Thanks, bud. You're not alone on that, trust me. Even at its best, the show will always have some kinks to work out here and there, and this episode is no exception.
I have nothing to add to this. Your argument is fantastic, you have solid points, and while I don't entirely agree with everything you're saying, and I still strongly believe it could have been better, I respect your opinion a lot. Kudos to you dude.
I don't know if I'm liking who they are making Morgan into. In the comic series.. If this was his method he would die so fast. But I still ship him and Carol.. Cause those opposites definitely attract.
Not really a great episode, although it's cool to see what was happening at Alexandria while Rick and the rest of the group were out. I still think that the show runners are trying to make the wolves better then they actually are and were. They're not tactful and in this episode they looked like Stannis The Mannis.
I hope we get the Morgan episode next... So we can find out why he doesn't like killing. Which is stupid...
Morgan is not like Tyreese. While Ty never managed to deal with the world to the point in which he stopped killing WALKERS. Morgan escaped his madness and has found inner peace with himself. He values human life but unlike Tyreese he is not only hopeful and at peace with this new world but he is far more skilled in not only combat but in focus. And unlike Ty Morgan does not falter AT ALL.
Very, very good episode, especially after the very, very stupid Season 6 premiere. I was worried about Season 6, but this episode brought ba… moreck the hype.
The good:
The attack.
The music! Can't wait for the rip on YouTube. Bear McCreary never fails.
The development, especially for Carol. Jessie was pretty badass too.
The "meh":
Morgan. I have not lost my liking for the guy, but my problem stems from how his arc so far is just Tyreese all over again. Tyreese was unique from Dale because Dale could be a moralizing jerk sometimes without the experience to back it up. Tyreese was non-lethal because he fell to the bottom and clawed his way out. Now Morgan is doing the same thing. I'll wait for them to expand on his story before I make any further judgments. I really, really hope they're not setting up the predictable: "He's too kindhearted to live" crap again. Still, Morgan is at least more interesting than his comic counterpart in… [view original content]
Sry to disgree but i don't find it 'stupid'. He just doesn't want to kill people and thinks there can be a solution to things without needing to kill anyone. And he's repeatedly shown that there is and he does it. And before you say the same argument everyone else is making about him making the wolves go, i blame Rick and Carol for that. They're extreme kill methods are compleatly unreasonable. Carol even kills a guy tied up before INTEROGATING HIM.
In the end i know it's a pov based opinion but i hope you understand my point.
I don't know if I'm liking who they are making Morgan into. In the comic series.. If this was his method he would die so fast. But I still s… morehip him and Carol.. Cause those opposites definitely attract.
Not really a great episode, although it's cool to see what was happening at Alexandria while Rick and the rest of the group were out. I still think that the show runners are trying to make the wolves better then they actually are and were. They're not tactful and in this episode they looked like Stannis The Mannis.
I hope we get the Morgan episode next... So we can find out why he doesn't like killing. Which is stupid...
I loved everything in JSS except the fact that Eugene and the girl "doctor" where acting and saying their lines in the same character giving us the only hint that there gonna start fucking
You guys also have to understand Morgan was with the Wolves for a little while, when we were back in season 4,5 he probably killed so much he's sick of it he wants peace. The only thing I dislike about Morgan is his weapon I mean how lethal can a broom stick be? As apart of saying that I feel JSS was our first action packed episode I hope next Sunday it's even more
WOW! This was a fantastic follow up to The Walking Dead Season 6 premiere. I wonder if Aaron will later admit that his lost backpack with photos inside at least partly led the Wolves into the camp.
Well i liked it. It was a good ep. I know some fans are mad about it but i LOVE the fact that Morgan is non-lethal. It separates him from EV… moreERY other character and it seems like natural evolution. Also for some reason the wolves getting in without anyone noticing thing doesn't bother me.
Overall i liked it 8.5 or a 9/10.
