People and their illogical reasons for saving *****...



  • I'm clearly a better person than you if you resort to a horde tatic on anyone who doesnt agree with you. I dont need to be "anyone" to even disagree with you. You're not above anyone to not deserve a retaliation back to you, so dont try and act all high and mighty. Maybe next time you should get over your butthurt hatred of me, over something I said to you almost a year ago now.

    Yeah. I get it. I bruised your ego. Boo hoo.

    Green613 posted: »

    Lmao, who the fuck do you think you are? I wasn't supporting shit, you just happened to look like a salty fool in your first comment and I c

  • I'm clearly a better person than you if you resort to a horde tatic

    Yeah I'm afraid the one calling this forum toxic, is actually the toxic one. Glad to see how mature you are trying to actually say you're a better person than me, the true better person wouldn't say anything at all

    so dont try and act all high and mighty

    I'll act how I want to, clearly you're backed into a corner and can't think of any other argument to bring up than past ones, so I don't really think you're in any position to be giving me orders. Cute try though :)

    stevean2 posted: »

    I'm clearly a better person than you if you resort to a horde tatic on anyone who doesnt agree with you. I dont need to be "anyone" to even

  • Would be interesting but plot armor :(

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Maybe it's the Forresters and Whitehills vs the boltons after a truce... Well, after Lord Ludd gets a bolt in the heart

  • Okay, first off. If you think you're backing me into a "corner" cause you leaped onto me to bring up shit from the past then you're wrong. I'm perfectly Fine, but you can keep being a bitch all you want rather than having a civilized discussion.

    Oh, and btw? Calling something as it is, does not make that person what they are calling it. Just.. y'know general logic there. Something you seem to lack in arguements when someone insults your ego or person, so you have to resort to "lel cute faecz" and repeating yourself over and over again.

    Green613 posted: »

    I'm clearly a better person than you if you resort to a horde tatic Yeah I'm afraid the one calling this forum toxic, is actually th

  • Your argument is terrible sir, you might want to quit now while you can. Please, don't show how much of a fool you are to everyone else. (it's kind of embarrassing)

    stevean2 posted: »

    Okay, first off. If you think you're backing me into a "corner" cause you leaped onto me to bring up shit from the past then you're wrong. I

  • Well, I'm afraid I have terrible news... Ramsey said that we must go to war with the whitehills. And he made clear that if we defy him both houses will fall. Peace is just not possible anymore :/

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    It's about not dying at the end of the day... I just don't want war

  • Peace is always possible... We just have to eliminate the crazy..

    But if telltale is talking through Ramsay and saying that there is no peace option... I'll be pissed.

    Well, I'm afraid I have terrible news... Ramsey said that we must go to war with the whitehills. And he made clear that if we defy him both houses will fall. Peace is just not possible anymore

  • "Lets recycle the same insult over and over again, because I've never heard of civility nor tolerance" Yeah, I know. It's a hard.. hard task, but if you just put the effort in trying, I can really really see you improving man. :) best of luck to you on your road to self-improvement man. You really need it.

    Green613 posted: »

    Your argument is terrible sir, you might want to quit now while you can. Please, don't show how much of a fool you are to everyone else. (it's kind of embarrassing)

  • Again, you really aren't helping your case.

    stevean2 posted: »

    "Lets recycle the same insult over and over again, because I've never heard of civility nor tolerance" Yeah, I know. It's a hard.. hard task

  • Yeah dude, chill would you?

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    It's a choice game. There's no 'right' choice. I'm not angry, but this reminds me an awful lot of what happened with the Telltale Forums aft

  • Why waste your time trying to prove everyone wrong? Because their not wrong those are perfectly valid reasons for saving Asher. It's cool that you prefer Rodrik and there's valid reasons for that as well, there's no wrong choice.

  • I killed the traitor, and in an alternate play through checked to see if it would make a difference in letting him live and gaining information. The fact that it still ends the same proves you have a point there

    KronusX posted: »

    I saved Asher for a different reason: Rodrick is an incompetent tactician. He had 1 job to do while waiting for Asher, which was to secure the area and prepare for an ambush. He failed that task, therefore he should pay for it.

  • Maybe we have to wait till episode 6 to see an effect..

