Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • edited October 2015

    okay but

    The option being hard to get makes us all true Rhyiona warriors, so dedicated to the cause that we instantly sniffed the Rhyiona and found it.

    Or, if some of our noses weren't that alert, would replay the whole game from the last checkpoint (isn't that before the battle??? YOU GO GUYS) just to get our glorious ship.

    we are true troopers

  • Disgusting until the end... Good night everyone! I'll see you tomorrow, my tomorrow ^^

  • edited October 2015

    It's a very interesting design choice. :D but I'm not complaining, he's adorable!! I just wanna pull his ponytail :B

    Lmao it's so true! XD

  • edited October 2015

    enter image description here

    I still can't believe we actually made it!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Thanks! That means alot! And welcome back! Finally we Rhyionas have a reason to celebrate! ;3

  • you dont have to keep looking tho, the light is right there

    in ur rhyiona heart

    Green613 posted: »

    tfw rhysha shippers tell you to join rhysha and "find" the light

  • I would love to read it!

    Okay I'll do it if you want me to... Even though I have a whole bunch of other fics I'm supposed to be writing, I just can't seem to get this idea out of my head. :P

  • I still can't believe it tho. And I'm so sorry for doubting TTG :')

    I still can't believe we actually made it!

  • If its a metaphor to his... you know... why would he cook it?

    Unless... Have we been talking about real hotdogs this entire time?!

    Eryka posted: »


  • I know, I guess i have a thing for guys with ponytails?

    enter image description here

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    It's a very interesting design choice. but I'm not complaining, he's adorable!! I just wanna pull his ponytail :B

  • @HandsomeChef is cooking his sausage in you.

    If its a metaphor to his... you know... why would he cook it? Unless... Have we been talking about real hotdogs this entire time?!

  • edited October 2015

    Yes dude, I had to replay from the part that LB places Gortys' empty shell on the ground till the end to make Rhyiona canon. Was it worth it?

    Hells yeah!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    okay but The option being hard to get makes us all true Rhyiona warriors, so dedicated to the cause that we instantly sniffed the Rhyiona

  • I wish you the sweetest of Rhyiona dreams!

    Eryka posted: »

    Disgusting until the end... Good night everyone! I'll see you tomorrow, my tomorrow ^^

  • Im so proud of you

    kristi78968 posted: »

    That feel when you make the family proud.

  • G'night Eryka! Dream of Rhyiona as we shall be thinking of you!

    Eryka posted: »

    Disgusting until the end... Good night everyone! I'll see you tomorrow, my tomorrow ^^

  • G'night

    I'm late to send you off but... good night Paul! Sweet dreams my man!

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Good night!... till tomorrow.


    Anyone with a will like that cannot be broken


    Yes dude, I had to replay from the part that LB places Gortys' empty shell on the ground till the end to make Rhyiona canon. Was it worth it? Hells yeah!

  • Hello. Hello. It is I again with a late night Rhyiona picture and gifs to jumpstart your tired hearts.


    Yooooooooo 2


    Credit to erasemyself.tumblr.com for those three gifs!

    Annnnnnnd here's one picture to lighten up your night.


  • <3<3<3

    great gifs

    Hello. Hello. It is I again with a late night Rhyiona picture and gifs to jumpstart your tired hearts. Credit to erasemyself.tumblr.com for those three gifs! Annnnnnnd here's one picture to lighten up your night.

  • I love that second gif so much.

    Hello. Hello. It is I again with a late night Rhyiona picture and gifs to jumpstart your tired hearts. Credit to erasemyself.tumblr.com for those three gifs! Annnnnnnd here's one picture to lighten up your night.

  • myyy god too cute, present day outfits too ngh

    kristi78968 posted: »


  • This.

    I mean, he's not even trying to be subtle anymore. He's just all, "let me look at youuuuu....."

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I love that second gif so much.

