I'm still taking the exact same stance I had on Kenny in the game: Glenn is alive. The scene is too ambiguous in how it's shot and framed to be his actual death. And that's without factoring in the photos of him on set for 6B.
The only thing I hope for is that they actually give an explanation of how he got out, or show us directly. I mean, I can't lie that it will be ridiculous if he survives regardless of an explanation, but any explanation would still help make it just a little less ridiculous.
If Glenn comes back without an explanation, then it'll be even worse than Kenny. At least Kenny had some amount of plausibility to his survival, or at the very least, more than Glenn does. Him getting under the dumpster is the only one I can think of that could possibly work, and that's still a bit far-fetched. Hell, the theory of Kenny finding a window to escape through is less far-fetched than Glenn pulling himself under the dumpster and waiting out the herd.
Tobe honest glenn would have been fine without following around nicholas and to be honest if glenn lives (im guessing he will) its still dumb, the walkers should have eaten is face and legs at least.
Also Morgan is the other extreme, its like they cant have a moral character without them being stupid, Glenn had it at about the right level.
enter link description here
Notice how the walkers are ripping out intestines? Pretty sure intestines aren't in the chest area. Not to mention that Glenn seems to be screaming about the situation rather than the pain.
Tobe honest glenn would have been fine without following around nicholas and to be honest if glenn lives (im guessing he will) its still dum… moreb, the walkers should have eaten is face and legs at least.
Also Morgan is the other extreme, its like they cant have a moral character without them being stupid, Glenn had it at about the right level.
i lets say Glenn is death. i always found it interesting that what if carol would be the one that that gets the bat. everyone says Daryl and i get it, it makes sense, but they've also mentioned maggie as the one that gets it. now the reason why i dont see carol being the one tha gets it its cuz shes a woman. i really dont think anyone would kill off a women character off like that. same way i feel about maggie. idk i just feel that way, it feels too brutal to show a woman getting killed like that (its weird i know..). but why would i kinda like to see carol get it if glenn is death? well, it is kinda stupid reason, because i feel it would bring the most emotional hit. Daryl would just hurt all the lil girls and shit that only watch the show for him, i love daryl, but it would be kinda cool to see all the fan girls go ballistic lolol. but carol right now, EVERYONE fucking loves her. no crazy fan girls or fanboys, well that i know of. and besides... her character has lived WAY past her character in the comics. which btw if BY FAR the best character in the show and far BETTER than her comic counterpart, in fact its not even same character. thats how good carol is now. now for a lil explanation on why i feel it would kinda make sense that carol takes the bat. because someway or another she is the one that inflicts damage to the Saviors at first. she is the one that handles shit first, but they catch her and the whole group and then it happens. a little weak-ish i know but it could be made sense of.
Yeah I want to say good bye to Glenn that way, but if he is dead for sure then I think Daryl should be the one who gets Luclille, right now … morethe characters who I think are closer to Rick are, Carol, Michonne, Abraham, Glenn, Morgan and Daryl, im not mentioning Carl and Maggie because you know why if you are following the comics, from those character I mentioned Morgan and Abraham won't be Lucille's victim, that leaves, Carol wich is really close to Rick and I think that she could be another good choice in case Daryl lives, im not mentioning Michonne because she is getting her DLC so she is safe. So yeah for me the 2 characters at risk of being hit by Luccile are Daryl and Carol
Nicholas’s body seemed to be arcing in a way that would cause it to land atop Glenn’s. I think those were Nicholas' gut and that Glenn will crawl under the trash container. He'll probably need to stay there a few days until the horde dispatch a bit, so everyone will thinks he's dead while he's not.
Steven Yeun didn’t appear on “Talking Dead” for the usual kill-off goodbye.
But Glenn could really be dead since he wouldn't be lying there screaming. Those looked like screams of agony, of being ripped apart. I don't know.....ugh....I still cried tho. I'll be surprised if this is the death of one of the originals.
A quote by Yeun in an interview:
I don’t particularly want to subscribe to the idea that this show can kill off anybody it wants. Yes, it can. Yes, that’s a thing. That’s definitely a thing. But I think that’s not the point of the show. Game of Thrones kills people left and right and yet that’s not the point of the show. Sometimes you look at the viewers and you feel kind of bad because they’re watching the show like an episode of Survivor. They’ve picked two people or one person and if that person continues to live, they’re happy. If that person wasn’t in an episode, they’re unhappy. But when you watch the show like that you’re missing out on such beautiful storytelling.