No who? Anyways check out The Spoiling Dead Fans. Carl's big comic moment (losing his eye) is happening in the mid-season finale. Ron will be the one to shoot him apparently. Spoiling Dead is hardly ever wrong. IF that happens to Carl it is no doubt going to happen because Rick just hacked off Jessie's arm when she wouldn't let go of Carl while being mauled by walkers.
Eugene wasn't acting out of character. The guy is a straight up coward. He got a little bit of balls now when it comes to a few walkers but when its crazy fuckers with axes he reverts back to his old ways
I agree about watching the gates. But The Wolves have run through camps before a presumably are pretty stealthy when it comes to sneaking into a camp undetected. If they are indeed the "scavengers" from the comics then they are way to overpowered. However, I'm getting savior vibes.
The reason Morgan is so peaceful now and wants people to live will be explained through a flashback episode that will be 1hr30min like the premiere. EPISODE 4.
They are keeping Ron alive for a very important reason. They are making you hate him for a VERY important reason.
Sadly, this is the first episode of the main TWD series I haven't enjoyed in a long time. (The last one being Season 4 Episode 6 and 7) This… more whole thing with Holly is stupid, Denise looks nothing like she did in the comics, Eugene was acting almost completely out of character, Carol has never been so stupid as to kill a hostage able to reveal some info, Morgan annoyed the shit out of me, the CGI with the Molotov made me laugh so hard, and just how the fuck did the Wolves even get in?!
Do we have nobody watching the gates in this show?! The Governor snuck up on them at the Prison twice because no one watched the gates, Carol took down Terminus because no one watched the fences, ALEXANDRIA FELL BECAUSE MOTHERFUCKERS DON'T KNOW HOW TO SHOOT OTHER SUSPICIOUS LOOKING MOTHER FUCKERS.
This episode was infuriating, annoying, downright ridiculous, and not required. However, I would have actually given it a pass if they had fucking killed Ron. I … [view original content]
I know I'll switch sides once I find out who saved Morgan from insanity.. But as of right now I'm more Carol then Morgan, more Rick then Darryl. We're tryna survive out here, and it's either them or us.
But we both know that the whole "don't have to kill" thing won't mean shit when Negan and Lucille come to town
Sry to disgree but i don't find it 'stupid'. He just doesn't want to kill people and thinks there can be a solution to things without needin… moreg to kill anyone. And he's repeatedly shown that there is and he does it. And before you say the same argument everyone else is making about him making the wolves go, i blame Rick and Carol for that. They're extreme kill methods are compleatly unreasonable. Carol even kills a guy tied up before INTEROGATING HIM.
In the end i know it's a pov based opinion but i hope you understand my point.
Not in the specifics, maybe, but in general, it's a very similar arc, especially the whole, "let the bad guy live, only for them to come back and screw things up". Also, Tyreese only didn't kill a walker that one time when he was still reeling from the shock of what happened at The Grove. Don't forget that right after that, he took out three or four of those bastards with his bare hands, and then beat down Martin. Morgan is indeed more skilled, but he has the same central dilemma going on.
Still, like I said, I'll wait for a flashback or something detailing Morgan's return before I make further judgments.
Morgan is not like Tyreese. While Ty never managed to deal with the world to the point in which he stopped killing WALKERS. Morgan escaped h… moreis madness and has found inner peace with himself. He values human life but unlike Tyreese he is not only hopeful and at peace with this new world but he is far more skilled in not only combat but in focus. And unlike Ty Morgan does not falter AT ALL.
Enid is definitely working with the wolves, she says to Carl "there's too many blind spots, this place is to big to protect, that's how WE were able to..." and then Carl cuts her off, what the hell did she mean by we?
Enid is definitely working with the wolves, she says to Carl "there's too many blind spots, this place is to big to protect, that's how WE were able to..." and then Carl cuts her off, what the hell did she mean by we?
