What if Rhys is actually gay?



  • Oh god no, as Sybs said, I've seen more than enough Rhack because of tumblr. If a thread for that is made on here, I'm quitting the internet.

    The_Duck posted: »

    I just need someone to explain to me why there's no Rhyack thread yet.

  • What if Rhy is actually gay?


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  • Yeyus! :O

    Let's do this....together!! :0

  • What kind of Rhyack shipper would I be if I hadn't already done that?: P

    Your username is lot like the one I normally use onilne.XD

    Syberian posted: »

    Honestly? Probably because tumblr is the place you want to go for Rhack (Jhys, Rhyack, etc.). Any other Rhys ship is usually ignored and/or

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned


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  • I never assume a character's sexuality until confirmed in canon. The whole "straight until proven otherwise" thing annoys me.

  • Heck, I'd prefer him to be with Vaughn than Fiona or Sasha. I'm not digging the chemistry between Rhys and either of the women in a romantic way, honestly. I was never a fan of the "I hated you but now I love you but I still kind of dislike you" relationships. Bisexual Rhys would be just fine.

  • whatever you believe, as a not straight person it sucks reading this and seeing stuff like "EW, NO!" "wow, we really are bored!" "I'm not homophobic, but gay sex grosses me out!" i don't think anyone's trying to be hurtful, but please think about what you're saying lol

  • Seriously. Until a character has flat out said "I like/don't like this gender for sexies" they're sexuality is up for fanon, and then don't forget options like bi, pan, or asexual.

    nursethalia posted: »

    I never assume a character's sexuality until confirmed in canon. The whole "straight until proven otherwise" thing annoys me.

  • "I'm not homophobic, but gay sex grosses me out!"

    I thought about what I said before I said it. If this is going to be up for discussion, I'll share my opinion, even if it will inevitably offend a select few. I'm sorry if it offended you somehow, but like you said, I'm not trying to be hurtful. Just because I don't find a person's kinks/sexual preferences appealing doesn't mean I'm opposed to them.

    In fact, you might be grossed out by a few of my preferences. (Like, a few though. One or two. Maybe three.) I don't see any problem with that, as long as you don't keep me from participating or discriminate against me for my enjoyment of them.

    binchys posted: »

    whatever you believe, as a not straight person it sucks reading this and seeing stuff like "EW, NO!" "wow, we really are bored!" "I'm not ho

  • i got what you were trying to say and i know you weren't trying to be hurtful- but i hope you understand that a lot of homophobic people say literally the same thing, and that kinks and sexual orientation are two different things. anyways, you're not going to have interactive gay sex in a telltale game so i wouldn't worry! :)

    Piggs posted: »

    "I'm not homophobic, but gay sex grosses me out!" I thought about what I said before I said it. If this is going to be up for discus

  • i hope you understand that a lot of homophobic people say literally the same thing...

    I do. That doesn't mean that I have the same beliefs as them, and it doesn't devalue that specific belief either.

    ... and kinks and sexual orientation are two different things

    I understand that kinks are different from orientation, I was just focusing on sexual preferences in general so that I could make a broader point on how people handle intimacy and sexuality.

    No hard feelings on either side here, and I appreciate how polite and mature you're being about this, but I don't want to be associated with a group of intolerant people just because of a biological response that I have no control of; it's very normal for straight men to be repelled by the thought of intimate contact with another man, and much like your orientation, it's not really something I can help.

    binchys posted: »

    i got what you were trying to say and i know you weren't trying to be hurtful- but i hope you understand that a lot of homophobic people say

  • Just adding on a little something here for everyone to enjoy:
    Just because someone is gay doesn't automatically mean sex is involved. Asexuality is always an option. o vo)b

  • I genuinely never expected anyone to ever give a fuck about Axton.

    The only thing supporting this theory is that the entire cast of Borderlands is very diverse in both race and the LGBT+ community, with plen

  • edited June 2015

    This is true. I have a friend who romantically is attracted to both men and women equally, but sexually she tends to prefer women over men. She's slept with both and just had a child and it getting married to the father, but she's flat out told me that if she and the father ever got divorced she would probably date women after that.

