Was I the only person that didn't get stabbed by Gwyn? I tried to make piece with the Whitehills, I was going to poison Ludd but Gwyn convinced me not to, I actually think that we could have reached peace. If my Lady Forrester hadn't taken a knife and cut Ludd's face. So in my game Gwyn saved me from getting killed by a Whitehill soldier, and she was with Talia in my play through.
Was I the only person that didn't get stabbed by Gwyn? I tried to make piece with the Whitehills, I was going to poison Ludd but Gwyn convin… moreced me not to, I actually think that we could have reached peace. If my Lady Forrester hadn't taken a knife and cut Ludd's face. So in my game Gwyn saved me from getting killed by a Whitehill soldier, and she was with Talia in my play through.
Wow... real mature to compare her to an evil man guilty of slaughtering millions! Not only is it an offensive thing to joke about, but an idiotic thing to!
Now I think most of you think as Ludd as the antichrist that only wants destrucion and bring the Forresters to ruin, I'm inclined to disagree
Many players view Ludd as the antichrist because Ludd definitely behaves like one. Not one of his interaction with the Forrester throughout Season 1 was portrayed as noble, of good intentions. or suggests that he wants to be reasonable with his reign over the Forrester's home.
He relishes in making the Forresters as miserable as possible, going as far as to desecrate their loved ones corpse and present it to them with a sneer on his face, while also forcing their kidnapped and abused child to hold the head of Asher, all just to get under their skin. There's no need for such sadism, there's no point in fueling the Forrester's hatred of them that would compromise Gwyn's proposal of peace, and yet Ludd do so out of pure spite and expects his enemies to just stand there and take it.
Look if you disagree that's ok then we're getting into opinions that aren't arguable.
But I disagree with some of the points you made the… morere...
I was diplomatic as fuck in my first playthrough and they still treat the Forresters the exact same way as if you choose rebellious or violent options the entire time.
Look, can't you take a few insults? You prefer dying than listen to some? Seriously you doomed all your family and smallfolk just because some insults? No, it makes no sense to me sorry.
Like Asher says, the minute Gwyn produced an heir, it'd be bye bye Asher (and his family as well, if they hadn't already been killed by then).
Let's put ourselves in Ludd's mind: "I have 5 times the forces they have, I could destroy them all right now but my daughter is asking me to give them an opportunity to keep their heads, which I accepted.." Now from your point of view he also thinks: "which I accepted... just to kill… [view original content]
I like her, I sided with her because I really wanted piece, and she stabbed a whitehill soldier attacking me, so in believe her. Especially since she was in my ending, I really believe she genuinely wants peace.
If I fought for peace then the person I thought also wanted peace ambushed/poisoned and killed my father I don't think I'd jump the their side and talk about how great they are. And I bet if you were in Gywn's position you wouldn't have been thrilled after someone tricked your house and kill your father/sibling, especially when you've been trying to reach peace.
"Doesn't mean that her blindness toward her family's outright injustice doesn't stand. Fact of the matter is; you don't garrison 21 assholes in a starving hold and try to humiliate your hosts. You're fucking guests, and if you want to be treated like guests of honor, you might as well bloody have some."
To be fair they had an army outside and could of killed everyone so it was more like forresters were their prisoners.
The bitch's scheme is obvious.
Play the nice and innocent sympathizer so your house will make mistakes. Share information and dissent to … morelower morale.
Sure she gave some information here or there, said she protected Ryon. But the hell did you anticipate? A Whitehill is still a Whitehill.
As it stands in the Whitehill legacy we have to look at?
We got Ludd/Gryff, Gwyn, and Torrhen. Their maester second-born Ebbert could also use a good stab.
And yeeees, Gwyn's intentions are honest. She sends that fucking forewarning to Rodrick for no gain and much to lose.
Doesn't mean that her blindness toward her family's outright injustice doesn't stand. Fact of the matter is; you don't garrison 21 assholes in a starving hold and try to humiliate your hosts. You're fucking guests, and if you want to be treated like guests of honor, you might as well bloody have some.
forcing their kidnapped and abused child to hold the head of Asher
Rodrik's playthrough: He was being forced to destroy the Forresters by Ramsey's rules. Weakning the Forresters psychologicly so they'd be reckless is being smart. Now in Asher's playthrough he sends the complete Rodrik's body to the Forresters so they can burn it alonside Ethan and Gregor this proves that Ludd is only truly cruel (I'm not considering insulting as being cruel) when forced to it.
