After Rodrick is done with Gryff his words are always the same - "Confine the Whitehills to the cellars. No one gets in or out.". However, h… moreis voice changes, depending on how badly he has beaten Gryff. I think, there are three, or even four variants of this phrase. He is totally calm if he didn't touch Gryff or only punched him once, sounds more firm if he has beaten him three or four times, sounds really angry if he gave him all the hits he was able to give, and sounds very, very fierce if he has knocked him out in the end.
In episode 1, after judging the thief and when given the opportunitiy to talk to people, you can promise to give the Sentinel Bracer to Duncan/Royland and they say they are honored but you need to wait for the small council... When given the choice of Sentinel, choose the opposite of the one you promised it to and they will get extra angry and say stuff like "You make a fool of me my lord, you promised it to me earlier"... Thought it was kinda funny...
Elaena’s beta model can be seen in the choices screen. The only difference is that her hair is... bigger?
I think I actually like the old version more.
Current version for comparison:
Everyone probably knows this already but I only found out now. When Gryff is beating Maester Ortengryn he says 'You let that bite fester!' This was actually the bite that came from Talia biting the soldier at the end of 'The Sword in the Darkness' as he tried to steal from them.
Ha! I had nothing to do with naming him. All I'll say is that our writing/design team is amazing. :-)
Also this guy is kind of a big deal:
Yeah, I don't think Ludd gives a fuck about what Britt and the others did to Gared's family, as he openly expressed in Episode 1. I think he… more sent him there for him to just finish off Gared, sort of like how Roose and Ramsay sent that one dude (forgot his name) in Season 4 to kill Jon.
Everyone probably knows this already but I only found out now. When Gryff is beating Maester Ortengryn he says 'You let that bite fester!' T… morehis was actually the bite that came from Talia biting the soldier at the end of 'The Sword in the Darkness' as he tried to steal from them.
I thought it was a cool little detail.
Mira, Sera and Margaery are all wearing darker and differently designed clothing for Episode Four. Also, Rodrik's face is really starting to… more heal up and it's especially apparent in the main menu after completing Episode Four.
Afraid I don't have any pics for any of this, though if someone does it'd be nice for them to post 'em here I suppose.
Elaena’s beta model can be seen in the choices screen. The only difference is that her hair is... bigger?
I think I actually like the old version more.
Current version for comparison:
Plus there's no way Margaery didn't notice Mira. She was looking straight at her. I think she just didn't want to make a huge deal out of it right there in public.
I think I remember Mira just drinks wine. Nothing really special.
While Morgryn is happy about it, I agree, I don't think our fight with Andros is going to go unpunished.
She saw the back of her she wouldn't have been able to tell even if she did recognise her she would've just assumed it wasn't Mira because in her mind there's no way Mira could've been at the feast.
Plus there's no way Margaery didn't notice Mira. She was looking straight at her. I think she just didn't want to make a huge deal out of it right there in public.
I guess we'll see. My thought process was that, considering how close they used to be, Margaery would have recognized her. Even from the back (same hair style, same dress). I thought her narrowed eyes and her hesitance to follow Sera gave it away.
She saw the back of her she wouldn't have been able to tell even if she did recognise her she would've just assumed it wasn't Mira because in her mind there's no way Mira could've been at the feast.
If you refuse to use Glenmore's soldiers to get rid of Gryff, Arthur will call you a bloody coward. Elaene then asks him to let you speak privately and you get some different dialogue options. You still have an option to kiss her.
If you encourage Beskha to fight Croft she will hit him more and he'll threaten her with a dagger. She'll say that he never could fight fairly or something like that. Also, no matter how much you side with her during the conversation, she still fights you. It seems like the only way to make her feel better is to get her another drink. She'll call you little brother again and the game will tell, that she'll remember it.
Before Tommen's coronation feast, if you stay silent while asking Sera to help you, Mira will make a sad face and Sera will eventually agree by saying "Okay, just stop making this face". Before talking to the Lannister you can ask Tarwick about Lyman, Andros or Morgryn. He won't say anything about Lyman, but he can tell you, that Andros is practically married to his gold and has never been interested in women. He can also tell you, that Morgryn has and odd reputation and is said to be a dangerous man. You have no option of not telling Tarwick anything about Sera' - you either have to lie, or to tell the truth. If you refuse to talk, he'll ask you to spare the pretense and the choice will apear again, without an option to avoid it. Same happens if you stay silent during second conversation with Lyman. Before talking to him second time (after Andros shouting at you) you can talk to Morgryn once more - he'll say that everyone is discussing Mira now and that he applauds her for whatever she has said to make Andros so angry. You can also eavesdrop on Sera and Margery. Sera will be asking her not to send Mira away and Margery will tell her that Mira has proved herself to be unreliable. Sera'll insist that Mira cares about Margery, but she'll say that it's a mistake to think that people, who care about you, can't betray you.
