Well chose between Boltons and Baratheons after this episode... I am liking Littlefinger's plan: let them kill each other and then the men of the vale ends the winner. Valar Morghulis!
Oh, yeah? Who has more of a claim than him? Line of succession clearly dictates that he should be on the throne. The Targaryens gave away al… morel of their rights to it and were overthrown.
And don't even get me started on the Lannister children. If they were anymore inbred they would be sandwiches.
R'hllor is real and the power is real, ok? It's still real to me, damnit. It got rid of Robb, Joffrey and... wait, where the fuck's Balon?
Well chose between Boltons and Baratheons after this episode... I am liking Littlefinger's plan: let them kill each other and then the men of the vale ends the winner. Valar Morghulis!
I feel that Stannis' decision in this episode was completely in line with his character, and that he did the right decision.
First let's … moretake a look at what we have:
* Stannis' camp ravaged by the good men
* Not enough men and supplies to secure the battle against the Boltons
* Not enough supplies to return to Castle Black, and anyway retreating is not an option for Stannis
* Death is imminent for them all unless something special happens
* Blood magic has been shown multiple times to be real and working
* Kingsblood is the strongest blood, and is readily available in Shireen
* We know Stannis puts his duty to the realm before everything else.
He needs to defeat the Boltons and continue on to finally sit the Iron Throne. He is the one person in pursue of the throne that cares about the White Walker threat and actually wants to help the Night's Watch. If he'd have continued on to Winterfell he'd surely lose the battle, which … [view original content]
We know that people who serve R'hllor can revive others (or themselves) - and example of this is Beric Dondarrion. She could revive him, or he could warg into Ghost and back into another body - thus being reborn (just like Azor Ahai was reborn amidst salt and smoke: the lines say that "his wounds were smoking", and Bowen Marsh was crying (salty) tears). This is supported by Melisandre:
"Now he was a man, now a wolf, now a man again."
Taking this into consideration, him being reborn may just as well free him from his vows, maybe his watch has ended.
Believe it or not I would burn my entire family and anybody, if it was needed. We have army of Wights leaded by wihte walkers here. Everybody knows legends about the Long night and how terrible times it was. Sometimes true leader has to do hard decisions that other people consioder wrong but in the end those decisions will turn out to be right.
Also how do you know that Stannis in the books wont do same thing after all books are not finished yet, so your arguments are invalid.
My opinion might be very unpopular in here, but I deeply despise Stannis for what he have done. This decision was absolutely unneccessary, u… morenlogical and cruel. I simply don't know the purpose of this sacrifice.
Firstly, I can't understand Stannis' logic. He kept playing the role of the best father ever. He was kind to Shireen and proved that he loves her. Melisandre offered to burn his daughter and he refused immediately. And then Stannis just suddenly changes his mind, forgets about everything he did and decides to burn the innocent child. Wow, really? Then what was the point of all this "father of the year" bullshit? Besides, Shireen is his only heir and we don't know if he'll ever have another one. It looks like he thinks only about getting on the throne. But the future doesn't interest him. Who's going to be his heir now?
Secondly, I can't understand people who say that Stannis had no other choice. If he wants to be a good king, he … [view original content]
He does give a shit, he cares about her. He doesn't want to burn her, he believes he has to. This is the same as Abraham and Isaac in Genesis, the man is conflicted between his love for his daughter and his obedience to a God; his obedience wins, but he's clearly torn and conflicted.
Although that sacrifice was stupid, he believed it was necessary.
Alright, maybe not. But what was the point in showing that affection and then burning her? He made her believe that at least one of her parents cares for her and then didn't give a shit about her death.
I dont believe it. Its easy to say but when it comes down to it, I don't believe anyone here going "Rah rah, Stannis!" Would burn their children to death. And if they would, yikes!"
Believe it or not I would burn my entire family and anybody, if it was needed. We have army of Wights leaded by wihte walkers here. Everybod… morey knows legends about the Long night and how terrible times it was. Sometimes true leader has to do hard decisions that other people consioder wrong but in the end those decisions will turn out to be right.
Also how do you know that Stannis in the books wont do same thing after all books are not finished yet, so your arguments are invalid.
From the interview all we know is GRRM told them that 'Shireen gets sacrificed in a later book'. That's all. Nothing about Stannis actually ordering it or even knowing about it happening. He's not even in the same place as Shireen in the books.