There's no need for such sadism, there's no point in fueling the Forrester's hatred of them that would comproise Gwyn's proposal of peace, and yet Ludd do so out of pure spite and expects his enemies to just stand there and take it.
You're right there's not need for such beavior but I repeat, "you doomed all your family and smallfolk just because of some insults" and bad beavior from the Whitehills?
Now I think most of you think as Ludd as the antichrist that only wants destrucion and bring the Forresters to ruin, I'm inclined to disagre… moree
Many players view Ludd as the antichrist because Ludd definitely behaves like one. Not one of his interaction with the Forrester throughout Season 1 was portrayed as noble, of good intentions. or suggests that he wants to be reasonable with his reign over the Forrester's home.
He relishes in making the Forresters as miserable as possible, going as far as to desecrate their loved ones corpse and present it to them with a sneer on his face, while also forcing their kidnapped and abused child to hold the head of Asher, all just to get under their skin. There's no need for such sadism, there's no point in fueling the Forrester's hatred of them that would compromise Gwyn's proposal of peace, and yet Ludd do so out of pure spite and expects his enemies to just stand there and take it.
I wonder why we were in the minority, did people not want peace between the houses? I know they wanted revenge for all of the killing, but it wouldn't have been worth it. There was no way we were going to win that battle, the Whiterhills are just too powerful.
I like Gwynn, even though she stopped me right before I killed Gryff. I mean I don't really like the Romeo and Juliet aspect... But for my Asher to have a happy life he will need to marry her.
Btw is Beskha a lesbian? Is that like confirmed? Or can we just ship Asher and Beskha already?
You're right there's not need for such beavior but I repeat, "you doomed all your family and smallfolk just because of some insults" and bad beavior from the Whitehills?
The Forresters were doomed because of bad circumstances, with the Whitehill heavily contributing to their downfall by playing the role in Ethan's death and Ryon's kidnapping, then demanding that all of the ironwood to be given to him, his men mocking Ethan's death, and killing either Rodrik and Asher.
Most players refused their 'peace' offer not because of 'bad behavior' or 'some insults', but because the Whitehill made it clear through their actions that there will continue to torment and belittle the Forrester and their people once the proposal is finalized, and will continue to throw their weight around and claim whatever they want without repercussions, and unless the Forresters stand up for themselves, the Whitehill will have all the power they want and the Forresters will eventually lose everything they had worked for and will crumble away to nothing.
It all boils down to either spending the rest of their lives as slaves with their worst enemy who help kill half of their family with no guarantee that their reign will be 'peaceful' as Gwyn put it, or instead stand up for themselves and fight back.
forcing their kidnapped and abused child to hold the head of Asher
Rodrik's playthrough: He was being forced to destroy the Forreste… morers by Ramsey's rules. Weakning the Forresters psychologicly so they'd be reckless is being smart. Now in Asher's playthrough he sends the complete Rodrik's body to the Forresters so they can burn it alonside Ethan and Gregor this proves that Ludd is only truly cruel (I'm not considering insulting as being cruel) when forced to it.
There's no need for such sadism, there's no point in fueling the Forrester's hatred of them that would comproise Gwyn's proposal of peace, and yet Ludd do so out of pure spite and expects his enemies to just stand there and take it.
You're right there's not need for such beavior but I repeat, "you doomed all your family and smallfolk just because of some insults" and bad beavior from the Whitehills?
Those people died years ago, not joking about Hitler won't unkill them or undo WWII. Also, offensive things on the internet? Oh my Dark Lord Satan, who'd have thought?
Wow... real mature to compare her to an evil man guilty of slaughtering millions! Not only is it an offensive thing to joke about, but an idiotic thing to!
Btw is Beskha a lesbian? Is that like confirmed? Or can we just ship Asher and Beskha already?
I'm not sure if she's a lesbian or not since it was never confirmed lol. But even if she's not a lesbian, well, we can ship those two, but the chances for them to be a couple are very low since Beskha sees Asher as her little brother.
