Why Can't Telltale Create Villains?Who will be the next?
In the comic book series of the walking dead, you have villains that were actually malice; they just kill and steal from people just for fun and for no reason. For example the Governor,who just cuts Rick's hand as a way of saying hi. And Negan who is just essentially the ZA mobster.
Telltale Villains, I feel, aren't actually villains,but people that are just doing things just to survive not just because they want to. like the St John's. The only reason that they became canibals so they could have meat to give to the bandits to not kill them.
The stranger wasn't bad either. He thought he could take better care of clem than Lee, but he was alittle crazy though. I'm sure he wasn't going to kill anyone as long as he had clem.
Finally the Craver, he's the only Telltale character that I can see as a Villain, but even he can be rational compare to the Governor, Hunters, scavengers, and Negan. Compare to those groups, He's actually pretty sane.
Tell me what kind of villain can put into season 3.
I actually like the fact that there were no real villains in Season 1. It was just Lilly and Ben making bad decisions. Plus the mysterious stranger. In my opinion everything felt more humane. If they really want to create a completely evil villain I want to see the person who is responsible for the whole infection.
I'd like to see a Negan type character as in a psycho who doe's some pretty sick stuff but I really liked the antagonists we've seen so far (the St John's being my favourite) as well but a psycho would be interesting.
If Carver=The Governor then Nate=Negan.
I'd also like to see a female villian. We only got Brenda and Tavia (she's not even really a villian).
I preferred Carver in Episode 2 as opposed to Episode 3. I just think his concept started out as a really interesting one. I think one of the only great parts of him in Episode 3 was when he and Clementine talked in his office, as well as his speech before his death.
Arvo all grown up on season 3? Or maybe someone more dangerous..or hunter at least.
I would write a character about myself. A man that loves fire, and explosions.
Sounds like Mr. Torgue
Because in such world everyone can easily become a villian. It all depends on perspective. For example, Carver wasn't evil, he was just a desperate man who wanted his family back.
Why would we want TTG to take a step back toward less grey villains?
I'm glad they won't reveal the infection origin. It'd be so cliche, moreso for one band of civilians to find the origin
Tavia's whole vibe = When Good Social Workers Go Bad.
Save-lot bandits fit the bill
They're like a giant mix of the marauders, the DC scavengers, and Negan: they rape and kill people indiscriminately, unstable and barely have any organization or structure, and they demand supplies from groups that they don't kill in exchange for keeping them alive
I think that's as far as it needs to go. Sure, in a ZA you will have the occasional lunatics and psychopaths that are literally just killing machines, but for the most part, almost everyone has some drive, motivation or reason behind their actions. I prefer most of the game's antagonists for that very reason; they're more human and very grey as a whole. That being said, having a character like the Governor here and there is still crucial, because there will always be people that are driven to complete insanity like that, who revert back to animalistic tendencies and instinct. They show the absolute darkest side of the spectrum, how the apocalypse can turn someone who was once an ordinary person you'd walk by on the street into that.
The type of villain I have in mind are like the Wolfs from the TV Series, But bigger and more organized, who believe in some system of genocide of people.
I read the comics recently, and one of the fans asked,: will there be a scene in the comics were you will see the space-station with floating dead astronauts, but you notice that the astronaut is not dead, as a special sketch?" The writers replied that it would reveal to much of the or gins of the virus. But why is that?
but the hunters did what they did for the exact same reason the st johns did what they did..... to survive the only difference was that the hunters would go after people while the st johns would lure people in
if we just got copies of the comic villains then it would just become boring
true. I think that they should had developed slavery alittle bit more in detail at the craver camp. maybe have them in chains or demoralized. I think they skipped a very unique aspect of the walking dead universe that would have been exclusive to telltale, but instead, they killed off caver in two episodes and other innocent people.
Well i am more like Nate in the way where i have a cavalier attitude about most things. Other than straight out murdering people we are pretty much the same person.
100% sure Lily will make a dramatic return and be the next villian
I hope shes dead. too many lilies in the walking dead
What do you mean by too many lillies?
Because he obviously has plans to reveal it at some point. He said in a recent interview about the show's spin-off that he has the origin story in his head but hasn't written it down and developed it.
The governor in the comics was not really a fan favourite villain (in my opinion at least), however his adpdation in the show, where he was more grey, and you even felt some sypmathy for him aswell.
The point is, I'd rather have a grey villain that doesn't kill because he is evil, but does certain things for certain reasons.
