How did you feel...

During Kenny vs Jane fight in No Going Back in one word. I'll give you mine:


I just quit after this, I literally dropped the remote. I knew what I was dreading was finally there by that infantile argument in the truck. Once inside the gas station I just dropped the controller as refusal to no longer contribute to what direction the story took. I really no longer gave a shit about who lived or died at that point.



  • Confusion

    I was really confused and didn't know what to think or who to side with. As soon as I knew AJ was alive I was more confused than when the fight started.

  • Honestly, it was a really difficult choice for me, probably the hardest one I made in the game. Up to that point, I liked Jane, probably one of my favorite characters from Season 2, as was Kenny. So choosing between them was actually a very difficult choice as I came close to killing my best friend since day 1. Luckily I didn't, and it was once I knew the baby was alive that my love for Jane turned into hatred that she would pull something as idiotic as this. Yeah, I know, we all wanted a Kenny vs. Luke, but if I'm going to be brutally honest (and I know I will be ridiculed for saying this), I'm glad they did Kenny vs. Jane, I can't think of any way how they would set up a Kenny vs. Luke fight, while Kenny can be hot headed, I think he had too much respect for Luke to fight him, and Luke was too smart to do something like hide the baby. So to answer your question, I felt nervous as I choose between two characters I really enjoyed, but relieved with my final decision.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    In one word? Intense. Intense in the sense of the fight itself. I felt the fight itself was well choreographed and felt really gritty and brutal, which I can respect. Also the soundtrack during the fight was great as always. And that sinking "oh shit" moment when you see Kenny angrily walking back towards the rest stop, and the proceeding camera shot from over his shoulder as he goes straight towards Jane. All stuff I liked and found added to the tension of the scene.

    In more than one word? I liked it. I'm with Metallica on this one; one of the harder decisions of the game for me, and I'm one of the advocates/backers for Kenny vs Jane.

  • Despite the (somewhat) seriousness of the situation, I admit; I felt amused. Maybe it's just the way that Kenny and Jane were arguing in the car, but I got the 'grumpy old father versus the rebellious daughter' vibe off of it.

    Then things got physical and for whatever reason, I kept on laughing. I'm not sure why.

  • edited May 2015

    I felt:


  • I still feel like it should've come down to Kenny and Luke and I think Telltale originally wanted to do this I mean it's pretty clear they were setting up for it since Episode 2: A House Divided but finding a way for things to escalate between Kenny and Luke was an issue the only in character way I could see it happening is if they killed off AJ while he was in Lukes protection.

    Honestly, it was a really difficult choice for me, probably the hardest one I made in the game. Up to that point, I liked Jane, probably one

  • Satisfaction.

  • Junkie?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I felt: WhyCantIJustShootUp?


    Kenny was my favourite character and I killed him... :( I defended Kenny the whole season right up until that moment when he was about to kill Jane I wanted to look away but I couldn't let it happen I literally waited until the timer got right to the end.

  • Alrighty.
    When Jane came into the petrol station (?) without AJ I was confused, I didn't believe that she would have left him to die somewhere, even after she mentioned he would be a problem. Then when she started telling me to see what Kenny really is like (?) I knew AJ wasn't dead.

    I tried to stop the fight whenever I got the chance. At the time my priority was to stop Kenny from killing Jane because she was obviously lying about AJ. When Kenny was over Jane with the knife I wanted to stop him, and I actually had two people watching me play yelling to shoot him. I shot him, and it was sad but not nearly as sad as Lee's death. I blamed him, saying "why did you make me do that" (?).

    I felt that Kenny had been getting worse and he should finally get to stop, and (cheesy?) be with Kat and Duck. :(

    I was angry with Jane, but I didn't want Clem to be by herself with AJ, so I made Clem stay with her, but I'm not happy with that. To be honest, I'll probably go with the "Kenny, Clem and AJ together" ending for season 3 because my ending made me sad. :(

  • Hmmm

    Do I hate Kenny more or Jane more? Decisions.

    To be fair they were doing a lot better in no going back and I was pretty happy with both characters in that episode (as characters). Also Jane didnt fool me at all, I knew the baby was fine.

    In the end Kenny's annoyign behaviour and forced bonding got me to pull the trigger

  • Alt text

    I hated watching a fully grown man kicking the crap out of a girl I just tried everything to stop them mine was pure anger at kenny for letting me down

  • edited May 2015

    Frustrated. The fact that both of them refused to back down and kept going at each other like wolves made it obvious someone was going to die. The fight could've been avoided completely, but nooo, they just had to provoke each other. Choice was easy as hell though, Jane dun goofed.

  • Conflicted.

    I thought it was an excellent scene - but the choice was way too easy for me (Kenny). The easiest (IMO) choice in the game should not be at the most important point in the game. Had it been Kenny vs Luke, it would have been a lot harder for me.

  • Hmm... How did I feel?

    Well, the conflict was uninvesting and anti-climatic to say the least. However, blasting Kenny through his only working eye and out the back of his cranium felt almost worth the price of admission the torturous No Going Back was alone. So overall, at least Kenny is no longer going to ruin Clementine's personality like his agency did in NGB.

    And the fact he's determinant makes me feel quite appreciative of the fact he'll be gone before long and his output will be relegated greatly for the little time he does have.

