'A Nest of Vipers' Ending Discussion [MOD NOTICE: Thread contains Episode 5 spoilers]



  • I don't mind if the survivor dies as long as it is after he finished killing the Whitehills :T

    Though another child lord (and a much younger one this time) would be awful to House Forrester.

    JohnKersky posted: »

    I don't think the surviving brother will die in Episode 6. What kind of confrontation will be with Torrhen Whitehill without an adult Forres

  • Is that huge dude strong belwas from the books?

  • Ugh after actually playing the episode there is no win situation with that ending. Makes me want to go back maim Gryff and make Royland sentinel just to see the differences. I still think it's better having Rodrik stay behind even though it is freaking sad :(. Overall amazing episode episodes 4 and 5 have been awesome after the very rocky start of the first 3 episodes.

  • NO HISTORY? Motherfuckin Ludd forced Gregor to exile Asher to avoid open-war because of Gwyn and Ashers little love affair.

    In my eyes only Rodrik has the right to kill Ludd/Gryff as Asher doesn't have history with them like Rodrik does.

  • I don't see either of them dying in episode 6 (one is dead still lol). This will be the first time that our choices really shape an entire episode. Malcolm will be playable in Season 2. He has to be.

    JohnKersky posted: »

    I don't think the surviving brother will die in Episode 6. What kind of confrontation will be with Torrhen Whitehill without an adult Forres

  • The reason i think Asher's story is better is because Asher can marry Gwyn Whitehill and officially merge the houses together. After Asher flays the shit out of Ludd for causing everything.

    Harian96 posted: »

    Exactly - obviously the surviving brother is going to die in Episode 6 - but if Asher had to die I wanted him to make the ultimate sacrifice

  • edited July 2015

    I agree. Also seems like a waste for Asher to come all that way to die. Now he will be driven by revenge even more seeing his brother die, should make for an interesting scene with Ludd and Gwyn.

    Wigams posted: »

    NO HISTORY? Motherfuckin Ludd forced Gregor to exile Asher to avoid open-war because of Gwyn and Ashers little love affair.

  • I knew it was smart to have two saved games with different sentinels.

    Ugh after actually playing the episode there is no win situation with that ending. Makes me want to go back maim Gryff and make Royland sent

  • In my play through it was Rodrick who died and Asher who lives. It was not an easy choice to make. I truly respect Rodrick and wanted to see he and Lady Elaena have their happily ever after. However Asher was healthy and strong and had an army of pit fighters that answer only to him. He is also at heart a wartime leader. Maybe Rodrick is as well and maybe he would have been the logical choice for the reconstruction that comes after war... I dunno.

    My instincts told me Asher and he was the one I let live.

    My decision pains me greatly though...

  • I haven't played it yet, but I am going to have Rodrik stay behind. Asher finally returning to Westeros and then dying minutes later would be a cheap way for him to go, and besides the pit fighters will follow Asher and not Rodrik. It would be a better story, in my opinion, if the exiled Forrester ends up being the one to save the House and ruling as its Lord.

    I hope we get to tear Highpoint to the ground and kill every single Whitehill. They are cunts who need to be wiped out completely

  • I know thats a bit off the topic here but am i the only one that noticed that Gryff is perfectly fine in the ending even though i beat the shit out of him in episode 4?

  • While I see your point about killing Gryff with Rodrick, I would have to disagree about Asher dying making the most sense. This whole story has built up to Asher being this savior to the Forresters when he gets back to Westeros with his army. To me it doesn't serve the story justice for him to arrive and quickly die. The impact of Gryff looking down on a dead Asher with that smug look on his face means nothing compared to it being Rodrick. Rodrick in my mind got his happy ending by bedding (I forget her name). Her brother Arthur basically died because of his mistakes, this is where Rodrick makes his last stand while letting Asher take over.

    I feel like that's the more impactful moment that the story is going for. Asher dying in this spot to me loses the importance of it. This was a good place for Rodrick's story to end and for Asher to fully see what he's involved in and to want revenge.

    After replaying, I chose Rodrik at the end over Asher, but I'm going to stick with Asher. Asher sacrificing himself makes the most sense

  • Same....games logic?

    johnpas749 posted: »

    I know thats a bit off the topic here but am i the only one that noticed that Gryff is perfectly fine in the ending even though i beat the shit out of him in episode 4?