I like Gwynn, even though she stopped me right before I killed Gryff. I mean I don't really like the Romeo and Juliet aspect... But for my A… moresher to have a happy life he will need to marry her.
Btw is Beskha a lesbian? Is that like confirmed? Or can we just ship Asher and Beskha already?
So you're mad that I am not a Gwyn fan? GROW UP! I am allowed to post whatever I want. Stop taking my dislike for a character so personally. What a cry baby...so pathetic.
You're still messaging me, despite the fact you supposedly don't care and don't have time for me. Is the irony seriously lost on you here? Y… more'know this whole schtick you have of toddling around posting the same message everywhere that's essentially "I HAVE A MASSIVE BONER FOR RODRICK KILLING GWYN" to the point where you openly send snide messages at people who like the character cos you you think you're a badass, then getting butthurt when I mock you for it? Real, real edginess.
Rightt I'll spell it out for you. You don't like the character. I disagree. That's simply down to taste. So if you want an argument about that I suggest you go poke someone else, cos as long as you keep messaging me, I am just going to continue to take the piss out of you. Agreed?
That's what Moze called Ned for the first couple seasons of Neds Declassified.
If Ron Stoppable can get out of the brother-zone... Then Asher will too! I want people to call Beskha my lady!!! She deserves it after what she's been through
Btw is Beskha a lesbian? Is that like confirmed? Or can we just ship Asher and Beskha already?
I'm not sure if she's a lesbian or no… moret since it was never confirmed lol. But even if she's not a lesbian, well, we can ship those two, but the chances for them to be a couple are very low since Beskha sees Asher as her little brother.
Those people died years ago, not joking about Hitler won't unkill them or undo WWII. Also, offensive things on the internet? Oh my Dark Lord Satan, who'd have thought?
Not sure if you're aware of this or not but he's dead and WWII is over and has been for awhile. If not joking about/making fun of Hitler could undo all the damage he did then we'd stop (probably.) But it won't, so fuck him. He's a joke and a failure.
Wow... real mature to compare her to an evil man guilty of slaughtering millions! Not only is it an offensive thing to joke about, but an idiotic thing to!
an offensive thing
Not sure if you're aware of this or not but he's dead and WWII is over and has been for awhile. If not jokin… moreg about/making fun of Hitler could undo all the damage he did then we'd stop (probably.) But it won't, so fuck him. He's a joke and a failure.
Also fuck Gwyn too.
Amen, dude... Asher and Beshka are the best power couple I can imagine. Beshka is smart, loyal, and fierce. She knows how to deal with bad people. I would love for her to become Lady Forrester.
That's what Moze called Ned for the first couple seasons of Neds Declassified.
If Ron Stoppable can get out of the brother-zone... Then Asher will too! I want people to call Beskha my lady!!! She deserves it after what she's been through
When I played the Rodrik play through.. The more she talked about Asher.. I just wanted to cry.
That's real love. Idk what Gwyn thinks she has on Beskha...
Besides the fact that In a certain play through Gwyn will leave her house behind for you... But Beskha did it first!!!
So should we call them Basher/Besher
I'm leaning towards Basher!! A real power couple right there
Amen, dude... Asher and Beshka are the best power couple I can imagine. Beshka is smart, loyal, and fierce. She knows how to deal with bad people. I would love for her to become Lady Forrester.
I wanted peace, but there was also a "heat of the moment" aspect to it. I intended to ignore the "start ambush" prompt, hoping Ludd would calm down (he was raging about Talia not being there and that I was being "too ass-kissy") but finally it got to a point where it felt like he was going attack the Forresters anyway, so I figured I might as well have the advantage and attack first. I could be wrong, but again, heat of the moment (plus past experiences with the Whitehalls proved they weren't above drastic violence over perceived slights, even in all my attempts to be humble/dimplomatic)
I wonder why we were in the minority, did people not want peace between the houses? I know they wanted revenge for all of the killing, but i… moret wouldn't have been worth it. There was no way we were going to win that battle, the Whiterhills are just too powerful.
