Walking Dead Season 3 Should Ditch Clementine?

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Ultimately up to Telltale. They've built this character up and to lose her would be a shame. And honestly it would be a pity to lose such a diverse main character.
I don't see the point in ditching her.
Anyone who wrote that is a complete asshole.
Yeah, no.
However, I'm not against the idea of her being demoted back to a deuteragonist. I know a lot of people have said it countless times, but I don't feel that Clementine is the best choice for a playable character. Sure, there's some interesting merits and advantages to having her as the PC, but there's disadvantages to that in terms of gameplay and story involvement, as well as the difficulties of writing believable scenarios that involve both the player and Clementine.
That being said, I'd still be okay with her being the PC in S3, despite some of my concerns with it. The only thing I don't agree with is completely axing her. After two seasons worth of exploring her as a character, just tossing her out to the side would be a waste, and quite frankly, would piss quite a lot of people off. They have to end her story eventually, sure, but as it stands, her story hasn't really reached an ending yet, especially taking into consideration the multiple endings, where staying in Wellington is about the only 'absolute' ending of the five (and no, I don't really consider staying with Kenny to be absolute. You're just walking off into the sunset with him. Ordinarily, that'd be a good enough closed-book ending for just about any other story, but in a post-apocalyptic zombie drama, eh, not really.)
It's annual interview.
if that happens i'll be pissed but i don't see telltale doing it tbh so im not that worried
I'd prefer if they did
I'm gonna have to jump on that pro Clem boat with Kenny and say that Clementine should remain the Queen of the game as she has been since day 1. OR At worst Clementine's season 3 status should be demoted to no less than deuteragonist status as she had been in season 1 but this time older, wiser, and more lethal than in the past timid versions of her character like a little tough sidekick to our season 3 protagonist if we were to switch. Hey imagine someone like Lee or similar paired up with a much more capable Clementine this round? Sounds like some interesting fun for the game. But if they just cut her loose to sail off from the plot forever. That would be.... incredibly dumb.
As one guy said the best way possible in the comment section of that link for that article and I quote
"The whole series is about Clementine. Not about Lee, not about the apocalypse, it's about how Clementine deals with it all. Killing a main protagonist ends Telltale's The Walking Dead. You can't have a story about Clementine without Clementine. If you want to ditch Clementine, 'Season 3' is not a solution for you. Another game is."
If they started a whole new story without Clementine, mostly I'd be disappointed because frankly too many of the endings have ended on cliffhangers for them to just end it there--especially the Jane endings. I still want to see where those endings lead, because they're just not resolved--at all. Also personally I'd like to see more of Jane's character, and I'd like to see her character grow more in addition to Clem's as well.
Frankly Clem hasn't really developed that much for me throughout season 2. I think it was Telltale's intention to have Clem majorly "develop" at the end by having the player choose one of the endings (don't forget all the "Who will you become?" teasing before season 2's finale came out, i.e., "Who will your Clem develop into, character-wise?") but really, I don't think this worked. She had the choice to shoot Kenny or to let him kill Jane, to let the family in or send them away, etc. and to be fair most people's Clems are fundamentally different now, depending on what final choices in the endings you made. But it still feels like there's something missing for Clem, and I want to see more of her, and this "development" for her in the endings came far too late. Her potential characterization throughout the actual season was very much overshadowed by other characters, mostly Kenny, who I really wish had just never come back.
So hopefully they do continue Clem's story, because I think hers is very much far from over. If she was completely out of season 3 altogether, I wouldn't necessarily boycott the game, but I think it'd just be a shame and a waste to not give Clem the development she desperately needs and deserves.
Well, he gives better arguments to support his point of view than you do. Even if the writer was a complete asshole (which I doubt) it wouldn't negate his arguments.
While I don't agree with everything he says his arguments are well thought out and he is right when he said that Clem's story arc reached a conclusion at the end of Season 2. Sure, it's possible to continue with the same old, but it's not going to improve the quality of the series. Season 3 needs new ideas and characters.
im not agree with you
That whole article is stupid. It's like someone saying Superman should ditch his normal Clark Kent persona, or that Batman doesn't need his Bruce Wayne alter-ego. It doesn't make a bit of sense.