  • edited May 2015

    In one word? Eyeroll

    The choice was incredibly easy. You know a character’s chances at sympathy are screwed when the only way to get people to side with him is to make another character do something completely out of character and pretend to murder a baby.

    And even though the Kenny/Jane fight was one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen in a story, I have to admit it was a very well-directed scene. Awesome music and voice-acting.

  • I thought the entire situation was stupid but as soon as the choice to shoot Kenny came up I was like:

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  • I was happy to let Jane die. I wanted Jane to die because she got Sarah killed, she was annoying and selfish.

  • Jane dun goofed

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    Lahkesis posted: »

    Frustrated. The fact that both of them refused to back down and kept going at each other like wolves made it obvious someone was going to di

  • I don't really know the word for it, but I was yelling at my scream saying " Why the heck would ever help Jane??!??! Kenny is my Broooo!" So it was really a one sided choice for me, no conflict in my final decision.

  • Stop fucking fighting you idiots. You're both crazy. Shoot them in the leg Clementine.

    It was a very great scene looking back at it. Very tense and dramatic.

  • edited May 2015

    "This is gonna end up in me having to shoot one, isn´t it."

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  • My heart stopped when they fought,and I kept my mouth shut to see who will win...and it's actually kenny who wins if you didn't help any of them...

  • "What the fuck is this shit? nah nAH NAH"

  • Kenny is stronger than Jane, no doubt.

    Killah posted: »

    My heart stopped when they fought,and I kept my mouth shut to see who will win...and it's actually kenny who wins if you didn't help any of them...

  • I found it kinda odd...yet it was suspenseful.

  • edited May 2015

    I didn't know what to do, who was right or was not right.

    I didn't even klic on shot Kenny or look away, I was completly confuse.

    But in the end I was happy, because I didn't klic, Kenny kill Jane and I found out the truth about Jane and her evil plan.

  • "lol is this the best they could come up with for a final conflict? even glen mazzara can write better trash"

    then the big option came up and i laughed my ass off

  • edited May 2015

    The thing I hated the most about the fight was it overshadowed Clem's involvement in the narrative.

    It felt like she was just there.

    The writers were so willing to ignore Clem's character development in the story and instead they focused on a conflict between two characters that felt forced.

    I'm hoping season 3 would be more Clem centric instead of focusing on the group dramas that have been around in the last two seasons.

  • To be honest, Clem being "just there" was one of the very few things I liked about the fight. It was literally the first time since All That Remains that I felt like I was playing a child character, not an adult in a child's body.

    Though I definitely wouldn't mind a more Clem-centric season that focuses on her trying to cope with her losses and developing as a character. That might actually make me care about her again.

    Yo-da-Man posted: »

    The thing I hated the most about the fight was it overshadowed Clem's involvement in the narrative. It felt like she was just there. T

  • One word? Desperate. It felt like trying to stop two mountains moving at each other. Or like I had seen the future of...say a volcano erupting, and I was somehow trying to prevent it with that one knowledge of the future. Or something.

  • Girl with a weapon.

    Best to look at all sides there Mark.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I hated watching a fully grown man kicking the crap out of a girl I just tried everything to stop them mine was pure anger at kenny for letting me down

  • Easy.


  • It's completely unneeded except to provide conflict. It's out of the moment and just stupid when you are in the middle of a snow storm with an injured child...

    Clemenem posted: »

    But why, bro .-.

  • But why, bro .-.

    Easy. Stupid.

  • edited May 2015

    Kenny was always going to kill Jane weapons or not he kicked the crap out of her and stabbed her in the chest instant kill, He locked on to his prey and the only result will always be her death no matter what side you are looking at it bruh

    That is completely different than a girl with a weapon, She had one to try and protect herself from being stabbed in the chest

    Girl with a weapon. Best to look at all sides there Mark.

  • One word:


    The whole fight felt so forced and the reasoning behind Jane hiding the baby was flat out stupid. As for the final decision, I just found myself unable to care that if I'd been playing when I first saw it, I probably would've shut off my PS3 and been done with it. As it is I saved Jane, because even if I didn't agree with her, I couldn't side with Kenny to go and murder somebody in a moment of anger [even for the sake of getting that sorta happy ending with him that's the best out of all the endings] and I didn't abandon Jane solely because having Clementine go off alone with a little baby is suicide.

    You want to know how conflicted I was at that moment when I did play the finale that one time? I was conflicted as being with an aunt asking you "What shirt should I buy?" after being trapped in the same tiny store looking at the same stuff for over an hour and having to resist the urge to sigh as you point to one while wanting to just get the hell out of there so you can get drink some coco at the coffee shop across the street and forget you ever went in there in the first place x_x

  • Um...Jane pulled the knife, Kenny stabbed her after many instances of each one stabbing each other. You can't honestly tell me Jane had the Knife to stop herself from being Stabbed in the chest with the very Same Knife. She wasn't a defenseless girl being beat up, she was a woman who enraged a crazy man and pulled a weapon on him.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Kenny was always going to kill Jane weapons or not he kicked the crap out of her and stabbed her in the chest instant kill, He locked on to

  • Stressed X_X

    Kenny was one of my favourite characters throughout the whole of the walking dead game but Jane was smart and she had no 'baby issues' :)

    In the end I went with kenny because he had known lee and had been there for him:'(
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  • Bonnie?

    Clemenem posted: »


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