Never said you were wrong, just that I personally didn't agree, and then expressed the reasoning behind my feelings based on my gameplay choices, as you did. And opinions are still arguable, as you've demonstrated.
I know in an ideal setting we wouldn't let emotions cloud our reasoning or actions, but that's the beauty of storytelling - it plays on our emotions, whether we want it to or not, and through our individual ideals and past experiences, and we each develop differing opinions about the choice outcomes and characters. My past experiences tell me that an opportunistic abuser is and will always be an opportunistic abuser, and simply cannot be trusted with promises of truce, whereas your ideals and past experiences might tell you that there's always a chance for peace if you're willing to hold out for it, even if the road looks questionable or rocky. Neither of these views are necessarily good or bad, just different.
Man I feel weird delving into my feelings over a game.
Look if you disagree that's ok then we're getting into opinions that aren't arguable.
But I disagree with some of the points you made the… morere...
I was diplomatic as fuck in my first playthrough and they still treat the Forresters the exact same way as if you choose rebellious or violent options the entire time.
Look, can't you take a few insults? You prefer dying than listen to some? Seriously you doomed all your family and smallfolk just because some insults? No, it makes no sense to me sorry.
Like Asher says, the minute Gwyn produced an heir, it'd be bye bye Asher (and his family as well, if they hadn't already been killed by then).
Let's put ourselves in Ludd's mind: "I have 5 times the forces they have, I could destroy them all right now but my daughter is asking me to give them an opportunity to keep their heads, which I accepted.." Now from your point of view he also thinks: "which I accepted... just to kill… [view original content]
I don't hate her for stabbing me, I hate her dumb attitude that she has appearing to discount everything her family does, then expects us to… more roll over.
Her whole "it could be so different" sorry but why do I care about her feelings ? Why does she feel she is remotely even slightly valid to complain about anything
I think she knows he's a douchebag, but she feels like she's worked so hard to stop the full extent of his wrath, and doesn't understand the extent of the pain we've been through because she's not a Forrester. From our perspective, it feels like she should know how evil her family is, but it can be easy for some to lessen the extend of someone's evilness in your head when they're family.
Gwyn's only as unpleasant as you are to her. If you refuse to work with her, insult her and ultimately betray her as Asher, it makes total s… moreense that she turns on you. Work with her and she's a pretty good ally. I personally like her character a lot.
That said, her inability to see what a douchebag her father is can get irritating at times.
Neither of these views are necessarily good or bad, just different.
Very good point!
I just want to say that everything I've stated until now is my opinion and that I know that what might be correct in my mind might be incorrect in another person's mind.
(and sorry if I was bit aggressive on my other reply, it was not my intention)
Never said you were wrong, just that I personally didn't agree, and then expressed the reasoning behind my feelings based on my gameplay cho… moreices, as you did. And opinions are still arguable, as you've demonstrated.
I know in an ideal setting we wouldn't let emotions cloud our reasoning or actions, but that's the beauty of storytelling - it plays on our emotions, whether we want it to or not, and through our individual ideals and past experiences, and we each develop differing opinions about the choice outcomes and characters. My past experiences tell me that an opportunistic abuser is and will always be an opportunistic abuser, and simply cannot be trusted with promises of truce, whereas your ideals and past experiences might tell you that there's always a chance for peace if you're willing to hold out for it, even if the road looks questionable or rocky. Neither of these views are necessarily good or bad, just different.
Man I feel weird delving into my feelings over a game.
...the Whitehill will have all the power they want and the Forresters will eventually lose everything they had worked for and will crumble away to nothing.
Accepting Ludd's deal would delay that fate, giving us more time to prepare ourselves and maybe even avoiding that fate. Attacking Ludd on the spot made the Forrester's downfall come way more quickly.
It all boils down to either spending the rest of their lives as slaves
As long as Ludd think we're his slaves nothing would be stopping us of ploting against him in secret. There would be so many possibilities for Forresters to counterattack, they just needed more time and accepting Ludd's deal would give them that time.
"Long story short: anything is better then what happened."
You're right there's not need for such beavior but I repeat, "you doomed all your family and smallfolk just because of some insults" and bad… more beavior from the Whitehills?