If not Stannis then who will do it? The boy King of Castley Rock? He cowers from the zealots which control his city. The failed Queen of Meereen? She faces rebellion in every corner of her kingdom. Stannis is the last best hope for humanity. The only one with the will to do what needs to be done. He may very well be hated for that, for his dour adherence to duty, but it is the luxury of the saved to hate their savior.
Why do people believe that Stannis is capable of uniting kingdoms? He's known for being unlikeable and had a hard time gaining support up to… more now. The only one he inspires devotion in is Davos who is singularly loyal and Melissandre, who believed he's something he's not. If Stannis actually does anything to help the Battle against the White Walkers, Ill be surprised.
He does give a shit, he cares about her. He doesn't want to burn her, he believes he has to. This is the same as Abraham and Isaac in Genesi… mores, the man is conflicted between his love for his daughter and his obedience to a God; his obedience wins, but he's clearly torn and conflicted.
Although that sacrifice was stupid, he believed it was necessary.
Also how do you know that Stannis in the books wont do same thing after all books are not finished yet, so your arguments are invalid.
I didn't say that he wouldn't do it. I mean that he doesn't intend to do it. GRRM told D&D that he will burn Shireen but he didn't say under which circumstances. I believe that he'll make everything look more logical and will burn Shireen behind Stannis' back. It will make some sense and won't be so cruel.
Though, of course, I'm not so sure if my thoughts are right. Gotta wait for "Winds of Winter" to find out. When Telltale Games don't make me wait, GRRM does
Sometimes true leader has to do hard decisions that other people consioder wrong but in the end those decisions will turn out to be right.
Well, we don't know if it's right or wrong yet. What if his daughter's death turns out to be useless? What will happen then?
Believe it or not I would burn my entire family and anybody, if it was needed. We have army of Wights leaded by wihte walkers here. Everybod… morey knows legends about the Long night and how terrible times it was. Sometimes true leader has to do hard decisions that other people consioder wrong but in the end those decisions will turn out to be right.
Also how do you know that Stannis in the books wont do same thing after all books are not finished yet, so your arguments are invalid.
Although that sacrifice was stupid, he believed it was neccessary.
It all comes from Melisandre and her bullshit. I couldn't stand watching how she smiled when Shireen was dying.
Although that sacrifice was stupid, he believed it was neccessary.
It all comes from Melisandre and her bullshit. I couldn't stand watching how she smiled when Shireen was dying.
Knowing GRRM the Boltons may win the battle. But don't forget Littlefinger's little plan. He will send his little army to kill the rest of the Bolton army and the Boltons themselfs. Man everything Littlefinger does it a little bit evil. Dont you all agree?
Here's a good question, what happens if Stannis does win? Does Littlefingers just walk in and destroys his army? Does he side with him? Probably not because those two hate each other. Well even if Stannis loses, then maybe the Bolton's still all die hopefully. I hope not, because if he loses, then that burning was all for nothing, and I don't want to see the sacrifice of a child to end up being for nothing.
Knowing GRRM the Boltons may win the battle. But don't forget Littlefinger's little plan. He will send his little army to kill the rest of t… morehe Bolton army and the Boltons themselfs. Man everything Littlefinger does it a little bit evil. Dont you all agree?
You people thought they are gods when they made seasons 3 and 4, hell you were cheering the names David Benioff and D.B Weiss just last weak with Hardhome. Now you all just turn on them once again because you disagreed with something they did? What the hell? You can't flip flop that much! Give these guys credit, its incredibly difficult to adept anything to screen, let alone fives parts of a seven part fantasy medieval epic that has to be over 5000 pages long. Things need to be cut, things need to be streamlined, its just how it works. As a man who has read all five books and enjoyed them all, I think those two have done a outstanding job. Are all the changes they made for the better? No, but has all the changes they made been awful? No, now I like GRRM books, but they are not perfect, take one good long look at Feast of Crows, its not the greatest book ever, not by a country mile. Give these writers a rest, without them, all of this would be so, so much worse.
If Stannis actually does anything to help the Battle against the White Walkers, Ill be surprised.
Except he already did. Have you already forgotten why he's in the North in the first place ? He was the only one to send help to the Wall and personnally come leading his army to save the Night Watch's asses when they were about to be overwhelmed by Mance Rayder's huge army of Wildlings, who would have stormed the Wall and probably left open gates behind them. No Watch = White Walkers able to invade without even having to knock on the door.