We talk in terms of “are you afraid to get killed off?” And for me, if it serves the story, I’m game for anything. I hope people can watch the show in that same regard. Stop watching it to see if your favorite character is still alive. That’s kind of been on my mind lately because you notice a lot of fans saying “we want you to live, or we want this person to die” and it’s like, that’s not what the show’s about.
This season is on a roll. Another great episode and another 10/10 episode in my opinion.
If Glenn is really dead I think Carol will be the one who Negan kills when he makes his debut and lines up Rick, Carl, Michonne, Heath, Carol, and Maggie on their knees in front of him instead of Glenn.
Actually I think Carol could be a good choice, it would be horrible for Daryl if that happens and then he could get killed by Alpha you know what I mean? But still I don't think its gonna be Carol neither Maggie cause she is really important, next episodes are gonna be insane, yeah Carol is awesome in the show, her comic character is just... Stupid... Yeah I think thats the word. Im excited I cant wait to know what happens lol. I kinda see Carol as a character that would sacrifice herself to save her group, like ill distract them you just go!. Oh and dow worry about long post xD
i lets say Glenn is death. i always found it interesting that what if carol would be the one that that gets the bat. everyone says Daryl and… more i get it, it makes sense, but they've also mentioned maggie as the one that gets it. now the reason why i dont see carol being the one tha gets it its cuz shes a woman. i really dont think anyone would kill off a women character off like that. same way i feel about maggie. idk i just feel that way, it feels too brutal to show a woman getting killed like that (its weird i know..). but why would i kinda like to see carol get it if glenn is death? well, it is kinda stupid reason, because i feel it would bring the most emotional hit. Daryl would just hurt all the lil girls and shit that only watch the show for him, i love daryl, but it would be kinda cool to see all the fan girls go ballistic lolol. but carol right now, EVERYONE fucking loves her. no crazy fan girls or fanboys, well that i know of. and bes… [view original content]
Yay he got lucky real lucky! But yeah He is gotta be alive he is probably gonna use comouflage, and when walkers were "eating him" he wasnt bleeding at all, look at his mouth no blood, and walkers whould have gone straight to his neck too, they are distracted by Nicholas, he is probably gonna crawl.
I don't think its Carol, she can be a candidate I agree i thought the same, but I have a feeling that is gonna be Daryl, think about it, if glenn is really dead someone gotta lose her lover and we know Carol and Daryl have strong bonds, Maybe im not making any sense lol.
Nicholas’s body seemed to be arcing in a way that would cause it to land atop Glenn’s. I think those were Nicholas' gut and that Glenn will … morecrawl under the trash container. He'll probably need to stay there a few days until the horde dispatch a bit, so everyone will thinks he's dead while he's not.
Steven Yeun didn’t appear on “Talking Dead” for the usual kill-off goodbye.
But Glenn could really be dead since he wouldn't be lying there screaming. Those looked like screams of agony, of being ripped apart. I don't know.....ugh....I still cried tho. I'll be surprised if this is the death of one of the originals.
A quote by Yeun in an interview:
I don’t particularly want to subscribe to the idea that this show can kill off anybody it wants. Yes, it can. Yes, that’s a thing. That’s definitely a thing. But I think that’s not the point of the show. Game of Thrones kills people left and right and yet that’s not the point of the show. … [view original content]
Daryl has a lot of fans and killing him is risky for creators. But if they really going to kill him, oh, i really wanted to see fans reaction. But it's probably Carol, even if Glenn is alive, it would be too predictable, and she was here since S1, guess its make her fit to be Negan's victim.
I don't think its Carol, she can be a candidate I agree i thought the same, but I have a feeling that is gonna be Daryl, think about it, if … moreglenn is really dead someone gotta lose her lover and we know Carol and Daryl have strong bonds, Maybe im not making any sense lol.
Well without spoiling the comics the characters will eventually turn more moral (most of them at least)
Also next episode is focusing on Morgan and why he's become batman ( Or batmorgan if you prefer)
Nicholas’s body seemed to be arcing in a way that would cause it to land atop Glenn’s. I think those were Nicholas' gut and that Glenn will … morecrawl under the trash container. He'll probably need to stay there a few days until the horde dispatch a bit, so everyone will thinks he's dead while he's not.
Steven Yeun didn’t appear on “Talking Dead” for the usual kill-off goodbye.
But Glenn could really be dead since he wouldn't be lying there screaming. Those looked like screams of agony, of being ripped apart. I don't know.....ugh....I still cried tho. I'll be surprised if this is the death of one of the originals.
