P.S. the bigger spoilers are leaked online now,what will hapen in ep4 whosse hand is it,etc.I can say to stay out of 4chan way and pastebins.Including youtube named dark room.bik.
Forum w trakcie budowy i promowania jeszcze, więc nie oczekuj cudów na razie. xD Aczkolwiek do zaoferowania n… morea razie mam dział dyskusyjny o grze i przyszłą grę fabularną tekstową, gdy tylko zbiorą się Mistrzowie Gry i oczywiście gracze.
No, to rób konto i podeslij linka znajomym, bo na pewno nie tylko ty w twoim otoczeniu grasz w Life is Strange. c: Jak zrobisz konto, to resztę obgadamy na forum albo nawet na chacie, bo wstawiłem go na stronkę.
I dunno, by this point everyone has played episode 3 and ep4 isn't out yet, I see no spoilers for it. Its a common courtesy to mark posts as spoilers for the first week or so.
So you distaste Chloe because she can act like a bitch sometimes. Yet you think that Nathan, the same fucker that is introduced by shooting someone and has only proved to be an asshole thus far gets "too much hate?"
SPECULATION ALERT: I have not looked at file fishers, and have no confirmation of the actual plot. Nor am I going to read about a thousand comments on this thread, so I don't know if this is discussed... Also, the accusations may be a tad disturbing. If you're put off by sexual assault (I know I am) you may not want to read.
People on the internet have been saying this is Samuel's or Mr. Jefferson's... That is dumb. It is obviouslyNathan Prescott. Evidence? Kate's testimony to Max in her dorm room included Nathan "crawling at [her] with a camera..." Chloe had a similar story... But was able to escape, and therefore doesn't have a red folder in her name on the shelf.
The room we keep seeing is Nathan's "studio," wherein he date rapes girls at Blackwell and photographs them at their most vulnerable. The red folders are his scrapbooks of each girl that he's ever taken advantage of. Kate was one of them. So was Rachel.
In Episode 4, Max is going to have to go into the lair of the beast to come out with the truth. So prepare for some pretty uncomfortable themes. Worries me already.
AND on a slightly less obvious note (I do consider the theory above fairly obvious, but as I said... Not reading thousands of comments to find out), I think the series is going to end with the entirety of Arcadia Bay at risk. The tornado is a direct result of Max changing the past in unnatural ways... Each episode, more unnatural occurrences take place. Fish disappearing, whales dying... Etc.
So the last choice in the game is going to be whether to let Arcadia Bay die from your actions... Or go back in time to the beginning of it all... And letting Chloe die in the bathroom.
Sorry for the long and fragmented post. Been mulling this over for quite awhile. Wanted to post it somewhere.
So you distaste Chloe because she can act like a bitch sometimes. Yet you think that Nathan, the same fucker that is introduced by shooting … moresomeone and has only proved to be an asshole thus far gets "too much hate?"
That's a bit strange... just like life.
I said it million times before and I will say it again. We saw the tornado before we went to the bathroom which means that those two things cannot possibly be conected.
The tornado and Max's power could be related. It's not impossible only because we saw the tornado before we went to the bathroom. Max was not changing major things (only Chloe's death), but birds were dying. From the moment she changed a major thing (william's death) WHALES started to die. Maybe it's possible that Max will change something even bigger that will cause the tornado? I don't know if you get my point, and it's just speculation though. We can not be sure about anything at this point. :P
I said it million times before and I will say it again. We saw the tornado before we went to the bathroom which means that those two things cannot possibly be conected.
The tornado and Max's power could be related. It's not impossible only because we saw the tornado before we went to the bathroom. Max was no… moret changing major things (only Chloe's death), but birds were dying. From the moment she changed a major thing (william's death) WHALES started to die. Maybe it's possible that Max will change something even bigger that will cause the tornado? I don't know if you get my point, and it's just speculation though. We can not be sure about anything at this point. :P
All right, well, maybe I'll say it again, then. This is a game about a girl with magic time powers that are constantly evolving to the extent that no one can accurately explain how they work or their limitations. Because of this, where time travel is concerned, using logic that states "x and y cannot be connected, because 'chronologically' x happened 'before' y" is automatically a false assumption. If 'premonition' is part of her power, then her seeing the result of something 'before' she caused it, is perfectly acceptable. If the tornado actually hit Arcadia Bay on Monday, before Max saved Chloe, then sure, you can probably mark that as unrelated. But seeing a vision of something that happens on Friday, before Max saved Chloe, is fine.
I said it million times before and I will say it again. We saw the tornado before we went to the bathroom which means that those two things cannot possibly be conected.
Episode 4 and 5 is leaked, actually.
The whole plot.
Yeah I saw a tiny bit of spoilers. Nothing too surprising honestly.
It is leaked from February.All ep4 and ep5 script from February.
It isn't a UNUSED preview.It is EPISODE 4's Ending.P.S. you should spoiler tag your post.Because it is ep4 ending confirmed by script.
And it doesn't nearly reveal who it is. It actually reveals who it is.