Also "unlikeable" certainly, but he knows how to rule and is brave, and that inspires respect in the heart of men, of soldiers. With the shit coming, it's a huge quality much more required than likeability.
Why do people believe that Stannis is capable of uniting kingdoms? He's known for being unlikeable and had a hard time gaining support up to… more now. The only one he inspires devotion in is Davos who is singularly loyal and Melissandre, who believed he's something he's not. If Stannis actually does anything to help the Battle against the White Walkers, Ill be surprised.
We all can agree, like Stannis or not past this episode, that red witch is awful! All this hate should be thrown right at her! I demand she is burned at the stake! Come on, it only seems natural for her anyway. Burn the witch! Burn her! I don't care if she is pretty, she burned a kid!
I liked Stannis, especially in the books. He seemed stern and ruthless, but fair. But sacrificing his own daughter in such a horrific fashion? I don't know how people can talk about Daenerys being blood-thirsty and nuts. He's clearly been sipping from the same cup. >.<
One thing I don't understand is, why is everybody saying that his sacrifice of Shireen was necessary? Necessary for what? I could understand what he did, as despicable as it is, if it would guarantee him the throne. However, burning his only child alive guaranteed him nothing, it only gave him a chance to besiege Winterfell, where the Bolton's have their own army. Winterfell is easily the strongest fortress in the North and among the most fortified fortresses in Westeros. Stannis knows exactly how hard it can be to win a siege, as he was able to hold Storm's End for months during Robert's Rebellion against the vastly superior Tyrell army. Of course, Winterfell is not Storm's End, but Roose can probably hold the castle for a similarly long time if he plays his cards right.
On top of that, correct me if I'm wrong, but was it ever stated how many men the Bolton's have? Stannis has 5000-6000 soldiers as far as I know and I guess the Bolton's as the strongest house in the North should theoretically have at least as many soldiers as well, especially since they suffered the least during the war. Since it seems that the whole subplot with the Northern Houses secretly plotting against them has been cut from the show, I have to assume that most of them are loyal to the Bolton's, if only because of their family members, who were taken hostage during the Red Wedding. And even in the books, houses like the Karstarks and the Ryswells are loyal to the Boltons. So theoretically it should be perfectly manageable for Roose to win the siege, perhaps even without the support of the other houses.
Stannis' burning of his beloved daughter gave him nothing but the chance to besiege Winterfell and with a bit of luck he is even able to take it, I give him that, albeit I'm sure his army will suffer huge losses during this siege. It's still questionable if the northern lords would support him in the end, especially if Rickon shows up again. But if this huge gamble paid off and the North unites under his banner, he still has won nothing. Robb Stark had the full support of the North (20.000 men before the war started, including the men of House Bolton) and the Riverlands and still the Lannisters proved to be formidable opponents, even without the additional help from the Tyrells. After the war, the Riverlands are under control of a strenghtened House Frey and the North suffered heavy casualties. And I am pretty sure that many lords who would be willing to declare for Stannis are in no shape to support his war after the losses they suffered.
Assuming that he manages to win the siege of Winterfell and the full support of what's left of the North, he still needs to overcome the Riverlands before he can even think of marching against King's Landing. And even if his gamble pays off and he somehow manages to lay siege to King's Landing without the far stronger Lannister-Tyrell army stopping him, he is far from uniting the Seven Kingdoms under his rule. Why should Dorne or the Vale follow his command, just because he took the throne? House Martell should hate him almost as much as they hate the Lannisters and Littlefinger has no reason at all to give him the Vale's support.
Finally, even if he manages to win it will probably take months to unite the North and years to unite the Seven Kingdoms and it will leave them weaker than before. So, tell me, how is him becoming king good for the Seven Kingdoms? Without him, there would be no armed conflict in the continent anymore and the remaining armies could get ready for the White Walker threat. We have seen how strong the White Walkers are, so I highly doubt he has the years he needs to win his war. And what if winter decides to come back? He's out of daughters to sacrifice, so the next snowstorm will probably stop him again. Who is he going to sacrifice then? Selyse? Melisandre? Himself? What if the Red God decides that it does not want to help him anymore? The fact that he has to rely on the help of a god who demands human sacrifices to even slightly advance his mission is completely ridiculous and makes him unfit to rule in my eyes.