If Gared stays silent while being asked about the food, Finn will start complaining again and Cotter will tell him, that if he doesn't like something, he can always go back home (that's what I've wanted to tell him for the whole episode). Later, while resting in an abandoned camp, if you talk to Finn and then try to do it three more times he'll say "What? Do you miss me or something?".
If you tell Talia to go and hide in the grove she'll be irritated and say that she's no longer a child. Then Elissa will say, that Rodrick was just as stubborn when he was her age. In Highpoint, if Rodrick stays silent after being offered to help Ludd craft ironwood he'll call him "little shit" (reminded me of the way he talked to Ethan). If Rodrick doesn't make a choice when Ludd is threatening Ryon, Elissa will beg for him not to take another child from her. Ludd will tell Rodrick to remember this moment and that his mother has just saved their house. Rodrick will later have an option to apologize to her.
If you refuse to use Glenmore's soldiers to get rid of Gryff, Arthur will call you a bloody coward. Elaene then asks him to let you speak pr… moreivately and you get some different dialogue options. You still have an option to kiss her.
If you encourage Beskha to fight Croft she will hit him more and he'll threaten her with a dagger. She'll say that he never could fight fairly or something like that. Also, no matter how much you side with her during the conversation, she still fights you. It seems like the only way to make her feel better is to get her another drink. She'll call you little brother again and the game will tell, that she'll remember it.
Before Tommen's coronation feast, if you stay silent while asking Sera to help you, Mira will make a sad face and Sera will eventually agree by saying "Okay, just stop making this face". Before talking to the Lannister you can ask Tarwick about Lyman, Andros or Morgryn. He won't say anything abo… [view original content]
When sneaking out of Castle Black with Cotter, when you hide under the cart and theres a guy and if you don't move he spots and alerts everyone and Gared tries to run for the entrance but Frostfinger comes and shoots you in the neck with a crossbow... he otherwise doesn't appear in this scene at all...
After Beskha gets drunk and says she is a slave, in the end Asher can say "Don't fuck this up. This mission is important." and Beshka says "Oh, right... Your family... Iron From fucking Ice".
If you tell Tarwick that Sera is a bastard he is very disappointed and after he tells you about Lyman he says that he's "got some arrangements to UNDO"... If you lie for Sera he is happy and says that he's "got some arrangements to prepare".
When sneaking out of Castle Black with Cotter, when you hide under the cart and theres a guy and if you don't move he spots and alerts every… moreone and Gared tries to run for the entrance but Frostfinger comes and shoots you in the neck with a crossbow... he otherwise doesn't appear in this scene at all...
When sneaking out of Castle Black with Cotter, when you hide under the cart and theres a guy and if you don't move he spots and alerts every… moreone and Gared tries to run for the entrance but Frostfinger comes and shoots you in the neck with a crossbow... he otherwise doesn't appear in this scene at all...
Fantastic catch! Great ear.
In episode 1, after judging the thief and when given the opportunitiy to talk to people, you can promise to give the Sentinel Bracer to Duncan/Royland and they say they are honored but you need to wait for the small council... When given the choice of Sentinel, choose the opposite of the one you promised it to and they will get extra angry and say stuff like "You make a fool of me my lord, you promised it to me earlier"... Thought it was kinda funny...
I'm not sure that I'm right about the amount of variants, but certainly, there are at least three.
I wish they kept the beta model hair.
Everyone probably knows this already but I only found out now. When Gryff is beating Maester Ortengryn he says 'You let that bite fester!' This was actually the bite that came from Talia biting the soldier at the end of 'The Sword in the Darkness' as he tried to steal from them.
I thought it was a cool little detail.
Also possibly explains why Lord Tarwick felt the story was too controversial for a handmaiden's delicate ears.
Especially if Lady Whitehill died giving birth to Gryff, which is sort of implied.
Sure you had nothing to do with it
Actually he was sent to find Bran and kill him.
So... Talia has rabies or something?
She keeps asking Rodrik for something to do... He should tell her to go biting every Whitehill she finds.
I would say this is because Margery was about to marry Joffery and thus become the queen.
Yeah the darker clothes are likely due to the fact that Joffery was killed and they're all in mourning
This reminds me of a conversation between Arya and Ned when he discovers she has needle. Arya tells him she'll "stick them with the pointy end"
What strikes me as odd (pun not intended haha) is that Royland is only showing Roderick this move now!
And Jon. Ramsay said "the Bastard of Winterfell is there, may as well get him out of the way too." or something like that
These lips are sealed. ;-)
Puts me in mind of Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter and the Sith =p
Is this Norren?
