Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • thank you!!

    it's okay, it's not that you are scary, it's just that i'm a crybaby... ´v`

    Amazing work! Awwwww no need to feel shy! We don't bite! Usually.

  • thanks!! i will try to do more stuff for you! <3

    Grimnir3 posted: »

    Those are awesome! And if you think you could do more of this stuff...

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    rhonu posted: »

    thank you!! it's okay, it's not that you are scary, it's just that i'm a crybaby... ´v`

  • "Your minigun sucks."

    Erm ... well fuck, I just realized Heavy's gun is called Sasha.

    So many jokes ... so many references ... too ... much ... for ... mkgfgkgagfoUGOfgiefgief...

    "Atlas Silver sucks!" Cue this face.

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    Grimnir3 posted: »

    "Your minigun sucks." Erm ... well fuck, I just realized Heavy's gun is called Sasha. So many jokes ... so many references ... too ... much ... for ... mkgfgkgagfoUGOfgiefgief...

  • You did an amazing job.

    rhonu posted: »

    AHHH! i made those and my heart skipped a beat when i saw that you posted them here !! i'm very very happy you like them! i'm still a little shy to post in this thread but thank you!

  • Diamond Mercenaries 2 or Triangle Quest 9.

    armis37 posted: »

    Rhysha question for today: What computer game would be Rhys'/Sasha's/Rhysha's favorite?

  • edited August 2015

    They're great. You did a fantastic job on these.

    rhonu posted: »

    AHHH! i made those and my heart skipped a beat when i saw that you posted them here !! i'm very very happy you like them! i'm still a little shy to post in this thread but thank you!

  • edited August 2015

    Tbh Sasha will be annoyed, disgusted and/or amazed about the idea of being on Helios but then again i think Sash's reactions towards Helios will change depending on what the player tells her. Like how she changes her view and thoughts of Rhys from ep1 to ep3 from disgusting Hyperion boy to potential love interest.

    EDIT: Holy sht man, think about the parallels; In Pandora everything looks deadly and threatening but its actually pretty good if you know how to deal with it, and in Helios everything looks nice and good but its actually as deadly and threatening (or even worse) as Pandora!

    Sooooo. Anyone think Sasha will gush over life in Helios? I mean I know she is no fan of Hyperion, but come on! It's a luxury compared to Pandroa.

  • edited August 2015

    Alt text Good. im glad he's dead.

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    Also, parallels are my weakness. Sasha would probably complement on that too.

    Sasha: (While getting shot at) It's like I never left home!

    Rhys: (Crouching behind cover near her) I knew you'd like it here!

    Tbh Sasha will be annoyed, disgusted and/or amazed about the idea of being on Helios but then again i think Sash's reactions towards Helios

  • You all are gonna die from dehydration with all that thirst

    Pipas posted: »

    100% quality comments, eh? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • ^That. But with Sasha smiling and with a sarcastic tone.

    Also juuuust so Sasha gets the idea of how deadly Helios is lets add something more grim.

    Just after Rhys shows her the view and they talk about it the two if them, they start walking through a corridor and sasha goes to see another window and tells Rhys that the view is amazing no matter in which direction you see it and that maybe Helios is not that bad and at that moment a corpse starts passing by, floating in the space. And, Rhys explains her the parallel between Helios and Pandora and oh sht i like this

    Also, parallels are my weakness. Sasha would probably complement on that too. Sasha: (While getting shot at) It's like I never left home! Rhys: (Crouching behind cover near her) I knew you'd like it here!

  • throws sandvich into hole to diffuse the situation

  • Woah you should make more stuff, it's awesome!

    rhonu posted: »

    AHHH! i made those and my heart skipped a beat when i saw that you posted them here !! i'm very very happy you like them! i'm still a little shy to post in this thread but thank you!

  • It would be hilarious if Henderson is still floating around Helios.

    ^That. But with Sasha smiling and with a sarcastic tone. Also juuuust so Sasha gets the idea of how deadly Helios is lets add something m

  • Seriously i would love to see that scene!

    It would be hilarious if Henderson is still floating around Helios.

  • wot

    Good. im glad he's dead.

  • O_O

    Good. im glad he's dead.

  • That's random

    Good. im glad he's dead.

  • Hello Rhyshas,

    It's Monday, so it's time for another poll!

    What do you want to play on Saturday?

    And what about this Thursday? Well, I was thinking we could try something new. I've seen that a lot of people have Left 4 Dead 2, so how about that? The problem is that not everyone has it AND maximum amount of people who can play is only 8 in versus mode. :/

    What do you think? Yay? Nay?

  • If we only can get 4 people. that's fine actually! We can just do campaign together.

    Pipas posted: »

    Hello Rhyshas, It's Monday, so it's time for another poll! What do you want to play on Saturday? And what about this Thursday? Well

  • Great idea ! I loved this game

    Pipas posted: »

    Hello Rhyshas, It's Monday, so it's time for another poll! What do you want to play on Saturday? And what about this Thursday? Well

  • edited August 2015

    some old fanart i finished but i forgot to upload it

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    Made with Gmod/Photoshop

  • Lacks Rhys in the left.

    Nice work!

    some old fanart i finished but i forgot to upload it Made with Gmod/Photoshop

  • edited August 2015

    Hey guys! So rhys-ntly (sorry, can't help it) someone gave me the amazing idea to create Rhysha in the Sims. I wasn't sure if it had been done before, but I decided to do it anyways. So, without further ado, I present to you all...


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    Everybody's favorite con artist/anti-Hyperion propagandist, Sasha!

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    Oh look! That Hyperion company man we all know and love, Rhys!

    And finally...

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    GAZE UPON THE GLORY OF RHYSHA (Now canon in my Sims Universe!)

    There are a lot of others images, and seeing as this is already a pretty long post, I chose to only showcase the important parts ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). You can see the rest here. Enjoy!

  • Great job, I love it! <3

    CraazyCake posted: »

    Hey guys! So rhys-ntly (sorry, can't help it) someone gave me the amazing idea to create Rhysha in the Sims. I wasn't sure if it had been do

  • Chatzy Adventures: ''The Tale of Jon Snow and Lord :I (and armis too i guess)''

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  • Chatzy Adventures: ''DictatorAsylum becomes an Imposter''

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  • Join us slowpokes!

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Update :

  • I'm not to good at finding fanfics.

    Has anyone found any good ones?

    Other than Rhystricted. Come on people, we could have minors here.

  • This is good stuff!

    Planning on other characters?

    CraazyCake posted: »

    Hey guys! So rhys-ntly (sorry, can't help it) someone gave me the amazing idea to create Rhysha in the Sims. I wasn't sure if it had been do

  • Maybe. I'm tempted to add Fiona and maybe Vaughn. There's actually a bro trait so I'd be obligated to give it to Vaughn and Rhys.

    This is good stuff! Planning on other characters?

  • I'm not to good at finding fanfics. Has anyone found any good ones? Other than Rhystricted. Come on people, we could have minors here.

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    Leluch123 posted: »

    Tottaly not Rhystricted

  • Lol I like my part in this

    Chatzy Adventures: ''The Tale of Jon Snow and Lord :I (and armis too i guess)''

  • Your part is hella awesome :D

    armis37 posted: »

    Lol I like my part in this

  • Alt text

    Your part is hella awesome

  • We can also do the survivors vs zombies

    If we only can get 4 people. that's fine actually! We can just do campaign together.

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