So, to summarize this, he won nothing by burning Shireen. He only marginally advanced his almost impossible goal to become king. And after what he did, I fail to see why Roose Bolton is worse than him. Both are cold and pragmatic assholes who would do anything to advance their goals. Sure, Ramsay is easily worse than Stannis, but that does not justify what he did in the last episode. He burned his beloved daughter and heiress to stop a snowstorm and to get a chance to continue his forlorn and self-destructing war. For me, this is a ridiculously high sacrifice to win basically nothing. Stannis just proved once again that he is a stubborn and callous fanatic who is controlled by a red bitch. While I was highly supportive of him from Season 4 onwards, he took it too far with what he did. I can't justify or defend his actions and I find it hard to root for him over the Lannisters or even over the Boltons.
I believe it was a joke. It was childish of them to spoil future books by confirming it was Georges idea. Its normal for fans to complain, the fans have been criticising the show since the first trailer "Robb's hair is too dark!" "Arya's face is too wide!". IMO the valid criticisms start with Dany's plotline in season 2, and there's plenty to be critical of since. Up until this season its been easier to overlook the occasional misstep because they had so much good material to fall back on. AFFC still had some great chapters up there with the best in the series, Cersei's plotline just doesn't work in season 5 without the context you get from Brienne and Jaime in the riverlands. The Dorne chapters were actually good in Feast but they decided to go their own way changing and merging characters which is fine, but this has been spectacularly bad.
This season was a real test for the D&D having to invent so much of their own material and end up in the same place. Theyve done a pretty good job on the whole but theres been a clear dip in quality. Hardhome was an exception
You people thought they are gods when they made seasons 3 and 4, hell you were cheering the names David Benioff and D.B Weiss just last weak… more with Hardhome. Now you all just turn on them once again because you disagreed with something they did? What the hell? You can't flip flop that much! Give these guys credit, its incredibly difficult to adept anything to screen, let alone fives parts of a seven part fantasy medieval epic that has to be over 5000 pages long. Things need to be cut, things need to be streamlined, its just how it works. As a man who has read all five books and enjoyed them all, I think those two have done a outstanding job. Are all the changes they made for the better? No, but has all the changes they made been awful? No, now I like GRRM books, but they are not perfect, take one good long look at Feast of Crows, its not the greatest book ever, not by a country mile. Give these writers a rest, without them, all of this would be so, so much worse.
You people thought they are gods when they made seasons 3 and 4, hell you were cheering the names David Benioff and D.B Weiss just last weak… more with Hardhome. Now you all just turn on them once again because you disagreed with something they did? What the hell? You can't flip flop that much! Give these guys credit, its incredibly difficult to adept anything to screen, let alone fives parts of a seven part fantasy medieval epic that has to be over 5000 pages long. Things need to be cut, things need to be streamlined, its just how it works. As a man who has read all five books and enjoyed them all, I think those two have done a outstanding job. Are all the changes they made for the better? No, but has all the changes they made been awful? No, now I like GRRM books, but they are not perfect, take one good long look at Feast of Crows, its not the greatest book ever, not by a country mile. Give these writers a rest, without them, all of this would be so, so much worse.
Not defending his deed, but I think it all comes down to him believing he is Azor Ahai reborn. I think D&D should've written a scene of Mel telling the story of AA sacrificing Nissa Nissa to make the point of the burning scene clear. I personally don't see the burning of Shireen only a move to survive the situation or win Winterfell but also a decision of Stannis to "fulfill his destiny" and become the Warrior of Light. The tragic thing is that Stannis totally isn't AA reborn.
The way the scene now happened sadly may seem to many that Stannis was just "Too much snow, lol I burn my daughter", even if this has been foreshadowed and built up since s2e10.
One thing I don't understand is, why is everybody saying that his sacrifice of Shireen was necessary? Necessary for what? I could understand… more what he did, as despicable as it is, if it would guarantee him the throne. However, burning his only child alive guaranteed him nothing, it only gave him a chance to besiege Winterfell, where the Bolton's have their own army. Winterfell is easily the strongest fortress in the North and among the most fortified fortresses in Westeros. Stannis knows exactly how hard it can be to win a siege, as he was able to hold Storm's End for months during Robert's Rebellion against the vastly superior Tyrell army. Of course, Winterfell is not Storm's End, but Roose can probably hold the castle for a similarly long time if he plays his cards right.