    Sexuality is a weird thing, and I've decided that there's a sexuality for ever single person in the world since it's not something as binary as some people try to make it out to be.

    jambandit posted: »

    Just adding on a little something here for everyone to enjoy: Just because someone is gay doesn't automatically mean sex is involved. Asexuality is always an option. o vo)b

  • Straight is statistically more likely, that's all.

    nursethalia posted: »

    I never assume a character's sexuality until confirmed in canon. The whole "straight until proven otherwise" thing annoys me.

  • Springs wasn't that bad, i reckon you wouldn't have minded as much if it weren't for the current miasma of inclusivity and diversity bullshit corrupting medias.

    I'm okay with it when it first started in BL, but i hope the whole game isn't going to become Janey Springs, throwing their sexual preference in your face every time they open their mouths.

  • Staright won't bring you troubles as a dev.

    Aaira posted: »

    Straight is statistically more likely, that's all.

  • These days making everyone straight gives you about as much "trouble" as making lots of non-straight characters. Just from different, but equally minuscle, kinds of people.

    DeityD posted: »

    Staright won't bring you troubles as a dev.

  • AMEN, BUDDY. AMEN. seriously, seeing people say the thing about being bored was the worst part. as if someone being gay is fandom crack??

    binchys posted: »

    whatever you believe, as a not straight person it sucks reading this and seeing stuff like "EW, NO!" "wow, we really are bored!" "I'm not ho

  • I've decided that there's a sexuality for ever single person in the world since it's not something as binary as some people try to make it out to be.

    Yes. Thank you! I'm asexual, but panromantic. Gender doesn't factor when it comes to crushes or attraction, but I'm not sexually interested in anyone. For ages I had no idea there were other people like me, I just assumed I was "broken" somehow. Others would usually either tell me there's something wrong with me mentally (a doctor recently flat out said asexuality doesn't exist and then she gave me a book "to help me get over the guilt and childhood trauma that was making me hate sex" that ended up being about how the Christian god wants spouses to enjoy sex, despite telling her I was an atheist) or they tell me that I HAVE to be straight because I married a guy (and that I only identify as something other that hetero because it's "trendy".)

    I'm tired of these few, simple little categories we all have to be herded into, and new categories aren't added until we demand inclusion or recognition long and loudly enough. Everybody should just be free to love whoever they love without worrying where they fall in to this little box of categories.

    JazzyTheMan posted: »

    This is true. I have a friend who romantically is attracted to both men and women equally, but sexually she tends to prefer women over men.

  • I would really love it if there were more asexual fanfic out there! But at least several parts of this particular fandom has already embraced trans headcanons, so that's an improvement in terms of inclusion!

    JazzyTheMan posted: »

    Seriously. Until a character has flat out said "I like/don't like this gender for sexies" they're sexuality is up for fanon, and then don't forget options like bi, pan, or asexual.

  • Exactly. And just because you are romantically attracted to someone, doesn't mean you're sexually attracted to them. They are not the same thing.

    And congratulations that you found someone who you love who accepts you're asexuality and loves you back. =D

    nursethalia posted: »

    I've decided that there's a sexuality for ever single person in the world since it's not something as binary as some people try to make it o

  • (a doctor recently flat out said asexuality doesn't exist and then she gave me a book "to help me get over the guilt and childhood trauma that was making me hate sex" that ended up being about how the Christian god wants spouses to enjoy sex, despite telling her I was an atheist)


    It disgusts me that we live in a world where this is a thing that actually happens to people.

    But good on you for not letting her narrow-mindedness get to you (though I'm sure it was still horrible to hear).

    nursethalia posted: »

    I've decided that there's a sexuality for ever single person in the world since it's not something as binary as some people try to make it o

  • nah

  • Aw fuck me and my sister joked about this when I let her play it and she ships it hard. Now its here too.

  • It was crappy to hear, as a small part of it is technically true (sexually/physically abusive stepfather) but I truly don't believe that has anything to do with my sexuality today - sex doesn't scare, sicken, or traumatize me. I just find the thought of it tedious and uninteresting.

