Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • We are almost to 100k YAY!!!!

  • Maybe maybe not, I mean I guess if it sell good enough they can make second story or more, as long as it brings the cash ;)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Unused audio could also mean that the idea was scrapped at the last minute... What I'm getting at is that the 'year gap' thing could've been scrapped along with the audio

  • Love it! :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Hi! I'm your neighbor Rhyiona shipper just passing by... I'm currently drawing a comic where Rhys and the others are kids and today I doodled young Sasha. So here.

  • Well, that was a bit... messy. :D Next time we'll need to set up a password, guys. :D

  • Thank you! Now I'm considering to keep that hair brush there for the rest of the comic. x3

    Pipas posted: »

    Love it!

  • Password?I hope I get the password too

    Pipas posted: »

    Well, that was a bit... messy. Next time we'll need to set up a password, guys.

  • Alt text

    strwar3 posted: »

    We are almost to 100k YAY!!!!

  • Haha, that'd be cool. :D

    "Hey, Sash. What is that thing in your hair?"


    "Is that a hair brush stuck in-"

    "NO! SHUT UP!"

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Thank you! Now I'm considering to keep that hair brush there for the rest of the comic. x3

  • What needed a password?

    Pipas posted: »

    Well, that was a bit... messy. Next time we'll need to set up a password, guys.

  • TF2 server. But it was fun nevertheless. :D

    What needed a password?

  • Gotcha. Definitely have it password protected so it's exclusive.

    Anyone know how to set up a private server? Because I sure don't.

    Pipas posted: »

    TF2 server. But it was fun nevertheless.

  • I mean, i didn't MIND that other people joined. But its better if it was just us and only us.

    Pipas posted: »

    Well, that was a bit... messy. Next time we'll need to set up a password, guys.

  • Yeah, I get you.


    I mean, i didn't MIND that other people joined. But its better if it was just us and only us.

  • Rhysha question for today:

    A bit naughty this one - what would get them in "the mood"? What would they need to do to each other?

  • screw it they would do it regardless xD

    armis37 posted: »

    Rhysha question for today: A bit naughty this one - what would get them in "the mood"? What would they need to do to each other?

  • edited July 2015

    Today was fun, though I had the worst luck team wise towards the end, I swear 90% of the time it was me against the rest of you.

    But hell, all of these events are in the experiment phase right now and everything was new (to me). I guess right now we can work out a somewhat schedule for this, we tried three days, three games and two times of day we can work with. I got a few questions for you.

    [When?] Thursday and Saturday seem fine to me, two times a week provides enough free space for all time zones.

    [What time?] "9 PM CEST/8 PM BST/3 PM EST/11 AM PST" is fine to me, too. (see above)

    [What] Are we doing? We've got three activities and four weeks in a month. So maybe:

    First week: Cards against Humanity

    Second week: Town of Salem

    Third week: Team Fortress 2

    Fourth week: (???) Maybe just chat or we come up with another option along the way.

    [Who] will organize all of this? I honestly lost track or don't remember who did what on those days. Maybe we could create a "Game Team" for these occasions.

    You know we could post all of this in the opening post and it would stay there for good, instead of constantly change it and deal with the chaos. Keep in mind those are just ideas, we can discuss and change everything.

    And one more thing came to my mind today. What do you think about a Team Fortress 2 match against the SS Rhyiona once in a while? We could solve this conflict like civilized people, not by words, but by shooting each others faces. Just throwing that out there. Okay I threw enough bullshit out there for today.

  • Rhys to Sasha: "Hey Sasha, I got you a new gun."

    Sasha to Rhys: "Wanna fuck?"

    armis37 posted: »

    Rhysha question for today: A bit naughty this one - what would get them in "the mood"? What would they need to do to each other?

  • Yeah, it was really fun today :)

    That time suits me fine, atleast these days.

    I don't think we must keep a schedule of the games we're playing, it gets kinda boring that way. Maybe just have little votes to decide?

    So far, @Pipas has been organizing most of the stuff. While we talk in chatzy (mostly me, Pipas, Cakes, Dot and Irunts) we think of the games we want to play and can play with everyone.

    Also, I'd like to blow their faces off! We just need to ask them if they'd want that ;)

    Grimnir3 posted: »

    Today was fun, though I had the worst luck team wise towards the end, I swear 90% of the time it was me against the rest of you. But hell

  • Welp, that seems a bit... straightforward :D

    Grimnir3 posted: »

    Rhys to Sasha: "Hey Sasha, I got you a new gun." Sasha to Rhys: "Wanna fuck?"

  • No need for bed when there's passion ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Leluch123 posted: » screw it they would do it regardless xD

  • edited July 2015

    For some reason, this is giving me horrible flashbacks to Rhystricted.

    armis37 posted: »

    Rhysha question for today: A bit naughty this one - what would get them in "the mood"? What would they need to do to each other?

  • Lol, man, seems like you got PTSD :D

    For some reason, this is giving me horrible flashbacks to Rhystricted.

  • I think I might.

    Alt text

    armis37 posted: »

    Lol, man, seems like you got PTSD

  • Seems I've missed a lot in the past 5 days.

    How was the TF2 Event?

