Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about Tales From The Borderlands



  • I agree but it makes me curious how the original concept would look like.

    Oh my God, you're right - not a single scene from the "next times" ever happened - that is just crazy! Explains why they just gave up on

  • There's a mispelt file in Episode 3.


    Instead of cassius.

  • If you go to Hollow Point in Episode 2, Marcus will say, 'the price on her head had attracted all kinds of thugs and gunmen. You'd think that would have been the end of her, but hey you never know when a polite, reprogrammed, killing machine will drop in and save the day.'

    But if you go to Old Haven in Episode 2, Marcus will say ''the price on her head had attracted all kinds of thugs and gunmen, including a legendary Vault Hunter.....' Then something follows this which I have not been able to find. I didn't think to pause it when I saw it in the episode.

  • Still better than the preview for the second episode of TWAU.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Have we ever seen even a one scene from the preview trailer after the episode till this point?

  • Jack messed up.

    Somebody mixed up the mushrooms... Probably caused by Jack snorting mushrooms...

  • Some things I noticed on my third playthrough (AKA my Douchebag Playthrough)

    1. Rhys says this even if you have Dumpy - who's like 2ft away. He may not be able to talk, but he can still hear, Rhys! Awkward...
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    2. Vaughn used to be chubby and I need fan art ASAP:
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    3. What happens when you give a non-paralysed Vaughn new glasses:
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    4. But Rhys still manages to insult him (I'm beginning to understand why Vaughn has a complex about these things)...
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    5. Yeah, don't let a psychopath into your brain and then refuse to trust him, things get a little... Oedipus-y.
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    6. Fiona trying to play it 'cool':
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    7. This one's weird. In this playthrough I sold out Vasquez, so I never got the August reveal - and yet, both Sasha and Rhys seem to know that Vallory is his mother.
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    8. I think this is Jack apologising...
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    9. Cassius gets mad when Fiona insults his dead cat.
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    10. And I was worried about Jack ruining my chances? Smooth, Rhys - real smooth...
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    And finally - if you made Loader Bot self-destruct in the first episode but chose the Jack ending in ep 2 you aren't given the chance to apologise/fist bump! That only happens if Vaughn is paralysed (I actually replayed the entire scene because I thought I'd somehow missed it). So I guess that means Loader Bot still hates me in this playthrough? :(

  • Nice finds!

    But in that Cassius screenshot, he uh, he looks very scary. I am scared, so very scared... D:

    Some things I noticed on my third playthrough (AKA my Douchebag Playthrough) * Rhys says this even if you have Dumpy - who's like 2ft a

  • edited June 2015


    Although I'd expect that if you insult a beloved pet. Cats are still very loved in the far future.

    Kateis posted: »

    Nice finds! But in that Cassius screenshot, he uh, he looks very scary. I am scared, so very scared...


    Oh my God, you're right - not a single scene from the "next times" ever happened - that is just crazy! Explains why they just gave up on

  • I personally like the silent option as far as Jack 'kind of sort of' owning up to shooting your friends. Mostly because he's basically admitting to getting off on the sound of his own voice.

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    Some things I noticed on my third playthrough (AKA my Douchebag Playthrough) * Rhys says this even if you have Dumpy - who's like 2ft a

  • Yeah, similarly if you're completely on board with him and don't bring up him almost murdering everyone he brings it up himself and actually apologises!

    mirashade posted: »

    I personally like the silent option as far as Jack 'kind of sort of' owning up to shooting your friends. Mostly because he's basically admitting to getting off on the sound of his own voice.

  • Really? Anyone got screenshots of that? Most of the LPs seem to be of people who trusted Fiona, and the few that aren't don't pick that option.

    Yeah, similarly if you're completely on board with him and don't bring up him almost murdering everyone he brings it up himself and actually apologises!

  • edited June 2015

    When Vallory asks Fiona for a name of the person who's responsible, if you stay silent, she'll give a signal to the sniper who will shoot the ground in front of Fiona. Then she asks again. If you stay silent once again, the sniper will shoot Fiona.

