Is anyone else happy about the Michonne telltale game?
People are just mad their favorite characters are not staring in this game. This game should be great, like season one of telltales the walking dead. The story should most likely be better then season 2 of the walking dead game.
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well.. yeah. most of us prefer to play characters we like
You still don't have to troll. We don't even know how good the story will be.
Not everyone has to like the news. Voicing your opinion isn't trolling.
There still could be a character from Season 1 or 2 in this game, Molly or a character that reanimated. It would make sense if Molly was with Michonne, they are really similar. I would expect at least one easter egg/reference.
Soooooo hyped for this series!! Looking forward to my pet zambies
I'm really looking forward to it, no doubt it's going to be good.
Awesome telltale writers + Awesome comic book character = Formula for success
I don't blame them. They are supposed to focus on the game characters and maybe some comic references. I honestly just want to see how this goes.
I'm actually kinda glad that this DLC is unrelated to Clementine's story. I was looking forward to getting to play Clementine sooner, but since 400 Days didn't impact S2 like I thought it would, I'd rather the DLCs have nothing to do with the main story and just gives us something to occupy our time until the actual seasons are released
While I was a lil disappointed that we didnt get any DLC about Kenny or Christa or Lilly, I'm still happy they announced this, because of the fact that I love Michonne and its good to be playing someone else for a change.
I'm looking forward to it! Originally I was thinking they'd do a DLC on some less-known comic book character, but I love Michonne so I'll take it! One of the downsides is that she is indeed quite well-defined as a character, but I'm sure the story of where she went during that comic gap could be really great. I bet that if people who aren't a fan of Michonne give this game a try, there'll be plenty more dramatic situations TT can put Michonne in, and plenty more emotions we see from her that might convince some people that Michonne's character isn't so uninteresting with her having just the "same expression" all the time (she's plenty emotional in the show at least, gosh. Not sure what people are talking about.)
Not to mention the users on this forum can be incrediblyyyyyyy fickle when it comes to liking/hating characters. A lot of people hated Nick/Rebecca in their first appearances and then loved them by the end of season 2. Then people didn't trust Bonnie, then loved Bonnie and Mike in "Amid the Ruins" with that silly raccoon-scene, and then hated both of them by the end of the season. And TT is able to make half their fans love Kenny and half hate him. So TT can definitely make a character endearing if they want to.
I'm sure it'll be awesome but really I'm just elated that it's not a Kenny DLC.
I Think it will be cool, and i always love getting side content, like 400 days
I'm not very excited, but i always enjoy telltale games, so i know it would be the first time i didn't like one of their games lol. But idk, playing michonne sounds boring.
She has zombies on leashes and she wields a katana. How is that boring? Lol
good point xD. Thing is that it's a character with a personality that's already there, and we can guess what will happen before playing, EX:she will probably lose someone special and end up with rick's group if it's prequel.
I like Michonne. I just don't want to play as her because it seems sorta pointless. I also didn't like any of the comic characters they've introduced in the game before so I'm a little doubtful.
I'm definitely excited. I love the comics, and I think some light shined on Michonne will be awesome. She's a very complex character, and I can't wait to play this mini-series.
Its not a prequel the blog post says
The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Games Mini-Series stars the iconic character from the comic book series haunted by her past and coping with unimaginable loss and regret. The story explores her untold journey during the time between issues #126 and #139. Through this Telltale Games mini-series of 3 episodes, players will discover what took Michonne away from Rick, Ezekiel, and the rest of her trusted group… and what brought her back.
You can expect to see the premiere this fall on PC/Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360, and compatible iOS and Android-based devices. You'll need at least the first episode of The Walking Dead: Season Two in order to play The Walking Dead: Michonne, but we'll have more info on that for you closer to the premiere date.
So why did we choose Michonne for Telltale's first-ever mini-series? Robert Kirkman and Telltale's own Kevin Bruner can tell you more...
"In many ways, Michonne herself is a reflection of the world of The Walking Dead. She is brutal and cold on the outside, but deep beneath what is broken, she remains hopeful, trying to claw her way out of the darkness that surrounds her," said Robert Kirkman, creator of The Walking Dead. "In our effort to bring the world of the comic and the world of the Telltale series closer together, there is no greater character than Michonne to help bridge that gap."
