Interactive GoT Fan Fiction: The Invasion
Hello, and welcome to the Invasion! As you may have gathered from the title, this story is based around some sort of invasion, but not the invasion of some mere roaches in your local home, but the great invasion of the Andal's to Westeros! This story is set roughly 5000 BC, so a reasonably long time ago! While the story prominently takes place in regions such as the North and the Fingers, other areas such as the Westerlands, the Reach and Stormlands have become more recognised as the story has progressed!
So I'd best give you some information about the current ruling houses of Westeros!
Firstly, the North is split into four kingdoms, ruled by House Bolton, Reed, Stark and Dustin (yet their name is not recognised yet).
House Stark: of Winterfell and the Winter Kings. They have put a stop to major North rebellions such as the Night’s King and the King Beyond the Wall: Joramun. The Starks have been battling with the Bolton’s and Dustin’s for a long time. Their bannermen are houses from the Wolf’s wood, Umbers, Reed's, Whitehill's and the clans of the Wolfswood. Current king is King Theon Stark.
House Bolton: of the Dreadfort and Red Kings of the North-East. Since the long night, the Bolton’s have been rival’s with the Stark’s, succeeding in burning down the Stark’s castle, Winterfell. Their bannermen are the Locke’s, Flint’s of Widow’s Watch and Hornwood’s. Current king is King Rogar Bolton.
House Dustin: of Barrowton, claim to be descendants of the First Kings and are the Barrow King’s of the South of the North. Their bannermen are the Stout’s, Ryswell's and Tallhart's. They're allied with the Marsh Kings. Current king is King Dustin, who was assassinated. A moot is being held, as he was only a father of bastards.
Down to the Fingers, and later identified as the Vale of Arryn, are a number of houses. As the Andal's first landed here, there is a mix of Andal houses and First Men, who are at war.
House Royce: of Runestone. Current king is King Robar Royce II.
House Corbray of Heart's Home. Current king is King Qyle Corbray.
House Arryn of the Gates of the Moon. Current king is King Artys Arryn.
The Stormlands are currently held by the Durrandon's, with the Andal invaders taking control of the islands of Estermont and Tarth, slowly and 'safely' picking at the coasts.
House Durrandon of Storm's End. Current king is King Qarlton Durrandon II.
House Massey of Massey's Hook. Current king is King Josua Massey
The Westerlands is reasonably calm, not being affected by the Andal threats, however they have an eye for opportunity with the neighboring lands being distracted by foreign threats.
House Lannister of Casterly Rock. Kings of the Rock and Hills. Current king is King Tybolt Lannister.
The Riverlands stands a land of dispute as war wages around them and borders onto their land. Having not suffered a war since the Battle at the Border, where the Rivermen suffered heavy losses to the Lannister's, the Rivermen have been 'slaves' to the Lannister's ever since. Now with the Ironborn attacking from the west, and the Andal threat rising in the east, chaos has risen in the Riverlands, and the lords are rising to support their new and young king.
House Mudd of the Mudd Fort. Kings of the Trident and the Rivers. Current king is King Tristifer Mudd IV
The Reach is currently torn from the grasp of House Gardener, with House Manderly thriving in a golden age of trade. They possess a strong naval fleet, and are at a state of wealth that nears House Lannister.
House Manderly of Flood Citadel. Kings of the Seas, the Mander and Sunset Bay. Current king is King Waldemar Manderly.
House Garderner of Highgarden. Kings of the Reach. Current king is the second of the Three Sage Kings: Merle I Gardener
The hot sands of Dorne have started to muster their strengths in preparation for an Andal invasion, seeing that the rest of Westeros have been affected by the foreigners through one way or another. There are many kings of Dorne, with the Greenblood kingdoms all fighting over a dispute for whom should be the King of the Greenblood, other kingdoms are looking to cease this opportunity, while smarter kingdoms look ahead of small disputes to a war that will change Dorne.
House Yronwood of Yronwood. Lords of the Stone Way and Masters of the Green Hills. They struggle among themselves for who holds a stronger claim to the throne once the old king falls. Current king is King Olyvar Yronwood.
House Fowler of Skyreach. Lords of the Wide Way and Kings of the Stone and Sky. A recent and sudden passing of King Rickard has put a young ambitious man on the throne. Current king is King Derrick Fowler.
House Blackmont of Blackmont. A rich and prosperous kingdom who are seeing the threat of the Andal's, and are preparing for what is to come. Current king is King Hector Blackmont.
House Manwoody of Kingsgrave. The most recent addition to the powerful kingdoms of Dorne, the Manwoody's came into existence with the defeat of a Gardener king a few hundred years ago. Building on the site of his death, the Manwoody's have grown powerful through their convenient position for raiding the Reach. Current king is King Domeric Manwoody.
House Dayne of Starfall. A powerful kingdom in the south-west of Dorne with strong ambitions. Being allies with the Blackmont's, the Dayne's have an eye on the impending Andal threat. Current king is King Andrey Dayne.
