The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Didn't know there were so many Boy Scouts here, Kewl

    In my lodge the ordeal was the only labor thing I had to do, I did staff a few ordeals for the hell of it then got brotherhood, and I usually go to the fun stuff. I kind of left my troop, since my scoutmaster recruited a lot of "troubled kids" (drug use to disabilities, whatever you can think of he probably brought in) and a lot of guys either moved or aged out at around the same time so the new ones made the majority of the troop and after putting up with it for a while, I was tired of their shit so now I'm pretty inactive but I might join a new one, idk I have some time left but I do a lot of other stuff.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Another Eagle? Cool! OA wasn't really my cup of tea though. Seemed less like scouting's honor society and more like a labor-for-free society. I got my Brotherhood sash and pretty much fell off.

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    Thank you, thanks everyone who ever liked my comments:

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    9 more! Hopefully I can see it before I go to Boy Scout camp tomorrow till Saturday, so I'll be gone till then. By the way, earlier I des

  • I was playing Town of Salem to pass the time, and my game isn't done, so after it, then yes, sleep.

    Love you Hope <3

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    You are free to sleep

  • Lol my thread at the top of your feed


    Thank you, thanks everyone who ever liked my comments:

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited July 2015

    I'm singing to you Green,

    This is probably my last post, peace out guys! I won that Salem game (though I died as invest when we had the last mafia cornered because I she was being jailed so I investigated the other guy who was a veteran and killed me XD)

    And I will be playing A Nest of Vipers when I come back :D Elaena you better live

    Now onto sleep. Someone tell @LiquidChicagoTed and the Rhyshans I'm not dead!


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    Green613 posted: »

    Lol my thread at the top of your feed B]]]

  • Guys, I need advice please.

    I have applied for a really good job, working in the IT department for the government. The job is an apprenticeship, I get free entry into a college, to study IT, and I also go to my job as well. It's also a really good career opportunity for me, etc.

    (I know I might not be getting it in the first place, but it's nice to be confident that you will)

    Anyway, there is one downside. If I do get this job, I have to move out to Canberra, away from my friends and family, I will be by myself, now that is fine, however I don't know how I would go by myself, I like having people to talk to and stuff.

    If you could offer me any advice on this matter, it would be greatly appreciated.

  • Do it. Get money. Meet new people. Hook up with the attractive ones.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Guys, I need advice please. I have applied for a really good job, working in the IT department for the government. The job is an apprenti

  • The culture here just doesn't appeal to me. I don't give a f'ck about cricket, or AFL. People call Australia diverse, but I really don't see it. Australia is so saturated in it's own culture, which makes me feel sick because it really isn't interesting. I'm tired of being pressured to give a crap about sports, or this country's history. Australia, to me, promotes a certain way of doing things and ignores pretty much everyone else.

    How so?

  • lately i've been having tremors. and i notice it on hands.

    from what i've read, i may be prone to parkinson's....

    well fuck.

  • Do you have any way to contact your family and friends?

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Guys, I need advice please. I have applied for a really good job, working in the IT department for the government. The job is an apprenti

  • Better to get checked, however you're probably just being a bit hypochondriac.

    lately i've been having tremors. and i notice it on hands. from what i've read, i may be prone to parkinson's.... well fuck.

  • Yeah, I have a mobile phone, but I don't use it much.

    Do you have any way to contact your family and friends?

  • eh, im sure it's just tremors.

    and they get pretty noticeable when speaking in large crowds.

    kaleion posted: »

    Better to get checked, however you're probably just being a bit hypochondriac.

  • Well I used to do that almost every year (Last time was January of this year), I don't really mind leaving people behind and never even knowing anything about them again, however thanks to modern social media the only way to stop interacting is if either party wants to, it's not the same but it's something, also in my experience there are some friends that will go visit you even if you are really far away, though I admit those are quite rare.

    Then again I'm rather introverted and I like being by myself, I don't really feel lonely ever and I'm very emotionally detached as in even if someone considers me a good friend I don't even think of them as anything more than acquaintances so I might be rather terrible at giving advice in this matter as I've never had any anxieties or issues similar to your own and my empathy towards your situation is based entirely on guesswork.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Guys, I need advice please. I have applied for a really good job, working in the IT department for the government. The job is an apprenti

  • Anxiety ones?

    I used to get those whenever anyone touched me, I got over it a couple of years ago and I'm not really sure how, it just stopped bothering that way, though I still get annoyed when people touch me, specially hugs, I hate hugs most annoying thing that ever existed.

    eh, im sure it's just tremors. and they get pretty noticeable when speaking in large crowds.

  • Does anyone in your family have Skype or Facebook? You guys could do a meetup through those.

