And now the Kingsguard members are everywhere, in every scene possible, even though there are only 7 knights in the TV series and the novels. When Mira talks to Cersei in Episode One, there are 6 members in the throne room and 2 more outside + the knight that looks at Maegaery and Mira during their first conversation. It means for some reason there are 9 members of the Kingsguard instead of 7 (with Meryn Trant and Jaime Lannister it's 11).
And now the Kingsguard members are everywhere, in every scene possible, even though there are only 7 knights in the TV series and the novels… more. When Mira talks to Cersei in Episode One, there are 6 members in the throne room and 2 more outside + the knight that looks at Maegaery and Mira during their first conversation. It means for some reason there are 9 members of the Kingsguard instead of 7 (with Meryn Trant and Jaime Lannister it's 11).
It's especially weird because the King wasn't actually there during the throne room scene. And they are supposed to be, y'know, KINGSguard? Maybe Cersei would have one or two of them with her but honestly that's it. The rest would be with Joffrey or off-duty.
Also, if you leave Tom to die you can get an unintentionally hilarious scene where if you left to drown, threaten to blame him for Damien's … moredeath and tell him to get away outside Tryion's room. He says something along the lines of 'I show up to help you and you shove me away the first second you get. You threatened to sell me out when all I did was try to make your problems go away. You left me to drown after I saved your life. You know what? You're not worth it.' He then leaves the room but comes back to light the tapestry on fire. Mira says 'You... came back?' Tom replies 'Well I'm not going to let you fucking die'.
I had this.
Best. Scene. Ever.
Not really related to the TellTale game but Shireen Baratheon and Samwell Tarly are second cousins. I find this amusing since they are both big fans of reading..
Not really related to the TellTale game but Shireen Baratheon and Samwell Tarly are second cousins. I find this amusing since they are both big fans of reading..
I was rewatching some moments from GOT tv series and I just realized where this line comes from;
Btw. I think its safe to say we'll be seeing some Whit Walkrs this episode... Why? Well, that picture kinda gives it away.
So a friend of mine told me that Finn never showed up for the choice to let Finn come, so im guessing if you didnt bond with Finn in ep 3, you wont see him.
After the update for Ep.1, the guards change from Goldcloaks to Kingsguard.
Someone already mentioned this but nobody showed any pictures, so here:
And now the Kingsguard members are everywhere, in every scene possible, even though there are only 7 knights in the TV series and the novels. When Mira talks to Cersei in Episode One, there are 6 members in the throne room and 2 more outside + the knight that looks at Maegaery and Mira during their first conversation. It means for some reason there are 9 members of the Kingsguard instead of 7 (with Meryn Trant and Jaime Lannister it's 11).
Exactly. Why TellTale decided to change the outfits I have no idea. It just ruined the continuity.
It's especially weird because the King wasn't actually there during the throne room scene. And they are supposed to be, y'know, KINGSguard? Maybe Cersei would have one or two of them with her but honestly that's it. The rest would be with Joffrey or off-duty.
Please upload the video.
Maybe they wanted to look pretty for the wedding.
Not really related to the TellTale game but Shireen Baratheon and Samwell Tarly are second cousins. I find this amusing since they are both big fans of reading..
Mustache Aliens!!
Sam's mother is the cousin of Stannis' wife.
The Tarlys are related to the Baratheons?
I was rewatching some moments from GOT tv series and I just realized where this line comes from;
Btw. I think its safe to say we'll be seeing some Whit Walkrs this episode... Why? Well, that picture kinda gives it away.
is it me, or is Beskha preggers?
No beard can match the awesomeness of kenny's
Maybe he got lucky. Real lucky
He is pretty handsome and seems kinda badass...
Btw. I'm a straight dude.
Elaena's brother! I wonder if he's their father's heir?
Pretty much everyone in this game has nice hair wtf
He is.
The Glenmores have exceptional genetics.
Elenna mentions him in the second episode:
"... my brother's name day feast..."
Rodrik says it, actually. He tells Elaena: "Your brother's name day feast - we danced until the sun came out."
Not necessarily, unlikely even, because no father would put his firstborn son at the dangerous position as captain of the elite guard.
George R R Martin seems to have a fetish for anything seven. Seven Kingdoms, faith of the Seven, Seven Kingsguard members,etc...
Winds of Winter will be the sixth book, right? Seventh book be the fetish one?
Bobby B is more into making the eight ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You are right XD
(I'm not going to edit my reply)
This guy's sword is floating!
unknowingly stabbed in the forearm
Got another bug, Talia's model before Erik's judgement is crucified
lol I notice that every time I played/watched ep. 1. Very silly since it gets serious a few seconds later.
So a friend of mine told me that Finn never showed up for the choice to let Finn come, so im guessing if you didnt bond with Finn in ep 3, you wont see him.