"Michonne's complexity and range make her an ideal lead for the compelling interactive drama fans have come to expect from Telltale," said Kevin Bruner, Co-Founder and CEO of Telltale Games. "With this mini-series, players will experience Michonne's challenges first-hand, and the choices they make will shape her journey. We're incredibly honored by Robert for the opportunity to share this untold story in The Walking Dead universe."
As ever, stay tuned to Telltale Games on Twitter, Facebook, and right here on the blog for the latest updates as they happen!
True dat @GiantKiller
oh i would be ok not knowing what happened in that gap, and i won't play it for michonne, but hell yeah i'll play it cuz telltale is awesome. I just hope this won't take long to come out, come on, they didn't even finish Tales, game of thrones, minecraft and that marvel project, i'd be happier with TWAU season 2
I'm sure it will be great but I'm not hyped for it and don't see the point of it. I like Telltale because they do their own thing in the universe with their own cast of characters, I guess I'll still buy it but I'm still not seeing the point it has zero to do with the story they have told in the Walking Dead.
I'm excited about it, when they first hinted that they where going to make some DLC i expected it to be something more related to the game but i am still interested as i like and read the comics and it will be interesting seeing what happened to Michonne while she was away.
I can understand some peoples hesitations as not everyone has read the comics as i would probably be a little bit disappoint if i know nothing about them but hopefully Telltale can make it so that it's not too confusing for non comic readers.
Michonne is one of the best characters in this series. I'm so happy to get to now her more and try to connect with somebody that has been there forever but we don't know much about her.
1) It is a mini-series that will have no tie in with season 3
2) Michonne's character has already been established and progressed.. We know what happenes..
3) It is a snapshot into what happened during that gap
Conclusion.. An easy, safe, story where choices don't matter.
Self Advice.. Wait for a clip of it to go on youtube if your desperate to know what happened/look it up.. Time would be wasted as you accomplish nothing by playing this..
EDIT: Sad cause I would of liked her decisions to have some impact on the characters she meets from which could be brought into season 3.. Their personality and who is there or not.. depends on choices made as michonne.. Thusly making this an awesome dlc.. But.. Nope.. They took the safe road.. an easy safe story where choices don't matter.. Kind of not very telltale.. A step back..
It may have references to our beloved game characters or maybe will have some game characters in it. I think it would be a great game for the fans of the comic, but also a great game for the fans of the game. I mean, you have to have at least eisode 1 from S2 so maybe we'll see Christa meeting Michonne after she escped the bandits??! It's just a suggestion BUT I think that there will be some refernces to Clementine's story
And for all it matters, Michonne is indeed my favorite character from the game and the show so for me it's just awesome that Telltale is making a game about her.
I like Michonne, my third favourite character of the TV Show. But what I care is to see if this game is well freaking written.
I'm just happy Clementine isn't in it
Well apparently they said there will be no tie in with the already established game.
I love Telltale and Michonne SO MUCH!
Nah I'm just mad it's not new characters and comic book readers already know how her story ends.
Excited? Nope.
Now that I have learnt that this mini series has nil impact on either Season Two or the forthcoming Season Three, then I see no point whatsoever.
It just doesn't make sense to have Michonne, or indeed any character from the TV series or comics. Yes I know we had Hershel and Glenn, but they were so minor, it barely counts.
Telltale have a huge list of characters in their own right, that they could have used. From what I know of this Michonne, she's pretty one dimensional anyway. Slashes Walkers, tortures Governor, gets raped a few times and oh yes, has pet Walkers. Hmmmmmm very exciting(!)
Yea, it has a point to comic fans and Michonn fans. Selfish people are need help.
She is not one dimensional. "Gets raped a few times" does not define the character.
I hope she ends up with Kenny walker. That would be awesome...finally to see Kenny being useful.
It won't. Telltale already said that this mini-series won't be related in any way to Season 1, 2 or even 3. In other word, no - there won't be any character from the previous games, like Molly.
Because obviously that's what defines her
No new characters? The only one who's confirmed is michonne. Why are people acting as if she's the only character?
Not interested TBH, IMO there is no point to play a story that has NOTHING to do with the original story, after the three episodes or however long it is, its over. I remember how everyone felt when the DLC characters were pretty much tossed away at S2, its pretty much the same feels for me. I would rather play TWAU: S2 than this.