Things you wish you could've done or said



  • She did but she said we were friends but she only did what she did since I begged or you have to threaten her with telling people she's a bastard. Then she turns on me when I need a friend, honestly I would rather tell her what I did for her at the coronation by covering for her by lying to Tarwick, thank her for getting me in, then when she feels bad for what she said I tell her off. I like her but she can be kind of selfish at times. i'm more pissed at Margaery since despite me listening to her and the Lannisters approaching me when I'm desperate when she won't help me like she says she tries to do, she blames me and overall does jack to help me when she said" "All I ever do is try to help you" Bull.

    WTF? Sorry if I sound way too pissed but Sera might saved your family's life! Without her you wouldnt know about Andros and his SellSword ar

  • I would rather tell her what I did for her at the coronation by covering for her by lying to Tarwick

    Sorry but I don't consider not betraying your friend as a favor.

    when she feels bad for what she said I tell her off

    Why would you want to do that? She's usefull to Mira as we can see in episode 4.

    she can be kind of selfish at time

    Yes she is selfish, but that doesn't mean that she is a bad person and that she doesn't want the best for Mira...

    i'm more pissed at Margaery

    Yep me too. Fuck GOTG's Margaery.

    For me Sera is one of the most credible and well writen characters in the game, I hope we can talk more too her :/

    reply671 posted: »

    She did but she said we were friends but she only did what she did since I begged or you have to threaten her with telling people she's a ba

  • Honestly telling her off isn't that great an idea, I would want to tell her that getting me in helped her gain a marriage or that I told Tarwick her secret since that could either help your stance with her and keep her around or tell her you're the person who ruined her life, mostly the former since she does deserve it but the result of telling Tarwick was disappointing when i saw what happened. And her being selfish, that's true but I should be the last one to talk since Mira could throw everyone under the bus for her needs for her family. If she was in my position now, I would risk my position to help her in any way I can.

    I would rather tell her what I did for her at the coronation by covering for her by lying to Tarwick Sorry but I don't consider not

  • Rodrik: "Hey Ramsay, can I borrow your plot armour?"
    Ramsay:"Of course! Bring it back though, I'll need it when I return!"

  • Or all of Mira's conversations with Margaery where she acts so very disappointed that we spoke with Tyrion even though 1) it was Sera who got someone to hide a flagon of wine which caught Tyrion's attention in the first place 2) Tyrion sought Mira out and the game didn't give us an option to refuse to talk to him 3) when we tried to stay with Margaery instead of going off to talk with Tyrion and Tyrion spoke to Mira anyway... Margaery acts as if Mira was somehow choosing to do all those things. Margaery getting mad at Mira for just standing there and trying to honor Margaery's request really annoyed me. I wanted to tell Margaery off for being such an irrational, unsympathetic c*nt.

  • OMG this would be awesome!

    Killah posted: »

    When jon said "I thought you going to be at my side at crasters, but broke your vows there is no coming back from this" i wish i would have said "You know nothing,Jon Snow."

  • I agree. I know that obviously they did it because they wanted to kill him off, but I think they could've at least given us the option to help kill those Freys. For example we could've been fighting one of the Freys, while Gregor was fighting the other one. Now obviously it would take us longer to fight against this one Frey because we are wielding Lord Gregor's heavy bastard sword. When we have killed the Frey soldier, we turn around to find the other one strike the killing blow to Gregor. We then kill the other Frey to avenge him and then escape to Ironrath because we had promised we would return the sword. Besides where else would we go?

    alikir34 posted: »

    I wish we could have the chance to help lord forrester in the beginning with those two freys , like seriously they were only two , they coul

  • I suspect that the two brothers must have a tense relationship. Rodrik was his father's favorite son, while Asher was his father's unfavorite. Asher must have some feeling of jealousy toward his elder brother, because he has his father's attention.

    It kinda makes either of their sacrifice more emotional, because despite their tense relationship, they still love each other and won't hesitate to sacrifice themselves in order to say the other.

    But still yeah, I wish they gave each other a hug.

    I really wanted a bro hug option for Rodrik and Asher

  • edited August 2015

    As Rodrick I wish I could refuse to use Glenmore guard, tell my council, that Asher is dead, write to Malcolm and ask him not to connect anyone at Ironrath until they bring us an army or until it turns out, that they won't be able to find one.

    As Asher I'd like to take the gold from Daenerys and search for an army in the Free Cities, then bring them to Westeros and take Gryff and his men hostage, exchange them for Ryon and force Whitehills to leave our part of the grove.

    As Mira I'd warn Sera about the story I have told Tarwick. Later, in Tyrion's cell, I'd tell him, that I want to help him, but can only do that by helping him to contact with someone, whom he would call as witness at his trial, that I can send that person a message or give some information from Tyrion etc.

    As Gared I'd try harder not to kill Britt.

  • You make a good point. I think even if they might have had a tense relationship or rivalry in the past, they most likely have had time to grow up more and come to terms with how their father treated them. Also the fact that their family is in danger, gives them a strong motive to work together. There is nothing quite like having a common goal to bring people together, even people who would not ordinarily cooperate with each other.