A quote by Yeun in an interview:
I don’t particularly want to subscribe to the idea that this show can kill off anybody it wants. Yes, it can. Yes, that’s a thing. That’s definitely a thing. But I think that’s not the point of the show. Game of Thrones kills people left and right and yet that’s not the point of the show. … [view original content]
I really do have to give it to Michael Traynor (Nicholas), his acting for Nicholas was on point
I'd say he gave one of, if not the best performance of the episode, and 75% of that was through his body language, mannerisms, and expressions. Nicholas is through and through a coward, someone that just simply isn't built to survive in this kind of world, but still tries to improve and prove himself; there's a part of him that's a redemption-seeker looking to make amends and be a better person, and another part that is just a terrified person wallowing in despair, and there's a constant battle between those two parts going on inside of him.
In a lot of ways, he's like Ben: someone that has good intentions at heart and just wants to help, but his cowardly nature ultimately ends up causing more trouble, leading into this downwards spiral of him fucking up, feeling guilty about it, wanting to make amends and try to help once again, only to cause even more trouble. And he played that role with Nicholas perfectly, especially when it came to mannerisms and behavior. Seriously, that final empty, thousand-yard stare he gives Glenn just before he shoots himself is almost haunting. Hell, even the delivery of the "Thank you" is haunting.
Yay he got lucky real lucky! But yeah He is gotta be alive he is probably gonna use comouflage, and when walkers were "eating him" he wasnt … morebleeding at all, look at his mouth no blood, and walkers whould have gone straight to his neck too, they are distracted by Nicholas, he is probably gonna crawl.
look at 2:00 and on. looks lik he is moving, but then somehow it also looks like he gets caught.
man i wish they hadnt done this, this way. it completely looks impossible to get out. and it really should be. lets say he does live it will be bullshit. if their plan was for ghislenn to escape some very dangerous situation it shouldn't have this way, well set up this way. they should have done it in a more plausible way.
BTW, that song sounded very TT like or was that just me???..
If Glenn comes back without an explanation, then it'll be even worse than Kenny. At least Kenny had some amount of plausibility to his survival, or at the very least, more than Glenn does. Him getting under the dumpster is the only one I can think of that could possibly work, and that's still a bit far-fetched. Hell, the theory of Kenny finding a window to escape through is less far-fetched than Glenn pulling himself under the dumpster and waiting out the herd.
lol no its not. TT fucked up, because they couldn't, or simply didnt want to explain or make an incredible escape. this has NO escape. it complete total bullshit to think there is a way out.
I'm still taking the exact same stance I had on Kenny in the game: Glenn is alive. The scene is too ambiguous in how it's shot and framed to… more be his actual death. And that's without factoring in the photos of him on set for 6B.
The only thing I hope for is that they actually give an explanation of how he got out, or show us directly. I mean, I can't lie that it will be ridiculous if he survives regardless of an explanation, but any explanation would still help make it just a little less ridiculous.
If Glenn comes back without an explanation, then it'll be even worse than Kenny. At least Kenny had some amount of plausibility to his survival, or at the very least, more than Glenn does. Him getting under the dumpster is the only one I can think of that could possibly work, and that's still a bit far-fetched. Hell, the theory of Kenny finding a window to escape through is less far-fetched than Glenn pulling himself under the dumpster and waiting out the herd.
Oh my god there's been so much debate over that in just one day. Look i don't know tbh. I THINK Glenn lived, i don't know how but almost all the outside the show info points to it. Still i respect your opinion.
I don't think the creators care. If they don't get negative responses to it (which let's face it they won't or at least not as much as positive.) they really won't. It's your choice as a fan to forgive it or not.
That was what I was saying. Kenny escaping is far more believable than Glenn escaping. Both of them are ridiculous, but in Kenny's case there were still some possibilities that made some amount of sense, like finding a window or a sewer grate. Sure, that's a bit far-fetched, but it's still within some realm of possibility. Glenn is pinned on the floor in an alley blocked by a gate, surrounded by 50+ walkers from every direction (including behind the gate), with another guy getting eaten directly on top of him. There's simply no explanation of any kind that could justify Glenn making it out, let alone without getting bitten or mauled in the process.
If Glenn comes back without an explanation, then it'll be even worse than Kenny. At least Kenny had some amount of plausibility to his survi… moreval, or at the very least, more than Glenn does. Him getting under the dumpster is the only one I can think of that could possibly work, and that's still a bit far-fetched. Hell, the theory of Kenny finding a window to escape through is less far-fetched than Glenn pulling himself under the dumpster and waiting out the herd.
lol no its not. TT fucked up, because they couldn't, or simply didnt want to explain or make an incredible escape. this has NO escape. it complete total bullshit to think there is a way out.
