'A New Frontier': A Time Capsule of the S3 Waiting Thread; Head to the Ep 1 Waiting Thread for news



  • I was just thinking Chef,they could of made season 2 into one long scene after the group was took from the ski lodge to the Howes Carvers camp ,and it could of not felt so rushed trying to advance the story,and ep 5 would be escaping Carver rather than ep 4 and 5 :))))

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Poor Sarah lost her father and has PTSD...

  • Now, I know that the game is taking longer than they thought it would (considering it's been over half a year since the last release date) but you'd think they could at least say.... something. Make something public. Maybe I'm just not looking at the right sites but things about the new season have gotten quiet. Couldn't they at least say, "look, I know you guys are waiting patiently, but we've run into these problems we are trying to fix and we want to make these aspects of the game better so please wait just a little longer. It's- as of now- looking like it may be insert time frame here until we are able to release it. Thank you so much for playing." And, I'm still waiting for TWAU to come out. I'm sure they are doing the best that they can but they could at least not keep us in the dark about the games themselves. I see tweets here and there but they aren't really telling us much at all. And, I'm willing to wait if they are trying to make the game perfect. Am I just not looking in the right places?

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited October 2015

    That would be because they are putting their main efforts right now into Borderlands, Thrones, Minecraft, and Michonne. They don't actually have a team working on the game, and at this point are probably just making a broadly conceptual version of the story with a very small team of writers. In other words, the third Season isn't "delayed" - they haven't even started making the game yet. I'm not Telltale staff so this is pure speculation on my part, but it's well founded speculation from a longtime fan who has read articles referencing how they work on their games.

    sakoch posted: »

    Now, I know that the game is taking longer than they thought it would (considering it's been over half a year since the last release date) b

  • edited October 2015

    They really need to get some sort of Cloud save going. I can't emphasise the importance of this (in my eyes). People are upgrading consoles all over the place and if choices transfer between Season 2 and 3, there's going to be a ton of unhappy TT fans if their choices can't go over and they have to buy and play through the games again. I think it's fair if people are disappointed with this too. I would scrap the Micchone series if it allowed me to have my S1 and S2 choices transfer over to S3 on a current gen. TT's falling behind on this one, just saying. The previous generation is now last generation, we are in current gen now, but i'm keeping my 360 just in case. TWD and TWAU are some of my favourite games of all time and if I can get my choices over I will.


  • You exaggerate. It's barely been fifteen years by my count.



    Oldsmobile posted: »

    You exaggerate. It's barely been fifteen years by my count.

  • edited October 2015


    enter image description here

  • edited October 2015

    So season 3 is the one Telltale. The one to come as one whole product right? Everything at once, not episodic, still downloadable but it's going to be your first full priced game right? I see it all so clearly now, I can read between the lines. Better be like sixteen episodes.

  • So season 3 is the one Telltale. The one to come as one whole product right? Everything at once, not episodic, still downloadable but it's going to be your first full priced game right?

    Cough Jurassic Park Cough

    Ismokeherb posted: »

    So season 3 is the one Telltale. The one to come as one whole product right? Everything at once, not episodic, still downloadable but it's g

  • That was only released like that due to delays though this is common knowledge... I suspect this is the first game planned to be released in such a way by telltale and by full priced I mean $60. It's a completely different situation, so stop coughing on me.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    So season 3 is the one Telltale. The one to come as one whole product right? Everything at once, not episodic, still downloadable but it's going to be your first full priced game right? Cough Jurassic Park Cough

  • Still counts though.

    $60? I highly doubt that.

    Ismokeherb posted: »

    That was only released like that due to delays though this is common knowledge... I suspect this is the first game planned to be released in

  • edited October 2015

    We already pay like $30 roughly for a five part series. It's really not that hard to see that price double depending on the amount of extra work it takes to make the game "considerably larger"

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Still counts though. $60? I highly doubt that.

  • ''bye bye,Jane...see you in hell!!!''

    Karnedg2013 posted: »


  • Well for you who watch the tv show of twd who's excited for the 6th season on sunday

  • This has been my only main criticism of Season 2 and what I have been saying since August last year. Season 2 has more story than it had room for. It felt like 1.5 to 2 seasons into one. The cabin group vs Carver story could almost have been it's own season while the Kenny vs Jane story could have worked out to be it's own season. I feel like the team realized the story was too ambitious by the time episode 3 was in development, so they had to go through and trim the story since it was too late to do any kind of major rewrite. This same issue is what I see in GOT: a game with more story than it has episodes for. The next few TallTale installments will show if they learned from these mistakes. Quite frankly, I'd rather have over ambitiousness be TellTale's weakness than underwhelming story vision.

