No, we won't since Telltale said that it won't be related in any way to their previous games. In other words - we won't meet Clementine, Christa, Kenny or any other characters from Season 1, 400 Days or Season 2.
Remember guys, since this is during the "16 months later" time skip, we might meet Clementine and Christa and figure out what happened between that time.
Yeah well..As usual you cannot possibly please everyone.. especially the negative Nancys, but I for one am impressed by the fresh news this morning. I believe Michonne is one of the best Walking Dead characters from the show and comic. Her mysterious background would make for a potentially excellent prologue story if it is done masterfully. Just praying that none of the writers of season 2 will be involved with it except for maybe Brecken and Shorette. I applaud Telltale and Kirkman for the first time since season 1 of the game for going this clever route. I think to play as Michonne would be at least 100X times more interesting than playing as Christa, Kenny, Lilly, Jollene, Duck, those S2 Raccoons, Maybelle the cow, random Bandit #4 and all these other ridiculous B.S. characters combined that were brought up over time as possible candidates for the DLC which I'd hope were just bad cornball jokes...perhaps there is some hope for season 3.
put it this way im already waiting for 2 games to be released this year anyway which are UNTIL DAWN and EVERYBODYS GONE TO THE RAPTURE so rather than buy c*** like this ill save my money and buy these game that are worth buying. if telltale games keep up doing this kind of thing im going to walk away and never buy their games again and thats me telling them straight. i thought telltale games were the best but now i beg to differ because if im not happy ill letv them know because there are plenty of other games developers out there i can give my custom to and i might just do that. these people disapoint me very badly
I am so mad, why won't they just make another game with Clem, please telltale I am begging you to make more clementine games they are amazin… moreg.
Every one of my friends ore dying for it, and you guys left us on a cliff hanger. Does Clem ever see Kenny again if she does to Wellington what happens to Clem and A.J.
But you see Lily and Kenny and Christa mean something to me because I've played the games. People who haven't read the comics that much ahead like me don't know the character enough to feel interested in playing a game about her, especially if it's required reading so far ahead in the canon. I'm not negative, just disappointed that TT chose to suit the comic and TV show fans before the game fans.
Yeah well..As usual you cannot possibly please everyone.. especially the negative Nancys, but I for one am impressed by the fresh news this … moremorning. I believe Michonne is one of the best Walking Dead characters from the show and comic. Her mysterious background would make for a potentially excellent prologue story if it is done masterfully. Just praying that none of the writers of season 2 will be involved with it except for maybe Brecken and Shorette. I applaud Telltale and Kirkman for the first time since season 1 of the game for going this clever route. I think to play as Michonne would be at least 100X times more interesting than playing as Christa, Kenny, Lilly, Jollene, Duck, those S2 Raccoons, Maybelle the cow, random Bandit #4 and all these other ridiculous B.S. characters combined that were brought up over time as possible candidates for the DLC which I'd hope were just bad cornball jokes...perhaps there is some hope for season 3.
put it this way im already waiting for 2 games to be released this year anyway which are UNTIL DAWN and EVERYBODYS GONE TO THE RAPTURE so ra… morether than buy c*** like this ill save my money and buy these game that are worth buying. if telltale games keep up doing this kind of thing im going to walk away and never buy their games again and thats me telling them straight. i thought telltale games were the best but now i beg to differ because if im not happy ill letv them know because there are plenty of other games developers out there i can give my custom to and i might just do that. these people disapoint me very badly
This game should be a standalone title, not a S2 DLC. It have nothing to do with the game, and probably aren't going to influence in nothing... '-'
I'm still disappointed, but I will play it anyway.
When you say Michonne is cold and brutal on the outside, it sounded like that many people in the series hates her. And I suppose this miniseries is going to feature a HUB in each episode? You know, as a way to acknowledge a part of season 2's criticism.
I agree that the fact you need episode 1 of season 2 to be able to play this could coincide with Christa's disappearance. This could explain what happened at the river where Pete, Clem and Nick were attacked by walkers. We never found out what happened to the people there, as the guy you chose to give (or not) water to didn't say anything.
As for it having a tie in season 3 when it comes around, well, that remains to be seen. I have strong hopes that somebody we know from this DLC will appear in season 3, even if its just for a moment to speak to the protagonist of season 3
You must consider Telltale is much bigger nowadays than 3 years ago.
All of the show characters that appeared so far on Telltale's Game of Thrones were voiced by their respective actor. They also have big names like Nolan North, Laura Bailey and Troy Baker for Tales.
