Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • please don't post any spoilers here, or at the very least tag it

  • There are no spoilers in this video. This are just cut quotes. None of this lines will be used in the actual game.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    please don't post any spoilers here, or at the very least tag it

  • I'm gone for a little while, and I come back to apparent hostility between the two ships.

    Anyone care to enlighten me on what brought all of this on?

  • Why don't you come in chat and we'll explain?

    I'm gone for a little while, and I come back to apparent hostility between the two ships. Anyone care to enlighten me on what brought all of this on?

  • she doesn't even exist in the comic. And I don't hate her because she turned dark, I just couldn't stand her right form the very start of the show.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I didn't like her character, I think she's going to betray the group based on how she went from nice to just plain dark. (excuse me if she d

  • not even the ep5 ones? D:

    There are no spoilers in this video. This are just cut quotes. None of this lines will be used in the actual game.

  • Carol does exist in the comics....

    she doesn't even exist in the comic. And I don't hate her because she turned dark, I just couldn't stand her right form the very start of the show.

  • Holy hell....this is BRILLIANT ITS CONFIRMED, LIKE NO DOUBT ABOUT IT, even Fiona gives her blessing, this means we win, we defeat rhyiona. Hahahahah if this is legit this changes everything. :0

  • I've known this for a while, hence why I am not even getting all that mad about Rhyiona anymore. I am just sitting here, enjoying to watch them live in ignorance. it's as if you came from teh future and know that a lot of people are gonna die, and you just sit there, watching their doom approach gradually. Deliciously evil.

    Holy hell....this is BRILLIANT ITS CONFIRMED, LIKE NO DOUBT ABOUT IT, even Fiona gives her blessing, this means we win, we defeat rhyiona. Hahahahah if this is legit this changes everything. :0

  • you are evil lol :D

    I've known this for a while, hence why I am not even getting all that mad about Rhyiona anymore. I am just sitting here, enjoying to watch t

  • enter image description here

    Enigma12 posted: »

    you are evil lol

  • Yes she is definitely evil, in the best way possible...watching the Rhiona ships impending doom is the so satisfying. We shall watch their ignorance and bliss turn to tears and dismay and then we will finish them was kinda dark, I like it.

    Enigma12 posted: »

    you are evil lol

  • Must resist the urge to spoil Episode 5, must refuse to listen to audio, but it's hard as hell.

  • edited September 2015

    Oh, wait. She does?

    Carol does exist in the comics....

  • but it's hard as hell.

    enter image description here

    Must resist the urge to spoil Episode 5, must refuse to listen to audio, but it's hard as hell.

  • Hmmm Rhyiona should just close their thread now eh? Are we going to collect their tears?

    Yes she is definitely evil, in the best way possible...watching the Rhiona ships impending doom is the so satisfying. We shall watch their i

  • Yeah, she's crazy though. Wanted to marry Rick and Lori, had a thing with Tyreese, killed herself by a trapped walker before the Governor attacked the prison.

    Oh, wait. She does?

  • Metallica man. Just give in. Do it. Join us :D

    Must resist the urge to spoil Episode 5, must refuse to listen to audio, but it's hard as hell.

  • Squidward can't hear you right now, Spongebob. He is busy checking out know...since it SUNK TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA.

    BOOM, nailed it.

  • Argh, I kinda remember. Sophia existed, so she had had to exist as well...she was an entirely different character, though. And I didn't like her in teh comics either.

    Oh, wait. She does?

  • dude, their tears are the ocean on which our ship sails.

    Enigma12 posted: »

    Hmmm Rhyiona should just close their thread now eh? Are we going to collect their tears?

  • You're being lewd InGen, this isn't the Rhyiona thread.

    but it's hard as hell.

  • In the title of the video it says "Spoilers for episode 5"...

    There are no spoilers in this video. This are just cut quotes. None of this lines will be used in the actual game.


    Must resist the urge to spoil Episode 5, must refuse to listen to audio, but it's hard as hell.

  • Never, knowing what may happen sort of defeats the purpose and sucks most of the enjoyment out of playing.

    Enigma12 posted: »

    Metallica man. Just give in. Do it. Join us

  • You’re welcome 0_~

    enter image description here

    You've just made my day, Zap. Thank you so much.

  • doesn't mean we can't get lewdness in here. It's what makes the world so much more fun.

    You're being lewd InGen, this isn't the Rhyiona thread.

  • its... Glorious .

    dude, their tears are the ocean on which our ship sails.

  • Jfc don't post spoilers here guys. It's against the rules to discuss leaked dialogue from Ep 5, not to mention I myself don't want to be spoiled.

    This is not the first time this happened, I'll have to add warning to the OP or something.

  • Don't post stuff against the rules in general guys.

    Pipas posted: »

    Jfc don't post spoilers here guys. It's against the rules to discuss leaked dialogue from Ep 5, not to mention I myself don't want to be spoiled. This is not the first time this happened, I'll have to add warning to the OP or something.

  • Hey Pipas,join the chat now or Armis is gonna behead you. XD

    Pipas posted: »

    Jfc don't post spoilers here guys. It's against the rules to discuss leaked dialogue from Ep 5, not to mention I myself don't want to be spoiled. This is not the first time this happened, I'll have to add warning to the OP or something.

  • I haven't listened to the audio as well. We can keep resisting together.

    Must resist the urge to spoil Episode 5, must refuse to listen to audio, but it's hard as hell.

  • Join the dark it!

    Pipas posted: »

    I haven't listened to the audio as well. We can keep resisting together.

  • No,I haven’t done it and he shouldn’t too.

    Join the dark it!

  • This audio dont have the biggest question - stranger ( i cant say who this is because i must be strong )

    Must resist the urge to spoil Episode 5, must refuse to listen to audio, but it's hard as hell.

  • Knowledge is power. By denying yourself knowledge, you are denying yourself strength. Discard these foolish thoughts, young soldier! Embrace the might of wisdom!

    ZapThroat posted: »

    No,I haven’t done it and he shouldn’t too.

  • No,it’s knowledge past our ability of handling it,only EP5 will make us prepare for such wisdom.

    In other words:3spoil5me M8 XD

    Knowledge is power. By denying yourself knowledge, you are denying yourself strength. Discard these foolish thoughts, young soldier! Embrace the might of wisdom!

  • I'll be there in a sec.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Hey Pipas,join the chat now or Armis is gonna behead you. XD

  • enter image description here

    Pipas posted: »

    I haven't listened to the audio as well. We can keep resisting together.

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