Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • That was that Rhack shipper wasn't it? Yeah I saw his comment on your avatar, but I unfortunately didn't get to see you guys fight. Oh well.

    some in which me, Zap and Leluch had some fun with a dude who thought he could make fun of my avatar and ended up embarrassing himself even more.

  • The forums aren't for everybody. Though I think the reason they were deleted was more over that you were discussing nsfw-pressing material. I've seen worse arguments stay on the forums because they at least were worded clean around clean topics.

    Like the "pacifier" in her mouth. A lot of jest around that.

    Sooo, my last few posts were deleted, apparently, which really lessens my desire to be around this forum and post again. I know I have a pre

  • Oh please,don’t remind me of that pacifier thing,that was hilarious.

    The forums aren't for everybody. Though I think the reason they were deleted was more over that you were discussing nsfw-pressing material.

  • We weren’t really fighting,he just accused Guilty of watching porn 24/7,so I burned him and he left the thread for good.

    No_username posted: »

    That was that Rhack shipper wasn't it? Yeah I saw his comment on your avatar, but I unfortunately didn't get to see you guys fight. Oh well.

  • Gomeeeeen <3

    My oppai be super sugoi, yo.

  • Can someone tell me what happened sounds fun :3

    enter image description here

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Oh please,don’t remind me of that pacifier thing,that was hilarious.

  • The best thing was how clueless he actually was. Not only was he saying the condom was a pacifier, he also said she was naked, lol. How blind can you be.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    We weren’t really fighting,he just accused Guilty of watching porn 24/7,so I burned him and he left the thread for good.

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited September 2015

    Some guy confused the ,,THING" the girl in GuiltyKing avatar holds in her mouth with pacifier XD

    so I'll repost my response

    enter image description here

    Toffe posted: »

    Can someone tell me what happened sounds fun

  • There was this guy who told GuiltyKing that he has a profile picture of half naked woman (Ouma Shu) holding a pacifier in her mouth,so we all made fun of how he thought that thing in her mouth is actually a pacifier,then the guy got all mad and told Guilty that he noticed that before (even though he didn’t) and that Guilty watches porn all day,every day,so we kinda burned him and he left the thread for good,nothing ever felt as satisfying as this.

    Toffe posted: »

    Can someone tell me what happened sounds fun

  • Well to be fair,he only said half naked (even though that doesn’t mean anything :P),but still the guy was trying very hard but he couldn’t. :P

    The best thing was how clueless he actually was. Not only was he saying the condom was a pacifier, he also said she was naked, lol. How blind can you be.

  • edited September 2015

    oh, did he? I don't quite remember that much anymore. I would have checked first, but, well...the comment is gone... xD

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Well to be fair,he only said half naked (even though that doesn’t mean anything :P),but still the guy was trying very hard but he couldn’t. :P

  • right, though I kinda have to correct you. The girl in my pic isn't "Ouma Shu", but rather "Yuzuriha Inori" who is Ouma Shu's lover :P

    ZapThroat posted: »

    There was this guy who told GuiltyKing that he has a profile picture of half naked woman (Ouma Shu) holding a pacifier in her mouth,so we al

  • So Ouma Shu is the guy or what?(sorry I don’t watch anime)

    right, though I kinda have to correct you. The girl in my pic isn't "Ouma Shu", but rather "Yuzuriha Inori" who is Ouma Shu's lover :P

  • I know,I understand,kinda unfair for us. :(

    oh, did he? I don't quite remember that much anymore. I would have checked first, but, well...the comment is gone... xD

  • edited September 2015

    yep. This guy is Ouma Shu:

    enter image description here

    However, my avatar shows his lover, Yuzuriha Inori:

    enter image description here

    they are the guilty king and queen

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    ZapThroat posted: »

    So Ouma Shu is the guy or what?(sorry I don’t watch anime)

  • watches porn all day,every day,

    Whats wrong with that? ;)

    enter image description here

    ZapThroat posted: »

    There was this guy who told GuiltyKing that he has a profile picture of half naked woman (Ouma Shu) holding a pacifier in her mouth,so we al

  • Well,she looks more badass in the show than what I actually thought.(don’t get me wrong:P)

    yep. This guy is Ouma Shu: However, my avatar shows his lover, Yuzuriha Inori: they are the guilty king and queen

  • I don’t know,ask him,he tried to sound it as something bad and associated it with guilty having a profile picture of a girl with a bikini. :P

    Toffe posted: »

    watches porn all day,every day, Whats wrong with that?

  • she is more docile during the majority of the show, to be fair. You just...don't wanna try to threaten her with hurting her king. It might end badly for you :P

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Well,she looks more badass in the show than what I actually thought.(don’t get me wrong:P)

  • Okay,this has been taken in notice. :)

    she is more docile during the majority of the show, to be fair. You just...don't wanna try to threaten her with hurting her king. It might end badly for you :P

  • The whole forum is kill O_O,what happened?

  • The chat is alive ^^

    ZapThroat posted: »

    The whole forum is kill O_O,what happened?

  • Really?I’m comin’

    Toffe posted: »

    The chat is alive ^^

  • I blame the lack of news.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    The whole forum is kill O_O,what happened?

  • Well,Telltale said we would be getting news soon,fuck everything.

    I blame the lack of news.

  • Can someone send me the chat's password? I'd like to chat with you, guys.

  • Only if you convert to Rhysha hehe.

    Eryka posted: »

    Can someone send me the chat's password? I'd like to chat with you, guys.

  • I'm both sides. I just never really go here because it's always dead.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Only if you convert to Rhysha hehe.

  • That's up to the chatzy creator @Pipas

    Eryka posted: »

    I'm both sides. I just never really go here because it's always dead.

  • edited September 2015

    enter image description here

    Eryka posted: »

    I'm both sides. I just never really go here because it's always dead.

  • That gif made me laugh.

    pretty hard.

  • posts from 10 am, RIP rhysha forum ;_; you will be missed. But srsly isn't there something to do, maybe nail another jhys follower into the ground for attacking us.......nothing?(cricket noises)

  • What's jhys?

    Jhys in my pants? xD posts from 10 am, RIP rhysha forum ;_; you will be missed. But srsly isn't there something to do, maybe nail another jhys follower into the ground for attacking us.......nothing?(cricket noises)

  • Hahahahah nice pun, guilty-king, I lauged at that way longer than you should, but I'm sure we all know the infamous jack-Rhys ship, which:(fun fact) is almost entirely made up of bellends.....

    What's jhys? Jhys in my pants? xD

  • Its shipname is Rhack, for future references. :P

    Hahahahah nice pun, guilty-king, I lauged at that way longer than you should, but I'm sure we all know the infamous jack-Rhys ship, which:(fun fact) is almost entirely made up of bellends.....

  • I dunno, I'll think about it. But don't hold your breath much.

    Eryka posted: »

    I'm both sides. I just never really go here because it's always dead.

  • edited September 2015

    What do you guys think about Bronies? I'm not one but I keep hearing about them lately

  • They’re ok as long as they don’t spam their shit everywhere,other than that everyone has the right to like what they want.

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    What do you guys think about Bronies? I'm not one but I keep hearing about them lately

  • I agree so much on that.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    They’re ok as long as they don’t spam their shit everywhere,other than that everyone has the right to like what they want.

  • edited September 2015

    Can someone invite me to the rhysha group? my steam

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