On top of that, correct me if I'm wrong, but was it ever stated how many men the Bolton's have? Stannis has 5000-6000 soldiers as far as I know and I guess the Bolton's a… [view original content]
And what would Shireen's fate have been if Stannis didn't? Captured by Ramsay and tortured? Freezing to death? Starving to death? Those all sound like much better alternatives, right?
You, like many others, are failing to see the big picture and only take things at face value. Saving hundreds of thousands > killing a few. Even more so when you're the last person alive in Westeros with a large army and the only chance to save the continent. If Stannis fails and his men die in the snow, Westeros is left vulnerable to Walkers, Boltons, and anyone else who decides that Westeros is ripe for the taking and everyone is murdered, raped, starve, or freeze to death -- that includes little girls.
Well chose between Boltons and Baratheons after this episode... I am liking Littlefinger's plan: let them kill each other and then the men of the vale ends the winner. Valar Morghulis!
I love how nobody mentions Greyjoys. Appearently they don't exist anymore.
That's pretty ironic, because there's a good chance that Euron Greyjoy is stirring up some nasty shit right now under everyone's noses.
Balon "fell off a bridge", but I'm pretty sure Euron Greyjoy hired a faceless man and assasinated him.
I loved that line, he really is nothing but a false Messiah :P
I admire Baelish for his achievements, now that's strategical thinking.
There's actually someone with an even better "claim" to the IT than Dany, you'll know who I'm talking about if you read ADWD.
If you're talking about Aegon, then yeah, I sure do.
Nah I'm talking about Jon Snow, since the vows won't be holding him back anymore :P
I won't take him into account just yet. The evenings at the Wall can be rather... stabby.

Yes, but consider this:
We know that people who serve R'hllor can revive others (or themselves) - and example of this is Beric Dondarrion. She could revive him, or he could warg into Ghost and back into another body - thus being reborn (just like Azor Ahai was reborn amidst salt and smoke: the lines say that "his wounds were smoking", and Bowen Marsh was crying (salty) tears). This is supported by Melisandre:
"Now he was a man, now a wolf, now a man again."
Taking this into consideration, him being reborn may just as well free him from his vows, maybe his watch has ended.
Believe it or not I would burn my entire family and anybody, if it was needed. We have army of Wights leaded by wihte walkers here. Everybody knows legends about the Long night and how terrible times it was. Sometimes true leader has to do hard decisions that other people consioder wrong but in the end those decisions will turn out to be right.
Also how do you know that Stannis in the books wont do same thing after all books are not finished yet, so your arguments are invalid.
That made me love Renly not Stannis, lol
He does give a shit, he cares about her. He doesn't want to burn her, he believes he has to. This is the same as Abraham and Isaac in Genesis, the man is conflicted between his love for his daughter and his obedience to a God; his obedience wins, but he's clearly torn and conflicted.
Although that sacrifice was stupid, he believed it was necessary.
I dont believe it. Its easy to say but when it comes down to it, I don't believe anyone here going "Rah rah, Stannis!" Would burn their children to death. And if they would, yikes!"
I guess we will see when the book comes out.
If not Stannis then who will do it? The boy King of Castley Rock? He cowers from the zealots which control his city. The failed Queen of Meereen? She faces rebellion in every corner of her kingdom. Stannis is the last best hope for humanity. The only one with the will to do what needs to be done. He may very well be hated for that, for his dour adherence to duty, but it is the luxury of the saved to hate their savior.
It all comes from Melisandre and her bullshit. I couldn't stand watching how she smiled when Shireen was dying.
I didn't say that he wouldn't do it. I mean that he doesn't intend to do it. GRRM told D&D that he will burn Shireen but he didn't say under which circumstances. I believe that he'll make everything look more logical and will burn Shireen behind Stannis' back. It will make some sense and won't be so cruel.
Though, of course, I'm not so sure if my thoughts are right. Gotta wait for "Winds of Winter" to find out. When Telltale Games don't make me wait, GRRM does
Well, we don't know if it's right or wrong yet. What if his daughter's death turns out to be useless? What will happen then?
Nah, that type of ending will be too boring. I believe that George Martin is preparing something more epic.
I really believe she gets off on burning people.
I know, it was a stupid sacrifice (because he's not the chosen of R'hllor).