    Clemmy1 posted: »

    I was just thinking Chef,they could of made season 2 into one long scene after the group was took from the ski lodge to the Howes Carvers ca

  • I feel like Tales from the Borderlands has been handling the story well for the most part.

    eRock92 posted: »

    This has been my only main criticism of Season 2 and what I have been saying since August last year. Season 2 has more story than it had ro

  • $60? The new episodic Kings Quest is $40 and that's pretty high quality stuff. I just can't see Telltale releasing anything again over 50 bucks

    Ismokeherb posted: »

    That was only released like that due to delays though this is common knowledge... I suspect this is the first game planned to be released in

  • Super hyped :3

    Fear is pretty good but has nothing on the original ^-^

    Well for you who watch the tv show of twd who's excited for the 6th season on sunday

  • It seems a few months is "All That Remains"

    -XYAB- posted: »

    If we keep making these puns there will be "no going back"

  • So when will Michonne debut?

  • Sometime before December 21st.

    PoppyP posted: »

    So when will Michonne debut?

  • Jesus seriously? When they first announced this in June it was supposed to October and now December????? What a bust. Bad enough it will be Michonne and we have to wait for her to end until we can get season 3 - now it is further pushed. I bet we wont get S3 until December 2016.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Sometime before December 21st.

  • Michonne was never confirmed for October, they only said Late Fall - which is any time before December 21st. It doesn't mean the episode is releasing then.

    PoppyP posted: »

    Jesus seriously? When they first announced this in June it was supposed to October and now December????? What a bust. Bad enough it will be

  • When they first announced this in June it was supposed to October and now December?????

    They said it would be in Fall of 2015, Fall goes until December 21st, so nothing has been pushed back, they never stated October anywhere.

    PoppyP posted: »

    Jesus seriously? When they first announced this in June it was supposed to October and now December????? What a bust. Bad enough it will be

  • Why do they make stuff no one asked for? Everyone wants season 3, season 3. So the logical approach then is to NOT make season 3 but something totally no one ever wanted and from the looks of the comments is not looking forward to. I mean I want the game to be different from the show and comic. We get enough of those characters in the other two places. Why waste the game on it?

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited October 2015

    They are making Michonne to give Walking Dead fans something to keep them occupied while Telltale works on Season 3. They aren't delaying Season 3 because of Michonne. If it wasn't Michonne or some other DLC Episode/miniseries, we would just get nothing until Season 3.

    Also, we do have a Michonne waiting thread as well.

    PoppyP posted: »

    Why do they make stuff no one asked for? Everyone wants season 3, season 3. So the logical approach then is to NOT make season 3 but somethi

  • edited October 2015

    They aren't delaying Season 3 because of Michonne.

    How do you know this?

    Because it seems fair assume that the resources they are putting into the mini-series will invariably impact the speed at which Season 3 is created and released.

    They are making Michonne to give Walking Dead fans something to keep them occupied while Telltale works on Season 3. They aren't delaying Se

  • I don't officially know that as fact, but it's a very well educated guess from hearing Telltale explain their reasoning behind making Michonne as well as general knowledge as a long time Telltale fan. They've said that they want to spend more time on Season 3 to make it special (and probably also as a response to criticisms about Season 2 I'm guessing), and additionally, Season 2 has more variations from the ending than Season 1 does so they obviously have to spend more time accounting for all that.

    With Season 3 taking longer from all the endings as well as them wanting to make it more special than previous Seasons, it's obvious the game won't come out as quickly as Season 2 did after Season 1. However, as basically everyone will say, Walking Dead is one of Telltale's most notable franchises so they obviously want to keep it on the radar - even if Season 3 is a ways off. Since they have said they don't want to rush Season 3, it seems pretty obvious they created the Michonne mini-series to keep Walking Dead on the fanbases' radar until Season 3, just like 400 Days was created to keep people focused on Walking Dead until Season 2.

    Joonlar posted: »

    They aren't delaying Season 3 because of Michonne. How do you know this? Because it seems fair assume that the resources they are putting into the mini-series will invariably impact the speed at which Season 3 is created and released.

  • edited October 2015

    None of that reasoning means the Michonne DLC won't make Season 3 take longer to release than it would have if there was no Michonne DLC, though. Unless Michonne and Season 3 have entirely separate staff or something I can't see how one won't effect the other.

