Tobi: Don't get your hopes up Tobi, you might be disappointed.
Other Tobi: But what if there will be a Season 2 dlc?
Tobi: SHHHHHhhhhh....... It'll be okay.
Other Tobi: O_____O
Scott's is literally right after that show on another thing. Tell me it's a coincidence so I can breathe! ;_; You can't do this to me! Having Scott Porter around with TWDG content so close together! That isn't fair Telltale!
Robert Kirkman and Telltale Games CEO Kevin Bruner with some news you won't want to miss....
If Robert Kirkman is going to share the… more announcement with Telltale does it mean the news is bigger than the game itself?
Is it a sign that they are going to announce Clementine for Season 6 of The Walking Dead TV show?
That would be both good news and bad news. The good news is Clementine will finally be getting some recognition as a character in the Walking Dead Franchise. The Bad News is that since the TV Show is mediocre (in my subjective opinion) due to it's writing and acting it is highly possible that it will ruin Clem's character. Unless Melissa Hutchinson voice dubs
Watch movies of Hayao Miyazaki and you immediately feel better.
"Castle in the Sky" - I recommend.
Very interesting, funny and exciting!
An interesting tease from Job on Twitter...
@.lauraperusco @.telltalegames I think we're close enough to say that fans of the game and especially the comic will be excited...
An interesting tease from Job on Twitter...
@.lauraperusco @.telltalegames I think we're close enough to say that fans of the game and especially the comic will be excited...
The games take place in the same universe of the comics. Up until now, they have not connected much outside of small character cameos for the first episode of Season 1.
An interesting tease from Job on Twitter...
@.lauraperusco @.telltalegames I think we're close enough to say that fans of the game and especially the comic will be excited...
The games take place in the same universe of the comics. Up until now, they have not connected much outside of small character cameos for the first episode of Season 1.
Stream: whisper Watch me... watch me...
...hold your hope up....
Scott's is literally right after that show on another thing. Tell me it's a coincidence so I can breathe! ;_; You can't do this to me! Having Scott Porter around with TWDG content so close together! That isn't fair Telltale!
3 Days 20 hours 20 minutes leFT
Elmo confirmed for season 3
Salty Seas
"Mediocre" in your opinion
Get ready to party in a few days!
Tavia and would be coooooool xD
i like the guy at the back just dancing cool xD
Oh yeah
Watch movies of Hayao Miyazaki and you immediately feel better.
"Castle in the Sky" - I recommend.
Very interesting, funny and exciting!
It looks interesting I'll watch the movie tomorrow since it's really late where I am!
You will not regret!
This means that there will not be a stand with a large key-art in 2013, "400 Days"?
@puzzlebox sweet lady... please tell us something...
puzzlebox: "something"
here Crips and Green!
Glowstick dance.
Click here
An interesting tease from Job on Twitter...
I wanted IT ALL MY LIFE!!
Sorry Green - you are not first anymore :Р
Crowd Control, baby
It is connected with comics!
do the comic storylines tie in with the game? i hope it's not something totally separate..
The games take place in the same universe of the comics. Up until now, they have not connected much outside of small character cameos for the first episode of Season 1.
3 Days!
P.S. I hope you not mad to me @BlindSniper that I do countdown with you.
hope I'm not hyping myself up for nothing
Like a walking dead game comic. I'd prefer a new series of episodes etc.
"Hey, you're okay?"
I like reading the comics so i am even more excited now, hopefully this weekend will go quickly :P
This is my revenge for yesterday.
Easter Egg!
Also in "TFTB" Ep1 - "Save Doug" - you know it
I swear I'll get you next time
After Job's tweet I can't WAIT anymore! '_'
I need MORE teases!
What you guys talking about?
He said Loaderbot from Tales from the Borderlands was trash!
I thoug you love Rhys's son
But I also seen it...
It's bad...
Bad Blind Sniper...
You know that this bad thing, right?
You know how @Green613 and we all love these shipping-things and he bring SO LOVE on the forum.
And Green - you know that LoadeBros cool too.
He saved you and us. Not one time.
So... shipping = LoaderBot
Good moderators don't doing this "things"
They're need be brave and wise.
Now, apologize each other and and let LoaderBros
I think this girl done everyone ;D