That was what I was saying. Kenny escaping is far more believable than Glenn escaping. Both of them are ridiculous, but in Kenny's case ther… moree were still some possibilities that made some amount of sense, like finding a window or a sewer grate. Sure, that's a bit far-fetched, but it's still within some realm of possibility. Glenn is pinned on the floor in an alley blocked by a gate, surrounded by 50+ walkers from every direction (including behind the gate), with another guy getting eaten directly on top of him. There's simply no explanation of any kind that could justify Glenn making it out, let alone without getting bitten or mauled in the process.
look at 2:00 and on. looks lik he is moving, but then somehow it also looks like he gets caught.
man i wish they hadnt done this, this wa… morey. it completely looks impossible to get out. and it really should be. lets say he does live it will be bullshit. if their plan was for ghislenn to escape some very dangerous situation it shouldn't have this way, well set up this way. they should have done it in a more plausible way.
BTW, that song sounded very TT like or was that just me???..
I'm still taking the exact same stance I had on Kenny in the game: Glenn is alive. The scene is too ambiguous in how it's shot and framed to be his actual death. And that's without factoring in the photos of him on set for 6B.
The only thing I hope for is that they actually give an explanation of how he got out, or show us directly. I mean, I can't lie that it will be ridiculous if he survives regardless of an explanation, but any explanation would still help make it just a little less ridiculous.
If Glenn comes back without an explanation, then it'll be even worse than Kenny. At least Kenny had some amount of plausibility to his survival, or at the very least, more than Glenn does. Him getting under the dumpster is the only one I can think of that could possibly work, and that's still a bit far-fetched. Hell, the theory of Kenny finding a window to escape through is less far-fetched than Glenn pulling himself under the dumpster and waiting out the herd.
Tobe honest glenn would have been fine without following around nicholas and to be honest if glenn lives (im guessing he will) its still dumb, the walkers should have eaten is face and legs at least.
Also Morgan is the other extreme, its like they cant have a moral character without them being stupid, Glenn had it at about the right level.
However, in the second scene, Nicholas is OFF of Glenn, and the walkers are attacking near his stomach area.
Well without spoiling the comics the characters will eventually turn more moral (most of them at least)
Also next episode is focusing on Morgan and why he's become batman ( Or batmorgan if you prefer)
i lets say Glenn is death. i always found it interesting that what if carol would be the one that that gets the bat. everyone says Daryl and i get it, it makes sense, but they've also mentioned maggie as the one that gets it. now the reason why i dont see carol being the one tha gets it its cuz shes a woman. i really dont think anyone would kill off a women character off like that. same way i feel about maggie. idk i just feel that way, it feels too brutal to show a woman getting killed like that (its weird i know..). but why would i kinda like to see carol get it if glenn is death? well, it is kinda stupid reason, because i feel it would bring the most emotional hit. Daryl would just hurt all the lil girls and shit that only watch the show for him, i love daryl, but it would be kinda cool to see all the fan girls go ballistic lolol. but carol right now, EVERYONE fucking loves her. no crazy fan girls or fanboys, well that i know of. and besides... her character has lived WAY past her character in the comics. which btw if BY FAR the best character in the show and far BETTER than her comic counterpart, in fact its not even same character. thats how good carol is now. now for a lil explanation on why i feel it would kinda make sense that carol takes the bat. because someway or another she is the one that inflicts damage to the Saviors at first. she is the one that handles shit first, but they catch her and the whole group and then it happens. a little weak-ish i know but it could be made sense of.
sorry for the long ass post
this guy gets it.
I understood that, I just thought it was extremely cruel to name it that.
Lmfao fuck this is gold
Nicholas’s body seemed to be arcing in a way that would cause it to land atop Glenn’s. I think those were Nicholas' gut and that Glenn will crawl under the trash container. He'll probably need to stay there a few days until the horde dispatch a bit, so everyone will thinks he's dead while he's not.
Steven Yeun didn’t appear on “Talking Dead” for the usual kill-off goodbye.
But Glenn could really be dead since he wouldn't be lying there screaming. Those looked like screams of agony, of being ripped apart. I don't know.....ugh....I still cried tho. I'll be surprised if this is the death of one of the originals.
A quote by Yeun in an interview:
This season is on a roll. Another great episode and another 10/10 episode in my opinion.
That is a pattern the show has you know.
If Glenn is really dead I think Carol will be the one who Negan kills when he makes his debut and lines up Rick, Carl, Michonne, Heath, Carol, and Maggie on their knees in front of him instead of Glenn.