  • Unfortunately it was my first playthrough so I didn't take screenshots, and I've yet to find someone else who made the same choice (where are all the Jack fan boys/gals?!)

    The_Duck posted: »

    Really? Anyone got screenshots of that? Most of the LPs seem to be of people who trusted Fiona, and the few that aren't don't pick that option.

  • Hmm... That's definitely going to make my silent playthrough difficult!

    Pipas posted: »

    When Vallory asks Fiona for a name of the person who's responsible, if you stay silent, she'll give a signal to the sniper who will shoot the ground in front of Fiona. Then she asks again. If you stay silent once again, the sniper will shoot Fiona.

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    This is the only proof I have but I'm pretty sure he says this no matter what (as long as you side with him), this is the part after the other part where he says sorry (mustn't have caught that screenshot, over 200 screenshots this episode and I didn't get the right one, oh well) but I never mentioned him shooting at everyone and he did bring it up himself twice and does apologise for it twice, that much I do know. But I do not have proof, argh. :(

    Unfortunately it was my first playthrough so I didn't take screenshots, and I've yet to find someone else who made the same choice (where are all the Jack fan boys/gals?!)

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    I choose this every time... :P But I didn't screencap, so these are from here: an LP by darthbennigan.

    Unfortunately it was my first playthrough so I didn't take screenshots, and I've yet to find someone else who made the same choice (where are all the Jack fan boys/gals?!)

  • What a freakin' sweetheart.

    Look at that genuine remorse, that is definitely - DEFINITELY not fake/all apart of his master plan of manipulation.

    :shifty eyes:

    I choose this every time... :P But I didn't screencap, so these are from here: an LP by darthbennigan.

  • If you picked Fiona, after Athena learns about Cassius, she yells "You lying, Atlas shit!" If you trusted Jack, she instead yells " You lying, Atlas scum!"

  • He also follows with this:
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    I love this exchange... Even if he's plotting to kill me the minute I outlive my usefulness, he's just so damn nice if you trust him on everything it's heartwarming. Maybe I'm a sappy idiot but I think Jack deserves to have someone be truly loyal to him for once.

    What a freakin' sweetheart. Look at that genuine remorse, that is definitely - DEFINITELY not fake/all apart of his master plan of manipulation. :shifty eyes:

  • I don't think it's sappy at all!

    I was already playing as a Jack loyalist, but when he said this it actually made me feel good about that decision.

    And I love that Jack corrects himself when he goes to call Rhys Kiddo and actually uses his real name because he'd earlier told him to stop calling him that. I was like, "Oh my God, he respects me! He's totally going to screw me over at some point, but for the time being HE RESPECTS ME!"

    He also follows with this: I love this exchange... Even if he's plotting to kill me the minute I outlive my usefulness, he'

  • I know, right? Jack actually heeded Rhys' request, and did it after he already got everything he wanted from Rhys at that point. Amazing... and kinda touching, actually. Those little things make me feel like Jack at least really enjoys having an ally in Rhys, and being friendly with him is not all a ruse to keep him from screwing Jack's plans. Sure, he might still sacrifice Rhys after he doesn't need him anymore, but I don't think he'll do it out of malice.

    I don't think it's sappy at all! I was already playing as a Jack loyalist, but when he said this it actually made me feel good about that

  • why would they do this, how does trusting fiona or jack even effect athena

    If you picked Fiona, after Athena learns about Cassius, she yells "You lying, Atlas shit!" If you trusted Jack, she instead yells " You lying, Atlas scum!"

  • Prepare to be astonished.

    If you trust Fiona, when Fiona does the chok-strangle thing to that bandit who said Gary was dead, Rhys will comment that he did that once. Fiona replies, 'I heard that didn't go so well' indicating Sasha told Fiona about Rhys' fail.

    Finch will ask Vallory if he can shoot hat girl, Fiona, even if she doesn't have a hat on.