    I suspect that the two brothers must have a tense relationship. Rodrik was his father's favorite son, while Asher was his father's unfavorit

  • Yes I hear what you're saying. Even when Finn (at least in my play through) tries to back you up and say that you didn't kill Britt, you still get thrown in the slammer. Obviously they did this no matter what, because they needed an excuse to make Gared leave sooner rather than later. Also we had to have that confrontation and closure with the whole Britt situation. In my first play through I totally kicked his ass off the wall and it felt so satisfying. Then I re-winded and decided to go the route of Gared defending himself while trying to honour his promise to stand by my brothers (or in my case, not kill them intentionally). In a strange way it was kind of satisfying telling Britt that he wasn't worth it haha.

    If you choose try not to kill him, the game kills him anyway and he sort of pathetically slumps to his knees. Then in the next episode he is somehow at the bottom of the wall laying on a wood pile. It's the same if you kick him off the wall.

    Quorthon posted: »

    I wish they handled Gared's departure from the Wall a bit differently. I know he had to leave but I did absolutely everything in my power to

  • Hahah, you know this actually sounds like something Ramsey would say. When I read that sentence I could actually hear his voice saying it.......creepy. I can also imagine him saying something along the lines of "Better bring it back though....or I'll have to come looking for you".

    kaza125 posted: »

    Rodrik: "Hey Ramsay, can I borrow your plot armour?" Ramsay:"Of course! Bring it back though, I'll need it when I return!"

  • enter image description here

    Hahah, you know this actually sounds like something Ramsey would say. When I read that sentence I could actually hear his voice saying it..

  • I wish we could've set a trap, to try and catch the actual traitor. For instance we could've told each member on the council something different. Then wait to see what information which piece of information was revealed to the Whitehills, by the way they react.

  • I wish both Asher and Rodrick were alive but... it's GoT and Telltale.

    God damn it. ;-;

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited August 2015

    God damn it. ;-;

    GOT damn it ;-;

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I wish both Asher and Rodrick were alive but... it's GoT and Telltale. God damn it. ;-;

  • Exactly!

    dojo32161 posted: »

    God damn it. ;-; GOT damn it ;-;

  • Yeah I do too. It just seems to me that they're killing characters off for the shock factor and for the sake of it, rather than to move the plot along.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I wish both Asher and Rodrick were alive but... it's GoT and Telltale. God damn it. ;-;

  • I really hate that I had to choose between them. When I saw that I had to choose, I cried a lot. :(

    Yeah I do too. It just seems to me that they're killing characters off for the shock factor and for the sake of it, rather than to move the plot along.

  • Yes it was a really hard choice, I love both of them and think that they both would've made a good lord.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I really hate that I had to choose between them. When I saw that I had to choose, I cried a lot.

  • There would have been so much awesomeness on our screen that the screen breaks. :)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I wish both Asher and Rodrick were alive but... it's GoT and Telltale. God damn it. ;-;

  • Haha. Good one. :)

    Yes, Asher and Rodrik are very awesome characters. But there is some bad luck when they are together. :(

    There would have been so much awesomeness on our screen that the screen breaks.

  • Aye, despite that fact that Rodrik is my favorite, I think that Asher is awesome and is capable of being a worthy successor to Rodrik.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Haha. Good one. Yes, Asher and Rodrik are very awesome characters. But there is some bad luck when they are together.

  • Asher is a badass, he has sense of humor and he doesn't take everything seriously.

    But I killed him in episode 5 cause I felt bad for Elaena :(

    Aye, despite that fact that Rodrik is my favorite, I think that Asher is awesome and is capable of being a worthy successor to Rodrik.

  • I really wish we were given an option to tell Sera about me lying to Tarwick just for her to get married, but noooooo~ We have to make her stay oblivious just for her to stop helping Mira.
    I also wish we could tell Ramsay about the Whitehills taking up all of the Ironwood trees, at least he would know something.

  • When Ethan went to meet Ramsay at the gates and threatens to burn the woods around them. I really wanted the option to call his bluff and tell him to do it, because we are surrounded by ironwood trees. If I remember correctly you can't burn Iron wood like you can with any other wood, there is a special way to do it.

  • Rodrik was his fathers favorite son

    Where does it say that? or are you just making an assumption?

    I suspect that the two brothers must have a tense relationship. Rodrik was his father's favorite son, while Asher was his father's unfavorit

  • Don't forget Malcolm, that handsome bastard.

    Jeff07Hardy posted: »

    I wish Rodrik and Asher double-teamed Daenerys......... if you know what Imean

  • The #1 thing I wish I could've done was not ride into the fucking ambush that the Whitehills had waiting for them. Such a lazy written scene. Who does that with prior knowledge of an ambush?

  • edited August 2015

    As any good leader would do. Yes your right. Telltale is lazy in the writing for sure

    I wish we could've set a trap, to try and catch the actual traitor. For instance we could've told each member on the council something diff

  • I know right, it makes no sense. Also I find it hard to believe that the Foresters don't have at least a couple of soldiers that are capable of using crossbows, who they could've posted around the top of the wall.

    Boagrius posted: »

    The #1 thing I wish I could've done was not ride into the fucking ambush that the Whitehills had waiting for them. Such a lazy written scene. Who does that with prior knowledge of an ambush?

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