Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Why? You don't like playing good games? o^o

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Not at all. :P

  • Aww <3

    enter image description here

    Hug it out.

  • Wow I didn't think this many people seen the pics since I thought lots of people are at work/sleeping.

    I left the community for a while after I saw those pictures. I feel very sick, who would even think of posting them? I saw them on the meme

  • Well people do (thank god) have different opinions (not "thank god" when they disagree with me ;>), it's amazing that something other people loathe is loved by someone else. Yeah I consider Game of Thrones to be "the weakest" game after TWD S2 (only talking about post-Jurassic Park games), but that actually says more about how damn good their games usually are. I haven't really disliked any game yet, but some just impress me more than the others.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah, this is what I'm going to do. Well, I almost every time do that except for Game of Thrones. I just really like fantasy so I just told

  • I used to be a console peasant,but then I discovered the great PC master race,and I’m happy with it :)

    One question, are you PC master race or console pleb or both? I don't think Gaben can count to three.....nvm Oh wait this is getting off topic

  • edited September 2015

    GoT is not really a my cup of tea but I can see why people like this game so much. I actually didn't really care about this game (at all) until episode 5 :P I loved the Asher part and the finale was pretty touching too.

    But episode 5 was amazing to me at least.

    People always hate these second to last episodes for some reason, maybe because they always expect something bigger I dunno.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah, this is what I'm going to do. Well, I almost every time do that except for Game of Thrones. I just really like fantasy so I just told


    Would that be too far? :D

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Just don't take it too far with the hype, okay?

  • It's 2:53pm here and I'm waiting on people, just my luck that I saw it. I'm sorry that you have seen it, too. :(

    Wow I didn't think this many people seen the pics since I thought lots of people are at work/sleeping.

  • I don't play games just because reviews say they're good. :P

    Why? You don't like playing good games? o^o

  • I hope you feel better and thx, what timezone do you live in?

    It's 2:53pm here and I'm waiting on people, just my luck that I saw it. I'm sorry that you have seen it, too.

  • Oh really? That doesn't sound really familiar. Well maybe I should go to draw Sasha then :P

    ZapThroat posted: »

    You’re nohuhhuh,you ship Rhysha and you’re very loyal to it

  • I loved the Asher part and the finale was pretty touching too.

    Yeah, Asher fighting Bloodsong was pretty amazing and the finale of episode 5 left me to tears ;-;

    But I actually have only 3 problems with episode 5.

    1. Stabbing Ramsay or not was one of the worst major choices of all times since we know we can't kill Ramsay cause he's still alive in the TV series.
    2. The whole traitor thing was kinda pointless and dissapointing.
    3. Gryff's eye is glitched and is not wounded even if you destroyed it or not in episode 4.

    Overall, this has to be my second favorite episode in the entire series. Even with these cons. :)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    GoT is not really a my cup of tea but I can see why people like this game so much. I actually didn't really care about this game (at all) un

  • PC master race is where all the fun is ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I used to be a console peasant,but then I discovered the great PC master race,and I’m happy with it

  • Well, it's a very unpopular opinion but Game of Thrones became my favorite Telltale game. Tales From the Borderlands is my second favorite. =)

    Yet, none of their games have dissapointed me yet, so there's a chance for MC:SM not to dissapoint me, either. :3

    Well people do (thank god) have different opinions (not "thank god" when they disagree with me ;>), it's amazing that something other peo

  • You should do that,it will help you remember your old self again.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Oh really? That doesn't sound really familiar. Well maybe I should go to draw Sasha then :P

  • It's actually very nice when people see different sides after talking, usually some are so damn stubborn that no matter what you say they just keep saying the same things and refusing to understand. It's good that you're a good person to have conversations with. :D

    And I have so good arguments because I'm the hero this forum deserves, but not the one it needs right now. ;>

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I really really wanna disagree with you but I can't xD I think you are right and I should give this game a change. Goddammit why you have so many good arguments? :P

  • Kinda xD


  • It sounds good, but I found it really difficult to read. You could maybe skip a line between the sentences, e.g.:

    Chapter 1: The Forsaken Garden

    Dim: Okay, we just have to pass through this mountain.

    Rayo: I-I'm not sure if it's a good idea anymore. How did we just leave our house and... And just for this job. We could have find another way to live, like we always do.

    Eryka posted: »

    Chapter 1 The Forsaken Garden Dim : Okay, we just have to pass through this mountain. Rayo : I-I'm not sure if it's a good idea anymore. H

  • But how do you know is the game good or not if you don't play it? If reviews suggest that a game I have no interest in is actually some kind of masterpiece I would at least try it, no matter how ridiculous the game might sound like.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I don't play games just because reviews say they're good. :P

  • I'm not going to argue about episode 5, but I like episodes fours of TWD S1 S2 and TFtB (which is currently my favourite episode of the series!)

