Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • Awww :') Thanks so much for this wonderful gift!

    rhonu posted: »

    hey guys! so i'm active in the rhyiona thread and i've never posted here out of shyness, but as much as i ship rhyiona, i also find rhysha v

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    rhonu posted: »

    hey guys! so i'm active in the rhyiona thread and i've never posted here out of shyness, but as much as i ship rhyiona, i also find rhysha v

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    rhonu posted: »

    hey guys! so i'm active in the rhyiona thread and i've never posted here out of shyness, but as much as i ship rhyiona, i also find rhysha v

  • By miyku

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    Sasha studying relational logic cuz of Rhys ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Lol if as Fiona when you need to take action for stuff like this, if you stay silent sasha will take the plate :P

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    By miyku Sasha studying relational logic cuz of Rhys ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Actually I noticed Rhys replaces for Fiona alot more if you are silent. like, alot.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Lol if as Fiona when you need to take action for stuff like this, if you stay silent sasha will take the plate :P

  • Actually Vaughn is the odd man out, since he never really fills in for fiona. Huh. "You saying we shouldn't kill you, makes it more like the right decision." and "You're acting all killable again" were funny imo

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Actually I noticed Rhys replaces for Fiona alot more if you are silent. like, alot.


    ^ Optional music to listen to.

    Greetings. I have created a fourth installment of my fanficshun. I should probably copy and paste them all into one post eventually but in time. Any who. Here it goes...

    The trio's situation wasn't improving. The crate mystery, with the confusion of many killing machines bringing their immediate doom, they needed an escape plan. The door wouldn't hold for long. "Gortys, any ideas?" Rhys asked "Uhhh. Huhh..... Hmmm. I'll get back to you when I get one." Rhys saw Sasha was still sitting down. "Uh Sasha. I don't think now's the time for comfort." The back of the chair was facing Rhys. "I would get up, but I don't think my leg will co-operate." she replied. "What do you mean?" Sasha lifted the left legging of her pants. It was bleeding and swollen. "Wait, when did that happen? Are you alright?" Rhys asked very quickly. "When we fell off of loader bot. I didn't want to mention it because I felt it wasn't important." "Well it is definitely important now. I'm gonna check the desk and see if there's something we can use. If it was that heavy there has to be something in there."

    Upon opening one of the drawers, the contents were nothing of use. The loaders continued to bang on the door. Rhys hurried his pace. The next had a cluster of stuff with the only useful item being a cloth. "There wouldn't happen to have any ice, would there?" "Well I'm sure if there's ice in here it would have melted..." "Right. Okay. Something to wrap around it would help." Rhys approached her. "Here, try this?" Rhys handed Sasha the cloth. "Hm." "What?" "Nothing, trying to figure how I'm going to put this on my injured leg." "It's simple! You just wrap it around your leg an- wow that is a very small cloth-I do not know how I thought that would help." Rhys went back to searching. He reached a desk full of clothes. "Ah bingo!" Under a bunch of jeans and Hyperion based pants, he found a white T shirt. Of course Hyperion was printed across it. "I got a shirt. The best we can do. Why didn't you just tell me sooner?" "I just-felt so weird around you. Like I said. I thought it was you who came on me like that. At the dome"

    Rhys figured he should wrap the makeshift bandage around her leg. "But I thought you knew me better then that. Didn't anyone figure something was up with Rhys? Like talking to himself?" "Well yeah. We might have called you insane a few times. But besides that, I figured you were just getting used to Pandora. The change from a desk jockey to a survivor." Rhys finished the wrap and stood. "Alright. How did I do?" "Well you made me feel-" Sasha realized he meant the cloth. "It's um. It will hold I guess. Help me up." Rhys tried pulling her up but instead instantly fell forward on her. He pulled his upper body up and they made eye contact. "I...." "It's... fine..." they stared for a few seconds. They then pulled together and their lips met. They stayed locked for 20 seconds, meanwhile in the background Gortys spun around in circles. "Yeah that happened... Okay."

    Fiona interrupted. "Oh yeah? How would you know. Were you hiding in a ventilation system again?" "Um. Yeah. Actually. I was in a ventilation system. Remember when I had to come in to rescue the 3 of you?" "Oh. You know it happened. Don't be the sister" "Okay it happened. But not for 20 seconds. And Gortys was not spinning in a circle." That was valid, since what really happened was a swift kiss and they awkwardly repelled. Gortys did have a small reaction though. "Okay. That's fascinating..But.. Why are you people telling me about this. I wanted to know about the Gortys project. It's been 3 days now. THREE. Days. I let you start from the beginning, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if you tell me every single breath." "Okay. You did ask about everything though." "Alright. Fine. So while he was being prince charming, what happened after you got split up, Fiona?" "Well..."

    Alright then. This is where I ask the readers. Should I write Fiona's point of view, or continue Rhys' story? That's it for now. Thanks for reading! :D Goodnight peoples

  • When does that happen ahahaha?