Clem should definitely stay.
Hope not. Clementine is the centre of both TWD seasons. It'll be awesome if we saw more of her growing up.
TWD is about Clemen-f***ing-tine lol. This game should be only about her. The TV and the Comics are all about Rick Grimes.
Hell yeah. Season 2 pretty much ruined her character for me to the point I actually hate her so I hope they atleast ditch her as main character or I won't be getting S3
Why do you hate little girl? you are mean?
I respectfully disagree with you. Season 2 was about Clementine, but the upcoming Michonne mini-series and 400 Days aren't about Clem. Still those are equally part of The Walking Dead. Also it could be argued that Season 1 is about Lee's redemption, although Clem has an important role in the story.
Also The Governor books and the new TV-series show that the franchise isn't about Rick, but that there are more stories in the universe than just his and Clementine's.
I don't care at this point. The writers have destroyed any interest or care I had for her.
I wont hate the game if she is in it, but Season 2 made her character boring and uninteresting.
Damn, so much cuteclem in my feed lately.
im sorry ;(
In The Walking Dead universe the only definite ending is death. Finding a temporary safety in some settlement or just surviving another day in the wilds are as good endings as you are going to get. If the Season 3 continues the story of Clem then the character development we are going to see is that she becomes tougher, more cynical and better survival.
PS: Because Jane is determinant character we aren't going to see much of her in Season 3, so it's safe to say that there won't be much character development. Personally I'm not going to see her again even if TTG would bring her back, because in my game she is dead.
I really don't care if she's in it or not. But, I'm sure if they did, the forum would turn into a war on whether it was a good decision or not.
It's hard for me to play as a child like Clementine but the article makes no sense.
You dont have to apologize, you're not doing anything wrong
Ugh that article was a bad read.
Well guys, she can't have a love interest, let's ditch her and move on. She's also a fully capable survivor, guess she's not interesting anymore. Oh well.
Seems foolish to ditch an amazing/unique protagonist full of potential. But I guess it all depends on how creative these TT writers can get. I would understand if they ended her story, because theres nothing left to tell, but this persons reasons are down right idiotic.
Um, I disagree. Having a Walking Dead game without Clementine would be like having a Batman game without Batman.
I don't care if she is in it or not, but please do not make her the protagonist again
Wanting that to happen is the internet equivalent of wanting the world to end.
Ah..yes...I remember reading this article a while back. When i first saw the title my first thought that came into mind was
or the author is just a troll that is desperate for clicks
I definitely don't want to see Clem go either, but IF that happens, a good way to measure how she would grow to be is simply to watch the show's fifth season. Rick Grimes goes through the same kind of change I think Clem would go through. So if Telltale says "Hey let's throw out this great thing we've got going" and we're forced to just speculate and wonder about Clem's future, basically just picture her like Season 5 Rick and chances are you'll probably be right on target/on the money.
If Clem wasn't to be present in Season 3 (especially as the playable character), then TTG's TWD would become just another forgetful zombie game....
It's exactly the other way around me. I don't care if she's the protagonist or deuteragonist, but please let her be in Season 3.
I agree. I think she's the Telltale game's Rick character. It would be fine to have her be the deuteragonist, but you can't drop her, In fact, it might be really fun to have to play with the Clem you created as an NPC again. If you wound up making a more calloused young woman with your choices, it could be an interesting way to come and have it bite you in the end in Season 3.
I fully agree with you! She was always a very promising character and all this potential will flourish precisely now that she's growing up and becoming a young woman! all the contradictions and typical emotions of adolescence she will experience, while becoming more mature as a person and more skillful as a survivor. C'mon! her story is just beginning!
In my opinion. TT will be shooting themselves in the damn foot if they do this to her...
i totally agree, telltale can take the story wherever they want, i just really hope she isn't the protagonist
Season 2 made her boring and uninteresting? Season 2 brought her character to life especially after what her and lee went through at the climax of season 1 in anything season 1 wasn't boring but it had a slow start with Clem which I loved