Norren had a squire... I don't think he belongs to the smallfolk.
Reused model.
Why does everyone in this game have perfect hair?!
that made me laugh so some reason. XD just the image
I noticed two variations, didn't know there were like four, well done on that detail.
Plus there's no way Margaery didn't notice Mira. She was looking straight at her. I think she just didn't want to make a huge deal out of it right there in public.
She saw the back of her she wouldn't have been able to tell even if she did recognise her she would've just assumed it wasn't Mira because in her mind there's no way Mira could've been at the feast.
I guess we'll see. My thought process was that, considering how close they used to be, Margaery would have recognized her. Even from the back (same hair style, same dress). I thought her narrowed eyes and her hesitance to follow Sera gave it away.
But I guess we'll see!
If you refuse to use Glenmore's soldiers to get rid of Gryff, Arthur will call you a bloody coward. Elaene then asks him to let you speak privately and you get some different dialogue options. You still have an option to kiss her.
If you encourage Beskha to fight Croft she will hit him more and he'll threaten her with a dagger. She'll say that he never could fight fairly or something like that. Also, no matter how much you side with her during the conversation, she still fights you. It seems like the only way to make her feel better is to get her another drink. She'll call you little brother again and the game will tell, that she'll remember it.
Before Tommen's coronation feast, if you stay silent while asking Sera to help you, Mira will make a sad face and Sera will eventually agree by saying "Okay, just stop making this face". Before talking to the Lannister you can ask Tarwick about Lyman, Andros or Morgryn. He won't say anything about Lyman, but he can tell you, that Andros is practically married to his gold and has never been interested in women. He can also tell you, that Morgryn has and odd reputation and is said to be a dangerous man. You have no option of not telling Tarwick anything about Sera' - you either have to lie, or to tell the truth. If you refuse to talk, he'll ask you to spare the pretense and the choice will apear again, without an option to avoid it. Same happens if you stay silent during second conversation with Lyman. Before talking to him second time (after Andros shouting at you) you can talk to Morgryn once more - he'll say that everyone is discussing Mira now and that he applauds her for whatever she has said to make Andros so angry. You can also eavesdrop on Sera and Margery. Sera will be asking her not to send Mira away and Margery will tell her that Mira has proved herself to be unreliable. Sera'll insist that Mira cares about Margery, but she'll say that it's a mistake to think that people, who care about you, can't betray you.
If Gared stays silent while being asked about the food, Finn will start complaining again and Cotter will tell him, that if he doesn't like something, he can always go back home (that's what I've wanted to tell him for the whole episode). Later, while resting in an abandoned camp, if you talk to Finn and then try to do it three more times he'll say "What? Do you miss me or something?".
If you tell Talia to go and hide in the grove she'll be irritated and say that she's no longer a child. Then Elissa will say, that Rodrick was just as stubborn when he was her age. In Highpoint, if Rodrick stays silent after being offered to help Ludd craft ironwood he'll call him "little shit" (reminded me of the way he talked to Ethan). If Rodrick doesn't make a choice when Ludd is threatening Ryon, Elissa will beg for him not to take another child from her. Ludd will tell Rodrick to remember this moment and that his mother has just saved their house. Rodrick will later have an option to apologize to her.
There are models who re-uses parts from other models (models like Gregor, Malcolm, Maester Ortengryn etc,.) but limited to face variations (hair/face)
There are even flies named like "SmallFolk_HairRodrik "SmallFolk_HairRoyland" so yeah they reuse them.
Awesome, thanks for finding out. I might have to see Mira's sad face.
When sneaking out of Castle Black with Cotter, when you hide under the cart and theres a guy and if you don't move he spots and alerts everyone and Gared tries to run for the entrance but Frostfinger comes and shoots you in the neck with a crossbow... he otherwise doesn't appear in this scene at all...
You really need to see it. Sera literally had no chance to resist...
1000th comment! Yay, i feel important!
After Beskha gets drunk and says she is a slave, in the end Asher can say "Don't fuck this up. This mission is important." and Beshka says "Oh, right... Your family... Iron From fucking Ice".
If you tell Tarwick that Sera is a bastard he is very disappointed and after he tells you about Lyman he says that he's "got some arrangements to UNDO"... If you lie for Sera he is happy and says that he's "got some arrangements to prepare".
Ditto. I even restarted my console.
Than my fucking little brother tries it and gets it done in one fucking try.
I was always stuck on this scene, never knew how I passed it, though
Guys, quit it with the time traveling.
Does anyone have a video of this? I want to.see it. :-P
Here's a video of this death, for those who've yet to see it.
Also, fun fact: they used a small scene (where Gared pulls himself up after being spotted) in the trailer, even though it's non-canon.
Frostfinger = not a friend.