Plus, if Skybound was willing to put more money in this series than in Season 1 and 2, then I think we're in for a great ride, definitley better than Season 2 and probably on par with Season 1.
That's what I was thinking. There are a lot of unanswered questions in "All That Remains": what happened between the end of Season 1 and the beginning of Season 2, the 16 month time skip, Christa, Winston featuring The Scavengers, the dead group by the river, the guy we gave water to, the cabin groups past, I can probably go on. The only thing I really want to know is where does Michonne's break from the comic relate to the timeline of Season 2. This will determine what from Season 2 can be incorporated into the game (if something from Season 2 is incorporated).
I agree that the fact you need episode 1 of season 2 to be able to play this could coincide with Christa's disappearance. This could explain… more what happened at the river where Pete, Clem and Nick were attacked by walkers. We never found out what happened to the people there, as the guy you chose to give (or not) water to didn't say anything.
As for it having a tie in season 3 when it comes around, well, that remains to be seen. I have strong hopes that somebody we know from this DLC will appear in season 3, even if its just for a moment to speak to the protagonist of season 3
sorry people and telltale staff but no way im buying this one not for any amount of money. i hate mini series never have liked them im truly… more very disapointed in your guys and you make it all out to be so exciting well im sorry this doesnt WOW me or inpress me no sale on this one sorry guys
By that I think it means that it will just be an addition to Season 2 instead of its own separate game. So in order to play it, you need to have Season 2 in some way, whether it's the first episode or all 5, in order to play the additional content.
Am I the only one who didn't overlook this line of info?
You'll need at least the first episode of The Walking Dead: Season Two in ord… moreer to play The Walking Dead: Michonne...
This one line has me excited more than the actual announcement. I wonder what they will be using from Season 2 in the Michonne story.
put it this way im already waiting for 2 games to be released this year anyway which are UNTIL DAWN and EVERYBODYS GONE TO THE RAPTURE so ra… morether than buy c*** like this ill save my money and buy these game that are worth buying. if telltale games keep up doing this kind of thing im going to walk away and never buy their games again and thats me telling them straight. i thought telltale games were the best but now i beg to differ because if im not happy ill letv them know because there are plenty of other games developers out there i can give my custom to and i might just do that. these people disapoint me very badly
I know Telltale confirmed that this wouldn't focus on game characters we already know, but I think they'll tie something in with Christa considering they said you need to play the first episode.
It's a cool idea and all, but seriously, what's the point? What impact are our choices REALLY going to have in the future? None. The answer is none. Since this game is canon to the comics, the storyline is going to stick to the comics. Our choices aren't going to matter at all, thus taking away the point of Telltale's games.
"Your actions will have consequences." Right.
Eh, I really wish they would stick to original stories or atleast focus on a character who's not all over the comic. In my opinion, this is like the Walking Dead game that was about Reedus' character, but only with fantastic writing and execution. Regardless, i'll still play this and be excited for it.
I will play this, but I don't have high hopes that it will come close to approaching the level of emotional attachment that was present in the first two seasons. Prove me wrong, Telltale, I hope you know what you're doing.
As someone who reads the comics, I'm excited about this since we don't know why Michonne left both Ezekiel and Rick and went on her own for, quite possibly, months at a time. This mini series will give us much needed insight as to what happened to her, and some of the events that may have happened at Alexandria, The Kingdom, and The Hilltop during the 2 year time skip. It may not have an impact on Season 3, but for fans of the comic, it's a must buy. And besides, before The Walking Dead, Telltale never made choice based games, it was due to the success of TWD that they continued making their games choice based.
It's a cool idea and all, but seriously, what's the point? What impact are our choices REALLY going to have in the future? None. The answer … moreis none. Since this game is canon to the comics, the storyline is going to stick to the comics. Our choices aren't going to matter at all, thus taking away the point of Telltale's games.
"Your actions will have consequences." Right.
I was wondering that too. I'm happy I got the PS3 version in a sale recently after playing through the first two seasons on the Vita when they came out originally. The downside is that I moved to another platform for which support might be dropped. If Season 3 is not released on last-gen consoles anymore and I can't transfer my save, I'll be disappointed.
It's strange that this isn't stand-alone by the way. Generally, it seems like companies are actually moving towards DLC working on its own (see the Infamous DLC, Assassin's Creed: Freedom Cry, Far Cry: Blood Dragon, etc.), so it seems like a no-brainer for this.