Knowing GRRM the Boltons may win the battle. But don't forget Littlefinger's little plan. He will send his little army to kill the rest of the Bolton army and the Boltons themselfs. Man everything Littlefinger does it a little bit evil. Dont you all agree?
Here's a good question, what happens if Stannis does win? Does Littlefingers just walk in and destroys his army? Does he side with him? Probably not because those two hate each other. Well even if Stannis loses, then maybe the Bolton's still all die hopefully. I hope not, because if he loses, then that burning was all for nothing, and I don't want to see the sacrifice of a child to end up being for nothing.
The usurper David Benioff...
The usurper Dan Weiss...
Yes the evil bastards work 24/7 the whole year to bring us quality fantasy show on TV, totally assholes who should be killed...
You people thought they are gods when they made seasons 3 and 4, hell you were cheering the names David Benioff and D.B Weiss just last weak with Hardhome. Now you all just turn on them once again because you disagreed with something they did? What the hell? You can't flip flop that much! Give these guys credit, its incredibly difficult to adept anything to screen, let alone fives parts of a seven part fantasy medieval epic that has to be over 5000 pages long. Things need to be cut, things need to be streamlined, its just how it works. As a man who has read all five books and enjoyed them all, I think those two have done a outstanding job. Are all the changes they made for the better? No, but has all the changes they made been awful? No, now I like GRRM books, but they are not perfect, take one good long look at Feast of Crows, its not the greatest book ever, not by a country mile. Give these writers a rest, without them, all of this would be so, so much worse.
Except he already did. Have you already forgotten why he's in the North in the first place ? He was the only one to send help to the Wall and personnally come leading his army to save the Night Watch's asses when they were about to be overwhelmed by Mance Rayder's huge army of Wildlings, who would have stormed the Wall and probably left open gates behind them. No Watch = White Walkers able to invade without even having to knock on the door.
Also "unlikeable" certainly, but he knows how to rule and is brave, and that inspires respect in the heart of men, of soldiers. With the shit coming, it's a huge quality much more required than likeability.
We all can agree, like Stannis or not past this episode, that red witch is awful! All this hate should be thrown right at her! I demand she is burned at the stake! Come on, it only seems natural for her anyway. Burn the witch! Burn her! I don't care if she is pretty, she burned a kid!
I liked Stannis, especially in the books. He seemed stern and ruthless, but fair. But sacrificing his own daughter in such a horrific fashion? I don't know how people can talk about Daenerys being blood-thirsty and nuts. He's clearly been sipping from the same cup. >.<
It doesn't help that I hate religious fanatics.
I'm personally all for burning little girls alive as long as it's for a good cause.
Wait what.
Then we won't. There is no more hope left.
One thing I don't understand is, why is everybody saying that his sacrifice of Shireen was necessary? Necessary for what? I could understand what he did, as despicable as it is, if it would guarantee him the throne. However, burning his only child alive guaranteed him nothing, it only gave him a chance to besiege Winterfell, where the Bolton's have their own army. Winterfell is easily the strongest fortress in the North and among the most fortified fortresses in Westeros. Stannis knows exactly how hard it can be to win a siege, as he was able to hold Storm's End for months during Robert's Rebellion against the vastly superior Tyrell army. Of course, Winterfell is not Storm's End, but Roose can probably hold the castle for a similarly long time if he plays his cards right.
On top of that, correct me if I'm wrong, but was it ever stated how many men the Bolton's have? Stannis has 5000-6000 soldiers as far as I know and I guess the Bolton's as the strongest house in the North should theoretically have at least as many soldiers as well, especially since they suffered the least during the war. Since it seems that the whole subplot with the Northern Houses secretly plotting against them has been cut from the show, I have to assume that most of them are loyal to the Bolton's, if only because of their family members, who were taken hostage during the Red Wedding. And even in the books, houses like the Karstarks and the Ryswells are loyal to the Boltons. So theoretically it should be perfectly manageable for Roose to win the siege, perhaps even without the support of the other houses.
Stannis' burning of his beloved daughter gave him nothing but the chance to besiege Winterfell and with a bit of luck he is even able to take it, I give him that, albeit I'm sure his army will suffer huge losses during this siege. It's still questionable if the northern lords would support him in the end, especially if Rickon shows up again. But if this huge gamble paid off and the North unites under his banner, he still has won nothing. Robb Stark had the full support of the North (20.000 men before the war started, including the men of House Bolton) and the Riverlands and still the Lannisters proved to be formidable opponents, even without the additional help from the Tyrells. After the war, the Riverlands are under control of a strenghtened House Frey and the North suffered heavy casualties. And I am pretty sure that many lords who would be willing to declare for Stannis are in no shape to support his war after the losses they suffered.