Eugene wasn't acting out of character. The guy is a straight up coward. He got a little bit of balls now when it comes to a few walkers bu… moret when its crazy fuckers with axes he reverts back to his old ways
I agree about watching the gates. But The Wolves have run through camps before a presumably are pretty stealthy when it comes to sneaking into a camp undetected. If they are indeed the "scavengers" from the comics then they are way to overpowered. However, I'm getting savior vibes.
The reason Morgan is so peaceful now and wants people to live will be explained through a flashback episode that will be 1hr30min like the premiere. EPISODE 4.
They are keeping Ron alive for a very important reason. They are making you hate him for a VERY important reason.
You guys also have to understand Morgan was with the Wolves for a little while, when we were back in season 4,5 he probably killed so much h… moree's sick of it he wants peace. The only thing I dislike about Morgan is his weapon I mean how lethal can a broom stick be? As apart of saying that I feel JSS was our first action packed episode I hope next Sunday it's even more
lol wavelengths man, that's exactly what I'm thinking! Especially since Andrea isn't here to consul Rick, Morgan is the second best person to be his living consciousness. I'm just hoping that Negan doesn't want to kill a black guy lmfao
And honestly, that makes me worried for Darryl and maybe Abe. As those were Ricks right hand men, is this gonna be the end for one of them
lol wavelengths man, that's exactly what I'm thinking! Especially since Andrea isn't here to consul Rick, Morgan is the second best person t… moreo be his living consciousness. I'm just hoping that Negan doesn't want to kill a black guy lmfao
And honestly, that makes me worried for Darryl and maybe Abe. As those were Ricks right hand men, is this gonna be the end for one of them
You guys also have to understand Morgan was with the Wolves for a little while, when we were back in season 4,5 he probably killed so much h… moree's sick of it he wants peace. The only thing I dislike about Morgan is his weapon I mean how lethal can a broom stick be? As apart of saying that I feel JSS was our first action packed episode I hope next Sunday it's even more
I well actually Martin didn't do anything the others wouldn't have done alone so sparing him didn't screw things up. Also maybe it's just me but Morgan unlike the other characters doesn't change his morals for ANYTHING. I think calling him the walking dead's batman is the best comparison, an immovable object with solid convictions. Infact by the end of the episode Carol seems less strong in her thoughts and she's the most unbreakable of the group.
It's funny though how most people failed to notice that and thought Morgan killed the wolf at the end (They saw him in the filming of ep 6 so Morgan spared him). It's almost like they WANT to believe he's wrong.
But i agree we should see the flashbacks to get the full story. Good debate though .
Not in the specifics, maybe, but in general, it's a very similar arc, especially the whole, "let the bad guy live, only for them to come bac… morek and screw things up". Also, Tyreese only didn't kill a walker that one time when he was still reeling from the shock of what happened at The Grove. Don't forget that right after that, he took out three or four of those bastards with his bare hands, and then beat down Martin. Morgan is indeed more skilled, but he has the same central dilemma going on.
Still, like I said, I'll wait for a flashback or something detailing Morgan's return before I make further judgments.
Might but it is still possible.I would appreciate a trade death. But if they DO go the original route i'm thinking season 7 or at the very least one of the last episodes of season 6.
Yeah that was the guy that recognized him.........You know attacked him from behind...........Why do people go with this weird 'Morgan met them before thing'. Please don't tell me it's another bs reason the fans want to pretend he's still lethal. Why can't people just accept he values every life and doesn't kill, it's not a bad thing .