The Forresters were doomed because of bad circumstances, with the Whitehill heavily contributing to their downfall by playing the role in Ethan's death and Ryon's kidnapping, then demanding that all of the ironwood to be given to him, his men mocking Ethan's death, and killing either Rodrik and Asher.
Most players refused their 'peace' offer not because of 'bad behavior' or 'some insults', but because the Whitehill made it clear through their actions that there will continue to torment and belittle the Forrester and their people once the proposal is finalized, and will continue to throw their weight around and claim whatever they want without repercussions, and unless the Forresters stand up for themselves, the Whitehill will have all the power they want and the Fo… [view original content]
I tried to make peace, it didn't work but I ended the season with her, she's a powerful ally who knows the inner workings of House Whitehill. Now she sees that it is her family which is unreasonable and is the root of the problem.
Accepting Ludd's deal would delay that fate, giving us more time to prepare ourselves and maybe even avoiding that fate. Attacking Ludd on the spot made the Forrester's downfall come way more quickly...As long as Ludd think we're his slaves nothing would be stopping us of ploting against him in secret. There would be so many possibilities for Forresters to counterattack, they just needed more time and accepting Ludd's deal would give them that time. "Long story short: anything is better then what happened."
But while the Forresters are at the mercy of the Whitehill, who to say that the Whitehill will deny them supplies or food to keep them under their control for long periods of time? At least until the Forresters are weak enough to not even be able to lift a sword to defend themselves? Considering the state of Ryon when he was held captive, he was both physically and emotionally tortured, which is likely what the Forresters would endure each and every day they spend as slaves.
The longer they formulate a plan to overthrow the Whitehill, the weaker the family and their soldiers become, and you cannot fight an army if you're weak. Attacking the Whitehill now may not have been the most strategic decision, but it was a better alternative than risk everyone being imprisoned and likely starved for an indefinite time and risk losing potential allies one by one until our army diminishes completely.
...the Whitehill will have all the power they want and the Forresters will eventually lose everything they had worked for and will crumble a… moreway to nothing.
Accepting Ludd's deal would delay that fate, giving us more time to prepare ourselves and maybe even avoiding that fate. Attacking Ludd on the spot made the Forrester's downfall come way more quickly.
It all boils down to either spending the rest of their lives as slaves
As long as Ludd think we're his slaves nothing would be stopping us of ploting against him in secret. There would be so many possibilities for Forresters to counterattack, they just needed more time and accepting Ludd's deal would give them that time.
"Long story short: anything is better then what happened."
But while the Forresters are at the mercy of the Whitehill, who to say that the Whitehill will deny them supplies or food to keep them under their control for long periods of time?
Gwyn will be at Ironrath (at least I supose).
At least until the Forresters are weak enough to not even be able to lift a sword to defend themselves?
They'll not do that because they need someone to harvest Ironwood.
Considering the state of Ryon when he was held captive, he was both physically and emotionally tortured
That only happened after the house entered in open war. Before that Ryon was physically fine unlike of what some people did with Gryff.
The longer they formulate a plan to overthrow the Whitehill, the weaker the family and their soldiers become, and you cannot fight an army if you're weak.
Why would their army be weak?
Attacking the Whitehill now may not have been the most strategic decision, but it was a better alternative than risk everyone being imprisoned and likely starved for an indefinite time and risk losing potential allies one by one until our army diminishes completely.
Better alternative? I don't think you realised that everyone at your house is now dead, you have no alies, no smallfolk, no army and not even a keep! You've lost everything but youself and your two little brothers.
(if this sounded a bit agressive know that it was not my intention)
Accepting Ludd's deal would delay that fate, giving us more time to prepare ourselves and maybe even avoiding that fate. Attacking Ludd on t… morehe spot made the Forrester's downfall come way more quickly...As long as Ludd think we're his slaves nothing would be stopping us of ploting against him in secret. There would be so many possibilities for Forresters to counterattack, they just needed more time and accepting Ludd's deal would give them that time. "Long story short: anything is better then what happened."
