Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Beautiful!! :D

    buntingsir posted: »


  • edited September 2015

    There's too much going on. Sometimes I just don't catch up or these kind of things happen when I go to sleep.

    yeah this happens to me really often. Then usually I read the new comments on the next morning. I don't really mind missing the drama tho.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Did anyone else get banned? No one... yet. I really shouldn't be talking about this. Edit: Not sure if you were here on Saturday but

  • schoool? :B

    Eryka posted: »

    Hi! Bye...

  • Hey, happy half year anniversary! :D

    enter image description here

  • Well, luckily that when I come back from school, I have a lot of time to see what's going on in the thread.

    Tomorrow I'll have like, too much time cause tomorrow I won't go to school.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    There's too much going on. Sometimes I just don't catch up or these kind of things happen when I go to sleep. yeah this happens to m

  • Ok why are Kruzii's and Wolfenus' avatars blue and red?

    Are they meant to be 3D or something? Or are we wearing colors like some kind of street gang now? :P

    Also before I forget:


  • That gif never gets old :'D

    Pipas posted: »

    Hey, happy half year anniversary!

  • Ah, thanks, Harry! And welcome back by the way, glad you're okay.

    HazzatheMan posted: »


  • If I already know then why tell me again? :P

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    You already know who. :P

  • This is wonderful. <3

    buntingsir posted: »

    the sound of firecrackers in the distance Thank you for everything, guys.

  • edited September 2015

    It feels like this thread is getting less active everyday.

    I mean there's tons of people online but no one is saying anything, which is stupid.

    I'd like to think this thread will never die but it looks like it's happening even before ep 5 release.

    Guess I'll just go back to roaming the forums.

  • Yeah.... I have it rated highly still but... The last Episode will be the final judge for me.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It's my least favourite so far. Which isn't to say it's bad at all but still. :P

  • edited September 2015

    Glad to be back, 2 days away from here was horrible enough! :P

    Awww you're so nice to me, Jane <3

    buntingsir posted: »

    Ah, thanks, Harry! And welcome back by the way, glad you're okay.

  • yeah I have really mixed feelings about the "spamposting" (and off-topic stuff) and I'm kinda sick of talking about it at this point tbh :P

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Arguing about the spam? Good thing I wasn't there then...

  • That song is from Finland?!

    NICE! XD

    Every single time someone posts Sandstorm or uses it anywhere I just want to yell "HEY THAT'S A FINNISH SONG!!!! WE'RE FINALLY FAMOUS HELL YES WOOOOOO!"

  • It's beautiful <3

    buntingsir posted: »

    the sound of firecrackers in the distance Thank you for everything, guys.

  • I couldn't recall if you knew about him or not but clearly you do by your message below. :P

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    If I already know then why tell me again? :P

  • I do love Rhyiona, but I really do not love 50 Shades Of Grey :/

    FIFTY SHADES OF RHYIONA!!! I know how you love Rhyiona.

  • Ok why are Kruzii's and Wolfenus' avatars blue and red?

    Rhyiona avatars. It's like the Rhysha avatar images but with colors xD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Ok why are Kruzii's and Wolfenus' avatars blue and red? Are they meant to be 3D or something? Or are we wearing colors like some kind of street gang now? :P Also before I forget: HAPPY HALF YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!!!! XD

  • Hello Jane! :D

    Ah this amazing drawing reminds me of your older works!! (take that as a compliment :P) Hnnnng I'm having a nostalgia stroke, help! :D

    Only a hug will revive me! :B

    buntingsir posted: »

    the sound of firecrackers in the distance Thank you for everything, guys.

  • edited September 2015

    I'm sure people were just busy and had their reasons.

    At least I can speak for myself, I had a difficult week and didn't feel like posting at all. Sometimes it's better to stay silent than bring a sour mood. We'll be back to normal in no time.

    It feels like this thread is getting less active everyday. I mean there's tons of people online but no one is saying anything, which is s

  • I know how you feel bro :(

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    writing is hard half the time I'm just like "would Rhys really say this??" and it's stressful

  • Did your sister also fart on your head? XP

    Fiona's booty as Rhys' pillow. She likes Rhys touching her booty. (This is inspired from my time last year. I did that on my sister's and

  • I think some people don't feel like posting something in the thread. I can't really blame them cuz [?] Silence is a valid option. But who knows. Maybe most of the people are working, sleeping (cause of different times) and going to school.

    It feels like this thread is getting less active everyday. I mean there's tons of people online but no one is saying anything, which is s

  • edited September 2015


    enter image description here

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Hello Jane! Ah this amazing drawing reminds me of your older works!! (take that as a compliment :P) Hnnnng I'm having a nostalgia stroke, help! Only a hug will revive me! :B

  • I don't really know what to post to start a conversation anymore :/

    And spamming isn't my thing either...

    It feels like this thread is getting less active everyday. I mean there's tons of people online but no one is saying anything, which is s

  • I see. Why?

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Ok why are Kruzii's and Wolfenus' avatars blue and red? Rhyiona avatars. It's like the Rhysha avatar images but with colors xD

  • I was talking to you about it last week dude!!!! XD

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I couldn't recall if you knew about him or not but clearly you do by your message below. :P

  • @OreoAnarchy just wanted to make some Rhyiona avatars with colors.

    And me and Kruzii wanted Rhyiona avatars because they look cool :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I see. Why?

  • He would be devastated... And Fi would eventually find a way to cheer him up ;)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    what if rhys cooked a really bad meal to try and look rad in front of fiona but she got up as soon as she tasted it and threw it away without saying anything would he cry or would he cry

  • wow I'm getting old aren't I...

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I was talking to you about it last week dude!!!! XD

  • .... Come ere'

    enter image description here

    I'm curious like I always am, but this is personal to you, so I will not pester. But if you wanna talk, I'm a great listener :)

    awkward wave and smile Hi.. I've been offline for a while. I've just had a rough few days, and I wasn't in the mood to do anything. I eve

  • It's beautiful. I don't know what else to say... <3

    Just arrived back home, hella tired, with 308 photos (effectively about a 100 photos, a lot of them are duplicates; started working on sorting them) and this made my day. :)

    buntingsir posted: »

    the sound of firecrackers in the distance Thank you for everything, guys.


    I did a fabulous thing requested by @twdgirl43 bc i was also vrry bored and i was too lazy to draw eyes lmao

  • edited September 2015

    Some possible reasons:

    • people are little afraid of not staying on topic here.

    • there are many active members missing from "good old days"

    • Maybe people are not as passionate about Rhyiona as they used to. Sadly this happened to me.

    • busy people are busy

    But let's not be too negative about this. If it eventually dies, then it just dies. We shouldn't jinx it.

    It feels like this thread is getting less active everyday. I mean there's tons of people online but no one is saying anything, which is s

  • Ok! :D

    I'm happy with mine, it was made especially for me by my bro TheZorkij (who hasn't been on this forum for a while...) so I'll ask him to tweek it if I want :P

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    @OreoAnarchy just wanted to make some Rhyiona avatars with colors. And me and Kruzii wanted Rhyiona avatars because they look cool

  • I knew I could count on you! <3

    enter image description here

    buntingsir posted: »


  • Don't you start, we're 3 years apart and I forget things as well! :(

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    wow I'm getting old aren't I...

  • Anything for you! <3

    enter image description here

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I knew I could count on you!

  • It's because of the lack of lewdness.

    It feels like this thread is getting less active everyday. I mean there's tons of people online but no one is saying anything, which is s

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