House Dryland of Hellgate Hall. The weakest kingdom of the powerful six, the Dryland's have constantly suffered with attacks from the ambitious Yronwood's from the north, the Dayne's from the west, and Summer Island pirates from the south, stealing them of wealth and land, however surprisingly they have remained strong and known by the rest of the kingdoms of Dorne, with a grim reputation. Current king is King Xaphan Dryland.
Missed any parts and want to read them full? Link here!
Otherwise, find a short recap here!
I'd ask for you all to keep in mind that many settled Andal houses in ASOIAF, such as Tyrell, Martell and Lydden are yet to have settled in this time period. Please refrain from submitting houses like Baratheon or Frey, as these are houses that have not been founded yet. Otherwise, go completely berserk! Be it a sellsword, an Andal warrior, a blood thirsty maniac from Essos or a whore from the brothels. The possibilities are endless! Submit here!
Also another important note: The time period is quite far back, so there are somethings in modern ASOIAF which don't quite exist yet! Firstly, the First Men prominently use bronze, with a few exceptions. While it was not that long ago that the First Men were inscribing into runes, the use of parchment and stylus has been introduced through many traders and explorers, and while not being as advanced as paper and quill, it allows books and reading into the First Men culture. Ravens are used, but the First Men tend to avoid using them at this stage, preferring a rider over a bird that can easily be attacked or shot down. The First Men are also still quite fluent in the Old Tongue, but many have come to learn the Common Tongue through traders, this mostly helps with communication in the story.
The Invasion
Book 1: The Age of New - Finished
Prologue: A Generation Gone - Finished
Chapter 1: Forging Alliances - Finished
Chapter 2: The Invasion - Finished
Chapter 3: Vengeance - Finished
Epilogue: A Generation to Come - Ongoing
Book 2: Blood Boils - Coming soon
Chapter 4: Defiance - Coming soon
Chapter 5: The Hunger - Coming soon
Chapter 6: The Father - Coming soon
Book 3: Mermen of the West - Coming soon
Chapter 7: The Trident - Coming soon
Chapter 8: A Man Needs His Hands - Coming soon
Chapter 9: A New Land - Coming soon
Book 4: Rise, Oh Lonely Star - Coming soon
Chapter 10: The Northern Star - Coming soon
Chapter 11: A Taste for Flesh - Coming soon
Chapter 12: Grumpkins and Snarks - Coming soon
POV’s are bold
Beyond the Wall
Beyond the Wall: Storrold, Amathe
In the Vale of Thenn: Magnar Bjalner, Bjorn, Rorik, Toregg, Ygwyn, Maror the Mangler
The North
In the North: Lord Eddon Frost, Torv, Rose "The Black Thief", Jesse
In Winterfell: Prince Harmund Stark, Wulfgar Snow, Queen Helia Stark, Haymitch Woodfoot, Edmund the Beast, Prince Edrick Stark, Prince Tristram Stark, Prince Ivan Stark, Martena Rivers
In the Dreadfort: King Rogar Bolton “The Huntsman”, Carver, Rechar Greenwood, Lord Adam Locke, Lord Duncan Hornwood, Dormund Bolton, Elena Rivers, Catlina Glover, Maggot, Leech
In Barrow town: Lord Adrien Amber
In Forrester's Hyde: Steffon Cale, Gareth, Lord Yoren Forrester, Lady Gylda Forrester, Trysta Forrester, Thresh Forrester, Thermund Forrester
In Torrhen's Square: Lord Samwick Tallhart
The Frost Keep: Rondon Frost, Dalara Frost, Nyla Frost,
The Neck: Lord Roran Reed, Brigitte Reed
The Rills: Emma Snow, Edrick,Lord Teran Woodmill
At Bear Island: Ravos 'the Raper' Hoare, Erza Nightwood, Artigas Pyke, Jarod Greyjoy, Arika Goodbrother, Guthred 'Ghastly' Hoare, Edgar 'the Archer' Hoare, Harlie 'Berserk' Hoare, Lady Claire Woodfoot, Lord Kober Goodbrother, Tanner, Andiron Quarter-Iron, Korb the Pirate
In the Wolf’s Wood:
The Fingers
The Three Sisters: High King Sigemund Sunderland, Princess Modthryth Sunderland
In the Fingers: Cedrick Redfort, Lexia Belmore
Heart's Home: Ser Jaime Corbary, King Qyle Corbray, Aidin, Warne Spyre, Rylan, Ser Darren Tyrner, Jorrhen, Jegg, Ser Bennett Grafton, Ser Hardlick Ruthermont, Ser Luceon Templeton, Lord Rogan Ruthermont, Lord Cyrus Egen, Lord Roth Donniger, Lord Lynderly, Lord Lipps, Lord Templeton, Kristin, Tamarra of the Vale