    I killed the Royland traitor, but not the Duncan traitor.

    TWAU21 posted: »

    I killed the traitor, and in an alternate play through checked to see if it would make a difference in letting him live and gaining information. The fact that it still ends the same proves you have a point there

  • The thing is, the traitor supposedly had information about the ambush. Considering the fact no matter what your action is you still get ambushed, it makes sense to kill Rodrick. How can you rely on a guy to lead his house to war when he cannot even assign a simple scouting mission? Sure, you might say ''from our point of view it's obvious'' except from their point of view it should be EVEN more obvious. An army waiting inside the city gates ambushed by crossbowmen sitting on the same wall. There is no excuse for NOT having people there, if anything at least since you get a better view of the area which makes it easier to see an incoming ambush. Why leave someone that cannot even do basic warfare alive? Worst of all was the guy running to close the gates. He walked past Forrester men as if it was nothing, even though it was the same guy that stood in front of Rodrick in episode 2 or 3. Instead, it's Asher, the guy that has been away for a long time that recognizes the enemy house.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Maybe we have to wait till episode 6 to see an effect.. I killed the Royland traitor, but not the Duncan traitor.

  • Don't tell me what to do.

  • The Forresters are pretty stupid.. Like all-around stupid

    Idk how they weren't under Whitehill rule before the way they plan. I mean, you saw the Red Wedding? Lol

    KronusX posted: »

    The thing is, the traitor supposedly had information about the ambush. Considering the fact no matter what your action is you still get ambu

  • My reasons for leaving Rodrik behind and saving Asher

    1. He can't just die quickly after returning to westeros. He didn't even get a chance to see his whole family again.
    2. He is stronger than Rodrik. He fought in Essos many years alongside Beskha
    3. Beskha. It would probably makes Beskha go crazy and wouldn't really listen to Rodrik's order
    4. Lord Gregor even left himself behind to save Gared so its's Rodrik's turn to be left behind and save his Brother. It would make both Rodrik and his father a true heroes.
    5. I want Asher to return to Ironrath and finally prepares for war.
  • edited August 2015

    Im glad we all love Beskha lol

    We need a Beskha avatar!!! Telltale? Oh, and an Asher avatar

    Killah posted: »

    My reasons for leaving Rodrik behind and saving Asher * He can't just die quickly after returning to westeros. He didn't even get a ch

  • I find my main reasons for saving Asher completely logical, but I think you will find them illogical.

    1 - Rodrik, by imprisoning Gryff and by going so unprepared to what he knew was an ambush, committed the kind of error that usually get you killed in ASOIAF. It didn't seem fair to sacrifice Asher, who did not commit this kind of errors and did not even know of the ambush to begin with. Asher did what he was told to do.

    2 - I'm an older sister. If I went to a place to save my little sister and the situation turned ugly, I wouldn't leave without her; I would either die so she can live or die with her. My Rodrik would, in my mind, do the same thing. He wouldn't go there to save his younger brother from an ambush and then go back home without him.

    At the same time, I also have two reasons to save Rodrik.

    1 - Asher does not run from a fight, even when the odds are against him. Sacrificing himself to save his brother seems to be a very Asher thing to do.

    2 - It simply feels like Rodrik should be the one to take revenge on the Whitehills, since he is the one that was pushed around by them.

    And that's why I have two save files.

  • That's why I have three lmao

    When I denied Beskha her vengeance in my second playthrough, I had to make a third one

    Abeille posted: »

    I find my main reasons for saving Asher completely logical, but I think you will find them illogical. 1 - Rodrik, by imprisoning Gryff an

  • edited August 2015

    I think a big reason why I saved Asher, and this is in some ways illogical (maybe most ways), was the dialogue I got from my sentinel compared to what I got from Beskha.

    Like literally hearing Beskha made me switch over to Rodrik, and internally say what does my sentinel have to say about his lord. but Royland/Duncan are no where near as convincing as Beskha was. I swear Beskha was the best player in this game, and I couldn't kill her little brother.

    Yeah a completely emotional reason

  • edited August 2015

    Let's all chill chills

    Yeah dude, chill would you?

  • I saw once an explaination that guy saved Asher just beacuse Rodrik was supposed to be dead after episode 1. Stupidity.