Yeah that was the guy that recognized him.........You know attacked him from behind...........Why do people go with this weird 'Morgan met t… morehem before thing'. Please don't tell me it's another bs reason the fans want to pretend he's still lethal. Why can't people just accept he values every life and doesn't kill, it's not a bad thing .
lol wavelengths man, that's exactly what I'm thinking! Especially since Andrea isn't here to consul Rick, Morgan is the second best person t… moreo be his living consciousness. I'm just hoping that Negan doesn't want to kill a black guy lmfao
And honestly, that makes me worried for Darryl and maybe Abe. As those were Ricks right hand men, is this gonna be the end for one of them
I thought it was really dumb that Carl actually went over to the guy who called for help even though he was part of a group trying to murder the whole community. It doesn't make sense after what they have been through.
in the episode Clear Morgan was going to gun down Rick Michonne and Carl just for rolling through his neighborhood, so we know he can kill and we know he regrets mistakes so I think he did kill the wolf guy. the bow staff is not a non lethal weapon he takes out a number of zombies with it, anything that takes out a zombie will take out a human
Enid is definitely working with the wolves, she says to Carl "there's too many blind spots, this place is to big to protect, that's how WE were able to..." and then Carl cuts her off, what the hell did she mean by we?
LOL. Oh my God, this has so much win infused in it.
Thanks, bud. You're not alone on that, trust me. Even at its best, the show will always have some kinks to work out here and there, and this episode is no exception.
Pretty sure most blamed Ron
What?!!!! I mean yes, he's a lil like Travis from Fear but still... Don't forget that his wife killed his son.
I don't know if I'm liking who they are making Morgan into. In the comic series.. If this was his method he would die so fast. But I still ship him and Carol.. Cause those opposites definitely attract.
Not really a great episode, although it's cool to see what was happening at Alexandria while Rick and the rest of the group were out. I still think that the show runners are trying to make the wolves better then they actually are and were. They're not tactful and in this episode they looked like Stannis The Mannis.
I hope we get the Morgan episode next... So we can find out why he doesn't like killing. Which is stupid...
Morgan is not like Tyreese. While Ty never managed to deal with the world to the point in which he stopped killing WALKERS. Morgan escaped his madness and has found inner peace with himself. He values human life but unlike Tyreese he is not only hopeful and at peace with this new world but he is far more skilled in not only combat but in focus. And unlike Ty Morgan does not falter AT ALL.
Sry to disgree but i don't find it 'stupid'. He just doesn't want to kill people and thinks there can be a solution to things without needing to kill anyone. And he's repeatedly shown that there is and he does it. And before you say the same argument everyone else is making about him making the wolves go, i blame Rick and Carol for that. They're extreme kill methods are compleatly unreasonable. Carol even kills a guy tied up before INTEROGATING HIM.
In the end i know it's a pov based opinion but i hope you understand my point.
I loved everything in JSS except the fact that Eugene and the girl "doctor" where acting and saying their lines in the same character giving us the only hint that there gonna start fucking
You guys also have to understand Morgan was with the Wolves for a little while, when we were back in season 4,5 he probably killed so much he's sick of it he wants peace. The only thing I dislike about Morgan is his weapon I mean how lethal can a broom stick be? As apart of saying that I feel JSS was our first action packed episode I hope next Sunday it's even more
Fully led the wolves* to them, to be honest I wouldn't mind if we had another big showdown like the prison and the Alexandria residence opts out
9.5/10 both season 6 episodes 1,2
No who? Anyways check out The Spoiling Dead Fans. Carl's big comic moment (losing his eye) is happening in the mid-season finale. Ron will be the one to shoot him apparently. Spoiling Dead is hardly ever wrong. IF that happens to Carl it is no doubt going to happen because Rick just hacked off Jessie's arm when she wouldn't let go of Carl while being mauled by walkers.
Eugene wasn't acting out of character. The guy is a straight up coward. He got a little bit of balls now when it comes to a few walkers but when its crazy fuckers with axes he reverts back to his old ways
I agree about watching the gates. But The Wolves have run through camps before a presumably are pretty stealthy when it comes to sneaking into a camp undetected. If they are indeed the "scavengers" from the comics then they are way to overpowered. However, I'm getting savior vibes.
The reason Morgan is so peaceful now and wants people to live will be explained through a flashback episode that will be 1hr30min like the premiere. EPISODE 4.