    If you trust Fiona, she will be throwing cards at a paralyzed Vaughn in the intro. Trust Jack, and it'll be Fiona throwing cards at Rhys fixing Dumpy.

    Sasha steals those eggs in the intro song and makes a sandwich with an egg on it, which she was making in Atlas Mugged. On a side note she serves to it to Rhys and Athena, who have a pretty fun look about them.

    Loader Bot, if you trust Fiona and don't blow him up, when he's removing the rubble, asks why Vaughn was punished. Rhys can reply, 'Life isn't always fair', and LB will later say, 'Why must the universe punish the good?' which he repeated in Episode 1. Rhys replies 'Exactly' and LB 'Processing data. Data: Troubling'.

    Vaughn's Hyperion Echo-Spex's have a Scanning Fidelity of 1.21 Terraflops. In Atlas Mugged, the Storming Vexrunner, one of the caravan's designs, had a Flux Capacity of 1.21. Both of those are Back To The Future references, with 1.21 gigawatts for the Delorean.

    Sasha's normal googles are modified 'Peeping Dom'. Don't need to explain that.

    So when Rhys does the whole 'huh' thing, he appears to recognize where they are, hinting that we will visit that location in a future episode.

    Each episode has a bunch of lines about people's eyes. Let me know if I missed any.
    1. Echo Eye
    2. General Pollux's, Echo Eye
    3. Pollux's again, Vaughn's eyes, Echo Eye

    Cassius' full title is Doctor Cassius LeClemaine.

    A foreshadowing note. So when Athena asks Fiona/Sasha would she do if someone killed her sister. Sasha replies she would burn everything to the ground, and Fiona can reply she would kill them all. That has to be some foreshadowing note.

    When riding Loader Bot, choose to attack the machine gunner and LB will say this: 'Someone is a rude Gus' and will pick up the gunner. 'Welcome to the T-ball World Championship' and then Rhys hits the guy with his stun baton. 'Touchdown' is what he says once you hit the guy.

    In the intro, if Vaughn isn't paralyzed he and Rhys will be playing I think Pong on Vaughn's Retro Atlasio.

    Also, Sasha and Rhys will be fixing the caravan, and Scooter will be on Rhys' arm com, looking very creepy.

    If you trust Jack and accept his alliance (accept the alliance at least, I'm not sure if trust Jack is necessary), he asks what Rhys wants out of life. If you choose 'Crush my enemies', Rhys will say, 'Crush my enemies, see them driven before me...' and Jack will finish 'and hear the lamentations of their women! Ha! That's the stuff I wanna here.' It's a Conan the Barbarian reference, here:

    If Fiona say to the Stranger that he doesn't need of them, the Stranger says Gortys does, implying she's still active and in his possession.

    If you trust Jack, when you first get to the Dome, talk to Sasha and Vaughn as they stare at a plant. You can hear them talk about it if you wait a bit, mostly about Vaughn touching it. So talk to them, and Vaughn asks you to scan it to make sure it's safe to touch. A funny Jack-apedia comes up (which I hope to edit in later) and you get three choices after you finish scanning: [Walk away] which makes Vaughn touch it. [Don't touch it], not sure what that does, and [Go ahead, touch it] which Vaughn does and he gets all messed up, saying 'that won't come out' and Sasha and Rhys share a laugh.

    If you choose to go for August instead of the machine gunner, when you have the stun baton in front of the gunner, don't do anything and he will jump off the truck.

    If you don't kick the thing Sasha is holding onto on the truck, she will push herself off the side and hit the guy that was climbing up off.

    Don't roll when August gets you at gunpoint, and Rhys will be like 'Don't shoot! Don't shoot me please!' and he'll get into a fetal position. August will be like 'I feel weird shooting someone in a fetal position'.

  • It's funny how much Jack is playing the player. I mean sure, I'm sure you realize that your totally gonna get backstabbed, but the fact that you're happy to help the psychopath and feel like he's really trying to be your friend is really something. GG Jack and Jack's writers.

    I know, right? Jack actually heeded Rhys' request, and did it after he already got everything he wanted from Rhys at that point. Amazing...