  • Really fun, from what I've seen, everyone had pretty great time, doesn't matter whether they played it for first-ish time or 1000th :D

    Seems I've missed a lot in the past 5 days. How was the TF2 Event?

  • Oh I knew I heard that title somewhere. ^^

    But why horrible? Okay the setup for this is out of nowhere. But I could totaly see Sasha behaving that way in their "sexy time" Let's not forget Pandora is a rough place and Mad Moxxi is a benchmark. Why shouldn't it be a little bit dirty?

    For some reason, this is giving me horrible flashbacks to Rhystricted.

  • I agree with you man, but such opinion gets buried by hate :D

    It's not that bad, really. The author put lots of effort into the fic, and all it seems to get is hate. It's a bit weird to read, yes, and definitely not for kids. But seriously, in the world of Borderlands, where Moxxi lives and there are tons of hints about her previous sexual adventures and even some details about it, this fic is treated like hell's spawn.

    Grimnir3 posted: »

    Oh I knew I heard that title somewhere. ^^ But why horrible? Okay the setup for this is out of nowhere. But I could totaly see Sasha beha

  • Sorry I missed the event. :(

    Next time my TF2ness will shine and be available.


  • The event was midday for me so I couldn't join, but when do you guys think we'll do another TF2 event?

  • Many heavy's died that day. rip

    Sorry I missed the event. Next time my TF2ness will shine and be available. POOTIS

  • You have me to thank for that.

    The pyro suicide charge usually works :D

    Many heavy's died that day. rip

  • I was the only one to say i like it back in the days.

    armis37 posted: »

    I agree with you man, but such opinion gets buried by hate It's not that bad, really. The author put lots of effort into the fic, and al

  • Really? Haven't noticed that.

    I guess that makes 3 of us who don't hate it :)

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    I was the only one to say i like it back in the days.

  • I think Thursday maybe? Or Wednesday.

    Kuroix12 posted: »

    The event was midday for me so I couldn't join, but when do you guys think we'll do another TF2 event?

  • My thoughts exactly

    armis37 posted: »

    No need for bed when there's passion ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Where have you been? I thought that i would have to make missing posters.

    Seems I've missed a lot in the past 5 days. How was the TF2 Event?

  • Yeah, that's probably a good idea to keep schedule of these events, hehe. :P

    I'll leave this Thursday with TF2 event, but for Saturday I'll let people decide what they want (with a poll I guess).

    Forming some sort of "Game Team" is a great idea, because I won't probably have much time next 2 weeks, so I'll look into it ASAP.

    I was playing with the idea of TF2 battle Rhysha vs Rhyiona... We might organize this soon. >:D

    Grimnir3 posted: »

    Today was fun, though I had the worst luck team wise towards the end, I swear 90% of the time it was me against the rest of you. But hell

  • Probably Thursday, but stay tuned for updates. ;)

    Kuroix12 posted: »

    The event was midday for me so I couldn't join, but when do you guys think we'll do another TF2 event?

  • edited July 2015

    Alright. Grimnir had a great idea to keep schedule of the Rhysha game events and since we mostly kept meeting on Thursday/Saturday around 9 PM CEST/8 PM BST/3 PM EST/11 AM PST and there were always enough of us (I was quite surprised that there were so many of us on the Town of Salem event even though I announced it only 5 hours earlier :D), then we shouldn't break the tradition and kept meeting on these days.

    Now for what kinds of games would we play. On Thursdays we could have games set in stone (for example as Grimnir mentioned above - 1st week CAH, 2nd week Town of Salem, etc.). On Thursdays we could also try some new games, if you guys have any ideas. :P

    On Saturdays we could have "Fan favourite" game. Meaning - I'll create a poll at the beginning of the week with the games we played so far as options and you'll get to choose which one do you want to play. The poll will probably close on Thursdays. I'm not yet sure if I should do some prevention to make sure the same game won't be winning over and over, but eh, we'll see.

    Since I won't probably have much time for the next 2 weeks, I won't be able to host the games. (it's not like I know how to host TF2, I actually have no idea what to do there :D) So I'd need someone who knows how to set up a server in TF2 and/or make a party in Town of Salem and/or add custom decks to the Cards against humanity games. Preferably more people for each game, so if one person isn't available, the second one will set up the game. :)

    Now you're probably asking what we're gonna play this Thursday. Believe it or not, it'll be Team Fortress 2 again! :D

    On 23rd July at 9 PM CEST/8 PM BST/3 PM EST/11 AM PST will be held another Team Fortress 2 event. Countdown to event. Again, we'll meet up on chat HERE like 10 minutes before the event.

    Alt text

    Also I created few scheduled events in our Rhysha Steam group HERE, so check it out if you want. :P You should be able to see it even if you're not on Steam.

    Oh, and I almost forgot! The poll!

    What do you want to play on Saturday?

    Btw, this system is still work in progress, so if you have any suggestion/don't like something/etc. comment below. :P

    EDIT: If you know any more games we could play, comment below. :)

  • Hope you guys have fun!!

    Pipas posted: »

    Alright. Grimnir had a great idea to keep schedule of the Rhysha game events and since we mostly kept meeting on Thursday/Saturday around 9

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