Lee for season 3!


we have to convince telltale to bring Lee back not just for clem but for the gamers who were touched by this story and are hoping they dont screw up season 3 think about it all zombie games have those few people that are ammune to the plauge and the moment clem has to shoot lee she was crying and shaking and the kick of the gun could have shot over his head and lee could have just went through the plauge symptoms and then just not have turned and telltale could dedicate a full season of Lee on a journey to find clementine and fullfill his duty to protect her telltale has killed off anyone and everyone that clem has cared about and has cared about her in return and thats not fair for her but imagine (i am talking to you telltale) how much money you could make by bringing these to back with eachother but also think of the customers and players you will lose including me if you dont make the right choices in the making of this next season if you here my words you could move this along into a 4th season and make even more money not to mention the makings of a very intersting story for season 3. And if Kenny can survive a cramped ally with tons of zombies coming in both directions with one bullet which he uses on ben then lee can survive a little insignificant bite so telltale can bring back that feeling and the bond they created in season one with lee and clem so haters dont comment only people who are concerned with the outcome of their favorite game thanks!



  • edited August 2015

    Even if Telltale could come up with a plausible explanation for Lee's survival, they shouldn't do it. Season 1's ending was so great because of the sacrifice Lee made, and the emotions that come with it. Ret-conning Lee back to life would destroy the ending. I've replayed Season 1 a couple of times, and I still well up at the ending. I'm pretty sure that wouldn't happen if I knew he was coming back.

    They could bring him back in a flashback. There was a decent enough time jump between Episode 1 and 2, and they could probably fit in a story between Episode 2 and 3.

    Edit: I just realized you made the exact same post, word for word, back in February. For shame.

  • No. He's dead get over it

  • Lee is dead, Clem said she shoot him, nobody is inmune unless Kirkman says it, even if chopping his arm worked he probably died cos of loosing so much blood, as for Kenny yeah I get your point but he was never confirmed dead and this is gonna sound weird but I think it's easier to escape from a herd of walkers than from a bite, Lee should appear yeah, but in a flashback, as much as I would love to play as him I wouldn't ruin season 1 ending, because bringing him back would totally destroy everything we felt in season 1, like everything we did was nothing.

  • edited August 2015

    And if Kenny can survive a cramped ally with tons of zombies coming in both directions with one bullet which he uses on ben...

    This is true though.

    But unfortunately, Lee is gone for good. Bringing him back as a zombie would be just plain disrespectful. And bringing him back alive would scare the shit out of me, and would be corny.

  • Lee is dead. He'll stay dead.

  • Look man, you really miss Lee? Create a fan fiction where he lives. I'm actually writing a sort of novel which I starts right after Season 1, when he shot a bitten Clementine.

  • You should really use more punctuation, jesus christ.

    But yeah no it would make little sense story-wise.

  • I don't think they can. It might ruin the all the emotion of that ending.

  • Do you not know how the Walking Dead works?

  • Bruh, what's with these posts as of lately?

  • A flashback of Lee and Clementine would be nice to have in S3 just so we can see Lee and innocent Clem again.

  • Do you really think that's a good idea after how bad season 2 was?

  • No lee is dead get over it. It's just like how people are mad that beth died.

  • we have to convince telltale to bring Lee back

    You're on your own, pal.

  • The way he was bitten was BS imo, but it had to be done to progress the story.

    There should be a non-canon episode on Lee living, but it'd be too sad.

  • No, no, no, no, ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!

  • You literally posted the exact same thing in February.

  • Clearly someone hasn't played the game otherwise they'd know LEE IS MOTHERFUCKING DEAD. WHO DO YOU THINK HE IS? KENNY?

  • edited August 2015

    I, Kenny, Omid, Christa, Ben and of course Clementine is with you.

    KENNY: You've always been there for me Lee, always had my back when it mattered. What kind of friend would I be if I wasn't there for you now. Bitten or not I with you, to the end.

    Ben: You've been good to me Lee. Even when its not been easy. Whatever I can do to help, you can count on me.

    Christa: We're all responsible.

    Omid: Hell yeah.

    Clementine: Leeeeee !!!

  • Lee died so everyone would fall in endless love with him...

    That's what should happen at the end of season 3 to clementine

  • enter image description here

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Lee died so everyone would fall in endless love with him... That's what should happen at the end of season 3 to clementine

  • Lee is dead.

    Here's a video for how it happened kiddo. Evil Laugh.

    LEE. IS. DEAD.

  • Lee isn't dead. He was saved by Michonne after Clem left lol. That's probably why they urge us to keep season one and two data.

  • Good idea

    Lee isn't dead. He was saved by Michonne after Clem left lol. That's probably why they urge us to keep season one and two data.


    Sir, please, keep calm. Do you think it is really nice to come and insult people on the internet? That just makes zero sense. Even your idea shows the big orientation to violence. Duh, just chill. Your nipples ( If any) probably exploded.

    Anthorn posted: »

    Clearly someone hasn't played the game otherwise they'd know LEE IS MOTHERFUCKING DEAD. WHO DO YOU THINK HE IS? KENNY?

  • You've always been there for me Lee, always had my back when it mattered. What kind of friend would I be if I wasn't there for you now. Bitten or not I with you, to the end.

    That touched me.

  • No. If they do it, they are just screwing up logic.

    Lee isn't dead. He was saved by Michonne after Clem left lol. That's probably why they urge us to keep season one and two data.

  • edited August 2015

    That's the easiest way to screw up the dlc from the get-go

    Lee isn't dead. He was saved by Michonne after Clem left lol. That's probably why they urge us to keep season one and two data.

  • They could always do DLC during the three months gap between episode 1 and episode 2 of season 1.

  • They would just ruin their own TWD timeline for the sake of characters. Michonne wouldn't have even beat Negan in the first 400 days. How would she have the boat and be anywhere near Clem?

    Yeah I'm bein nit-picky, but I'm a writer..

    Anthorn posted: »

    They could always do DLC during the three months gap between episode 1 and episode 2 of season 1.

  • edited August 2015

    Yeah like getting LUCKY from walkers coming from both sides of an alley or a building full of walkers ain't screwing up logic. Not to mention he had 1 shot left.

    No. If they do it, they are just screwing up logic.

  • My face when I read about your story

    Look man, you really miss Lee? Create a fan fiction where he lives. I'm actually writing a sort of novel which I starts right after Season 1, when he shot a bitten Clementine.

  • edited August 2015

    I love Season 1's ending, but I would have preferred Lee to shoot a bitten Clementine (bit by her undead mother) after rescuing her from the Stranger, continuing his story in Season 2. Since that didn't happen I'm writing that version of things myself.

  • And he shot Ben with his last shot in mine... Yeah it's stupid but we need realism to stay around.

    At least I do

    Yeah like getting LUCKY from walkers coming from both sides of an alley or a building full of walkers ain't screwing up logic. Not to mention he had 1 shot left.

  • edited August 2015

    Lee is dead and will stay dead because if he was alive, that would be a giant middle finger to Season 1 and wouldn't make any sense from a logical or storytelling standpoint.


    Someone who actually understands how the franchise works.

  • Exactly! All those tears shed for nothing...

    ralo229 posted: »

    Lee is dead and will stay dead because if he was alive, that would be a giant middle finger to Season 1 and wouldn't make any sense from a logical or storytelling standpoint. Sincerely, Someone who actually understands how the franchise works.

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