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    By miyku Sasha studying relational logic cuz of Rhys ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Aww, that's really nice of you. Thank you so much! <3

    rhonu posted: »

    hey guys! so i'm active in the rhyiona thread and i've never posted here out of shyness, but as much as i ship rhyiona, i also find rhysha v

  • I say you go with Fiona now. :P

  • Good work and Fiona P,O,V please

  • It's after Cassius goes on his little dramatic story about what happened to him, if you stay silent as Fiona, she says it. Skip to 11:34

    Click here

    Leluch123 posted: »

    When does that happen ahahaha?

  • Ok that sound even better live thanks dude

    It's after Cassius goes on his little dramatic story about what happened to him, if you stay silent as Fiona, she says it. Skip to 11:34 Click here

  • Don't you mean... Rhys-ently ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    (Sorry... I'll show myself out ...)

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    By miyku Sasha studying relational logic cuz of Rhys ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Damn it, I was just about to say that, son of a bitch.

    CraazyCake posted: »

    Don't you mean... Rhys-ently ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (Sorry... I'll show myself out ...)

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited July 2015

    So I'm not the only one that heard that she said Rhys-ently? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    CraazyCake posted: »

    Don't you mean... Rhys-ently ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (Sorry... I'll show myself out ...)

  • Yeah, I've heard that too. :D

    Leluch123 posted: »

    So I'm not the only one that heard that she said Rhys-ently? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Rhys is concerned!


    LoseMyHome posted: »

    By miyku Sasha studying relational logic cuz of Rhys ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited July 2015

    *Sound of jingles *

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    And a perfect set up for ep 4

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    Edit: Meme I made

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  • YES

    Leluch123 posted: »

    *Sound of jingles * And a perfect set up for ep 4 Edit: Meme I made

  • Hey guys, so I decided to make a Rhysha fanfic based on this prompt, and its my very first fanfic actually. I wanted to do this, as I felt like I need to contribute something to this amazing ship, since I had been a lurker for so long. I hope you enjoy!

    A Day At The Beach

  • edited July 2015

    Alt text

    So much potencial for this picture

    CraazyCake posted: »

    Hey guys, so I decided to make a Rhysha fanfic based on this prompt, and its my very first fanfic actually. I wanted to do this, as I felt l

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    CraazyCake posted: »

    Hey guys, so I decided to make a Rhysha fanfic based on this prompt, and its my very first fanfic actually. I wanted to do this, as I felt l

  • Thank you

    SzymeG posted: »

    So much potencial for this picture

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    CraazyCake posted: »

    Hey guys, so I decided to make a Rhysha fanfic based on this prompt, and its my very first fanfic actually. I wanted to do this, as I felt l

  • Great fic dude

    CraazyCake posted: »

    Hey guys, so I decided to make a Rhysha fanfic based on this prompt, and its my very first fanfic actually. I wanted to do this, as I felt l

  • Ok last thing before I go to sleep.

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    Today's scavange was good.

  • If Brick is the Rhyhsa train, then who is Mordecai?

  • edited July 2015

    Hey guys! How's everyone doing? Just wanted to make you aware of this awesome new game that's out;

    It's called Quiplash, and it's a really fun game where the objective is to write the best answers for the most random of questions. And the best part? Only one person has to have the game for everyone to join in and play.

    I've had such a blast playing it on Twitch over the past few days, and I was just thinking that maybe we could incorporate this into the many Rhysha events that we hold weekly?

    Just a thought.

  • Hi fellow shippers! Old-new forum member here! Been shipping Rhysha since the deal scene from Fiona's perspective in EP1!
    Soooooooo... @GrumpyDof could i be added to the dope Rhysha wall and Rhysha map, if it is not too much of me to ask? Also, if i can get a blue Rhysha banner, too? It would be awesome of you, man! :)

  • Hey, welcome to the ship bro! Glad to have you here :)

    Hi fellow shippers! Old-new forum member here! Been shipping Rhysha since the deal scene from Fiona's perspective in EP1! Soooooooo... @Gru

  • Thanks man! Hope i can contribute to the ship in some way!

    armis37 posted: »

    Hey, welcome to the ship bro! Glad to have you here

  • hey dude! Welcome within our rank, also if you want to be on the map say where you live ;)

    Hi fellow shippers! Old-new forum member here! Been shipping Rhysha since the deal scene from Fiona's perspective in EP1! Soooooooo... @Gru

  • I'm from Venezuela, but right now I'm living in Berlin.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    hey dude! Welcome within our rank, also if you want to be on the map say where you live

  • nice, we need more latinos on the map! hehe

    I'm from Venezuela, but right now I'm living in Berlin.

  • Wow, Venezuela!

    Also, how is it in Berlin? I'm thinking of studying abroad in Germany.

    I'm from Venezuela, but right now I'm living in Berlin.

  • Hard to say, compared to what?

    Berlin is the only European city i've been to, other than Krakow, so for me it's awesome, but maybe someone that has been in other major european cities has another opinion.

    Plus, everyone says that Berlin is quite different, compared to the rest of the country, so it depends where in Germany you wish to study.

    Wow, Venezuela! Also, how is it in Berlin? I'm thinking of studying abroad in Germany.

  • edited July 2015

    (Sasha Hates) Pet Names

    By melenafrey (seriously she wrote this amazing story and the world must know of her existence)

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