  • edited July 2015

    Quite funny actually.I mean think about this: In episode 1 if you choose Duncan as sentinel then royland is the traitor or the opposite so in that regard the choice matters.Beating up Gryff not at all.Very simple.Telltale logic.

    Killah posted: »

    Same....games logic?

  • Yeah, He returns with an eye, no scars,not injured, all fine.

  • I chose Asher, because of dat asher grin!

  • edited July 2015

    Pretty disappointed in how the story is progressing in Episode 5.

    My primary gripes:
    1. What is the point in crippling Gryff so he is removed as a major player if he recovers completely in a few days?
    2. How do the elite troops provided by the Glenmores get so easily captured? I took them with me to visit the Whitehills and we should have stormed in and filled Ramsay Snow with arrow holes when he was sitting alone in the hall.
    3. The determinant traitor was pretty lame as the reasons provided don't appear to outweigh decades of loyal service (and for Duncan the whole North Grove endeavour!).
    4. Sparing Duncan who promises to save Asher from an ambush leads to the eventual same outcome.


    Often the storylines have flaws but are so captivating that you willingly suspend disbelief (TWAU, Borderlands, TWD 1+2).

    However, the whole illusion of choice has the potential to fail miserably when everyone is railroaded into increasingly improbable scenarios.

    Edit: The traitor releases Gryff supposedly to prevent the trap for Asher. Trap still happens
    Traitor says sparing him will help avoid the trap for Asher. Trap still happens.

  • What kind of shitty excuse does Dany give if you followed her orders to the letter ?

  • she's much more friendlier and asher can even try to flirt with her. and she'll give him chest (not THAT chest, geez) full of gold bars so he could buy himself some sellswords.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    What kind of shitty excuse does Dany give if you followed her orders to the letter ?

  • Damn really? Might have to replay :3

    she's much more friendlier and asher can even try to flirt with her. and she'll give him chest (not THAT chest, geez) full of gold bars so he could buy himself some sellswords.

  • Oh damn don't like the girl neither in ASOIAF nor GOT but i guess that ain't so bad... Haha still would luv me sum milf of dragons chest ^^

    Yup might want to rewind it then, i'm sure Beskha can handle it

    she's much more friendlier and asher can even try to flirt with her. and she'll give him chest (not THAT chest, geez) full of gold bars so he could buy himself some sellswords.

  • Shit now even Gryff can screw us over with 20 good men and a thick plot armor... What is he gonna do next, fight shirtless ?!

  • No, because Strong Belwas is still in Meereen in the books. Although it might have been a subtle reference to him.

    JSully7 posted: »

    Is that huge dude strong belwas from the books?

  • edited July 2015

    You choose. Him or Rodrik. I chose Asher to die. Just... I'm really into Rodrik's storyline and I don't like Asher's one, so.. to me- the choice was clear. After all Rodrik is meant to rule the house, not a long exiled son from the East.

    Wait Does Asher seriously f***ing die?

  • Ramsay Said he would stay out of it. He also said that watching WhiteHills and Forresters tear each other apart would be more entertaining.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Shit now even Gryff can screw us over with 20 good men and a thick plot armor... What is he gonna do next, fight shirtless ?!

  • This decision wasn't even close for me. I saved Asher, he's been the most interesting/fun forrester out of the bunch to me.

  • Well, I don't think so. It's meant for Rodrik to rule this house, not the secondbor-long-exiled-son-coming-from-the-East with such a small 'army'. I saved Rodrik, because he is the only true lord of house Forrester. And yes, I will admit that I don't like Asher very much. Sorry.

    Smurfbate posted: »

    While I see your point about killing Gryff with Rodrick, I would have to disagree about Asher dying making the most sense. This whole story

  • My Rodrik will have his 'happily ever after'. I think that Rodrik is meant to rule this house and he is the only true lord of it, so to me- it was a clear choice ;) But it will be interesting to play the game all over again after next episode and then I will let Asher live, so I can play different episode 6. But I do really hope there'll season two with House Forrester.

    In my play through it was Rodrick who died and Asher who lives. It was not an easy choice to make. I truly respect Rodrick and wanted to see

  • He's the most interesting one yes - but I think canonically he would be the one to sacrifice himself to save the head of his family and House - to go out in an epic light, no longer the same brash Asher exiled to Essos, he redeemed himself ten times over at that moment - in a way his sacrifice made him even greater - he may be gone, but never forgotten - I didn't want to lose Asher and I wanted to continue with him but I couldn't let Rodrik die like this, not in front of Gryff's smug face while he's ironically killed in another Red Wedding style ambush... he survived one and I wasn't about to finish his story with another - he needs to be the one to put down the Whitehills once and for all.

