Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • Why did you think that was a good idea? I went in there without even trying to start a war and I SWEAR ON ME MUM I ALMOST DIED

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I was going Rambo on the Rhyionas for a while now and it fortunally stopped.

  • And that exactly proves my point,plus I was going mad and wasn’t entirely sober so partial shame on me :P

    Why did you think that was a good idea? I went in there without even trying to start a war and I SWEAR ON ME MUM I ALMOST DIED

  • Who is this man you speak of?

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Excuse me, hi, I'm one of your neighbours. One of the Rhysha shippers was in our thread and starting 'kinda insulting' every one of us in

  • edited September 2015

    enter image description here

    Sasha realizes she and Rhys are canon.

  • I am ready to go down fighting guys!!!! >:O

    enter image description here

  • enter image description here

    Sasha realizes she and Rhys are canon.

  • Guys please I've been busy with my passive aggressive war with Rhack on tumblr. I've got not the energy for another.

  • tumblr


    LoseMyHome posted: »

    Guys please I've been busy with my passive aggressive war with Rhack on tumblr. I've got not the energy for another.

  • Awww she looks so happy <3

    Episode 5 needs to come out like right about now i need moar rhysha

  • enter image description here

    Seriously stop that guys, this thread and Rhyona's are so about salty wounds now tumblr seems peaceful to sailors who ship those two pairings.

    I know is for shit and giggles but bitches get stitches for things like that. Also:

    grow up man

    that's pretty childish.

    leaves the fucking thread till the waters get calm

  • edited September 2015

    I agree except the tumblr thing. It's still pretty bad for Rhysha there. At least in the threads we can point to one silly thing that started a fight and move on. On tumblr it's usually legitamate hate. And Rhyiona is not the problem.

    It is all childish.

    Seriously stop that guys, this thread and Rhyona's are so about salty wounds now tumblr seems peaceful to sailors who ship those two pairing

  • What in the world are you talking about? Except for one instance/user in recent memory, not one person here has been talking shit about Rhyiona in a non-ironic manner.

    Seriously stop that guys, this thread and Rhyona's are so about salty wounds now tumblr seems peaceful to sailors who ship those two pairing

  • I know, that's why i said for shit and giggles and not "you guys really meant it". Relax, im not saying to you or anyone to stop having fun, it's just that there are a lot of people here that came from tumblr, and honestly we are pretty bored of ship wars even if they are for fun.

    What in the world are you talking about? Except for one instance/user in recent memory, not one person here has been talking shit about Rhyiona in a non-ironic manner.

  • Honestly, things have been pretty calm in the tag? Of course is not that bad like when ep3 was released but its going ok, compared to the sudden gayperion salty attack i saw a few days ago and last month periodical "rhack is a very abusive ship just like the joker and harley quinn" reminder and you saying the harsh truths, everything seems a little more ok? Sure shit it's still pretty bad i mean its a het ship, almost everyone on tumblr hates het ships, but ive seen worse. Luckily the lack of "OMG ITS SO FORCED TELLTALE STOP WITH THE HETERONORMATIVITY" posts it's kinda positive. And we both know Rhyiona is not a threat on tumblr, after all they are a het ship too and they still have to fight their way out of the hell they haven been put to.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I agree except the tumblr thing. It's still pretty bad for Rhysha there. At least in the threads we can point to one silly thing that starte

  • So I went to Cryaotic's TFTBL Episode 3 video and saw this and thought I'd share :)

    enter image description here

  • And he's the Spy!

    Someone get that man in here.

    AkaJuiceb0x posted: »

    So I went to Cryaotic's TFTBL Episode 3 video and saw this and thought I'd share

  • I just don't think it's warranted. There's nothing to suggest that our silly banter with them has caused any type of conflict.

    And yet posts like yours keep coming up...

    It's not srs business at all.

    I know, that's why i said for shit and giggles and not "you guys really meant it". Relax, im not saying to you or anyone to stop having fun,

  • Eh I mean today we still got people saying their blog is a rhysha hate blog in the tags so it's not all clear yet. Not to mention the fan art comparative to Rhack fan art gets a dismal account of notes. It's still an uphill battle even if it's getting better.

    Honestly, things have been pretty calm in the tag? Of course is not that bad like when ep3 was released but its going ok, compared to the su

  • Ah yes this one?

    enter image description here

    Like wow they even tagged ALL the ships, how salty do you have to be to valid your fucking point by tagging it in everyone's faces ((and kudos! yours have more notes! It means people from other ships are with us on this)) ((also what is your valid excuse to hate on a ship that is mostly positiveness? And one that is an positive interracial couple jfc that is so important)) And i kinda found your post in the rhack tag even though you said you werent going to tag it.... you might want to check it before you get your inbox full of hate :(


    Oh and for the fanart thing well, this is tumblr, and tumblr will always focus on gay ships more than anything else but dont worry im gonna drop my rhysha fanart bomb soon. >:D

    enter image description here

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    Eh I mean today we still got people saying their blog is a rhysha hate blog in the tags so it's not all clear yet. Not to mention the fan ar

  • edited September 2015

    Yessss, we definitely need more! Can't wait! :)

    EDIT: I didn't tag it Rhack... it might be because mobile includes any post that has the word in it, not just the tag.

    Ah yes this one? Like wow they even tagged ALL the ships, how salty do you have to be to valid your fucking point by tagging it in ev

  • edited September 2015

    who's this?

    The only T-dog I know was a bro who died too early in some dark prison hallway for a dumb bitch that somehow became a fan favorite.

    AkaJuiceb0x posted: »

    So I went to Cryaotic's TFTBL Episode 3 video and saw this and thought I'd share

  • Got any good screens?

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    Guys please I've been busy with my passive aggressive war with Rhack on tumblr. I've got not the energy for another.

  • Hey @PinkyPromise,I got something for ya :)

    enter image description here

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited September 2015

    I know it's been long but here you go a new batch of fan art

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • So have there been any shipping battles on the forums since those incidents with blind sniper?

  • That picture is so damn cute.

  • Yeah, she (Carol?) isn't my favorite either.

    who's this? The only T-dog I know was a bro who died too early in some dark prison hallway for a dumb bitch that somehow became a fan favorite.

  • Passive-aggressive banters, nothing major

    No_username posted: »

    So have there been any shipping battles on the forums since those incidents with blind sniper?

  • finally someone else who doesn't like her. I felt like I was the only one.

    AkaJuiceb0x posted: »

    Yeah, she (Carol?) isn't my favorite either.

  • sadly, no. None I had the chance to be a part of, at least.

    No_username posted: »

    So have there been any shipping battles on the forums since those incidents with blind sniper?

  • What'chu mean "sadly"? Actual shipping wars are not a good thing. ^_^

    sadly, no. None I had the chance to be a part of, at least.

  • speak for yourself. I'd have liked the action.

    What'chu mean "sadly"? Actual shipping wars are not a good thing. ^_^

  • Be careful what you wish for.

    speak for yourself. I'd have liked the action.

  • don't worry. My wishes never come true. Haven't been doing that all my life.

    Be careful what you wish for.

  • Awesomeness over 9000

    enter image description here


  • You've just made my day, Zap. Thank you so much. :)

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Hey @PinkyPromise,I got something for ya

  • I didn't like her character, I think she's going to betray the group based on how she went from nice to just plain dark. (excuse me if she died or something in the comics lol) Because usually nice people in the world, when exposed to bad, take quite a bit to turn evile

    finally someone else who doesn't like her. I felt like I was the only one.

  • Rhys looks like he's sick of the dopamine injections

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Awesomeness over 9000 source

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