Unpopular opinions thread



    1. I like Jane. I think she's badass.
    2. Sarah is the worst character in season 2
    3. I don't like Nate
    4. I like Jane more than Kenny
    5. I hate Nick and I'm glad he died
    6. I cried when Ben died
    7. I've never liked Mike
    8. Season 2 could have been better than season 1 but it wasn't.
    9. Vince was the best character in 400 days
  • edited June 2015

    -I think that Luke and Nick are waaaaaaaay overrated but I don't hate them tho.
    -The same goes for Kenny
    -I wish that Christa came back instead of Kenny
    -I wish that Kenny fell in the frozen lake instead of Luke
    -And the fight would be between Jane and Luke (unexpected plot twist)
    -Carver was a douchebag, but be honest, he was a good leader considering his camp had A LOT of supplies and didn't get overrun/pillaged yet.
    -I didn't trust Bonnie ever since she first appeared in episode 2 and in the end, I was totally right.

    This is what I could come up with right away but I'm sure I still have some other unpopular opinions.

  • 1) I chose to save Pete instead of Nick even though I thought Nick was a better character

    2) I liked Sarah better than bonnie or Mike

    3) I liked the effect of 400 days on season 2, If they had made it all about the 400 days characters it would have been too complicated and would have distracted from Clems story

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  • edited June 2015

    I'm more hyped for Dishonored 2 than the Michonne mini-series.

  • I, I really wanted prequel DLC's, and to see the cabin group one more tiiiime!

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  • Clementine kept Season 2 from falling apart

  • edited June 2015

    I really liked Duck and his death saddened me a lot.

    I didn't like Crista since the first second I saw her and I'm glad she wasn't around in the second season.

    So many people hate Ben, Nick and Sarah because of subconscious understanding of the fact, that if the apocalypse did started they would've been just as useless.

    Rebecca and Sarita are my favourite characters from the second season, and, in my opinion, really underrated.

    Telltale wanted us to hate Troy. It irritates how we didn't get to know anything meaningful about him, though, judging by some small details, his character had potential. The fact, that he saved Clem's life was forgotten too easily and Jane murdering him in brutal and pointless way was one of the reasons for my strong disrespect towards her.

    Mike is one of my favourite characters from the whole game. He is the type of guy I'd like to survive with.

    I don't hate Arvo and think that he was actually well-written and most of his deeds were justified, though certainly not good (and this has nothing to do with me being russian myself).

    Though in "No going back" Bonnie really made me angry a couple of times, I don't hate her and totally understand her emotions, especially considering her past.

    Choosing between Dany and Justin was one of the most heartbreaking moments in the whole game for me.

    I ship both Lee X Carley and Lee X Molly. I just can't choose.

    The idea of DLC about Michonne is FREAKING AWESOME.

  • As someone with "resting bitch face" (aka flat affect or blunted affect, look it up... I was actually diagnosed with it by my doctor when I was also diagnosed with depression) your last two pictures of Clem and Lee are no where near what flat affect is. Clem looks neutral (maybe a tiny bit sad) and Lee, if anything, just looks very sad.

    I actually had someone tell me that I looked like I was going to murder someone when I was actually feeling completely neutral that day for once during my depression episode. Even teachers "joked" about me shooting up the school. Yeah... wasn't very funny to me....

    Sorry, I had to vent, too. :-/

    Yo-da-Man posted: »

    Clementine was not emotionless in season 2 She was just reserved Just like Lee P.S: I am sorry for making this post too big. I had to vent somewhere. Have a good day

  • ^^^ This. Lilly was the first character I thought of, too. Mine looked waaaay worse, though.

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    The moment I realised we would never get to see the cabin group again, my dreams for Season 2 redeeming itself were crushed.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I, I really wanted prequel DLC's, and to see the cabin group one more tiiiime! OH MY GAWD CHRISTAAAA!!!!!!

  • If I offended you in anyway I apologize. Before reading your post I assumed that the "Resting Bitch Face" was just a neutral facial expression that everyone has. After I read your post I did some research and I found out I was wrong. To make amends for making that error I decided to edit my post and use a different context that isn't offensive instead using a context that is misconceived or insensitive.

    And about those teachers...I hope they lose their tenure for saying that shit.

    As someone with "resting bitch face" (aka flat affect or blunted affect, look it up... I was actually diagnosed with it by my doctor when I

  • No, it's fine. I didn't know it existed either until I got diagnosed with it at 15 years old. I just wished more people knew about it and don't automatically write us off as assholes who want to hurt people (not saying you did, but a lot of people do).

    About the teachers, nope they definitely didn't even though I took it up with the principal. One flat out lied about how many times he "joked around" with me. I called him out on it in the principal's office and the other teacher in his own classroom when he "joked around" one too many times (he did it almost every day). I was beyond pissed. Y'all should've seen me, lol. I was angrily, but assertively, pointing my finger at his face while telling him that I was going through enough bullshit as it is. I didn't need some asshole teacher loudly saying that I was going to shoot up the school where everyone in the halls could hear him. I was/am basically Beware the Quiet Ones and Break the Cutie personified.