  • I dunno.

    clap-tp posted: »

    why would they do this, how does trusting fiona or jack even effect athena

  • Well, the way that it's told. Rhys/Jack is all 'kill them' and Sasha is kind of reluctant when she says it if you trust Fiona.

    I dunno.

  • That´s probably why they put the Tektor scene in the Hyperion video because they cut that scene out but it has become too memorable to just ignore.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Have we ever seen even a one scene from the preview trailer after the episode till this point?

  • True, but I'd probably be willing to stick the stun baton in my eye if Jack told me to do it even if he was treating me like crap... I'm that much of a Jack doormat. So him being nice to me is a delightful bonus.

    I just find him so impressive I'll let him step all over me and enjoy it, if it helps him achieve his goals... whether they be world domination or getting a decent bag of pretzels. :P

    mirashade posted: »

    It's funny how much Jack is playing the player. I mean sure, I'm sure you realize that your totally gonna get backstabbed, but the fact that

  • [Don't touch it]

    Rhys tells Vaughn he'll be sticking to stuff for days, and Vaughn thanks Rhys for the heads up.

    Prepare to be astonished. If you trust Fiona, when Fiona does the chok-strangle thing to that bandit who said Gary was dead, Rhys will co

  • Well that's boring.

    AGentlman posted: »

    [Don't touch it] Rhys tells Vaughn he'll be sticking to stuff for days, and Vaughn thanks Rhys for the heads up.

  • edited June 2015

    If you trusted Jack at the end of episode 2 and wait long enough when moving the platform in the beginning of the episode 3 Jack will call Fiona cute when she shouts at Rhys to hurry.

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  • We should move this discussion over to the "Jack talk foreshadowing" thread, before it gets lost in here.D :

    Anyway, I will be really upset if Telltale makes your choices with Jack not matter by trying to pass off everything as him attempting to manipulate you. I mean, if you refuse to trust him on the roof, he gets angry and threatening. If you had trusted him previously, he actually seems hurt. Regardless, he mentions how he'd either thought they were friends or had been trying to figure out if they were

    I think being an AI has been good for Jack. It forces him to spend time with someone, while making it harder for him to alienate them, since he can't act on his every violent impulse. It also gives him plenty of time to think in the wake of his death, allowing him to show some growth and reflect on his life. Telltale can do something really amazing with his character, and I am so terrified it's gonna turn into another case of them messing up again.

    I know, right? Jack actually heeded Rhys' request, and did it after he already got everything he wanted from Rhys at that point. Amazing...

  • Yup.. I mean, I can talk Jack anytime, but it's late where I'm at and the 'foreshadowing' thread is probably the best place to do that without aggravating people, so hopefully see you there. (Or we should just make a dedicated Jack thread, or sth, idk.)

    The_Duck posted: »

    We should move this discussion over to the "Jack talk foreshadowing" thread, before it gets lost in here.D : Anyway, I will be really ups

  • Either or both is fine with me.: D

    I've made some Jack topics that never got much attention that should be on the first few pages as well, if you're interested.

    Yup.. I mean, I can talk Jack anytime, but it's late where I'm at and the 'foreshadowing' thread is probably the best place to do that witho

  • After LB clears the rubble for me it automatically went to the inside of the door o.O

    Thank you kindly, Sir Pipas

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    I just found this on tumblr, it's Loader Bot's age between Episode 2 and 3. Basically it's been 9 days since the group's been out on their road trip together.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited June 2015

    That's probably because you pulled the lever before clearing the rubble, you have to clear the rubble first.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    After LB clears the rubble for me it automatically went to the inside of the door o.O

  • Plus the previous day when they all met.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I just found this on tumblr, it's Loader Bot's age between Episode 2 and 3. Basically it's been 9 days since the group's been out on their road trip together.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I actually did mention this a few pages back, but thanks for the images.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I just found this on tumblr, it's Loader Bot's age between Episode 2 and 3. Basically it's been 9 days since the group's been out on their road trip together.

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