The Redfort: King Robar Royce, Ursula Upcliff, Lord Barrock "The Cruel" Redfort, Drevyn Moore, Celesse Redfort, Jarden Frost, Lord Harlan Hunter, Lord Myke Coldwater, Prince Wyman Manderly, Iron Wolf, Wylda 'Half-witch' Manderly
Strongsong: Paytan Hunter, Lord Ethon Belmore, Wyllam Belmore, Bondarien Stone
Runestone: Ramses Stone, Marsh Coldwater, York Royce, Mack Moore
In Andalos:
The Pearled City: High King Noriphos of the Seven, Jorio, Harlan, Warlord Davios Tallman, Malloc, Ser Kristor Darklyn, Warlord Dickon Finch, Kira Tyrner, Lorrhen, Morgan Martell, Lord Ruban Maeson, Septon Militar, Prince Jarod, Prince Bron, Warlord Lorias Roxton, Warlord Anderon Varner, Lady Elayna Maeson, Princess Celia, Jade, King Gerold Grafton, Ser Lesley Grafton, Ser Felimy Keding, Andrea Royce, Septa Sofina, The Mamba, The Boa, Whiptail
Southpoint District: Florentio Vittori
Westside District: Tayla
Golden Spear Estate:
The Stormlands
In the Stormlands:
Storm's End: King Qarlton Durrandon, Teddy Estermont, Marten Tarth, Chrys Tarth, Lady Meghan Caron, Captain Jorgan Buckler, Prince Qarlton III Durrandon, Prince Blane Durrandon, Prince Dante Durrandon, Prince Mathias Durrandon, Princess Acadia Durrandon, Lord Jaycen Caron, Keat Musgood, General Gladys Dondarrion, Lord Gilbret Swann, Morrigen, Simon Whitehill, Tom Hill
Nightsong: Jorik, Kaleb, Gendel Dondarrion, Gareth Caron
Blackhaven: Lord Edric 'Thunderlord' Dondarrion, Ben Tarth, Bethany Caron, Maddelyn Storm, Captain Cassian Cole
Tarth: Lord Dagon Tarth
Estermont: Lord Jules Estermont
Blackwater Bay
By Blackwater Bay:
Dun Fort:
Stonedance: King Josua Massey, Prince Josef Massey
Sharp Point: Lord Togarion Bar Emmon, Lady Jemma Bar Emmon, Monty Bar Emmon, Lord Wyatt Manderly, Syvvek of Skagos, Captain Laura Longthorpe, Isyger, Rauval, Varadol, Steirne, Maya Sisters
Merling Isles
Merling Stone: Lady Vera Manderly, Wystan Manderly, Wymer Manderly, Colt Hightower, Lord Karlack of Merman's Cove
The Reach
In the Reach:
Flooded Citadel: Wave Manderly, Lady Mira Manderly, Lady Wynne Blackwood
Merman's Gate:
Redwyne: King Tydus Redwyne, Prince Vernan Redwyne, Lord Allie Vines,
Oldtown: King Uilliam I Hightower, Queen Udelle Hightower, Prince Uilliam II Hightower, Prince Ulf Hightower, Lord Ulfric Hightower, Lord Wendel Manderly, Prince Warmond Manderly, Princess Dia Manderly, Lady Cynthea Crane, Lord Cleyton Costayne, Addam Ambrose, Manfryd Merryweather
Highgarden: King Merle I Gardener, Queen Renee Gardener, Prince Gwayne V Gardener, Princess Priya Gardener, Ser Alester Tyrell, King Waldemar I Manderly, Waldemar II Manderly
Starpike: Lord Peake, Petra Peake
The Riverlands
In the Riverlands: Rayvani of Asshai, Septa Talia, Nathan
Muddfort: King Tristifer IV Mudd, General Edmure Tully
Darklyn Kingdom
In the Darklyn Kingdom:
Maidenpool: Samira, Dallop, Dalia, Cassy Waters, King Florian Mooton
The Westerlands
In the Westerlands:
Silentport: Warrick Westerling, Lord Mericus Westerling, Willem Westerling, Lord Bryce Lantell, Lady Emilee Lantell, Prince Tylar Lannister, Lawsen Yew, Sedrick Sarsfield, Baiden Hill, Tavion Greenfield, Prince Loras Lannister, Princess Gwynovire Lannister, Lord Gerwint Greenfield, Lord Brodos Broom, Maxwell Lannister
Casterly Rock: King Tybolt Lannister
Faircastle: Lord Frenken Farman, Lady Wylla Farman, Ryman Farman, Elyana Farman, Admiral Maxim Westerling, Lord Howett Clifton, Eddin Pyke, Lord Walter Manderly, Wyvern Vyrwel, Lady Waldina Lowther
In Dorne: Klare Varne
Starfall: Willow Manderly
High Hermitage: Lord Wylis Manderly
Hellgate Hall:
Yronwood: King Olyvar Yronwood, Prince Eddin Yronwood, Princess Sofina Yronwood, King Hector Blackmont, Prince Torrhen Blackmont, Prince Broden Yronwood, Benedict Yronwood
Stone Bridge: Lord Nic Wyl,
By the Greenblood
Brownhill: Jaremy Sand, Tor Thunderstorm, Tywin Yronwood, King Edgar Brownhill, Queen-mother Eyla Brownhill, Elise Wern, Harrin Wern, Riler Wern, Princess Abrey Brownhill, Prince Franklyn Brownhill, Queen Julienna Brownhill,
Seas and Oceans