    Yo-da-Man posted: »

    If I offended you in anyway I apologize. Before reading your post I assumed that the "Resting Bitch Face" was just a neutral facial expressi

  • edited June 2015

    Clementine is the worst character in the walking dead season 2

    I'd rather have The Wolf Among Us dlc or a season 2 instead of the Michonne mini series or walking dead season 3.

    I liked Wolf Among Us more than the Walking Dead Season 1 and 2.

    Kenny is my favorite walking dead character

    Season 2 wasn't bad

    No Going Back was the best episode of the walking dead telltale has done.

    Edit: Sorry if I said any of these before.

  • I didn't cry...much...

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    The moment I realised we would never get to see the cabin group again, my dreams for Season 2 redeeming itself were crushed.

  • I dont dislike or like clementine I just find her irrelevant, whether shes in the game or not I dont mind

  • It's amazing how so many fans of this series are so passionate about their opinions about it. I am so glad I made this thread just to read you guys opinions on this amazing franchise. Thank you for all the attention it's been getting. Love you all! <3

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    JustinCage posted: »

    It's amazing how so many fans of this series are so passionate about their opinions about it. I am so glad I made this thread just to read you guys opinions on this amazing franchise. Thank you for all the attention it's been getting. Love you all!

  • Spoiler
    • Kirkman needs to stay far, far, far away from here. He would probably make the game resemble the comics.
    • I've watched part of the TV series, and read a few comics, and only the game makes TWD enjoyable.
    • Michonne mini-series. Why? TTG painted itself in a corner with the Mass Effect-type endings of Season 2, and the writers need time to plan a way out?
    • If most people want a specific VA or song for the game, they better prepared for longer delays. Licensing, adherence to domestic and international copyright laws, etc., will push back the release date.
  • Abandoning half the group without a scrap of food or transport just to leave an everyday asshole is a lot worse than being said everyday asshole.

    Provoking someone into a death fight is worse than getting provoked into a death fight.

    ....yeah, this is shots fired against the general opinion here and...sorry, the salt just won't go away.

  • The idea of DLC about Michonne is should be canceled, because it has nothing to do with anything other than being a standalone story. They should have been working on TWAU since last year.

    Arvo shot Clementine because he thought he killed his sister, don't really blame him for it.

    Jane was annoying, i felt like every story she told me was a lie. When someone tells you a story about them eating glass, and you don't see any scars, or whatever, i personally did not find it credible.

    Kenny - Didn't care for his I'm always right attitude, Kenny never knew when to keep his mouth shut. I am glad he is gone.

    Sarah- Sarah was a strange girl, other than the small things she did that was a little off, i felt for her, until TTG killed her off in episode 4, then i felt nothing.

    Alvin- I didn't know his name until he was dead.

    Rebecca - Couldn't stand her, and was hoping the game would change focus after exit of the pregnant lady.

    Luke- never really liked. His Mr Nice Guy routine got old quick. He left Nick to run off and die because he was too much of a coward to face his fears. Kenny was right about luke, you can't count on him for anything.

    Carver should of lived until the end of the season

    Walter was a better character than all of the cabin group.

    Sarita was such a ripoff of Katjaa, it was funny. What a bad character.

    One thing that really salts my biscuits, is when they leave the "unknown" in the game, why not just show Christa dead, why the secrecy. I hate that so much.

  • One thing that really salts my biscuits, is when they leave the "unknown" in the game, why not just show Christa dead, why the secrecy. I hate that so much.

    Yeah, I think they had plans for her to come back at some point, but now she was just thrown off I guess :l

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    The idea of DLC about Michonne is should be canceled, because it has nothing to do with anything other than being a standalone story. They

  • Yeah, I think they had plans for her to come back at some point, but now she was just thrown off I guess :l

    I hate the "lucky moments" because what is the point of character death, if certain characters can worm their way out, so in that way of thinking EVERYONE can be brought back to life, Lee , Carley, whoever because they got "really lucky."

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    One thing that really salts my biscuits, is when they leave the "unknown" in the game, why not just show Christa dead, why the secrecy. I ha

  • EVERYONE can be brought back to life, Lee , Carley, whoever because they got "really lucky."

    Yeah, especially Carley, just look at these eyes full of life. :P

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    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Yeah, I think they had plans for her to come back at some point, but now she was just thrown off I guess :l I hate the "lucky moment

  • New ones: I don't think Walking Dead is Telltale's best game, I hated Christa with a passion and was glad we left her within the first 15 minutes of the game, and I don't think Melissa Hutchinson (Clementine's VA) is that good, Clem sounded really emotional less and blank imo in season 2

  • Luckily before Carley got shot, she went into a another dimension and got lucky, that was a clone that she used to fake her death. She is still ALIVE.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    EVERYONE can be brought back to life, Lee , Carley, whoever because they got "really lucky." Yeah, especially Carley, just look at these eyes full of life. :P

  • i feel as if they added kenny so we'd be relatively happy

    Christa and/or Lilly shouldn't return in season 3. I like them both but it might just feel a little too convenient if we randomly run into them again like Kenny in season 2.