    As for talking to others, just let things unfold and see what happens.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Guys, I need advice please. I have applied for a really good job, working in the IT department for the government. The job is an apprenti

  • Paint crashed while I was working on my fantasy world map for my story. :(

  • Nowadays, it's a lot easier to remain in contact with friends and family even if you're hours away. You can call, text, email, Facebook, Skype, etc. that can help you stay in contact, so I'd say take the apprenticeship if you get it.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Guys, I need advice please. I have applied for a really good job, working in the IT department for the government. The job is an apprenti

  • Go for it!

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Guys, I need advice please. I have applied for a really good job, working in the IT department for the government. The job is an apprenti

  • How does paint crash? Was the map actual-sized?

    Paint crashed while I was working on my fantasy world map for my story.

  • "Neo, sooner or later you're going to realize just as I did that there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path." - The Matrix: Morpheus

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Me too but only if I really enjoyed them I did it for uncharted, tlou and killzone before A few days ago I played through tlou for the third time and this was my feel ^

  • This is awesome I completed the trilogy so many times :)

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Anyone here like Spyro?

  • That's a really big sacrifice to make this is a hard decision but rewarding I'd say go for it because if your want to come back your family and friends will always be waiting but if u miss this opportunity it might never come again say go for it

    Good luck in whatever decision you make :)

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Guys, I need advice please. I have applied for a really good job, working in the IT department for the government. The job is an apprenti

  • Do it! There comes a time when you need to strike out on your own and make a life for yourself. When I moved to where I am now, I didn't know anyone in the same time zone. Now I'm married to someone I met here. You will find people to talk to. Just saying you're new in town and would like to know more about what there is to do here will start a conversation with just about anyone.

    (And as others have said, there's Skype and stuff now.)

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Guys, I need advice please. I have applied for a really good job, working in the IT department for the government. The job is an apprenti

  • edited July 2015

    I did not shit on Teriesa's pillow! I did nawt! Oh hi, Mark. :)

    Okay, why not. I've been thinking of making my own GTA crew anyway. @Papai46 can join too. But two questions: How do I search you up on PSN and do you have PS3? I'm going to be on last gen for a long while still.

    And if anyone else wants to join my crew, fire away! Just know that the account I use is shared with my brother. On GTA he plays the male, I play the female. So you'll know the difference.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    great day and GTA sounds so awesome I'm getting it btw Markd4547 is my gamertag add me bruh

  • I have that game.

    I did not shit on Teriesa's pillow! I did nawt! Oh hi, Mark. Okay, why not. I've been thinking of making my own GTA crew anyway. @Papai4

  • edited July 2015

    The map was the biggest size for a canvas that Paint allows. It was on for a while as well. I'm gonna try it again today.

    EDIT: Sorry about the confusion. I was typing on my phone and didn't have time to word it better. What I mean is that I was using Paint (the program) to draw up a rough draft of a map of my fictional world as part of a story I'm doing on I'm getting the background and history drafted up before I start writing the actual story, for the sake of continuity. So I'm making a lot of artwork for it, to collect my thoughts and make sure this thing isn't all over the place.

    How does paint crash? Was the map actual-sized?

  • Do you have it on PS3 though? :?

    Oh... hey, @BigBlindMax and @NoHopeLeft, you wanna join too?

    I have that game.

  • Yes, I'm on PS3.

    Do you have it on PS3 though? :? Oh... hey, @BigBlindMax and @NoHopeLeft, you wanna join too?

  • Cool! If you want to join lemme know! I'll add ya once I get the whole crew set up. ;)

    Yes, I'm on PS3.

  • Sadly I'm on Xbox 360 so I won't be able to play, but I'm more than willing to join the crew if it's alright. :)

    Do you have it on PS3 though? :? Oh... hey, @BigBlindMax and @NoHopeLeft, you wanna join too?

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    ...Hide the scars to fade away the shake up. Duh.

  • Crap. :( Wait how can you still join the crew? I'm confused now.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Sadly I'm on Xbox 360 so I won't be able to play, but I'm more than willing to join the crew if it's alright.

  • I was under the impression you can join crews whether or not you're on the same platform.

    Of course I wouldn't be able to play you all, being on the 360 and all, but it's still possible to be a member of the crew. At least I believe so. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    Crap. Wait how can you still join the crew? I'm confused now.

  • No worries, InGen. I see the post. :D

    Have a great time!

    I'm singing to you Green, This is probably my last post, peace out guys! I won that Salem

  • My PSN name is klerold just put it on the friend invite and it should come to me.

    Crap. Wait how can you still join the crew? I'm confused now.

  • Only ps4 now

    I did not shit on Teriesa's pillow! I did nawt! Oh hi, Mark. Okay, why not. I've been thinking of making my own GTA crew anyway. @Papai4

  • Saw Ant Man. It was a damn good film. It really put me in a good mood.

  • Nice profile pic you got there m8

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Just this whole debate I 100% agree thank you @Shubbalubbadingdong this whole section made my day XD

  • Aw man. :(

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Only ps4 now

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