    It stinks that so many people automatically assume that asexuality isn't actually an orientation, and say that it's solely the result of sexual trauma. It's such a common misconception. Kind of like when my little sister came out as bi last year... my (real) dad called me in tears asking what man had hurt her to "make" her bi and I had to have a lengthy talk with him about sexuality not being a choice or a result of sexual trauma. Boy, was that an awkward conversation...

    (a doctor recently flat out said asexuality doesn't exist and then she gave me a book "to help me get over the guilt and childhood trauma th

  • Aw, thanks! I do love my husband. He's straight and super into sex, but he's really kind and understanding, and is totally willing to compromise with me on the sexual stuff :) Lots of people online joke that our marriage won't last long when they find out my orientation, but he and I have been together since we first started dating as teens back in 2005, so they clearly have no idea what they're talking about :P

    JazzyTheMan posted: »

    Exactly. And just because you are romantically attracted to someone, doesn't mean you're sexually attracted to them. They are not the same t

  • Oh God, I can't even imagine - but at least she had you to set him straight (and hopefully he took what you said on board and didn't repeat his mistake to her face).

    I think sometimes the well-meaning people are the worst... At least with bigots you can acknowledge that they're just horrible people and try your hardest to move on, but when it's someone you care about who genuinely cares about you back, and their feelings on the matter come from a place of (ignorant) love, it becomes really difficult.

    I think it's especially true of Ace/Aro people - Allosexuals just can't fathom a person not feeling what they feel and so instantly assume that they are somehow depriving themselves/missing out on something (and that something horrible had to have happened to that person to make them feel that way). A person could have a really progressive family who'd be totally cool with them coming out as gay/bi/pan, because all that matters to them is that they find someone they love and are happy - but that same family could absolutely flip out if you told them you were Ace because they assume that means that you'll never find a significant other and therefore will live a lonely, horrible life.

    But look at you - 10 years with your hubby - that's a milestone most allosexuals struggle to reach these days!

    nursethalia posted: »

    It was crappy to hear, as a small part of it is technically true (sexually/physically abusive stepfather) but I truly don't believe that has

  • Handsome Jack:

    Murderer of millions

    Beautiful and understanding supporter of the LGBT community

    Oh God, I can't even imagine - but at least she had you to set him straight (and hopefully he took what you said on board and didn't repeat

  • edited June 2015

    Handsome Jack, #congrats on not being as much of a jerk as you could have been.

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    Handsome Jack: Murderer of millions Beautiful and understanding supporter of the LGBT community

  • I would support this, but make it Rhys X Loader Bot <3

  • Inquisitive Statement: THat sounds liKe some-'thing' else I know....47

    For all we know, Loader Bot could've enjoyed the sensation of being blown up. The way the metal split as the flames consumed him, the rup

  • Alt text

    Handsome Jack: Murderer of millions Beautiful and understanding supporter of the LGBT community

  • I remember that one female scientist that was working on the slag human experiments had a wife, Jack was forcing her to experiment on a gay married couple by threatening her wife iirc (also experimented on Tiny Tina's parents, and Krieg).

    Because no matter who you are or fuck, Handsome Jack is still going to either exploit or kill you for shits and giggles.

    Handsome Jack, #congrats on not being as much of a jerk as you could have been.

  • Eh, well, everyone on this forum is from tumblr. Literally everyone in the game is going to have obscure, gay ships.

  • I really couldn't care less if he's gay, straight, bi, pan, asexual, or what have you. As long as he doesn't turn into another Janey. Or, god forbid, another Dr Zed.

  • But she has a sexy scar on her stomach!

    A_Great_Guy posted: »

    I really couldn't care less if he's gay, straight, bi, pan, asexual, or what have you. As long as he doesn't turn into another Janey. Or, god forbid, another Dr Zed.

  • Did you say "forbid another Dr. Zed?" Nothing is wrong with my brother, we need more like him.

    A_Great_Guy posted: »

    I really couldn't care less if he's gay, straight, bi, pan, asexual, or what have you. As long as he doesn't turn into another Janey. Or, god forbid, another Dr Zed.

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