Assuming that he manages to win the siege of Winterfell and the full support of what's left of the North, he still needs to overcome the Riverlands before he can even think of marching against King's Landing. And even if his gamble pays off and he somehow manages to lay siege to King's Landing without the far stronger Lannister-Tyrell army stopping him, he is far from uniting the Seven Kingdoms under his rule. Why should Dorne or the Vale follow his command, just because he took the throne? House Martell should hate him almost as much as they hate the Lannisters and Littlefinger has no reason at all to give him the Vale's support.
Finally, even if he manages to win it will probably take months to unite the North and years to unite the Seven Kingdoms and it will leave them weaker than before. So, tell me, how is him becoming king good for the Seven Kingdoms? Without him, there would be no armed conflict in the continent anymore and the remaining armies could get ready for the White Walker threat. We have seen how strong the White Walkers are, so I highly doubt he has the years he needs to win his war. And what if winter decides to come back? He's out of daughters to sacrifice, so the next snowstorm will probably stop him again. Who is he going to sacrifice then? Selyse? Melisandre? Himself? What if the Red God decides that it does not want to help him anymore? The fact that he has to rely on the help of a god who demands human sacrifices to even slightly advance his mission is completely ridiculous and makes him unfit to rule in my eyes.
So, to summarize this, he won nothing by burning Shireen. He only marginally advanced his almost impossible goal to become king. And after what he did, I fail to see why Roose Bolton is worse than him. Both are cold and pragmatic assholes who would do anything to advance their goals. Sure, Ramsay is easily worse than Stannis, but that does not justify what he did in the last episode. He burned his beloved daughter and heiress to stop a snowstorm and to get a chance to continue his forlorn and self-destructing war. For me, this is a ridiculously high sacrifice to win basically nothing. Stannis just proved once again that he is a stubborn and callous fanatic who is controlled by a red bitch. While I was highly supportive of him from Season 4 onwards, he took it too far with what he did. I can't justify or defend his actions and I find it hard to root for him over the Lannisters or even over the Boltons.
I believe it was a joke. It was childish of them to spoil future books by confirming it was Georges idea. Its normal for fans to complain, the fans have been criticising the show since the first trailer "Robb's hair is too dark!" "Arya's face is too wide!". IMO the valid criticisms start with Dany's plotline in season 2, and there's plenty to be critical of since. Up until this season its been easier to overlook the occasional misstep because they had so much good material to fall back on. AFFC still had some great chapters up there with the best in the series, Cersei's plotline just doesn't work in season 5 without the context you get from Brienne and Jaime in the riverlands. The Dorne chapters were actually good in Feast but they decided to go their own way changing and merging characters which is fine, but this has been spectacularly bad.
This season was a real test for the D&D having to invent so much of their own material and end up in the same place. Theyve done a pretty good job on the whole but theres been a clear dip in quality. Hardhome was an exception
Not sure if your comment really was for me, but I should say that my comment was sarcasm.
Not defending his deed, but I think it all comes down to him believing he is Azor Ahai reborn. I think D&D should've written a scene of Mel telling the story of AA sacrificing Nissa Nissa to make the point of the burning scene clear. I personally don't see the burning of Shireen only a move to survive the situation or win Winterfell but also a decision of Stannis to "fulfill his destiny" and become the Warrior of Light. The tragic thing is that Stannis totally isn't AA reborn.
The way the scene now happened sadly may seem to many that Stannis was just "Too much snow, lol I burn my daughter", even if this has been foreshadowed and built up since s2e10.
And what would Shireen's fate have been if Stannis didn't? Captured by Ramsay and tortured? Freezing to death? Starving to death? Those all sound like much better alternatives, right?
You, like many others, are failing to see the big picture and only take things at face value. Saving hundreds of thousands > killing a few. Even more so when you're the last person alive in Westeros with a large army and the only chance to save the continent. If Stannis fails and his men die in the snow, Westeros is left vulnerable to Walkers, Boltons, and anyone else who decides that Westeros is ripe for the taking and everyone is murdered, raped, starve, or freeze to death -- that includes little girls.
Here's an interesting watch for you.