    Only TWAU and GoT kinda disappointed me, they are "a bit" lazy in my opinion.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    GoT is not really a my cup of tea but I can see why people like this game so much. I actually didn't really care about this game (at all) un

  • Well the point 1 is a really bad one. :P

    and about the point 2, was the traitor determined by players' choices? Because if it was, that's pretty lame :P

    Well every game has its pros and cons and these are not the worst possible problems I can imagine :D

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I loved the Asher part and the finale was pretty touching too. Yeah, Asher fighting Bloodsong was pretty amazing and the finale of e

  • I'm probably gonna buy it from what I heard so far it seems to be shaping up to be a pretty good game at lease the first episode anyway and I can finally play a Telltale game that I can actually play with my little siblings now so that's great! (I guess the downside to this is probably gonna be the slew of incoming Minecraft fans invading the forums shivers )

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    my problem with Minecraft is that its artistic look doesn't appeal to me at all. It looks terrible. No matter how good the story is, it stil

  • If the setting just doesn't appeal to me I don't try it out.

    But how do you know is the game good or not if you don't play it? If reviews suggest that a game I have no interest in is actually some kind of masterpiece I would at least try it, no matter how ridiculous the game might sound like.

  • Well the point 1 is a really bad one.

    It is. Luckily that it didn't ruin me the whole episode.

    and about the point 2, was the traitor determined by players' choices?

    Yes. The one who is not the lord's sentinel will be the traitor (Royland/Duncan)

    Well, there's a chance for the finale to be amazing :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Well the point 1 is a really bad one. :P and about the point 2, was the traitor determined by players' choices? Because if it was, that's

  • So who is my best friend? Is is it Grumpy? I remember talking to a an ugly kitty..he called me a bubble gum..

    ZapThroat posted: »

    You should do that,it will help you remember your old self again.

  • Oh, well I have some games like that (but they never are highly praised though), but if something like that is made by a game developer I respect I will try the game anyway. I'm glad I don't think like that with movies though, I watch everything and anything and judge it after watching it.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    If the setting just doesn't appeal to me I don't try it out.

  • edited September 2015

    This reminded me of that time someone was randomly posting Telltale gif porn all over the forums, pretty disturbing but I'm guessing not as much as that.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I saw them on the meme thread too,here I got this for you

  • Sees that le thread has 269 likes

    Such a lust for Rhyiona...


  • Pipas and Grumpy are your friends,Pipas made the Rhysha thread especially for you.

    Also don't forget your bestie,that's right it's me ;)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    So who is my best friend? Is is it Grumpy? I remember talking to a an ugly kitty..he called me a bubble gum..

  • enter image description here

    Eryka posted: »

    Chapter 1 The Forsaken Garden Dim : Okay, we just have to pass through this mountain. Rayo : I-I'm not sure if it's a good idea anymore. H

  • shh dont talk about it or itll be gone within 10 seconds

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Sees that le thread has 269 likes Such a lust for Rhyiona... https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=2&v=IuEHhOINaww

  • I feel real lucky that I didn't see them.

    I left the community for a while after I saw those pictures. I feel very sick, who would even think of posting them? I saw them on the meme

  • I like episodes fours of TWD S1 S2 and TFtB

    So you mean the penultimate episodes. Lol sorry for being such a grammar nazi D:

    I'm not going to argue about episode 5, but I like episodes fours of TWD S1 S2 and TFtB (which is currently my favourite episode of the series!) Only TWAU and GoT kinda disappointed me, they are "a bit" lazy in my opinion.

  • edited September 2015

    I didn't want to use that word, it sounded cooler that way in my head. :D

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I like episodes fours of TWD S1 S2 and TFtB So you mean the penultimate episodes. Lol sorry for being such a grammar nazi

  • enter image description here

    I...I couldn't find a mlp-related gif for that...it hurts...it hurts so much...anyways: show me those pictures you were talking about

    enter image description here

    (this gif is not really needed here, but I had to save this comment somehow)

    Disturbing ones, you don't want to know, trust me.

  • You mean the Clementine rule 34 thing,that was pretty disturbing too but not as much as what we saw :(

    This reminded me of that time someone was randomly posting Telltale gif porn all over the forums, pretty disturbing but I'm guessing not as much as that.

  • No, really, Dracu, you don't want to see those pictures.

    I haven't seen them but from what I've heard they're traumatic.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    I...I couldn't find a mlp-related gif for that...it hurts...it hurts so much...anyways: show me those pictures you were talking about (this gif is not really needed here, but I had to save this comment somehow)

  • Once again I agree xD

    I know that I'm just a normal human being who has opinions but isn't always right about everything. :) People sometimes forget that it's not a shame to admit that someone else has a better point than you. (I'm not saying that it's a competition but wrong and right opinions do exist. And of course there are many kinds of good opinions but you can still always learn from the others.)

    And I have so good arguments because I'm the hero this forum deserves, but not the one it needs right now. ;>

    Oh don't get cocky right away I complimented you! I might change my opinion about you >:D

    It's actually very nice when people see different sides after talking, usually some are so damn stubborn that no matter what you say they ju

  • But it's actually a more accurate word. (R.I.P. Grammar :P)

    I didn't want to use that word, it sounded cooler that way in my head.

  • Rhys and Fiona should just run away. :3

    enter link description here

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