How had a more satisfying death: gryff or ludd

Gryff or ludd die in the finale and all four deaths were satisfying, but which one is better. In my opinion, gryff's death is much more satisfying and realistic. He is a whiny kid who would not shut up. Ludd should survive and make it to season 2. He's death is also pretty stupid, he gets poisoned and his head is chopped off quickly. Gryff's deaths are much more slow and satisfying. Who do you think had a more satisfying death and who deserves to be in s2 as the main antagonized
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Asher is my canon protagonist, and I thoroughly enjoyed killing Gryff. I let him twitch with my sword in his gut for a whole minute, followed by "Run out of words, Gryff? Well that must be a first." Totally satisfying end to such a piece of shit character, especially since Asher trashes him in the fight.
But when I watched the poison option on youtube, I kind of felt sick. Ludd is actually being sort of chill and then both him and Lady Forrester turn red and choke and die horribly. Totally unsatisfying and pretty downright shitty to use poison in general. I'll bide my time as Asher until Ludd can meet my blade as well.
I played As Rodrik, and boy when Gryff started crying, beginning for mercy, I said "for Asher!" Then I chopped his head off. I enjoyed it. Ohhhh just thinking about it....
If you play as Asher and poison him, it feels great, although Lady Forrester died as well, I just think its hilarious to hear him on the ground coughing out "FAWKIN FORWESTRRRRS."
BUt, as Rodrick, being able to decapitate Gryff like that is really satisfying
Ludd's death is more satisfying as Asher, while Gryff's death is more satisfying as Rodrik. He cries like a bitch.
Killing Gryff as Rodrick, dude had it coming for a looooong time.
Killing Ludd as Asher was very satisfying for me. Gryff is an unimportant third son, that I never really felt threatened by. It was always Harys, Ludd, or Gywn that annoyed me. He is a nobody. I didn't even maim him because doing so just felt like it would be a waste of time.
I agree, Ludd is the root of the Forrester's problems and watching him suffer is very satisfying. Gryff is fourth born by the way, not third
Gryff in Rodrik's path. It felt good to see him cry and beg. In Asher's path he's remarkably more...brave. Doesn't beg, doesn't use human shields, and thrash talks 'til the end.
Ludd in Asher's path. He suffers more. In Rodrik's path he just kinda...accepts it. Kinda anti-climatic tbh.
Ludd' death in rodrick's and Asher's story is much less interesting.
I think they're all satisfying in there own right
Gryff in Rodrik's story. His death in Asher is alright, I guess.
I didn't find Ludd's deaths satisfying much, unfortunately. Hopefully, he gets one in Season 2.
Well being the fourth makes him more irrelevant lol.
Did you really have to spoil it for people that haven't played the episode?
Yes. Yes he did, he should have been more subtle in the title than just going out and saying it, but then again, why would you go on the forums if the episode is available on all platforms and you haven't played it yet? it's asking to get spoiled.
They're both equally satisfying to me, so long as you play as Rodrik and choose these two lines.
[To Gryff]
"As Lord of Ironrath, and Defender of the Ironwood Groves, I sentence you to DEATH!"
Rip his head off
[To Ludd]
"You might be right; about all of it... BUT I AM STILL THE LAST LORD STANDING!"
Cut his head off
You can still see the title even if you're scrolling past the Game Of Thrones section.
Yeah Gryff actually dies saving his father in Asher's playthrough
Death was too easy for a man like him...
Killing Ludd as Rodrik.
Rodrik has avenged his house and the dishonor Ludd brought.
Loves the man's laugh tho
I know lol, just thought I would point it out
wat. Gryff held his own rather well.
In Asher's playthrough: Neither was satisfying
In Rodrik's: Gryff's was very satisfying whereas Ludd's wasn't.
Fourth son good sir
Killing Ludd as Rodrik was so unsatisfying for me. I wanted him to beg for his life or something.
Gryff's death was satisfying for me as Rodrick number 1 I'm not going to let another forrester die because of needless revenge Ludd will get whats coming to him in season two.
People like to pretend that Gryff's a weakling.
For the most part I feel he was, he did unusually well against Asher. It seemed really out of place, especially after watching Asher and Beskha tear through large groups of people with zero struggle.