    Sadly I think we all know Episode 6 will only be 1hr and 20mins long - too short - it could be rushed... it should be at least 1hr 30mins, if not more - to do justice to the story and make Asher/Rodik's sacrifice more meaningful.

    Jameson127 posted: »

    This decision wasn't even close for me. I saved Asher, he's been the most interesting/fun forrester out of the bunch to me.

  • edited July 2015

    UGH. This is like choosing between two babies of your own. I can't emotionally handle either of these outcomes! (I have frozen the game and have been staring at the screen in doubt for like 15 minutes now...)

    I think somehow saving Asher would make the most sense - it feels so wasted to let him die right after he's set foot back home after so long, and then it would be a very good arc to see him mature in leadership and not just warfare...but then again I really, really love Rodrik; he's been through so much to recover and come to terms with his wounds, and I can't stand to let him die like that (at Gryff's hands!! I so wish I had maimed the bastard now!), and especially after all those lovely scenes with Elaena.


  • i'd rather have rodrik sacrifice himself, after all, the entire episode talked about his 'bad' decisions, so i think it will be the best for him to go out in a blaze of glory.

    UGH. This is like choosing between two babies of your own. I can't emotionally handle either of these outcomes! (I have frozen the game and

  • Have Asher sacrifice himself, Rodrik survived the Red Wedding, if he's going to die, it should be better than this - Asher's story arc will end relatively bittersweet if you choose to leave him behind - he's arguably changed a little from the Asher we first saw - his sacrifice is both heroic and noble - and he's a natural fighter - if he has to die, let him die doing what he does best, fighting.

    Rodrik has a score to settle with the Whitehills.

    UGH. This is like choosing between two babies of your own. I can't emotionally handle either of these outcomes! (I have frozen the game and

  • edited July 2015

    I had Asher left behind. I gave him honorable death. OMG that scene... Beskha's reaction made me cry..

  • I don't want Rodrik to die so I'll have Asher stay behind but now I'm terrified of losing the support of the pit fighters - I hope there's a way they can follow Rodrik, they are to be paid after all - I don't want Asher's sacrifice to be in vain - but I couldn't give Gryff the satisfaction of killing Rodrik like that... but I need to win this war... and now I'm scared that its actually possible to make a wrong choice in the ending... there's really no way to tell until Episode 6 comes out... can Rodrik retain the support of the Pit Fighters? Maybe he can through Beshka... I'm not sure.

  • I saved Rodrik in the end. I just really couldn't stand the idea of Gryff smugly looking down at him while he dies. I want to beat the crap out of the bastard now, and I don't give a damn about his supposedly hard childhood anymore, hear that Gwyn?
    Also I agree about Asher going down doing what he does best. It is just so heartwrenching that he had to die so soon. I hope Rodrik but especially Beskha do avenge him (her reaction ç_ç). If she wants to make a bloodbath of the Whitehills I won't be the one to stop her this time!

    I think I might replay the whole thing on another file to see how differently episode 6 plays out if I choose Asher over Rodrik, though.

    Harian96 posted: »

    Have Asher sacrifice himself, Rodrik survived the Red Wedding, if he's going to die, it should be better than this - Asher's story arc will

  • Ending was the only saving grace of this episode

  • I haven't played the episode yet, but I must admit this is one of those rare occasions that I can actually see where people are coming from on the 'poor writing' standpoint. Unless Duncan was conflicted and did care for the house, yet felt miffed which is the reason he did what he did, it doesn't make sense really as to why Gared was told about the North Grove if it's true that it can help House Forrester.

    And even that reason I thought up is a bit flimsy in my view.

  • maybe the north grove can bring him back or one of the pit fighters can be a red priest :/ i want to belive something :D

  • Their gone, like Ethan and won't come back, ever :(

    Eldred posted: »

    maybe the north grove can bring him back or one of the pit fighters can be a red priest i want to belive something

  • I agree with this 100%. If we can get revenge on Gryff and the rest of the Whitehills then I want Rodrick to be the one to do it. After all, he's the one who's been dealing with Gryff and Ludd's s*** after Ethan died.

    Harian96 posted: »

    Yes, but think about how devastated Gwyn will be hearing of Asher's death at the hands of her family - I like her but I really want her to feel the guilt rein down on her.

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