The thing you're neglecting is, since this is the same as the game universe, it's highly likely we'll meet someone from the game. And since … morethe time skip coincides with the time after Omid died, and when Christa and Clementine get separated, it's highly we'll meet them as well. We might figure out what happened to Christa's baby.
This is great news!
I read the comics and after the war and No Michonne then I wonder and ask myself 'where is she?' I would wait patiently for each issue so I can read Michonne grand entrance sometimes I couldn't help myself and would quickly flipped through it before reading bracing myself with excitement/relief or disappointing wonder but she is back and better than ever.
Seriously why not tell her story, She has been gone for two years!!
How are choices going to matter in this mini-series if we already know the end result.. Who cares if this person lives or dies based on our decisions because we already know who is around when she is with the rick's group..
Unless.. based on our decisions.. the characters met have an impact on clementine's return.. ?? So it is in essence.. an expanded dlc.. Where michon's choices on her character don't matter so much.. but rather.. the result of her choices for others and who will be there upon clementine's return.. and how they will be?? hmm.. that is the only way i can see this being worth it..
Unless this is just a sneak peak into her past and nothing more.. in which case.. choices don't matter at all.. Not very telltale of them..So hopefully this isn't the case.
I guess Michonne will appear in season 3, hopefully with Clem as protagonist.
Three episodes according to the reveal blurb.
No, we won't since Telltale said that it won't be related in any way to their previous games. In other words - we won't meet Clementine, Christa, Kenny or any other characters from Season 1, 400 Days or Season 2.
Why not for PS Vita? -.-
Read description of this thread - 3 episodes.
Yeah well..As usual you cannot possibly please everyone.. especially the negative Nancys, but I for one am impressed by the fresh news this morning. I believe Michonne is one of the best Walking Dead characters from the show and comic. Her mysterious background would make for a potentially excellent prologue story if it is done masterfully. Just praying that none of the writers of season 2 will be involved with it except for maybe Brecken and Shorette. I applaud Telltale and Kirkman for the first time since season 1 of the game for going this clever route. I think to play as Michonne would be at least 100X times more interesting than playing as Christa, Kenny, Lilly, Jollene, Duck, those S2 Raccoons, Maybelle the cow, random Bandit #4 and all these other ridiculous B.S. characters combined that were brought up over time as possible candidates for the DLC which I'd hope were just bad cornball jokes...perhaps there is some hope for season 3.
put it this way im already waiting for 2 games to be released this year anyway which are UNTIL DAWN and EVERYBODYS GONE TO THE RAPTURE so rather than buy c*** like this ill save my money and buy these game that are worth buying. if telltale games keep up doing this kind of thing im going to walk away and never buy their games again and thats me telling them straight. i thought telltale games were the best but now i beg to differ because if im not happy ill letv them know because there are plenty of other games developers out there i can give my custom to and i might just do that. these people disapoint me very badly
You do know there will be a Season 3 right, this is just something to hold us over.
But you see Lily and Kenny and Christa mean something to me because I've played the games. People who haven't read the comics that much ahead like me don't know the character enough to feel interested in playing a game about her, especially if it's required reading so far ahead in the canon. I'm not negative, just disappointed that TT chose to suit the comic and TV show fans before the game fans.
I'm trying to figure out if you just censored "crap" here, or if this is a much worse word that I didn't even know exists
Am I the only one who didn't overlook this line of info?
This one line has me excited more than the actual announcement. I wonder what they will be using from Season 2 in the Michonne story.
When you say Michonne is cold and brutal on the outside, it sounded like that many people in the series hates her. And I suppose this miniseries is going to feature a HUB in each episode? You know, as a way to acknowledge a part of season 2's criticism.
I agree that the fact you need episode 1 of season 2 to be able to play this could coincide with Christa's disappearance. This could explain what happened at the river where Pete, Clem and Nick were attacked by walkers. We never found out what happened to the people there, as the guy you chose to give (or not) water to didn't say anything.
As for it having a tie in season 3 when it comes around, well, that remains to be seen. I have strong hopes that somebody we know from this DLC will appear in season 3, even if its just for a moment to speak to the protagonist of season 3
2 Years
You must consider Telltale is much bigger nowadays than 3 years ago.
All of the show characters that appeared so far on Telltale's Game of Thrones were voiced by their respective actor. They also have big names like Nolan North, Laura Bailey and Troy Baker for Tales.
