends up like this...Clementine had said the same once before with Pete. She regretted uttering those words to him while they were trapped in the back of that truck with walkers banging on the doors from outside. She should've said something better to that dying man scared in the face of death, the guy who'd inevitibly sacrificed what little time he had left to reunite with his nephew, so that Clementine could escape instead.
Clementine seen it happen too much already, what happened to a person when they were bitten. Duck, Lee, Pete and even her own parents had turned as one of those things, now she was next in line, she was the one sick and dying and there wasn't anything she could do to change that.
'This stinks...'
The eleven-year old only made it a couple steps after hearing Kenny leave, saying that he was heading to the river to get her some water, when she stopped, soon breaking out into a painful coughing fit. Her heart jumped like a frightened rabbit in her chest the second she'd pulled her hands away from her mouth, finding them splattered in traces of her own blood that hadn't been there before.
Oh god, this was really happening. It was all real.
Wiping the splatter stains away on her already filthy coat, it didn't go unnoticed. Clementine caught them watching her, Mike, Bonnie and Rebecca, each of their faces a mixture of their own thoughts, from sympathy to even fear. They couldn't even look her in the eye for long when she'd caught them staring, Mike being the one to turn away first, mumbling something to himself with Bonnie second to follow guilty-eyed; Rebecca held Clementine's gaze the longest, with nothing but sorrow there, before even she broke away, the heavily pregnant woman clutching her swollen belly from where she was sat on that bench...
They saw Clementine for what she was now: dead. She wasn't part of them anymore and that realization suddenly made her feel very small.
She wished her parents were here...she wished Lee was here.
Somebody touched her shoulders, the action was light, but it'd still given Clementine a scare.
It was Sarita.
"Why don't you come and sit down," the worried woman said motherly, showing no concerns about keeping her distance as she escorted Clementine over to the statue of two soldiers she had seen earlier. Only then as Sarita helped her to sit down on that wall, did Clementine suddenly get hit by a wave of exhaustion all over again, her body beginning to break out in a feverish sweat, causing the young girl to lean foreward, shutting her eyes tight.
She couldn't tell if she was going to pass out or hurl, maybe both?
It was at this point, Clementine had the misfortune of overhearing Mike whispering from nearby. "You know...Jane, she's gotta point..."
“Don't,” Bonnie warned in just a hush of a voice, “Don't start...”
“I'm just saying...sick of waiting around like this...”
How could they talk about her like she wasn't here? Clementine almost spoke out at them in anger when another violent shook her frame, and she felt Sarita lightly rubbing her back in response.
Wait...something was missing here. What was it?
Opening her eyes, Clementine scanned around that civil war site, a knot of panic tightening in her chest when she realized their group wasn't whole. “Where are the others?”
“Haven't a clue; lost track of them back in the herd,” Jane spoke, standing a little away from them, keeping watch on the treeline. “Haven't shown up yet...”
“I'm sure they're alright,” Sarita said, gripping Clementine's shoulder supportively. “Don't you go worrying about them; they'll make it here in their own time.”
“Yeah, that's the spirit,” Jane said dryly, “keep that attitude up and you'll all be dead before you can say happy hanukkah.”
Sarita scowled at the woman. “Don't say things like that! She's just a child!”
“I'm calling it by how it is,” Jane paused, keeping a watch gaze on the lone fisherman still down at the river, taking his time. “Also your husband's off his lid; you should learn to keep a tighter leash on him, it might do you some favors.”
“He's not my husband, and don't talk about Kenny like that some, some animal!” Sarita said bitterly, her accent heavy voice cracking as she held Clementine closer. “You don't know a thing about him!”
“I know he just cracked open Carver's face with a crowbar some hours ago, and I know I've seen this enough times to not like where it's heading,” Jane spoke in a calmer frame of mind. “You want to help her? Tell her the truth, because lying's not going to solve yours or anybody's problems.”
Clementine was too tired to even argue, but the thoughts of her friends out lost was a worry that wouldn't go away. Luke, Nick and Sarah, why hadn't they arrived yet? They knew where to go, so what was keeping them? Unless they were already...
“I'm going after Sarah!”
Clementine had seen them, Sarah bolting off into the herd, with Luke and Nick following a short time later, a bullet tearing through the second man's shoulder as he'd stumbled in stride, but kept on running.
All three couldn't be dead. They had to still be out there somewhere, right?
Clementine reached up to the side of her neck, wincing in pain the very second her fingers touched the broken skin where the walker had bitten her. The wound was still weeping, but not fatal to have killed her straight away, it would soon though. Clementine didn't have much time, time she didn't want to waste sitting around, waiting for somebody to put a bullet in her head.
“I wanna look for them," she said, "Luke, Nick and Sarah are out there. We can't just wait around; they might need our help.”
Clementine couldn't tell if Jane just found it funny or if she was genuinely impressed by that.
“Out of the question!” Sarita said strictly, “You're not going anywhere.”
Clementine refused to have any of that, lightly pushing the lady's arms away from her as she forced herself shakily to stand. “You can't tell me what to do. They're my friends and I wanna help them.”
“I admire your guts kid, but maybe you should listen to her; you won't be much help to anybody the way you are now, and you're only going to get worse” Jane said almost sounding sorry for her, before adding. “I'll go, I can scout the area for any sign of your friends.”
Clementine looked up at the woman saddened. “I can't come with you?”
“And have papa wolf over there challenge me for round two? I'll pass; besides, you'll just slow me down,” Jane turning to leave in the direction of the woods when she halted, as if considering to say something else, but changing her mind on what that something was last second. “It'll be dark soon, you should probably tell the others to look around for someplace safe to camp for the night.”
“But I...”
It was no use, nothing Clementine said made much difference. Jane was already on her way, vanishing amongst the trees like a ghost to search for her friends alone, and as Clementine looked on, barely managing to stand there on her own two feet, the horrible thought dawned in the eleven-year old's mind that there was a chance she might not see Jane or her friends again...
'Please come back...'
A short time later, Kenny returned from the river.
Oh, my sweet dreams
Gold, or Luke.....gold.....or Luke....
I want more! I mean reading these is super fun and interesting.
I will continue from here Lilac! =D
It could be dlc since it twd s2 episode 5 will have a year
Well, I respect your opinion. My general idea is take a little bit subplot from 28 Weeks Later and put a little twist in it. Clementine is immune to this virus even she's bitten, but not without a cost. The virus started to active and there will be a side effect to her system eg. pupils turning white, skin starting to fall off, basically she's a hybrid of human-walker. Thus, I have a wild idea of "expanding TWD Universe". Just being creative, that's all.
just checking the forums...Thought they would of announced the DLC by now