Eh, he's fourthborn but second in line to inherit (after Torrhen.) If Ludd's killed then he's Torrhen's heir unless their are little Whitehills kicking about.
Gryff isn't entirely insignificant.
I don't think so, Gryff has proven that he's a capable fighter, though I've noticed he trys to avoid it.
Capable fighter < Guy who tears throughs large groups of soldier with no effort while cracking jokes because of how easy he finds it
I don't doubt he's competent, it was just odd to see Rodrik destroy him in seconds because of how terribly one sided it was whereas he has a prolonged fight with Asher (and most of Ashers fights were just "Press Q to rek these fucks instantly")
When I say 'capable' I meant he can hold his own, I don't see him as this crazy badass that can take down several soldiers all by himself.
Even in the Rodrik version, he does fairly well. He manages to block a strike when he had his back turned just a second before. Then he even manages to hit him with two crossbow bolts. The main difference (imo) is that in the Rodrik version he cries, and begs for mercy. And in the Asher version, he faces death with defiance in his eyes.
Gryff: Both were satisfying.
Ludd: Rodrik's was satisfying, but Asher's wasn't.
Gryff lasts like 20 seconds against Asher. He is only able to headbutt Asher at the very beginning of the fight, all of his other blows miss or are deflected. Then Asher guts him. Seems pretty one sided to me. Hell, Gryff puts up a better fight in Rodrik's story and is able to wound him with a crossbow.
@LordGoss1138 is dead, so I'll answer because I'm bored.
I think they're both pretty balanced. Gryff tackles Asher to the floor, and headbutts him, then dies defiantly.
Rodrik doesn't get tackled to the floor, or head-butted, but he does get shot with the crossbow, and caught with a knife, though. But then Gryff dies whimpering and crying.
It's a toss-up.
I killed Ludd as Rodrik in my canon playthrough and I actually enjoy it more than Gryff's death for a multitude of reasons.
Ludd has been behind everything. He called the Boltons which got Ethan killed. He took all of the Ironwood. He either humiliated Rodrik in front of Elaena or he didn't allow a little boy to attend his father and brother's funeral. He tried to kill Ryon. He demanded Elaena marry Gryff. He installed Gryff in Ironrath. He mocked the Forresters over the deaths of Gregor, Ethan and Asher. He tried to hire hundreds of sellswords to destroy Ironrath. AND (most importantly) he ordered the ambush of Asher Forrester.
He has been a thorn in the Forrester's side since the very beginning. He is also the Lord of House Whitehill, killing him would cause absolute chaos for the Whitehills. Remember how disorganised the Forresters were after the death of Gregor?
Everything that has happened has been because of Ludd. So when I saw the opportunity to ambush him at his camp I took it. Me and Beskha snuck up behind him and Rodrik raises his sword. Ludd grabs his and the rival lords lock eyes.
'Raise your sword, we do this like men'
'Like men then, remind me which one's your good leg?
Ludd puts up a surprisingly decent fight (at least I was surprised) but he is no match for Rodrik's skill. He plunges a spear into Ludd's chest and he collapses to the ground.
'It's over, Ludd'
'I underestimated you cripple, but it won't do you any good. My soldiers are already tearing down your gates. They'll kill your mother, your sisters. And Ryon, Gryff's cut his throat by now. Well, what are you waiting for? Kill me, and be done with it, unless you're too cowardly to do it yourself'.
'You might be right, about all of it, but I'm still the last Lord standing.'
He who passes the sentence must swing the sword. With one fell swoop, Rodrik beheads his greatest enemy and avenges his brothers once and for all.
(Also, his death is extra satisfying as Rodrik technically wins by Ramsay's rules as he is the last lord standing)
That's why I actually think Ludd's death is brilliant and was the perfect ending to his story for me. Don't hate me but I was actually kind of saddened killing him, he was a great villain for the entire Season so seeing that he won't be back in Season Two is actually a little sad to me. Thorren Whitehill should be a good antagonist for Season Two however, and Gryff is still regrettably alive and he and Rodrik still have unfinished buisness.
Personally I found Ludd's death satisfying just because I got to ram a spear into his fat stomach.