  • edited August 2015

    I can't split up Asher and Beskha

    This is one of my reasons, because I think a) Beskha is a far better and more original character than Elaena, and b) The relationship between Asher and Beskha is really great in my opinion - I don't think this was unfair.

    Talia and Erlissa will be sad regardless of which brother you leave behind.

  • edited August 2015

    For me, it really felt like Rodrik died at the beginnig of episode 1.

    At least he stays dead this time. And his death scene in ep 5 was so amazing and humiliating and brutal, as if it was meant for him to die then.

    Not that I have something with the man, but I've seen enough Rodrik as it is. I do find Asher to be a more interesting, complex character and has a fuckton of stuff that I'm looking forward to. Like when he sees his family again and his lover.

    And besides if I let Rodrik win then that would mean he'd follow Asher's bandit army, which won't really do. As Beskha stated on the boat, they'll follow the one that has proved their respect.

    Bottom line it wouldn't be that interesting of a plot if I played with Rodrik until the end.


  • I don't know why I chose to save rodrik in the initial gameplay but it seemed like the right thing to do, he said lines like "I'll kill that man and "you're not the one to finish the job" and Ramsay said he is unbreakable so yeah .... But the feels when beshka says don't leave me aaaaaaahhhhhhhh .... Thankgod for save files.

  • Avoid reading this if you haven't seen Breaking Bad just in case it spoils that for you...

    Personally, I felt like Rodrik had to die for the same reasons 'the main character' had to in BB - essentially because of the trail of bad choices and devastation he had caused to that point. Ser Royland had just explained all of these mistakes in great detail to me & I thought when the decision came - Rodrik needs to be absolved of these past errors & in turn allow someone to correct them.
    Whilst I cared for Rodrik & WW there was no denying that they weren't perfect by any means and had made choices that had cost lives. I didn't think Rodrik had any of those choices left to make - he had to learn from them himself and make the only 'right' choice so far.

  • I save Asher because I thoug this is what Rodrick wanted, was it a bad reason?

  • I saved Asher because my big brother instinct kicked in :/

  • edited August 2015

    As someone who prefers Rodrik as a character to Asher, I saved Asher because I found it more appropriate narratively. Both as a player who is tired of the Whitehills shit and in the actual universe where a major battle/conflict is about to take place.

  • I saved him for all these reasons, including the illogical ones. So, was it logical or illogical that I saved him? I'm not sure.

  • Now that's stupid

    brbsmoking posted: »

    I saw once an explaination that guy saved Asher just beacuse Rodrik was supposed to be dead after episode 1. Stupidity.

  • I generally agree with post's claims except for maybe the 1st one that is called illogical. I'm not saying Asher is stronger than Rodrik, I agree that they're pretty much even in terms of strength, but the idea that Rodrik has an edge over Asher, I dunno, I think they have different fighting styles, but equal. Rodrik can lead troops against trained foes, and Asher can beat Bloodsong with weapons he is not even accustomed to using. I'd like to think that if they fight together nothing would stop them... oh wait.

  • edited August 2015

    How about we leave it as they both have their pros and cons no matter who you leave behind. Stop trying to justify that one is better than the other! I chose Asher from a story perspective. Good for me! You chose Rodrik for your reasons? Good for you! The end! Don't tell people their reasons are wrong, let alone their choice, it doesn't work like that, silly. You aren't special, you don't get to decide what reasons are valid for people and what aren't. This entire thread and OP make me cringe.

  • If people don't want to split up Asher or Beshka, who are you to say their reason is invalid..?

    DillonDex posted: »

    Clearly you've misunderstood my point. I explicitly state they are both valid choices. Because, well, they are. However, so many people save

  • Not at all. When Rodrik says that one of them has to stay, he looks as though he decides that he will be the one that holds the gate

    JMOREL posted: »

    I save Asher because I thoug this is what Rodrick wanted, was it a bad reason?

  • Kinda feels like the game wants you to pick Rodrik..

  • To save or to stay?

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Kinda feels like the game wants you to pick Rodrik..

  • To stay

    To save or to stay?

  • edited June 2017


    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Three reasons I chose Asher over Rodrik 1(illogical): Couldnt do it to Beskha 2(completely logical): Asher and Gwynn are the only true

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