Narrow Sea: Prince Tobas Bolton, General Daniel 'Arrow' Glenmore, Lieutenant Simon Holt, Athena, King Theon Stark “The Hungry Wolf”, Alara Caron, General Corbin Cerwyn, Dromon "The First Dragon" Tarth, Lillith of Lorath, Kasia, Chet Tully, Bautistant, Bautian, Casper Diamond, Norrhen Cassel, Bendor Went
Status Unknown or Deceased: Rolland Reed, Gryff Connington, Robart Connington, Koryn Stone, Niclas, Trevyr, Myles, King Yorwyck VI Royce, King Osgood III Shett, Arnold Dint, Harmond Hornwill, King Andru Shett, Nalia Cale, Raven, Small Mykal, Orodos, Edwyn Bolton, The Cobra, Argos Sevenstar, Kailan, Brodin Cale. King Dustin, Queen Dustin, Ryden Frost, Garvy, Wyona Manderly, Hughie Arryn, Vysela, Bartel, Russel, Prince Marvion Corbray, Lord Gryff Connington, Robart Connington, The Travelling Spider
Waiting to be introduced: Alester Vyrwel, Igon Vyrwel, Wendy Corals, Wulfram Manderly, Waleria Manderly, Wade Manderly, Atem Smollens, Erreg 'the Blurson', Lord Erac Uller, Lady Carlys Uller, Anaris Uller, Dannys Sand, Eldert Roxton, Queen Arenna, King Andrey Dayne, Queen Janna Dayne, Alester Dayne, Arthur Sand, Prince Donnel Dayne, Princess Laenah Dayne, Vyron Dayne, Anisa Dayne, Tanya Dayne, Gerald Dayne, Prince Aron Dayne, Queen Ashara Blackmont, Prince Gawain Blackmont, Princess Selena Blackmont, Feather, Westflower, Trunk, Vine, King Derreck Fowler, Sarala, Lord Gilbar Staller, Lady Sylva Staller, Gyles Staller, Simon Staller, Osmynd Staller, Jenifire, Nysah, Prince Eddin Yronwood, Princess Sofina Yronwood, Princess Tila Yronwood, Princess Myra Yronwood, Olira Yronwood, Gyles Yronwood, Shara Yronwood, Yorick Yronwood, Gwenyth Yronwood, Ella Yronwood, Jarvas Sand, King Domeric Manwoody, King Xaphan Dryland, Prince Braedon Yronwood, Princess Reila Yronwood, Aren Yronwood, Jeyna Yronwoood, Alix Yronwood, Reya, Lord Tomas Upton, Lady Alana Upton, Lord Randyll Nightfall,
Glen Morland, Ashe Snow, Jorun Mormont, Liam Crully, Gared Locke, Janos Locke, Valia Locke, Manrel Yronwood, Dayna Yronwood, Daris Yronwood, Merris Yronwood, Aaron Arrows, Arika Arrows, Logan Arrows, Nyla Arrows, Ashtin Arrows, Almia Arrows, Shana Arrows, Tesha Arrows, Aston Cale, Gunter Albright, Tayla Sentel, Tomas Desmond, Hannah Desmond, Vogero, Davos Storm, Elea, Erik Stroman, John Mordwise, Gargold Tollet, Loras Banefort, Carmelia Holt, Kymia Holt, Xina Holt, Noeh Holt
Drawn characters at this link!
The Invasion
Prologue: A Generation Gone
Koryn rode by Niclas’ side as they crossed the Bridge of the Moon. As always, Koryn was amazed by the architecture of Runestone: it sat high in the sky, where the Bridge of the Moon connected it to the hills of the Fingers. The views of the Bay of Crabs were a spectacular sight, and a great advantage point as nothing could sneak up on the castle from the sea.
“Breathe it in Niclas, you’ve sworn an oath to protect our king so this is your home as much as it is his” Koryn was a little unsure with the new members of the Kingsguard, they were young and eager to serve, but Koryn could not help to question if they were experienced enough to protect the king.
“Yes, it’s quite exhilarating to gaze at… Koryn, is there something wrong? You have carried that frown all the way from the coast to here. Have we done something to displease you?”
Koryn took a while to answer, “It’s not you Niclas, not any of you. Just… The men who served the king before you were good and loyal men, with experience. I don’t want our king in danger because his newly made kingsguard are not up to the task, this is a lifelong devotion you three have sworn yourselves to. I pray to the gods that I am wrong about you lot” Koryn heard Niclas let out a sigh. Great, I’ve just pissed off my new brother.
“I understand your uncertainty Koryn, but have some faith in us. Anyway, time to wipe that frown off your face, we’re coming up to the gates now” Niclas straightened his back and slowed his horse to a slow trot. Koryn moved into formation with him at the front and the other three behind him. The gates opened for them and Koryn led the men through the great halls of Runestone. Myles, Trevyr and Niclas all looked amazed by the interior of the castle, and it was indeed a magnificent piece of work. Koryn and the others entered the throne room, where King Yorwyck was dining with his family.