You should have spoiler tagged this because now I know how episode 4 ends. Thanks a lot.
I like this theory, very interesting.
Click here
They look like a family from The Sims.
Just noticed that DONTNOD actually didn't give a release date for the next episode this time. This has me worried it might not come out in July
And you think they wont change it? Let me laugh if you belive so.
Yup, true to that. I lost my patience just to rotate certain things.
To ja juz byłem na tym forum wczoraj:P ale patrze DAFUQ!? Pusto!? Ale to się rozkręci,podlinkuje w paru miejscach i sie zrobi tłok(mam nadzieje):P
where can I find this preview.
Polskie forum dyskusyjne ->
I call this "Duality of Max".
Imagine Alternate Max is a bitchy, sassy girl who always bully people... that is before Original Max transcends into Alternate Max's body.
Who is it?
No, to rób konto i podeslij linka znajomym, bo na pewno nie tylko ty w twoim otoczeniu grasz w Life is Strange. c: Jak zrobisz konto, to resztę obgadamy na forum albo nawet na chacie, bo wstawiłem go na stronkę.
I think that Nathan, while he is a dick, has a reason for what he's doing. He gets too much hate.
Goddammit I almost saw a spoiler.. not coming here.. damn file fishers.. have to ruin it for everyone.
Logically, you would have returned to the time it was, before entering the memory, when Max was studying the photo in her room. So end of day 3.
I haven't even seen any spoilers on this thread.
Well the ending to episode 4 is right above here.. so..
Relax bruh. It happened all the time in this thread.
I dunno, by this point everyone has played episode 3 and ep4 isn't out yet, I see no spoilers for it. Its a common courtesy to mark posts as spoilers for the first week or so.
So you distaste Chloe because she can act like a bitch sometimes. Yet you think that Nathan, the same fucker that is introduced by shooting someone and has only proved to be an asshole thus far gets "too much hate?"
That's a bit strange... just like life.
SPECULATION ALERT: I have not looked at file fishers, and have no confirmation of the actual plot. Nor am I going to read about a thousand comments on this thread, so I don't know if this is discussed... Also, the accusations may be a tad disturbing. If you're put off by sexual assault (I know I am) you may not want to read.
People on the internet have been saying this is Samuel's or Mr. Jefferson's... That is dumb. It is obviously Nathan Prescott. Evidence? Kate's testimony to Max in her dorm room included Nathan "crawling at [her] with a camera..." Chloe had a similar story... But was able to escape, and therefore doesn't have a red folder in her name on the shelf.
The room we keep seeing is Nathan's "studio," wherein he date rapes girls at Blackwell and photographs them at their most vulnerable. The red folders are his scrapbooks of each girl that he's ever taken advantage of. Kate was one of them. So was Rachel.
In Episode 4, Max is going to have to go into the lair of the beast to come out with the truth. So prepare for some pretty uncomfortable themes. Worries me already.
AND on a slightly less obvious note (I do consider the theory above fairly obvious, but as I said... Not reading thousands of comments to find out), I think the series is going to end with the entirety of Arcadia Bay at risk. The tornado is a direct result of Max changing the past in unnatural ways... Each episode, more unnatural occurrences take place. Fish disappearing, whales dying... Etc.
So the last choice in the game is going to be whether to let Arcadia Bay die from your actions... Or go back in time to the beginning of it all... And letting Chloe die in the bathroom.
Sorry for the long and fragmented post. Been mulling this over for quite awhile. Wanted to post it somewhere.
I said it million times before and I will say it again. We saw the tornado before we went to the bathroom which means that those two things cannot possibly be conected.
Just thinking about what day did Max returned blew my mind.
It is confirmd in July confirmed by Reddit.On lis reddit the developers of lis are administrators.
Trust me they don't with ep3 name chapters they only remove 3,the others ik there real,because i found them too.Even now they do not pack it.
I mean the leak was real.The script one also this confirms too
The tornado and Max's power could be related. It's not impossible only because we saw the tornado before we went to the bathroom. Max was not changing major things (only Chloe's death), but birds were dying. From the moment she changed a major thing (william's death) WHALES started to die. Maybe it's possible that Max will change something even bigger that will cause the tornado? I don't know if you get my point, and it's just speculation though. We can not be sure about anything at this point. :P
I love that they installed a mobility ramp for Chloe.
That is what I mean only major thing that we ve changed so far was William´s death.
Do you think they are stupid? if somebody leaked episode 4 they will change everything which will lead to longer waiting for an episode.
All right, well, maybe I'll say it again, then. This is a game about a girl with magic time powers that are constantly evolving to the extent that no one can accurately explain how they work or their limitations. Because of this, where time travel is concerned, using logic that states "x and y cannot be connected, because 'chronologically' x happened 'before' y" is automatically a false assumption. If 'premonition' is part of her power, then her seeing the result of something 'before' she caused it, is perfectly acceptable. If the tornado actually hit Arcadia Bay on Monday, before Max saved Chloe, then sure, you can probably mark that as unrelated. But seeing a vision of something that happens on Friday, before Max saved Chloe, is fine.