    I'm not complaining, just pointing out. Personally I like there being DLC in the meantime even if it adds a few months to Season 3's release, because it's nice to have these little stories outside of the main narrative :)

    I don't officially know that as fact, but it's a very well educated guess from hearing Telltale explain their reasoning behind making Michon

  • We have no information or facts that prove whether or not Michonne is delaying TWD: S3. All we can do is ask TellTale staff and hope for an honest answer if they respond at all. All we are doing is speculating. I think what Blind Sniper is getting at is that Michonne is a mini-series and Season 3 is a full blown season. Considering the smaller story of Michonne since it is a mini-series and that it was stated ahead of time that it was a long ways off, it can be theorized that Michonne's story was finished long before Season 3's. Because of this, TellTale's design team could have started and finished most of the basic parts of Michonne well before Season 3's story finished, provided that Season 3's story is finished.

    Also to add with what Blind Sniper said, Melissa Hutchinson said that Season 2 of TWD was a "...labor of love" (I can remember where exactly I read it, but I do know it was an interview just after Season 2 ended). Considering TellTale is going to go all in to make Season 3 special, it will most likely take them even longer to just make the main part of the story before they even move into the episodic stage.

    Also, considering that TellTale's staff can move around from project to project, there really isn't a designated "team" for a particular season. With that, there really is no way to tell if one project delays another. It really depends on who is on the writing staff, what stage of development the game is in compared to other game series, what games and how many games are in release, and other things like PR, deadline, classifications, timetables with vendors, etc.

    I'm not trying to argue or anything, just expounding on what Blind Sniper was saying... or at least what I think he was trying to convey. TellTale's development phase is more mysterious than the episode waits. It gets even crazier after the series is over because all of the cut and unsed content surfaces and the forum goes crazy putting the pieces of the development phase together. But hey, that's TellTale Games for you.

    Joonlar posted: »

    None of that reasoning means the Michonne DLC won't make Season 3 take longer to release than it would have if there was no Michonne DLC, th

  • My hypothesis is that this could be something that came down from Kirkman. He had a story he wanted to tell about Michhone's pirate adventures, but it just didn't work for the comic book. Since this game shares that continuity and is cannon-ish, he can tell that story that he wants to tell, Telltale can have access to a fan favorite character that could bring more people to the game, and players can get an interesting side story to our main character (Clem's) journey.

    PoppyP posted: »

    Why do they make stuff no one asked for? Everyone wants season 3, season 3. So the logical approach then is to NOT make season 3 but somethi

  • edited October 2015

    Guys guys, chill. Think of it as this; every game needs atleast two years of waiting time for the sequel to come out. Don't get pissy now, most games these days won't just take a year and them bam the sequel is released. Look at fallout, look at GTA, look at Batman Arkham series, look at Uncharted, look at.... Well most games that have sequels. Just be grateful and not act pissy like this guys........ It's only been a year since the release of the last episode of Season 2, it would be a miracle if S3 came out like spring 2016.

    They rushed things with S2 due to the hype of S1's ending people needed a sequel right after the huge ending of S1... This time, we can get some breathing space after S2's ending, atleast I do.

  • Whenever i check this thread

    enter image description here

  • Choices from season 2? Lol hardly! The only choices that would carry over to season 3 is who you save at the end of the game! Kenny or Jane? Wellington stay or leaving by yourself

    Chilled posted: »

    They really need to get some sort of Cloud save going. I can't emphasise the importance of this (in my eyes). People are upgrading consoles

  • edited October 2015

    Pretty much, let's hope it livens up soon... even though it could be awhile.

    Yo-da-Man posted: »

    Whenever i check this thread

  • umm...sorry. just one quick question about the story.
    season 2 had 5 different endings.
    soooo...depending on that we're gonna have 5 different stories in new season ??
    what exactly is gonna happen there. some times i literally can't sleep thinkin about this

  • Best case scenario: Our endings continue on their own paths for some time before branching back together, if ever.
    Worst case scenario: Everybody determinant dies. Clementine walks to Wellington. Season 3.

    SaeedEzio posted: »

    umm...sorry. just one quick question about the story. season 2 had 5 different endings. soooo...depending on that we're gonna have 5 diffe

  • I wouldnt mind if they made it $60 for 10 episodes instead of $30 for 5 episodes. Or like i said in the past, it'd be awesome if they released Season 3 with multiple separate storylines, because our past choices actually did matter.

  • Like they say, it's better to wait and have a completely finished product than a rushed low quality one :)

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