  • Single Mother

    Arctic0ne posted: »

    Imagine if Christa's baby was alive, Clem would have to take care of two kids at the same time

  • Tales From The Borderlands is more enjoyable than The Walking Dead: Season 2.

    Telltale should be working on some new TWAU material instead of the Michonne game.

    There should've been a choice to actually leave with Lilly and the RV in Season 1.

    I wish Lilly returned in Season 2 instead of Kenny.

    I didn't like Season 2's group or how Clem got tangled in their troubles with Carver. In S2 EP1, after Clem broke out of the shed and got the sewing supplies, we should've been given the option to leave into the woods.

    Arvo and his Russian crew should've never existed. It should've been Eddie and some 400 days characters instead.

    Clem should've ate the moth at the beginning of EP3.

  • I didn't like the idea of having five different endings. I was hoping that No Going Back would be more of a creepy and fucked up episode. I was hoping Wellington would just end up being a hoax and instead it's just an empty city.

  • Clem should've ate the moth at the beginning of EP3.

    That's not unpopular at all. Everyone thought the same thing ''I wanna eat that moth so bad''

    Tales From The Borderlands is more enjoyable than The Walking Dead: Season 2. Telltale should be working on some new TWAU material instea

  • Hahaha I thought I was the only one not wanting anything to do with the baby! My Clem was trying to avoid it til no end. Sadly she's now alone with it!

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I don't want anything to do with it.

  • I liked The Last of Us better than the walking dead

  • The conflict between Kenny and Lily was the only thing that I didn't like about Season 1. It was petty and wasteful. I'm glad it ended in episode 3 though


    I left mr parker or whatever his name was to die in the woods in s1 e2 (on purpose)
    I yelled at clem when she crawled in the doggie door in s1 e4 (on purpose,i got (?) Clementine feels hurt 2 times in that episode)
    I kept the last piece of food for me s1 e2
    I kept Ben Alive s1 e4
    When kenny was in the alley with ben and zombies started coming and kenny said ''go lee'' i said okay and not hell no
    I freed myself from the stranger's grasp and succeeded in choking him and then shot him while he was unconcious (a lot of people were helped by clementine who shot the stranger in the head while still concious)
    I liked s2 e1 (no one doesn't)
    I liked Carver

    Don't trust me in the apocalypse lol :)

  • Season 2

    • I'm not a big fan of S2 Clementine, and as of the end of Season 2 I have come to believe that making Clementine playable was a bad move, as I couldn't sympathise with her predicament due to her ridiculous strength and resilience.
    • Christa being permanently kicked out of the story is one of the biggest mistakes Telltale made. Eighteen months of caring for a girl singlehandedly at the behest of a dying man, and yet she's abruptly written out by the end of S2:EP1. She deserved better than that.
    • I don't believe Kenny's return was a mistake, but how he was glorified by the writers and handled throughout Season 2 was definitely a mistake. By the end of Season 2, I find Kenny to be one of the worst written characters of the cast.
    • Among the Cabin Crew, Sarah (and Nick to an extent) was the only character I liked, and the treatment of her character in Amid the Ruins just reeked of mean-spirited malice towards a disabled child and contributed nothing to the story.
    • The second half of Season 2 was when I believed that the story and character development dropped in quality and had no hope of improving afterwards. The first half shown potential, but all of it ended up lost during the middle of Episode 3.
    • Bonnie and Mike's 'betrayal' in Episode 5 was one of the most stupidest writing I've seen, and felt contrived and forced in order to create unnecessary drama. I even wanted to go with them since I was getting tired of the Kenny VD Jane drama after Luke's death.
      Arvo and his group turning out to be cliché Russian villains also felt very out of place in the game and ruined all hope that the game would be taken seriously.

    Season 1

    • I've always preferred Lilly over Kenny, even after the RV incident, and found her to be a better written and more interesting character in comparison. Nevertheless, I'd rather she would not return in Season 3 for fear of ruining her character and turning her return into a badly written revenge fan fic episode.
    • Though Larry was annoying, I didn't hate him due to understandable reasons since my player character was a murderer after all. I chose to save him, even after all the evidence that he wasn't going to be saved in the end.
    • I found Carley overrated and found Doug more interesting in comparison. Doug's character development was subtle but more engaging than Carley's romance with Lee.
    • Ben is one of the best written character in the series, due to inspiring both sympathy and frustration towards him due to being one of the biggest contributors to the group's downfall by his well-intentioned but boneheaded actions.
    • I don't care for Doug.
    • Ben's a fucking idiot.
    • Carlos is a shit father.
    • Mike...dammit, Mike. I used to think you was cool, bro!
  • I loved Amid The Ruins

    I like Season Two despite its flaws

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