Actually I think Carol could be a good choice, it would be horrible for Daryl if that happens and then he could get killed by Alpha you know what I mean? But still I don't think its gonna be Carol neither Maggie cause she is really important, next episodes are gonna be insane, yeah Carol is awesome in the show, her comic character is just... Stupid... Yeah I think thats the word. Im excited I cant wait to know what happens lol. I kinda see Carol as a character that would sacrifice herself to save her group, like ill distract them you just go!. Oh and dow worry about long post xD
Yay he got lucky real lucky! But yeah He is gotta be alive he is probably gonna use comouflage, and when walkers were "eating him" he wasnt bleeding at all, look at his mouth no blood, and walkers whould have gone straight to his neck too, they are distracted by Nicholas, he is probably gonna crawl.
I don't think its Carol, she can be a candidate I agree i thought the same, but I have a feeling that is gonna be Daryl, think about it, if glenn is really dead someone gotta lose her lover and we know Carol and Daryl have strong bonds, Maybe im not making any sense lol.
Even if Glenn would be alive when they get to Negan, I always thought it would be Daryl who takes his spot.
Daryl has a lot of fans and killing him is risky for creators. But if they really going to kill him, oh, i really wanted to see fans reaction. But it's probably Carol, even if Glenn is alive, it would be too predictable, and she was here since S1, guess its make her fit to be Negan's victim.
or Borgan if you will
Nicholas sees the booty
Nicholas wants the booty
enter link description here
I really do have to give it to Michael Traynor (Nicholas), his acting for Nicholas was on point
I'd say he gave one of, if not the best performance of the episode, and 75% of that was through his body language, mannerisms, and expressions. Nicholas is through and through a coward, someone that just simply isn't built to survive in this kind of world, but still tries to improve and prove himself; there's a part of him that's a redemption-seeker looking to make amends and be a better person, and another part that is just a terrified person wallowing in despair, and there's a constant battle between those two parts going on inside of him.
In a lot of ways, he's like Ben: someone that has good intentions at heart and just wants to help, but his cowardly nature ultimately ends up causing more trouble, leading into this downwards spiral of him fucking up, feeling guilty about it, wanting to make amends and try to help once again, only to cause even more trouble. And he played that role with Nicholas perfectly, especially when it came to mannerisms and behavior. Seriously, that final empty, thousand-yard stare he gives Glenn just before he shoots himself is almost haunting. Hell, even the delivery of the "Thank you" is haunting.
You can't prove it didn't.
Even if Nicholas' body covered him, they would still get to Glenn too. If Glenn survives, that's poor writing.
look at 2:00 and on. looks lik he is moving, but then somehow it also looks like he gets caught.
man i wish they hadnt done this, this way. it completely looks impossible to get out. and it really should be. lets say he does live it will be bullshit. if their plan was for ghislenn to escape some very dangerous situation it shouldn't have this way, well set up this way. they should have done it in a more plausible way.
BTW, that song sounded very TT like or was that just me???..
I can't prove it no, but even if his body did land on Glenn, that still wouldn't save Glenn.
lol no its not. TT fucked up, because they couldn't, or simply didnt want to explain or make an incredible escape. this has NO escape. it complete total bullshit to think there is a way out.
Oh my god there's been so much debate over that in just one day. Look i don't know tbh. I THINK Glenn lived, i don't know how but almost all the outside the show info points to it. Still i respect your opinion.
I don't think the creators care. If they don't get negative responses to it (which let's face it they won't or at least not as much as positive.) they really won't. It's your choice as a fan to forgive it or not.
That was what I was saying. Kenny escaping is far more believable than Glenn escaping. Both of them are ridiculous, but in Kenny's case there were still some possibilities that made some amount of sense, like finding a window or a sewer grate. Sure, that's a bit far-fetched, but it's still within some realm of possibility. Glenn is pinned on the floor in an alley blocked by a gate, surrounded by 50+ walkers from every direction (including behind the gate), with another guy getting eaten directly on top of him. There's simply no explanation of any kind that could justify Glenn making it out, let alone without getting bitten or mauled in the process.
I'm calling it: Jesus vs Daryl fight.
sorry i read wrong. i was doing something else and completely misread it. and youre so right.
I don't think Rick is untouchable. In fact, I think he'll die in the next dozen issues or so.
Glenn may survive in the show, but to me he'll be a dead man walking.
Tyresse was in a similar position so I don't think it would be poor writing, I will be ok with him geting out alive or if he died.
'Dramatic chipmunk music intensifies'
I pretty much refuse to believe he's dead until actually proven. He needs to have his meeting with Lucille!
those lids are two halves not one singles piece