'Now' Episode Discussion
So back to present time, with a regular airing time as well. Looks like it'll be focused on Alexandria.
Reminder, no spoiling dead stuff!
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So back to present time, with a regular airing time as well. Looks like it'll be focused on Alexandria.
Reminder, no spoiling dead stuff!
R.I.P Rick
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No spoiling dead stuff? But it's a discussion aboot the episode ._.
Recap full of Glenn and Rick? Looks like we might be getting some answers for both tonight
I don't watch the show but I like coming in here and hearing what people say about an episode without any context, it's fun.
InB4 Deanna passes out
I know this sounds bad, but I really hope they don't pull some Kenny shit and have Glenn turn out to be alive. There's no way Glenn should survive that, and if he does, that's just stupid.
Only if Rick knew...
Wait I didn't listen, what doesn't he know o-o
Rick said that Nicholas and Glenn will come back in the car and lead the walkers elsewhere
Does Diana remind anyone else of comic Carol? I feel like she'll kill herself.
He said when Glenn and Nicholas get back they'll help, he doesn't know about what happened.
He said that Daryl, Abraham, and Sasha would show up with vehicles to lure the walkers away, and that Glenn and Nicholas would walk in right after. Glenn might, but Nicholas isn't about to walk right back in after a bullet in the head.
Good, I'm not the only one.
^ oh baby a triple! (thx guys)
A little bit, and part of me is worried she will kill herself, but I still feel like she's going to go out the same way that Douglas did.
Ok Metalica you can't let this one thing ruin the show for you. If it happens, it happens.
Fallout 4 commercial just went by
I didn't say it would ruin the show, I just think it would be an incredibly stupid decision and bad writing, but I'd still watch the show.
I really hope Glenn isn't dead
Oh shit Maggie's going out o_o
Who's the guy with Maggie? I thought it was Spencer, but now I see that it's not, since Spencer is drunk now and has some facial hair.
That's Eric
Ok i canrespect that.
Isn't it Aaron?
Carl vs Ron was probably the most awkward fight I've ever seen.
"Go make sure the gate's locked."
It is
Yep, my bad, keep getting them mixed up.
Yup. They're definitely doing the sewer thing with Glenn.
Many of the fights in my school look like this
That's cute, that kid thinks Carl is in the house.
Hot damn ( ⚆ ͜ʖ ⚆ )
I called it! I knew that was going to happen!
Wow Denise. WTF? Didn't see that coming. Sucks for Heath.
Wait, are Denise and Tara going to be a thing? That's probably the last thing I expected.
Ron is getting some development. With the whole learning how to shoot thing, I think he might do what Douglas did.
Was not expecting that. Wow.