Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • A kiss

    What Rhysha moments would be awesome to see in Episode 5? For example, Sasha finally realizes she likes Rhys, or comforting Rhys after he rejected Hyperion.

  • I could use some brain bleach right now.

    AKA tequila.

    CraazyCake posted: »

    enter link description here DEAR GOD WHAT HAVE I CREATED

  • What Rhysha moments would be awesome to see in Episode 5?

    enter image description here

    What Rhysha moments would be awesome to see in Episode 5? For example, Sasha finally realizes she likes Rhys, or comforting Rhys after he rejected Hyperion.

  • When you accidentally post that you ship rhysha on the rhyona thread without knowing

    enter link description here

  • Intellectual says:

    Think before you comment.

    That applies to comment content, and location.

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    When you accidentally post that you ship rhysha on the rhyona thread without knowing enter link description here

  • Intellectual speaks

    Lets listen

    Intellectual says: Think before you comment. That applies to comment content, and location.

  • headphone user.. yeah. we exist.

    CraazyCake posted: »

    enter link description here DEAR GOD WHAT HAVE I CREATED

  • Anything romance related I would give anything for

    What Rhysha moments would be awesome to see in Episode 5? For example, Sasha finally realizes she likes Rhys, or comforting Rhys after he rejected Hyperion.

  • Duck_Hunt posted: »

    When you accidentally post that you ship rhysha on the rhyona thread without knowing enter link description here

  • It's the most popular ship on tumblr, because the fuckbois and fuckgrls on tumblr think that the only cute couples are LGBT couples, and no one on tumblr can be cis nor straight.

    UmbraCode posted: »

    I agree with this so much. Also i dont see how people think Rhyack is even feasible, its such a silly ship lol. Yets its the most popular TFTBL ship on tumblr. Oh well.

  • enter image description here

    My GOD!

    GrumpyDof posted: »


  • One of my favorite female anime characters along with Misaki. MisakuXKuroko forever ^_^

    The Kuroko is strong in this gif.

  • For a minute there, I thought the crease on Rhys' shirt was an R, and it said Rhack, and I was going to smack a bitch.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Don't remember if this one was posted already. source Also our favorite scene once more.

  • Wow thank you Grumpy! And thank you too Ctarl, even though I didnt ask you I got an avatar from you. That is really nice of you but Grumpy is still the king of Rhysha avatars and I asked him first. Never forget

    enter image description here

    GrumpyDof posted: »


  • Wow the avatar is really creepy. :3

    ZapThroat posted: »

    My GOD!

  • In a good way ;)

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    Wow the avatar is really creepy.

  • edited September 2015

    Yup, even moreso when it doesnt make a lick of sense. They are literally shipping Rhys and Jack because they look good together(which they do ill admit lol). Theres absolute no substance to a romance between especially knowing Jacks Character. Its even more apparent when a member of the ship is not even alive lol.

    At least Rhys/Vaughn is plausible, why couldn't that be the typical popular tumblr gay ship :|

    Pipas posted: »

    Yeah well, tumblr loves gay ships.

  • Yeah the whole anti straight agenda on tumblr is annoying, even more annoying than the anti man(especially white men) agenda and im a girl.

    Lokoso posted: »

    It's the most popular ship on tumblr, because the fuckbois and fuckgrls on tumblr think that the only cute couples are LGBT couples, and no one on tumblr can be cis nor straight.

  • Makes more sense than Rhyack but then again anything does.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Actually I think that Gayperion (rhys\vaughn) would make a lot sense too. They had many cute moments in the game. Just saying :P

  • If someone wants a new friend who has a lot of time to listen to their problems or just talk you can add me on steam. My steam name is the same as here. :P

  • This, Rhyack is terrible in every sense of the word.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Yeah but ppl ship rhack and rhack is fucking awful and abusive so I don't see why ppl can't enjoy rhyiona even if you think it doesn't make sense or not ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Can't we all agree to team up and burn rhack down? xD

  • Wow thats terrible, how old are you and why would cops do this to a school. Wth.

    Well I guess from what I heard someone was suspected of bringing something to school (though I don't really know what exactly) in their back

  • This, Rhyack is terrible in every sense of the word.

    See we agree on something. This is what brings rhysha and rhyiona together, now all we need is to convince gayperion to join us :^)

    UmbraCode posted: »

    This, Rhyack is terrible in every sense of the word.

  • My enjoyment levels are off the charts.

    enter image description here

    Pipas posted: »

    Hey, welcome to the Rhysha thread, Lokoso! Hope you'll like it here!

  • edited September 2015

    Abit of offtopic but i just started game of thrones a few days ago and i think i found a telltale character(or any game character for that matter) whos hot as Rhys. Asher, wow that smile.
    enter image description here
    That smile is dangerous but hes so beautiful.

  • edited September 2015

    enter image description here

    GrumpyDof posted: »


  • WalkerHH93 posted: »

    If someone wants a new friend who has a lot of time to listen to their problems or just talk you can add me on steam. My steam name is the same as here. :P

  • Don't stare at it too long, you just might start trying to marry a picture of him.

    Don't ask how I know.

    UmbraCode posted: »

    Abit of offtopic but i just started game of thrones a few days ago and i think i found a telltale character(or any game character for that matter) whos hot as Rhys. Asher, wow that smile. That smile is dangerous but hes so beautiful.

  • From your personal experience


    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Don't stare at it too long, you just might start trying to marry a picture of him. Don't ask how I know.

  • edited September 2015

    enter image description here

    Thank you.As of lately a lot of new members have been joining us,they love their ship like everyone else and would fight for it if necessary (not really),but they are also unaware that there are other people who can get offended if we post about our ships in their threads,so they started to post their stuff on other threads especially Rhyiona,so of course Rhyionas got offended,so I felt I need to say this:"please keep your ship in it’s thread",some people don’t really appreciate your opinion which can lead to unnecessary flame wars,if you have something about your ship that you need to get out your chest you got a whole thread that is craving for anything Rhysha related,and people here would actually appreciate what you did,so again:Don’t post Rhysha stuff in non Rhysha related threads,or you’ll get nothing but hate from both sides,hope I’ve made this clear enough.

    Also @Pipas,feel free to add this to the OP for new members to see it :)

  • Fuck, im sorry I did not know, ok now how do I delete posts...

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Thank you.As of lately a lot of new members have been joining us,they love their ship like everyone else and would fight for it if necessary

  • Just flag it!

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    Fuck, im sorry I did not know, ok now how do I delete posts...

  • you dont

    that shit stays with you



    or consult a moderator i dunno

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    Fuck, im sorry I did not know, ok now how do I delete posts...

  • k thx

    enter image description here

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Just flag it!

  • rip

    you dont that shit stays with you FOREVER ... or consult a moderator i dunno

  • Uh..You’re welcome?

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    k thx

  • omg i've been trying to get my sister to make this exact thing for weeks XD

    CraazyCake posted: »

    enter link description here DEAR GOD WHAT HAVE I CREATED

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