Hypocrisy on Duck
People that hate Duck because he got Shawn killed.
People won't blame Clementine for not only getting Lee bit while looking for her, but also the boat is gone (even if it was a stupid idea to go to the sea)
Kids make mistakes but don't hate on Duck if you don't say anything about Clementine betraying Lee's trust over her parents that she thought would be alive. She's a smart girl right? She should be rational enough to know that but I bet everyone would say she can't understand that yet or something....
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I always liked Duck. I never understood how someone could hate him.
Than I learned to hate Sarah and understood.
Kids do make mistakes. Some more than others.
I understand that she had a strong bond with Lee, but we don't really understand fully how her relationship with her parents was, which is why I don't really think it's fair to judge her based on her decision to find her parents over staying with Lee.
Yes, she is. Kids make mistakes though, you said it yourself.
Honestly I don't blame Clem for the stranger thing because she was tricked more than anything due to her being young and naive. Duck running Shawn over was just pure being a dumbo on his part, though don't get me wrong I did enjoy his presence in the game quite a bit.
What's sad is that Duck and Sarah are plot devices.
Duck felt more real character to me than Sarah, in the same way that Katjaa felt more real than Sarita.
I mean, after that whole investigation in Episode 3, I was like: 'I love this kid'
Agreed, and whoever let him on the tractor in the first place. Who IIRC was Shawn
Exactly. I only pointed out that if people want to put Duck in that spot for Shawn. It's just unfair to hate Duck for Shawn's death. The one at fault is whoever left the keys in the tractor.
I'm dying man. I can just picture Spongebob scene movements to a few days later and they are out in the desert.
I liked duck. If he hadn't been around, the motor Inn would have been much more gloomy.
I'd also like to beleive his presence helped releive Clementine a little bit so she did not go bat-sh!t insane from the enviroment.
No I blame both children for being idiots, though they are children so stupid behavior if warranted and understandable. I actually blame clementine more as she was specifically told, duck was put on the tractor and left to do whatever
I mean i've always liked Duck and always hated Clem. Iunno if im still hypocritical or not, i guess i don't hate her because of getting lee killed though I hate her because if how she's always acted
I hate how Clementine has to do the work in Season 2
People that do hate Duck should hate Clementine more.
Duck got Shawn killed. Clementine got Lee killed. The only reason people like Clementine is Season 2. They are controlling her and actually making her smart. Let's face it, Duck would've been way better than Clementine after a couple of years.
So I guess we're just being black and white now?
I mean, Duck inadvertently put Shaun in grave danger because of his dumb child-like intellect, but it was an accident. No, who I point more of a finger at is Kenny, a capable man who could've easily helped Lee save Shaun but instead decided to run away. But again, even with my extreme distaste for everything Kenny says and does, even I can't fault him entirely. Really, it was just a miserable plethora of shitty coincidences that led to his death.
Now, saying out of spite that "oh! If Duck killed Shaun, Clementine definitely killed Lee" is preposterous. Again, a shitty amount of bad incidents that led to his ultimate demise but saying it's Clem's fault is extremely misguided.
The reason I disliked Duck is because he was immensely annoying and was Kenny's seed. And being a part of Kenny is more of a reason to dislike any character in my opinion.
To be honest, if Duck had more screen time, he would be better than Kenny at the most. It's just who gets more screen time and is more relevant. Sad really...
Clementine is a zombie now?
Can't wait for somebody to do a model swap of that scene.
So Clementine, Lee, Ben, Walter, etc, can be disliked just because of a relationship with Kenny? I have to say, that is kind of ridiculous. No offense meant.
Unless you're referring to his family, than okay that totally makes sense.
But Clem did kill Lee.
I am.
Duck reminded me of one of my younger cousins, so I really couldn't find it in me to hate him
And in all honesty, I never even found him annoying. Maybe I just have abnormally high patience or something.