“Ah Koryn! My loyal and honorable kingsguard. What brings you into my great halls at this hour in the evening?” King Yorwyck spoke with a mouthful of aurochs meat coming out of his mouth. He was better known for his battle strategies than his dining manners.
“Your grace, my men and I have returned from the coast with the heads of the Andal captain’s and crewmembers, as per your request. What would you have done with them?”
Yorwyck took a moment to swallow his ale before answering, “Have the men decorate the walls of my castle with the heads of these Andals. Let this be a lesson to any fucks who try to take anything that is rightfully mine!” Yorwyck’s lady covered their son’s ears, the king paused for a moment. “Woman, put the boy to bed, and I’ll be to our chambers soon” As they left, the king motioned for Koryn’s men to leave. Once the hall was empty, the king beckoned for Koryn to take a seat at his royal table.
“What am I to do Koryn, my only son is coming of an age where he will need to learn how to rule. Yet that damn woman takes to treating him like a newborn child, I swear Koryn if I had not been here the boy would still be sucking on his mother’s breasts!”
Koryn took a moment, he was the kingsguard, not his councillor. Yet it was his job to serve his king in any means. “Your grace, we have received troubling news that the Shett’s have forged an alliance with the Andal’s. I fear they may plan to attack us” Koryn watched the King’s face turn fiery red as if it were to explode.
“They will not attack us! Do you hear me Koryn? We scared those shits back into the walls of their shithole town! Do you really think they could march against us? Here, in Runestone!?” Yorwyck’s face boiled with anger, his hand clenched tightly to the bronze dining knife in his right hand.
“No your grace, it’s just-” Koryn did not know how to finish his sentence. He was scared stiff, he could face any enemy on the battlefield, but he could not battle his King.
“Forgive me Koryn, I grow weary of these rumours. I believe it is time for me to head to my chambers, as is the same for you”
Koryn resisted the urge to break into an argument, he had known Yorwyck for the entirety of his life, he was like a brother to him. Nevertheless, Koryn’s emotions for Yorwyck had to be set aside as he was the kingsguard of the mighty Bronze King of Runestone. “As you wish, your grace.” As Koryn stood, the front gates of the hall burst open, Niclas ran in.
“Your grace, we’re under attack! The Shett’s are-” before he could finish his sentence, an arrow flew into his back and he fell to the ground.
Koryn stood shocked for a moment that felt like lasted several minutes, then he snapped back to reality, “Your grace, find some cover!”. As Koryn turned, hoping to see Yorwyck scrambling away, he saw the King arming himself with a bronze dagger hidden in his boot.
“If you really think I will run away from a fight, you are sorely mistaken” Yorwyck laughed and began to run towards the flying arrows, he stabbed one archer through the neck. As he turned to lunge at the next he suddenly halted. An arrow hit him straight in the chest, then the neck, then the stomach. He fell back, his bright tunic stained with blood. His bronze crown rolling on the ground.
“NO!” Koryn screamed, charging towards the gate, his bronze sword in hand ready to slice through the archers like butter. He took one arrow in his left shoulder, then another in the chest. He finally reached the gates and swung his sword at the first archer, slicing straight through his neck, he lunged at the second which pierced him through the chest. He pulled his sword from the archer to only get his by another arrow in the leg. Koryn landed next to the bodies of Myles and Trevyr, both full of arrows. He rolled over, above him stood King Osgood Shett with his bronze longsword in hand. He lifted the sword above his head, then lunged it into Koryn’s chest. Darkness clouded Koryn’s vision, the last thing he saw was the enemy king being stabbed in the back.
Nice start!
I'll be submitting some characters!
Sounds interesting, I'll submit a couple characters.
Nice start
Looks good ,Submitted a character .
@Magicmel13 could you please make contact with me via PM or just reply to this comment so I can discuss your character Athena with you?
**Chapter 1: Forging Alliances **
Harmond made his way through the crowds in Winterfell. His presence had been requested by the King, they were to meet at the crypts underneath Winterfell. Harmond walked with his squire, Edrick. Edrick carried his mace by his side and his shield on his back: it was a work of art, full bronze with a direwolf head carved into the center of it. The shield was a gift awarded to Harmond for his service in the Stark army, it had come with matching bronze bracers and shoulder pads. Harmond kept the bracers and pads but felt he had no use for the shield, hence passing it down to Edrick.
“I wonder what Theon wants with us” Edrick had been quiet for the whole walk, but Harmond could see the curiosity in his eyes. Harmond chuckled, which made Edrick look him in the eyes with a questioning look.
“If I don’t remember correctly, the messenger requested that I, Harmond Hornwill, was to see the King. I don’t recall an Edrick being said there” Harmond gave that smile to Edrick which always made him smile back. “Anyway, who knows? Perhaps he wants us to scout the coasts again for Andal ships.” Edrick didn’t seem impressed by this in the slightest.
