What happened to Molly?


If you finished Episode 4, you know that Molly left the group. So what do you guys think happened to her? Post an answer below!



  • Who knows, probably dead. In one of the outcomes, Lee can shoot her in the shoulder, she ends up getting away but is badly hurt and weakened with walkers chasing after her.

  • Molly can jump a building with a car battery on her back and shake off a beating. Even shot, she manages to kill the walkers bare handed. Molly is probably the most resilient characters and not to mention one of the best fighters in TWD universe as a whole

    Who knows, probably dead. In one of the outcomes, Lee can shoot her in the shoulder, she ends up getting away but is badly hurt and weakened with walkers chasing after her.

  • She is becoming a Assassin.

  • Probably left Savannah or is still there. I suspect she's alive and i hope we see her in S3 or in Michonne DLC.

  • Cool

    Killah posted: »

    She is becoming a Assassin.

  • I didn't shoot her, so she left in full health. I think we should see her in s3..hopefully.

  • Kenny, the most villainous character ever constructed, ran her and her awesomeness off.

    Thanks Kenny... dick.

  • Perhaps it depends on what happened:

    If Molly left the group she ends up leaving Savannah and going somewhere else, perhaps staying away from communities and living on her own.

    If Molly got shot, she might have died since she may not have any medicine on her or she couldn't stop the bleeding.

    If Molly had to run away, she might have tried to make her way back to the house or decided to just care for herself since no one tried to save her.

  • I like to think she's on her third or fourth city now, bleeding it dry of supplies, ringing bells and being an all around badass.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    Even shot, she manages to kill the walkers bare handed

    pfffft, like getting shot in this game actually hurts people

    Clemenem posted: »

    Molly can jump a building with a car battery on her back and shake off a beating. Even shot, she manages to kill the walkers bare handed. Mo

  • I don't remember getting the option of shooting her, She will get "lucky" if TTG decides to rehash her storyline.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited August 2015

    Most likely alive. Whatever way it plays out though, I honestly doubt that she's going to come back

    And maybe it's just me, but I was never a big fan of Molly in all honesty. Her character just never really worked for me, and she felt a little too competent for my tastes. I didn't hate her, though. I just felt neutral about her. I mean sure, the thought of an ass-kicking parkour chick is pretty cool, but that charm faded pretty quickly

  • They already did it's called Jane

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I don't remember getting the option of shooting her, She will get "lucky" if TTG decides to rehash her storyline.

  • I agree she's still alive (at least in my play through and others).

    She's probably left Savannah and probably traveled north to any major towns and make a living there.

    Molly dies hard and plus a true survivor to boot.

  • I would say alive and kicking. She definitely seemed competent enough to take on whatever the zombie apacolypse throws at her. She can leave on a very good note with her issues resolved and healthy as can be (in a lot of playthroughs). Other than that, a wounded shoulder. Which means nothing in TWD universe.

  • Why would Kenny do that, you monkey (If not joking)?

    Kenny, the most villainous character ever constructed, ran her and her awesomeness off. Thanks Kenny... dick.

  • Because he's Kenny.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Why would Kenny do that, you monkey (If not joking)?

  • And your name is Everyone

    Because he's Kenny.

  • Now now dont troll around Everyone'sClemInTime! This has nothing to do with dear Kenneth and you know it old chap

    Kenny, the most villainous character ever constructed, ran her and her awesomeness off. Thanks Kenny... dick.

  • Everyone'sClemInTime, and don't you forget it.

    AronDracula posted: »

    And your name is Everyone

  • She didn't bother me as much as jane did. I just didn't like her character, and if you aren't a Kenny Fanboy, where does that leave you for the rest of the game, stuck in the middle....

    Deltino posted: »

    Most likely alive. Whatever way it plays out though, I honestly doubt that she's going to come back And maybe it's just me, but I was nev

  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator

    Generally, if a character doesn't serve any story importance, it's safe to assume they got eaten or killed somewhere in the world of the Walking Dead.

  • Molly is Jane with enough amnesia.

  • Dead, hopefully.

  • Why da hate on Molly?

    Dead, hopefully.

  • I bet she is alive, she smart, she is fast and she knows how to move, She is like a frikin spiderman-ninja and has Hilda, how could she be dead?

  • She has been reincarnated as Jane.

    That's the most logical explanation.

  • Exploded.

  • She seemed pretty equipped to handle herself before the group arrived in Savannah so I'd say she's still alive. Food and resources would be the only problem. I can see why telltale opted to have her not stay. The season was far to late to develop her given the game was almost done and she wouldn't of fitted in episode 5. She had a good storyline though, hopefully they bring her back.

  • Molly is the only TWD first season character, besides Glenn, that would be perfect to see come back for Season 3.

  • Cmon you know Molly is chillin on that boat with Vernon, gettin her Pirate on. Robbin everyone for their booty lol

    longlivelee posted: »

    She has been reincarnated as Jane. That's the most logical explanation.

  • Don't forget my girl, Lilly!

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Molly is the only TWD first season character, besides Glenn, that would be perfect to see come back for Season 3.

  • Oh definitely Lilly, cant believe they killed her off in 400 days. I was hoping she woulda been in season 2

    Don't forget my girl, Lilly!

  • Lilly's not dead. She was either abandoned or took off in the RV. Do you mean Stephanie from Shel's story?

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Oh definitely Lilly, cant believe they killed her off in 400 days. I was hoping she woulda been in season 2

  • Oh yeah my bad, that was Carley/Dougs body.

    Lilly's not dead. She was either abandoned or took off in the RV. Do you mean Stephanie from Shel's story?

  • btw I put up the fan fic, check it out haha

    Lilly's not dead. She was either abandoned or took off in the RV. Do you mean Stephanie from Shel's story?

  • Man, I was slightly worried for a moment. Lilly's my favorite and I thought maybe I missed something? But I knew she wasn't dead. I would've felt that depression for about a week. Lol Alright, I'll check it out. :)

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    btw I put up the fan fic, check it out haha

  • I'd definitely say alive... I hope we see her somewhere down the line.

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