But here's one thing that has annoyed me regarding Duck. I've seen people that hate Duck with a passion, yet they choose to let Ben live and try to support him. So Duck, who got one person killed is hated completely, but Ben, who arguably caused more death and destruction is no big deal? Even at best, both of them are at the very least responsible for at least one death via stupidity, and Ben is 'forced' on players much more than Duck ever was
I just don't understand
I liked Duck, too. The kid was funny and goofy, and seeing him so uncharacteristically quiet after getting bitten really made me sad. It's silly to blame either of them for what happened.
At least we're on the same page on that. I can't really blame Ben much on what he did but the Katjaa and Duck part was all coincidental but yeah treachery should be dealt with immediately in my standards.
I think there's a vast difference between trapping someone under equipment and deciding to go off on your own, to find your family. I liked Clem well before I played season 2.
With that said, though, I don't dislike Duck. It was really sad what happened to him.
Boy, that's a bizarre extrapolation if ever I've seen one. I don't remember a single word of hate for Clementine before season 2, and now she has a lot of detractors because her season 2 self is nothing like she used to be and can seem very detached and unemotional a lot of the time. Mind you, I don't agree entirely with that premise, but that's a very common point of view I've seen.
I admit, I didn't scour the internet looking for opinions on Clem pre-season 2, and I'm quite sure she's had detractors beforehand, but it's far more noticeable now than it was before.
In what way, shape, or form? I'd love to hear this one.
Duck didn't kill Shawn. If those walkers snuck up on Shawn then he deserved to get bit b/c there's no reason he shouldn't have seen them prior to getting pinned under the tractor. and how come no one thought to just kill the walkers? that would've saved both Duck and Shawn. there were only two walkers
I've always liked Duck, don't really understand why anybody wouldn't like him. And I'm glad you brought it up, because I do blame Clementine just a smidgen for Lee's death. If she hadn't have run off with some guy who, mind you, had not been taking care of her for that whole three months of the apocalypse (and whom she'd only had conversations with) it probably wouldn't have happened. I still love her though.
I liked duck. He wasn't that annoying duh.
Umm... Cause I hate him and think if you're not part of the solution, you're Kenny.
Whose complaining about being attacked?
I'm fully aware you hate him, but you and Flog have a way of bringing up Kenny in every post and it just gets downright tiring, it's not clever or funny, just...tiring.
Apologies, that's not directed towards you specifically, but at people who purposely start arguments and then complain.
(Also, I don't mean to sound like such an asshole in my post, it just gets frustrating seeing the same thing again and again.)
I don't see how someone could blame a child for being manipulated. Children's minds are easily tampered with, it's not their fault they're so trusting towards adults. I'm sure if you were eight years old and scared to death of the world around, you'd believe anyone if they said they know your parents.
Still don't know how Duck worked that tractor, though. :P
The blame should be the one that allowed Duck on the tractor.
I think you might dislike Kenny even more than me.
I did not see this ever happening!
"I'd just like to thank my mom and dad for making this a reality... and my coach for helping me learn how to hate Kenny so hard. I also wanted to thank you members of Telltale for writing such a deplorable character, you guys rock! Shout out to my friends and other family that nursed me back to health after and kept me on track after all the dumb shit he's done...
...And, most importantly, I'd like to thank Kenny for being an easy target for much jokes and hilarious gags. Kenny, if you're reading this, I HATE YOU!!!!"
Clementine had a heart of gold.
Duck was just obnoxious.
No one is to blame. But there's no reason why the walkers should've been able to creep without detection. That's is the real err.
Everyone wants to place blame on something external to themselves when it's simply that every action has a consequence and those consequences have consequences and so forth. So everyone's bad fortune is a consequence of not just one's own actions but the consequences of those around us as well. To try to pin the blame on one sole person, thing or action is just ignorant
I'd rather blame Clem because she was stupid too.
Clem didn't kill Lee. The zombie who bit him did.
People are quick to blame Duck simply because A. they find him annoying, and/or B. he's Kenny's son. Pretty damn silly, IMO.
It was no one's fault. Accidents happen, and this case, so do walkers.