“We just got back from patrolling that damned coast and we saw nothing for the three days we were there. I wish for some action, I want to fight.” Harmond could not keep in his laughter, the boy reminded him of himself in his youth. “Enough of your damned laughter Harmond, let us see what our King wants with us” Edrick said with a cocky grin on his face.
King Theon stood at the entrance of the crypt with two guards by his side. He gave a warm smile when he saw Harmond approaching.
“You’ve come right on time Harmond, and once again it is a pleasure to see you Edrick.” The King was in a cheery mood for once which pleased Harmond, he could not help but to smile back.
“The pleasure is mine, my great king. I hope my appearance here with Harmond is not of-” Harmond tapped Edrick on the back perhaps a little too hard, but it shut him up.
“Please, follow me down to the crypts of my ancestors.” And with that, the two guards unlocked the ironwood doors and the King descended the stairs, Harmond followed by his side and Edrick lacked behind a few feet. Finally reaching the bottom of the crypt, the King lit an ironwood torch; igniting the wood into a bluey white flame.
“I would ask of your travelling companion to stay here while we discuss certain matters Harmond.” Harmond needed only to look at Edrick to get his nod of agreeance. The King and Harmond walked down the dark crypt, passing the late ancestors of House Stark. The crypt was a long and bare tunnel, containing only a dozen or more Stark graves. The King led Harmond to the statue of King Rickon Stark, Theon’s great grandfather, who was holding a rune recording the ancient passages of the First Kings.
“I understand you must be curious why I brought you down to my family’s crypt, rest assured that I have not brought you down to bury me.” Harmond and Theon quietly laughed. “No, I have brought you down here to discuss an important matter. I believe I have found a way to side us with the Barrow kings and possibly the Red kings. This rune my great-grandfather possesses once belonged to the Barrow kings. I believe we can win their alliance by returning what was originally theirs.” Theon had a stern look on his face, the usual glint in his eye was gone. “Siding with the Barrow kings could strike fear into the Boltons, forcing them side with us, but I fear that this task will use too much time that we cannot afford to lose.”
“So what’s the next plan, my king?” Harmond never quite enjoyed putting together plans and battle strategies, I suppose this is why I won’t become a general anytime soon.
“We could take our chances, march through the Bolton lands and hope they don’t decide to attack us while we meet the Andal forces head on at the Weeping Water. Or we could ride to the Dreadfort and try convincing King Rogar to join us. Either way, none of our options are going to be easy, so I am leaving this decision with you. This mission is yours and I understand this is a heavy burden to carry but I have a war to plan and other alliances to arrange. You have by the morning to have decided where you are going.” and with that, Harmond took his leave. Where should I go?
[Ride to Barrowtown] [Ride to the Dreadfort]
[Ride to the Dreadfort] Time is of the essense.
[Ride to Barrowtown] Well, I have to say I like this plan more, even if the king says it'll take too much time
Another good part! 
[Ride to the Dreadfort] Risky, but we should try it.
[Ride to the Dreadfort] I wonder what happens in the next part
[Ride to Barrowtown] We have to , even if it takes longer , Love the part mate
Don't believe there are any more votes coming in so this vote is closed, Harmond and his squire Edrick shall Ride to the Dreadfort
I would like to quickly announce that the next part of the story will be held in the Fingers so please don't feel restricted to the North
Wyllam Belmore rode his black stallion by King Robar’s side. His kingsguard were not too far behind. The King was determined to settle an alliance with House Upcliff, a clan of sorcerers who live on the Black Cliffs of the Witch Isle.
“Your grace, are you sure that it would be wise to ally with sorcerers? We already have enough soldiers to-” Wyllam was interrupted by Robar’s laugh.
“Of course it’s not wise Wyllam! I would happily charge into battle with the men we have if I were certain we would come out victorious, but I am not certain. The sorcerers are great healers and their magic would be a great asset to our army. Think of the possibilities with them at our side, keeping our men on the front lines with their mystical powers” Robar’s voice trailed off, his eyes stared off into the distance as if he was living in another world.
“You’re as mad as those damn Andals” Wyllam laughed and Robar was quick to join him. There was still a lot of distance to cover between here and their destination. Today will be a long and tiring march.
The area the King had ordered his guard to make camp was muddy and wet. Wyllam had nothing to do, so he took that as an opportunity to look around. Wyllam scrambled up a rock face to get an idea of where they were, but he could see nothing as everything was covered in mist. He sat down with his legs dangling off the edge of the rock platform. For a cursed island, it sure does have some beautiful scenery. After a few minutes of absorbing in his surroundings, Wyllam heard some muffled noises in the distance. He leaped off the rock and approached the area of where the noise had come from. Looking around, Wyllam quickly realised he was out of the camp’s view. When Wyllam turned to make his way back to the camp he heard the string of a bow being drawn. A dagger came from behind him and rested on his throat.