Bro,bro,bro,bro, There's four different versions of that character she in the Rise of the Governor novel, she's in the tv show, she's in the comics, hell she is even in the video game. they are all the same lily.
or someone that brings back traditional slavery would be pretty evil.
where is Nate? He haves excellent character, reminds me of Merle.
yet again, Kirk man did said that he will never revel the origins of the virus. I think if we see astronauts that are just dead in space it would limit the confines of the virus origins, meaning that he can't claim that aliens did it if the astronauts in space haven't turned. Also, it would give a long term timeline when it first started. it spreading in space would imply that it was a virus that was around maybe years before the outbreak, seeing that new astronauts are hardly shipped.
Personally, I think the aliens would make sense, seeing that it is Kirkman's world.
You might not like the comic governor, and that's fine, its your opinion, but to say he is not a fan favorite villain just because he is less sympathetic than his TV counterpart is ridiculous, there is a reason he is still remembered and constantly brought up and often compared to other villains, he was the biggest part of why the prison arc in the comics is considered the best part.
Eh...he was a ok character in the comics. I think the tv version is better.
It'd be awesome to have a major villain.But playing as a kid..I dont think so.If Lee was still alive,it'd be more interesting in my opinion.Just like Rick,he will be the one making the decisions and crossing the lines just to save his people.But eh,im supporting a way darker theme in season 3 because im a big comic lover.Dark theme + major vlilain?I would totaly love it.
I think it would be interesting to have a psychopath kid as a villain because they would act as a great foil to Clementine. Like maybe a young Joffrey who leads people to their death for no reason other than the lolz.
I think the real question is how far are telltale willing to go in terms of violence and graphic subjects to create a villain?
I think Carver was a great concept done poorly
Maybe Clem for a season can be a villain I'd like to play from that perspective it would be so much fun
Lilly, Kenny and many others making bad decisions.
No-one comes out clean.
Anyone else think 'evil evil evil' villains are just boring?
I'm perfectly fine with antagonists within the group, such as Kenny and Jane depending on perspective.
Or Luke for those people who thought he was a paedophile.
Episode 2 carver was an example of a good "villan" Episode 3 carver was an example of a cliche evil person
Kenny and Jane were just more complex characters, I dont think either was a villan or at least intended as such
Luke was honestly a generic "good" guy. I never bought these pedo claims, but I think people just expected him to be more than what he was. I found luke painfully boring and uninteresting as a character
I agree, they need to make a character who isn't really evil. but does bad things on occasion. IE Kenny.
they can create villains, they just can't keep them for very long.
st johns 1 episode, the stranger 1 episode, vernon (went bad guy off screen) 1 episode, bandits hinted at in 2 episodes but really only got 1.
nate 2 parts, roman 1 part
carver 2 episodes (biggest one) troy 2 episodes (minor part) and random bad guys at the beginning part of episode 1, russians technically 2 episodes but not much in either, mike and bonnie as bonus betrayal.
basically they can make good villains, but they never give them a chance to really count as season long villains
Nate can be a villian that kind of mimicks negans personality
Like a Anti-Clem. It would be cool that a kid uses their innocent looks to kill and steal from groups when their guards are down. Clem could of done this twice. She did that to Arvo, I'm sure if Clem was Jane or Kenny he would of shot them for the meds, not a little girl. Also Clem could of gave the info of the group were-about to Caver easily like what Bonnie did, but easier,because she is little.
As far as a evil-tine, I think having a foil character that shows the road that clem can go,would give the players perspective on how low can a child go to survive and have clem question her self if she still have her morals
us as the Antagonist!? Awesome! But their would have to be a means, motive, reason. The only way I can see Clem doing this is if someone that haves authority over her and blackmailing her to do evil thing that a villian would do. One situation I can think of is if their was a ransom on A.J. and Clem on all means have to give into the demands of the ransomer.Choices can be like this:you either can kill a whole group so you can take their supplies or Not kill the group but A.J. loses two fingers. The Ransomer would always patrol you to see your progress and how much supplies you have and let you see A.J. small parts of the day from a distance.
Your standards of villainy are so high that I feel you won't even call real terrorists "evil".
The bandits are murderous rapists who attack your group with intent on plundering and ravaging. They're the least developed and stock antagonists in the series, but they're also definitely villains.
The cannibals are cannibals.
Carver tortures, murders helpless people, beats children, enslaves strangers, and is in general an unrepentant monster. Another stock villain type.
In terms of antagonists, I'd like a sociopathic child who disguises themself as a friend to Clem. Maybe a girl a couple of years older than her, who seems to be a young version of Molly but ends up being much more cruel and possessive.