Duncan is a dick



  • Royland was my Sentinel and Duncan was the traitor. It does kind of read weird since I didn't say that.

    hayd24 posted: »

    Funny that Royland would criticize you for always agreeing with him and doing as whatever he said

  • I executed him too and it felt good

    Yes, I already knew I would execute him, but after that line I also knew I would take pleasure from it.

  • Team Duncan!

    Duncan is a wise and loyal man for me...

  • edited July 2015

    I hated it too when he said, "You're not a leader, you're a wounded soilder trying to prove hes still a man." F*ck you Duncan!

  • No, they're just better reasons. The Forresters are weak. You want to be underestimated in these circumstances. Pretending to be strong will only make them come at you with more force. Royland being a prideful warmonger makes him a piss poor strategist.

  • Looking weak doesn't make you weak. You want them to think they can just roll over you. If they think you'll put up a fight they'll be more prepared. Ludd doesn't need the Forresters. Asher and Rodrik would both have been killed at the port. They aren't personally cultivating the ironwood. I only said Duncan's reasons are better, not that Royland's are stupid. I see now that you're less worried about reason and would rather defend a character you like.

  • True. Though I do wonder now what the speech is like if you always agreed with the traitor.

    Royland was my Sentinel and Duncan was the traitor. It does kind of read weird since I didn't say that.

  • You sure about that?

    *he has a penis

  • The scariest part about all of this is that Duncan, Royland, Asher, and Rodrik are all now determinant. Does this confirm that they all are going to die next episode, or does it just confirm that we'll never see them again after this season?

  • I'm pretty sure everything after the treason was a minor footnote.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    In general yes but I'm pretty sure a family member (Duncan is pretty much family, Talia says herself) telling you that they wish you were dead is more hurting emotionally than being called a coward.

  • More like "Forgive me but it would have allowed for a better situation if you never got back here."

    Forgive me but I wish you were dead

  • I think the finale of TWD Season 2 confirmed that determinant doesn't always mean certain death.

    The scariest part about all of this is that Duncan, Royland, Asher, and Rodrik are all now determinant. Does this confirm that they all are going to die next episode, or does it just confirm that we'll never see them again after this season?

  • I disagree, because we have no real proof that any of those characters will be returning, to my knowledge. So while it may point in that direction, it doesn't do anything for confirmation. Unless you have information I haven't seen, in which case show me it.

    Galhaar posted: »

    I think the finale of TWD Season 2 confirmed that determinant doesn't always mean certain death.

  • that's right!

    MosesARose posted: »

    Duncan was making decisions behind your back before you had to pick a sentinel; main reason I picked Royland. So I agree Duncan is a prick, knew it when he first undermined Ethan's authority.

  • Is there a proof that they was supposed to be the traitor from the beginning ? 'cause I saw many people saying that maester was the chosen one

  • I never really understood Duncan’s reasoning behind wishing that Rodrik had “never crawled off that corpse cart”. Really? You think Asher’s going to any less brash or defiant when he becomes lord? He was sent away in the first place for being a troublemaker.

  • I agree. And what's the point of giving the information to Whitehills? I believe Duncan is more responsible for Arthur's death than Rodrik.
    Duncan's reasoning remains unclear to me.

    hemfbg posted: »

    I never really understood Duncan’s reasoning behind wishing that Rodrik had “never crawled off that corpse cart”. Really? You think Asher’s

  • You do realize that mean losing his only family to bunch a f&$@ers that murdered his family in the first place. Yeah he may have cost Ethan life, but it was his nephew, someone he saw as a son. He knew sending him to the wall will at least keep Gared safe and justice would be served. What would you do if someone was trying to kill your nephew who you view as your son?

    Yeah Duncan crossed the line. Royland being a asshole is what I expected, but it felt like Duncan just exploded at me which shocked me. Also

  • I my game the traitor was Royland and he said that I'm weak and that he will swear to Asher. That means he wants Asher to be lord, then why the fok did he let Gryff leave when the Whitehills wanted to kill Asher ? He could've let the trade go on, Rodrik died and Asher would've lived

  • Yeah, that why I punched him. Duncan was such a disappointment.

  • Playing dead was pretty dickish and untrue. He wasnt playing dead, he was almost dead. They both suck. When we get out of this, I hope we abolish sentinels altogether.

    He says "You've been making foolish decisions too, since the day you crawled off that corpse cart". Then he goes about how his father wou

  • Whomwould have been better, him? Is he trying to say he should be Lord?

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    As in he felt House Forrester would be better off if Rodrik wasn't Lord and the only way that would happen is if Rodrik didn't survive the Red wedding.

  • Well whoever isn't named Sentinel has that whole outburst during Ethan's small council meeting. Rewatching it makes it obvious how angry they were.

    Jeff07Hardy posted: »

    Is there a proof that they was supposed to be the traitor from the beginning ? 'cause I saw many people saying that maester was the chosen one

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