They are keeping Ron alive for a very important reason. They are making you hate him for a VERY important reason.
I know I'll switch sides once I find out who saved Morgan from insanity.. But as of right now I'm more Carol then Morgan, more Rick then Darryl. We're tryna survive out here, and it's either them or us.
But we both know that the whole "don't have to kill" thing won't mean shit when Negan and Lucille come to town
But I do agree with you
Not in the specifics, maybe, but in general, it's a very similar arc, especially the whole, "let the bad guy live, only for them to come back and screw things up". Also, Tyreese only didn't kill a walker that one time when he was still reeling from the shock of what happened at The Grove. Don't forget that right after that, he took out three or four of those bastards with his bare hands, and then beat down Martin. Morgan is indeed more skilled, but he has the same central dilemma going on.
Still, like I said, I'll wait for a flashback or something detailing Morgan's return before I make further judgments.
Enid is definitely working with the wolves, she says to Carl "there's too many blind spots, this place is to big to protect, that's how WE were able to..." and then Carl cuts her off, what the hell did she mean by we?
"thats how we were able to sneak out so much" (as in her and carl)
I mean she could be a spy but everything else in this episode suggests she isnt.
TBH i think Morgan not wanting to kill people is just making way for Rick to evolve to the Rick we see at the end of AOW.
Hmm... If that means they kill him after said important reason is done, I'm in.
It's not lethal at all, that's the point. He doesn't want to kill people so he uses a weapon that won't kill.
lol wavelengths man, that's exactly what I'm thinking! Especially since Andrea isn't here to consul Rick, Morgan is the second best person to be his living consciousness. I'm just hoping that Negan doesn't want to kill a black guy lmfao
And honestly, that makes me worried for Darryl and maybe Abe. As those were Ricks right hand men, is this gonna be the end for one of them
Well maybe they'll do the same death for Abe
Morgan was with the Wolves for one episode when they tried to rob him?
I'm not sure, because if they already killed Holly, they might spare Abraham for a bit.
Ah poop.
I well actually Martin didn't do anything the others wouldn't have done alone so sparing him didn't screw things up. Also maybe it's just me but Morgan unlike the other characters doesn't change his morals for ANYTHING. I think calling him the walking dead's batman is the best comparison, an immovable object with solid convictions. Infact by the end of the episode Carol seems less strong in her thoughts and she's the most unbreakable of the group.
It's funny though how most people failed to notice that and thought Morgan killed the wolf at the end (They saw him in the filming of ep 6 so Morgan spared him). It's almost like they WANT to believe he's wrong.
But i agree we should see the flashbacks to get the full story. Good debate though
Might but it is still possible.I would appreciate a trade death. But if they DO go the original route i'm thinking season 7 or at the very least one of the last episodes of season 6.
Double post. Answer is above.
Yeah that was the guy that recognized him.........You know attacked him from behind...........Why do people go with this weird 'Morgan met them before thing'. Please don't tell me it's another bs reason the fans want to pretend he's still lethal. Why can't people just accept he values every life and doesn't kill, it's not a bad thing
I think Morgan might be becoming my favorite character of the entire franchise (!) simply because he can kill, but chooses not to.
Ironically people seem to think the opposite. 'Morgan has to learn'
I love Abe in the show even more then I thought I would, because his comic book character was already so perfect for me.
I mean cmon, he's king Mother Dick lmao
Waaaaay better than the season 6 premiere!
Waaaaaay better than season 5
I thought it was really dumb that Carl actually went over to the guy who called for help even though he was part of a group trying to murder the whole community. It doesn't make sense after what they have been through.
in the episode Clear Morgan was going to gun down Rick Michonne and Carl just for rolling through his neighborhood, so we know he can kill and we know he regrets mistakes so I think he did kill the wolf guy. the bow staff is not a non lethal weapon he takes out a number of zombies with it, anything that takes out a zombie will take out a human
She and Carl had sneaked out over the wall remember