“Who are you? Why are you here?” Wyllam could not track where the voice was coming from, it was in all directions yet at the same time it was in none. Then a woman appeared out of the bush to his left, wielding a staff in her left hand. Two archers followed behind her, their bows drawn and their arrows ignited in a purple flame. Wyllam stuttered, his voice had abandoned him. “I’ll ask one more time boy, who are you and why are you here?” She stomped her staff to the ground, it ignited in a purple flame the instant it made contact with the surface.
“I- I am here with King Robar Royce, I am his advisor” Wyllam’s voice was shaking, his whole body was shaking. Blood trickled down the side of his neck, his movement had caused the blade to bite into his skin.
“Easy friends, we did not come here to harm you” The mysterious folk all turned their attention to Wyllam’s King. His kingsguard were in formation behind him, their swords drawn. “Release my friend, and let us talk as civilised folk.” The blade felt like it cut deeper into Wyllam’s skin, he desperately tried not to show his pain. After a moment of silence, the woman leading the ambush moved her gaze from the King to Wyllam, she nodded and Wyllam was released. He quickly walked to his King’s side, the person holding him hostage was a tall woman in dark robes. Her dagger dripped with Wyllam’s blood. Wyllam pulled his hand away from his neck, staring into the pool of blood that lay in the palm of his hand. Suddenly the deep red liquid turned into a mirror vision of the blood that trickled off the dagger. The last thing Wyllam saw was King Robar and the mysterious woman huddling around him, then everything went dark.
Wyllam awoke in a dark room, only lit with red flamed candles. King Robar and a beautiful woman with long wavy hair sat by his bed, discussing something that was out of Wyllam’s earshot.
“Your grace-” Wyllam could not get the words out of his mouth. His neck was tightly bandaged and as a consequence he could not speak. The King rushed over to Wyllam’s side, the beautiful woman came walking behind him.
“How are you feeling Wyllam?”
“Well, your grace-” Wyllam’s neck tingled with pain, he sat himself up and smiled at the King in an attempt to reassure him.
“Wyllam, I would like to introduce you to Ursula Upcliff, the mother of this house and leader of the sorcerer’s here.”
“Your collapse saved us from murdering each other, my apologies we did not meet on better circumstances” Ursula smiled, her long wavy hair was as black as night. Her eyes were the colour of amethyst’s, though no gem could meet the beauty that was contained in her eyes. Wyllam grunted, “I will bring you something for the pain” Ursula moved her gaze from Wyllam to Robar, “Your grace” she nodded. After she was gone, Wyllam laid his back against the wall.
“Alliance?” Wyllam managed to say, becoming frustrated that his words had abandoned him.
“Indeed, and they are just as I had hoped, but nevermind that. Ursula and I have been discussing where we should go next. We now have the forces to successfully march an attack on the Corbray’s.”
Robar stared into the red flame of the candle adjacent to Wyllam, he redirected his gaze to Wyllam.
“But there is also the Shett’s, they are locked within the walls of Gulltown. They could become powerful allies if we were to liberate them. Though if we were to liberate Gulltown, we would lose the opportunity to strike at the Corbray’s. Ursula thinks we should liberate the Shett’s, but as you are my advisor I am requiring your opinion. I do not expect you to answer me now so I shall leave you to sleep on it, rest well my friend.” The King rose from his stool and left, the room was silent. Wyllam laid his head back and closed his eyes. The Shett’s have been warring with the Royce’s for a long time, though no doubt having control over their lands would benefit our cause.
[Attack the Corbray’s] [Liberate the Shett’s]
[Liberate the Shett’s] This sounds good
[Attack the Corbay's] great chapter!
[Liberate the Shett’s] Good one ^^
I think we need a fanfiction subforum half the threads seem to end up being fanfics
If I have understood correctly they will be moved to Forum Games when ep. 6 comes out.
[Liberate the Shett’s]
This is a nice story! I have caught up and will submit a character soon
It's as WildlingKing said, they will sadly be moved to the Forum Games once Episode 6 comes out, most likely at least. Although, I honestly don't think the stories need to be moved. Of course I am biased, but I don't really think they prevent discussion to happen here in the General Discussion. If people want to discuss a topic, they will discuss it, regardless of the number of fanfictions that exists in the General Discussion. If anything, a good fanfiction can even attract new members to the forum. I'm talking out of experience here, as ever since my story got moved back from the Forum Games a month ago, half a dozen new people registered to the forums, just to join the story. This happened in the past as well and some of these people went on to became active users in other sections of the forum as well. There's also the fact that aside from this one, both of WildlingKings stories and mine, I can't see any of the other currently active fanfictions as still active in one or two months. Half of the new fanfictions are apparently already dead and I think more will follow even if they won't get moved. I think a subforum here in the GoT section of the forum would be a fair compromise, as these stories get little to no attention in the Forum Games section.
[Attack the Corbray's]
[Liberate the Shett’s]
[Liberate the Shett’s]
Vote closed! The Royce army will liberate the Shett's
Davios stood at the docks of Andalos. His long blond hair flew in the wind as the gusts from the Narrow sea blew into the harbour. He pulled out the letter that had been sent to him from Argos Sevenstar.