  • Its...So...Cute!

    kristi78968 posted: »


  • I'm probably going to sleep soon (dem Rhyiona dreams... they're calling me) but I just wanna say I'm also really happy that the thread is going so well lately -- many new members, actual content and best of all, no spam.

    It feels great. <3

    Also, hoping to post another story tomorrow, all this has motivated me a lot.

  • I'm serious. I'd to post this because I can't stand it.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Please tell me you're aren't being serious. I have a sneaking suspicion that you're joking, so I hope that is the case. If you are being for real, I honestly don't think you should bring that up here.

  • I know, right? He's not even talking, just staring. ;^) Too cute.

    This. I mean, he's not even trying to be subtle anymore. He's just all, "let me look at youuuuu....."

  • Well you remembered perkele and ryntäät. Those are the most important Finnish words :']

  • HNnnnnnnnnnnnng. That's adorable! Cuteness overload.

    kristi78968 posted: »


  • Thank you! I spend a lot of time looking before I post gifs or pictures. My internet search history is literally filled to the brim with Rhyiona and I love it!

    Green613 posted: »

    <3<3 great gifs

  • Rhys is always a gentlemen to his gurl.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I love that second gif so much.

  • Guys, have a ponytail, it's the only way to every girls heart. :']

    I know, I guess i have a thing for guys with ponytails?

  • Night Wolf, great to see you in such a great mood! :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm probably going to sleep soon (dem Rhyiona dreams... they're calling me) but I just wanna say I'm also really happy that the thread is go

  • edited October 2015

    I have no idea if this has ever been posted before, as I have never seen it, but look at their cuteness! :3

    enter image description here

  • I'm pretty sure I've seen it here at some but I love this pic. I would say it's one of my favorite Rhyiona fanarts but that would include a couple hundred others. I can't choose which ones are actually my favorite.

    I have no idea if this has ever been posted before, as I have never seen it, but look at their cuteness!

  • Pretty accurate actually. XD

    Got any idea who made this?

    I have no idea if this has ever been posted before, as I have never seen it, but look at their cuteness!

  • edited October 2015

    I believe http://vaulthuntercollective.tumblr.com/ is the one who made that image, or at least that's what my searches turned up.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Pretty accurate actually. XD Got any idea who made this?

  • edited October 2015

    Rhyiona Raid Boss Run Race Raid

    Again promoting this idea of getting people to group up to do Boss runs, Raid bosses, and Raid Boss Races, and so on.

    @OfficialSheriffMaybe request, I made a survey (HERE) to see what people have content wise in Borderlands 2, please only take it if you're interested in joining in on this. At the moment I'm keeping it simple and saying, we will stick to just Borderlands 2, and probably just vanilla. But if enough people have DLC's, there are a ton of things we can do, so hence the survey. Also, since it is only a 4-player game, the racing aspect is a bit harder. My hope would be, we get 2 or 3 teams going against the same boss at the same time and see who beats it first. But if that doesn't work out, we can always just make teams at convenience, have set rules and just time ourselves and share results here. At the very least, we just not worry about the race and just have fun playing together.

    And if people like this and we get more people wanting to play the other 2 games, that'd be great too.

    So here's a list of people that showed interest:

    @FionaDeWinters @OfficialSheriffMaybe @BigBadPaul @lilxGoofycuz @John_Smith13 @Poogers555

    Let me know if you'd want to join in! No real date has been set yet.

  • Shit the link doesn't work

    Rhyiona Raid Boss Run Race Raid Again promoting this idea of getting people to group up to do Boss runs, Raid bosses, and Raid Boss Races

  • Wow. I'm so excited about drawing fan art of episode 5 that my excitement actually prevents me from drawing. Ironic.

    Anyway, I hope I'll be able to show my works here soon. I just need to chill and concentrate on finishing one drawing instead of trying to work on too many projects at the same time.

  • whoops sorry, now it should work

    Shit the link doesn't work

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