But while the Forresters are at the mercy of the Whitehill, who to say that the Whitehill will deny them supplies or food to keep them under their control for long periods of time? At least until the Forresters are weak enough to not even be able to lift a sword to defend themselves? Considering the state of Ryon when he was held captive, he was both physically and emotionally tortured, which is likely what the Forresters would end… [view original content]
I personally like Asher and Beshka better then Ashwer and Gwyn. Whether she is a lesbian or not isn't known yet. She says something along the lines of her and Asher both visiting whore houses together, but that's about as close as the hints go.
If she is straight the problem of course is that Beshka see's Asher as her "annoying little brother", which is a feeling that can't be easy to overcome honestly. Sadly. But who knows.
When I played the Rodrik play through.. The more she talked about Asher.. I just wanted to cry.
That's real love. Idk what Gwyn thinks sh… moree has on Beskha...
Besides the fact that In a certain play through Gwyn will leave her house behind for you... But Beskha did it first!!!
So should we call them Basher/Besher
I'm leaning towards Basher!! A real power couple right there
So you're mad that I am not a Gwyn fan? GROW UP! I am allowed to post whatever I want. Stop taking my dislike for a character so personally. What a cry baby...so pathetic.
I still don't agree with her, I understand she had good intentions, but what makes me mad is that she thinks we started everything. But whatever, I forgive her I guess.
Btw is Beskha a lesbian? Is that like confirmed? Or can we just ship Asher and Beskha already?
I'm not sure if she's a lesbian or no… moret since it was never confirmed lol. But even if she's not a lesbian, well, we can ship those two, but the chances for them to be a couple are very low since Beskha sees Asher as her little brother.
She is loyal to her family first over her relationships. Just like the Foresters are loyal to the family first over everything else. If you pick to go ahead with the plan then she sides with her family. Though, I think if you "call it off" she sides with you and kills someone.
Honestly, I pretty much thought siding with her all the way to the end would be more beneficial then going behind her back. You need allies and no matter how fickle that person is. It can be pretty powerful in the long run.
TL;DR: We would all die in the Game of Thrones world.
Was I the only person that didn't get stabbed by Gwyn? I tried to make piece with the Whitehills, I was going to poison Ludd but Gwyn convinced me not to, I actually think that we could have reached peace. If my Lady Forrester hadn't taken a knife and cut Ludd's face. So in my game Gwyn saved me from getting killed by a Whitehill soldier, and she was with Talia in my play through.
No you weren't the only one
But unfortunately we're on the minory 
Wow... real mature to compare her to an evil man guilty of slaughtering millions! Not only is it an offensive thing to joke about, but an idiotic thing to!
Many players view Ludd as the antichrist because Ludd definitely behaves like one. Not one of his interaction with the Forrester throughout Season 1 was portrayed as noble, of good intentions. or suggests that he wants to be reasonable with his reign over the Forrester's home.
He relishes in making the Forresters as miserable as possible, going as far as to desecrate their loved ones corpse and present it to them with a sneer on his face, while also forcing their kidnapped and abused child to hold the head of Asher, all just to get under their skin. There's no need for such sadism, there's no point in fueling the Forrester's hatred of them that would compromise Gwyn's proposal of peace, and yet Ludd do so out of pure spite and expects his enemies to just stand there and take it.
I like her, I sided with her because I really wanted piece, and she stabbed a whitehill soldier attacking me, so in believe her. Especially since she was in my ending, I really believe she genuinely wants peace.
If I fought for peace then the person I thought also wanted peace ambushed/poisoned and killed my father I don't think I'd jump the their side and talk about how great they are. And I bet if you were in Gywn's position you wouldn't have been thrilled after someone tricked your house and kill your father/sibling, especially when you've been trying to reach peace.
"Doesn't mean that her blindness toward her family's outright injustice doesn't stand. Fact of the matter is; you don't garrison 21 assholes in a starving hold and try to humiliate your hosts. You're fucking guests, and if you want to be treated like guests of honor, you might as well bloody have some."
To be fair they had an army outside and could of killed everyone so it was more like forresters were their prisoners.
Rodrik's playthrough: He was being forced to destroy the Forresters by Ramsey's rules. Weakning the Forresters psychologicly so they'd be reckless is being smart. Now in Asher's playthrough he sends the complete Rodrik's body to the Forresters so they can burn it alonside Ethan and Gregor this proves that Ludd is only truly cruel (I'm not considering insulting as being cruel) when forced to it.