Plus, if Skybound was willing to put more money in this series than in Season 1 and 2, then I think we're in for a great ride, definitley better than Season 2 and probably on par with Season 1.
That's what I was thinking. There are a lot of unanswered questions in "All That Remains": what happened between the end of Season 1 and the beginning of Season 2, the 16 month time skip, Christa, Winston featuring The Scavengers, the dead group by the river, the guy we gave water to, the cabin groups past, I can probably go on. The only thing I really want to know is where does Michonne's break from the comic relate to the timeline of Season 2. This will determine what from Season 2 can be incorporated into the game (if something from Season 2 is incorporated).
You're repeating yourself
By that I think it means that it will just be an addition to Season 2 instead of its own separate game. So in order to play it, you need to have Season 2 in some way, whether it's the first episode or all 5, in order to play the additional content.
Could you please refrain from posting 3 comments on a thread which basically say the exact same thing? Thanks.
I know I techincally just did, but like c'mon we get it, you hate the idea.
What? No more Guessing?!
Yeah, that means it's a DLC.
You don't need to play the first episode, you only need to have it installed, which means the Michonne thing is a DLC.
woah!! i did not expect that, i like michonne, so this should be cool
It's a cool idea and all, but seriously, what's the point? What impact are our choices REALLY going to have in the future? None. The answer is none. Since this game is canon to the comics, the storyline is going to stick to the comics. Our choices aren't going to matter at all, thus taking away the point of Telltale's games.
"Your actions will have consequences." Right.
Eh, I really wish they would stick to original stories or atleast focus on a character who's not all over the comic. In my opinion, this is like the Walking Dead game that was about Reedus' character, but only with fantastic writing and execution. Regardless, i'll still play this and be excited for it.
I will play this, but I don't have high hopes that it will come close to approaching the level of emotional attachment that was present in the first two seasons. Prove me wrong, Telltale, I hope you know what you're doing.
what about Clem?...
No Clementine, Lee or Kenny? I could get behind a Michonne game, but I liked the game characters. I already get my Michonne fix from the show.
As someone who reads the comics, I'm excited about this since we don't know why Michonne left both Ezekiel and Rick and went on her own for, quite possibly, months at a time. This mini series will give us much needed insight as to what happened to her, and some of the events that may have happened at Alexandria, The Kingdom, and The Hilltop during the 2 year time skip. It may not have an impact on Season 3, but for fans of the comic, it's a must buy. And besides, before The Walking Dead, Telltale never made choice based games, it was due to the success of TWD that they continued making their games choice based.
They already said this mini series will not have any tie in to already known game characters, so Clem will not be involved with this.
I really looking forward to playing this but, where is the Vita Version?
I was wondering that too. I'm happy I got the PS3 version in a sale recently after playing through the first two seasons on the Vita when they came out originally. The downside is that I moved to another platform for which support might be dropped. If Season 3 is not released on last-gen consoles anymore and I can't transfer my save, I'll be disappointed.
It's strange that this isn't stand-alone by the way. Generally, it seems like companies are actually moving towards DLC working on its own (see the Infamous DLC, Assassin's Creed: Freedom Cry, Far Cry: Blood Dragon, etc.), so it seems like a no-brainer for this.
The games aren't canon to the comics. This has been confirmed before.
Cool! But, do you need to have read the comics to understand what is going on? I've only seen the show, and after reading this, I'm kinda lost...
I'm not too confident about this, I mean I can get behind it but I'm not sure about it.

This is great news!
I read the comics and after the war and No Michonne then I wonder and ask myself 'where is she?' I would wait patiently for each issue so I can read Michonne grand entrance sometimes I couldn't help myself and would quickly flipped through it before reading bracing myself with excitement/relief or disappointing wonder but she is back and better than ever.
Seriously why not tell her story, She has been gone for two years!!
I'm not sure how I feel about this..
How are choices going to matter in this mini-series if we already know the end result.. Who cares if this person lives or dies based on our decisions because we already know who is around when she is with the rick's group..
Unless.. based on our decisions.. the characters met have an impact on clementine's return.. ?? So it is in essence.. an expanded dlc.. Where michon's choices on her character don't matter so much.. but rather.. the result of her choices for others and who will be there upon clementine's return.. and how they will be?? hmm.. that is the only way i can see this being worth it..
Unless this is just a sneak peak into her past and nothing more.. in which case.. choices don't matter at all.. Not very telltale of them..So hopefully this isn't the case.