To Davios Tallman
I would like to thank you for volunteering to join our great conquest in the attempt to colonise Westeros. You are to set sail on the ‘Friendship’ which will be at the Andalos Docks. The Braavosi captain of the vessel, named Harlan, will find you at the docks. Be sure to wear your new plated armor and sevenstar tabard so our captain can find you.
Argos Sevenstar, chief warlord of the Andals.
Davios had been waiting nearly an hour, he stood at the edge of the docks polishing his iron longsword. A small fat man walked up to him, he had the tanned brown skin of the Braavosi. The small man pulled out a roll of paper from his satchel.
“Mmm, you must be Davios Tallman?” The man had a moustache which was clearly waxed, no facial hair could stand so tall on its own. Davios nodded in approval. The small man smiled and rolled up his paper, putting it back in his satchel. “I am Harlan, captain of the Friendship. It is a pleasure to meet you Davios Tallman” He offered his hand out to Davios. He shook his hand with a firm grip.
“And you, captain. When do we depart?” Davios had been eager to set sail to Westeros ever since he had heard the news of his father’s death. Waiting in Andalos for the past week had been testing Davios’ patience.
“In the morrow, my good friend. I shall escort you to the other recruits that are currently aboard the ship.” Harlan smiled quickly and walked off, Davios struggled to keep up.
“Now that you are all looking comfortable out of your armor, I would like to quickly inform you of the rules that I hold aboard my ship. Number one, there shall be no stealing, number two…” Davios’ mind drifted away from the world, into a deep thought. This must have been apparent as the recruits and the crewmen were all staring at him when he awoke from his half-conscious state. “Awake Davios! I am nearly finished. Number twenty-two, there will be absolutely no fighting or death on my ship. That is all for now, you may go drown yourselves at the tavern now.” All the men cheered and stormed off the ship, Harlan chuckled and disappeared into his cabin. A young man and Davios remained aboard the ship. The man sat upon the balustrade, reading a book.
“Can’t say I’ve ever been one to ‘drown’ myself in wine. Books have always been more interesting for me.” He closed his book and jumped off the balustrade. He was a small man. He carried an iron shortsword on his waist, and a dagger in his left boot. “I am Jorio, and you are Davios Tallman if I don’t stand corrected?” His high pitched voice was beginning to irritate Davios.
“Yes, that’s me. What do you want?” Davios was tired and eager to rest.
“Oh nothing, just thought you might want to talk… You seem very angry with that stern expression of yours, is there anything I can do to help?” By the Seven, will he not take the hint?
“No, I am tired and need rest. Excuse me.” Davios walked pass Jorio and down into the hull. He could hear Jorio’s footsteps as he moved atop the deck and disembarked the ship. Davios walked to his bunk and collapsed in it.
Davios woke to the sound of muffled screams and a constant stomping on the upper deck. What the hell is going on up there? He laid in his bunk, listening. He heard a sword unsheath.
“I’ll slit your throat if ye don’t stop your squirming” Davios immediately got up, reached for his longsword and ran to the stairs. He climbed to the upper deck to see three men pinning Jorio to the ground. They all stopped what they were doing when they saw Davios. A plump man walked towards Davios.
“Ye’d best leave ‘ere boy, this’ got nothin’ to do with ye” The man held Jorio’s sword. There was no time to rethink his options, Davios unsheathed his longsword, holding it with his right hand.
“You have once chance to walk away from this, let him go.” The men laughed, clearly drunk on wine or ale. The plump man ran towards him with Jorio’s sword above his head. Davios parried the blow and knocked him unconscious with the pommel of his sword. The man who was holding Jorio down quickly rushed for his axe but fell to the ground when Davios smashed his head into the balustrade. One more.
“Please, don’t ‘urt me m’lord. I’ll do anything.” Davios saw the other two men slowly moving but unable to get up. Jorio seemed unharmed. Davios focused his attention to the last man, he was unarmed. “Please m’lord, I beg ye.” Davios pointed his sword at the man. Jorio grabbed his sword and hovered over the plump man with his sword at his throat. Whatever Davios chose to do now, Jorio would follow.
[Knock out the man] [Let him go]
[knock out man]
[Kill the man]
[Knock out the man] I'd say it's a little too harsh to kill him
Anyway, nice to have the Andals in the story! ;D
Hey guys, my apologies for changing one of the choices. What it has been edited to now is how it was originally meant to be but I mustn't have copied the correct version. Sorry once again
Oh, well I did think that needs to be a pretty hardcore guy to kill someone from something like that
but if you ask me you could keep it as a third option, I mean clearly Wolfenus is ready to do it XD
Hahaha, I suppose I could do three options couldn't I. Well there will be some parts that I've planned which will have very important choices so watch out :P
[Let him go]
[Knock out the man]
Knock out the man] might as well teach him a lesson.
[Knock out the man]
[Knock out the man]
Vote closed! Davios shall knock out the man.