You're right there's not need for such beavior but I repeat, "you doomed all your family and smallfolk just because of some insults" and bad beavior from the Whitehills?
I wonder why we were in the minority, did people not want peace between the houses? I know they wanted revenge for all of the killing, but it wouldn't have been worth it. There was no way we were going to win that battle, the Whiterhills are just too powerful.
I like Gwynn, even though she stopped me right before I killed Gryff. I mean I don't really like the Romeo and Juliet aspect... But for my Asher to have a happy life he will need to marry her.
Btw is Beskha a lesbian? Is that like confirmed? Or can we just ship Asher and Beskha already?
The Forresters were doomed because of bad circumstances, with the Whitehill heavily contributing to their downfall by playing the role in Ethan's death and Ryon's kidnapping, then demanding that all of the ironwood to be given to him, his men mocking Ethan's death, and killing either Rodrik and Asher.
Most players refused their 'peace' offer not because of 'bad behavior' or 'some insults', but because the Whitehill made it clear through their actions that there will continue to torment and belittle the Forrester and their people once the proposal is finalized, and will continue to throw their weight around and claim whatever they want without repercussions, and unless the Forresters stand up for themselves, the Whitehill will have all the power they want and the Forresters will eventually lose everything they had worked for and will crumble away to nothing.
It all boils down to either spending the rest of their lives as slaves with their worst enemy who help kill half of their family with no guarantee that their reign will be 'peaceful' as Gwyn put it, or instead stand up for themselves and fight back.
Those people died years ago, not joking about Hitler won't unkill them or undo WWII. Also, offensive things on the internet? Oh my Dark Lord Satan, who'd have thought?
I'm not sure if she's a lesbian or not since it was never confirmed lol. But even if she's not a lesbian, well, we can ship those two, but the chances for them to be a couple are very low since Beskha sees Asher as her little brother.
So you're mad that I am not a Gwyn fan? GROW UP! I am allowed to post whatever I want. Stop taking my dislike for a character so personally. What a cry baby...so pathetic.
That's what Moze called Ned for the first couple seasons of Neds Declassified.
If Ron Stoppable can get out of the brother-zone... Then Asher will too! I want people to call Beskha my lady!!! She deserves it after what she's been through
Making a humorless joke, then playing the 2edgy4u card? What kind of advanced internet combat tactics is this?
The most advanced. Also it's
Humour is subjective. Just because you personally don't find it funny doesn't mean it isn't.
Not sure if you're aware of this or not but he's dead and WWII is over and has been for awhile. If not joking about/making fun of Hitler could undo all the damage he did then we'd stop (probably.) But it won't, so fuck him. He's a joke and a failure.
Also fuck Gwyn too.
Hear, hear!
Amen, dude... Asher and Beshka are the best power couple I can imagine. Beshka is smart, loyal, and fierce. She knows how to deal with bad people. I would love for her to become Lady Forrester.
When I played the Rodrik play through.. The more she talked about Asher.. I just wanted to cry.
That's real love. Idk what Gwyn thinks she has on Beskha...
Besides the fact that In a certain play through Gwyn will leave her house behind for you... But Beskha did it first!!!
So should we call them Basher/Besher
I'm leaning towards Basher!! A real power couple right there
I actually said out loud, "Laura Bailey, how could you do this to me????" (I love her so much on Critical Role)
I wanted peace, but there was also a "heat of the moment" aspect to it. I intended to ignore the "start ambush" prompt, hoping Ludd would calm down (he was raging about Talia not being there and that I was being "too ass-kissy") but finally it got to a point where it felt like he was going attack the Forresters anyway, so I figured I might as well have the advantage and attack first. I could be wrong, but again, heat of the moment (plus past experiences with the Whitehalls proved they weren't above drastic violence over perceived slights, even in all my attempts to be humble/dimplomatic)
Never said you were wrong, just that I personally didn't agree, and then expressed the reasoning behind my feelings based on my gameplay choices, as you did. And opinions are still arguable, as you've demonstrated.
I know in an ideal setting we wouldn't let emotions cloud our reasoning or actions, but that's the beauty of storytelling - it plays on our emotions, whether we want it to or not, and through our individual ideals and past experiences, and we each develop differing opinions about the choice outcomes and characters. My past experiences tell me that an opportunistic abuser is and will always be an opportunistic abuser, and simply cannot be trusted with promises of truce, whereas your ideals and past experiences might tell you that there's always a chance for peace if you're willing to hold out for it, even if the road looks questionable or rocky. Neither of these views are necessarily good or bad, just different.
Man I feel weird delving into my feelings over a game.
Now that my initial shock has worm off, I can see her side.
That being said, I am still really upset that she stabbed me, though.
I think she knows he's a douchebag, but she feels like she's worked so hard to stop the full extent of his wrath, and doesn't understand the extent of the pain we've been through because she's not a Forrester. From our perspective, it feels like she should know how evil her family is, but it can be easy for some to lessen the extend of someone's evilness in your head when they're family.
Very good point!
I just want to say that everything I've stated until now is my opinion and that I know that what might be correct in my mind might be incorrect in another person's mind.
(and sorry if I was bit aggressive on my other reply, it was not my intention)
I love Gwyn, but she's been coming off a bit stupid
Accepting Ludd's deal would delay that fate, giving us more time to prepare ourselves and maybe even avoiding that fate. Attacking Ludd on the spot made the Forrester's downfall come way more quickly.
As long as Ludd think we're his slaves nothing would be stopping us of ploting against him in secret. There would be so many possibilities for Forresters to counterattack, they just needed more time and accepting Ludd's deal would give them that time.
"Long story short: anything is better then what happened."
I tried to make peace, it didn't work but I ended the season with her, she's a powerful ally who knows the inner workings of House Whitehill. Now she sees that it is her family which is unreasonable and is the root of the problem.
But while the Forresters are at the mercy of the Whitehill, who to say that the Whitehill will deny them supplies or food to keep them under their control for long periods of time? At least until the Forresters are weak enough to not even be able to lift a sword to defend themselves? Considering the state of Ryon when he was held captive, he was both physically and emotionally tortured, which is likely what the Forresters would endure each and every day they spend as slaves.
The longer they formulate a plan to overthrow the Whitehill, the weaker the family and their soldiers become, and you cannot fight an army if you're weak. Attacking the Whitehill now may not have been the most strategic decision, but it was a better alternative than risk everyone being imprisoned and likely starved for an indefinite time and risk losing potential allies one by one until our army diminishes completely.
Gwyn will be at Ironrath (at least I supose).
They'll not do that because they need someone to harvest Ironwood.
That only happened after the house entered in open war. Before that Ryon was physically fine unlike of what some people did with Gryff.
Why would their army be weak?
Better alternative? I don't think you realised that everyone at your house is now dead, you have no alies, no smallfolk, no army and not even a keep! You've lost everything but youself and your two little brothers.
(if this sounded a bit agressive know that it was not my intention)
I personally like Asher and Beshka better then Ashwer and Gwyn. Whether she is a lesbian or not isn't known yet. She says something along the lines of her and Asher both visiting whore houses together, but that's about as close as the hints go.
If she is straight the problem of course is that Beshka see's Asher as her "annoying little brother", which is a feeling that can't be easy to overcome honestly. Sadly. But who knows.
Ah. My mistake. I'll let it go-its no fun to argue with a 12 year old.
I still don't agree with her, I understand she had good intentions, but what makes me mad is that she thinks we started everything. But whatever, I forgive her I guess.
I think Beskha is mostly likely bi.
Whatever Gwynn's motives, I have a feeling she's going to get heavy blowback from her family in Season 2 after what happened.
She is loyal to her family first over her relationships. Just like the Foresters are loyal to the family first over everything else. If you pick to go ahead with the plan then she sides with her family. Though, I think if you "call it off" she sides with you and kills someone.
Honestly, I pretty much thought siding with her all the way to the end would be more beneficial then going behind her back. You need allies and no matter how fickle that person is. It can be pretty powerful in the long run.
TL;DR: We would all die in the Game of Thrones world.
Hey Asher can work with that.. Bring Gwyn in, have a fooking party.
Add Elaena in there and you've got a glorious orgy.