Honestly, This was my favorite episode of the Season. Season 6 has been nothing short of legendary for me, and this is no exception. They paced this well and built up to it, they definitely made it suspenseful, and they made me genuinely care about the characters, which is something I haven't felt for a long time. And that ending scene where the left the porch left me with a shit ton of goosebumps. This episode is seriously fucking fantastic. The fall of the wall was well done, the script was amazing, and I cried my eyes out in Deanna's final moments.
As for the post-credits scene (AKA the scene that came on literally 15 minutes after the actual episode ends because AMC is shoving Badlands down people's throats instead of letting them try to enjoy it themselves.), I was very impressed. It only took 1 minute and 50 seconds for me to be super excited for something that we hardly have any info for. Also, was I the only one who thought Negan's name was pronounced "Neh-Gan" and not "Nee-Gan"? Because if I was I'm going to be very upset.
FTWD: Flight 462 is... How should I put this..? It's fucking awful. Seriously, Fear The Walking Dead was so good and had excellent pacing and made me actually okay with it if nothing was happening. But this shit... THIS SHIT... I hate all of the characters, the Korean chick is annoying as fuck, it's been 8 episodes and NOTHING had happened, we have no story, and now I have to wait for 3 FUCKING MONTHS for more nothing.
And as for "Into the Badlands", Fuck you, AMC! Just let people explore the show for themselves! Don't force it on us, let us watch The Walking Dead, The trailer, and The Talking Dead, and THEN we'll watch your Micheal Bay style shitty action show!
Overall, the entire episode was pretty awesome, and I'm super excited for it's return!
What worries me is Judith. What if he lands on her after getting shot????
Wow, that'd be how Judith (AKA Judy) died in the comics actually. Lori's shot, She lands on the baby. Holy crap they'd be following the comics a lot better than I thought.
Morgan is so aggravating to watch, his pacifism shtick is literally not believable. And what were Tara and Rose thinking just handing over their guns like that, that Wolf guy could have just shot them! And then bowl-head kid screws over everyone, obviously.
I swear this is show is just a look at how stupid people screw things up * takes deep breath *
i knew they wouldnt have the balls to do it. i liked the episode, it was ok. just kinda pissed at the ending. but hey we got "90" minutes if… more Morgan yay!!!
btw this finale is like the red wedding finale compared to the piece of shit of last years midseason finale
Mid season finale was awesome but im gonna be honest, the sneak peak was what got me excited the most, when he said "Negan" oh man I can't even describe the feeling!
My "Start to Finish" Review:
Honestly, This was my favorite episode of the Season. Season 6 has been nothing short of legendary for me, a… morend this is no exception. They paced this well and built up to it, they definitely made it suspenseful, and they made me genuinely care about the characters, which is something I haven't felt for a long time. And that ending scene where the left the porch left me with a shit ton of goosebumps. This episode is seriously fucking fantastic. The fall of the wall was well done, the script was amazing, and I cried my eyes out in Deanna's final moments.
As for the post-credits scene (AKA the scene that came on literally 15 minutes after the actual episode ends because AMC is shoving Badlands down people's throats instead of letting them try to enjoy it themselves.), I was very impressed. It only took 1 minute and 50 seconds for me to be super excited for something that we hardly have any info for. Also, was I … [view original content]
Actually if the shot the wolf his body would twinch from the bullets impact and kill Denise. Its something most people riduculously ignore in tv so intentional or not its welcomed.
Morgan is so aggravating to watch, his pacifism shtick is literally not believable. And what were Tara and Rose thinking just handing over t… moreheir guns like that, that Wolf guy could have just shot them! And then bowl-head kid screws over everyone, obviously.
I swear this is show is just a look at how stupid people screw things up * takes deep breath *
Actually if the shot the wolf his body would twinch from the bullets impact and kill Denise. Its something most people riduculously ignore in tv so intentional or not its welcomed.
Eh, it was alroight. Should've been longer though.
AMC released promo pictures for this episode that showed that Aaron, Heath and Spencer would appear, but they weren't in it, so yeah, those must have been from a deleted scene or for another episode.
Deanna's definitely not as good as her comic counterpart Douglas, but I liked her death scene more than Douglas'. Douglas was about to shoot himself and only shot the walkers when he saw Rick in trouble, while Deanna fought for herself and refused to take the easy way out.
I swear to God, if the writers decide to keep Jessie alive for this episode and immediately kill her off in the first episode of next year... She's like my only favourite Alexandrian, besides Aaron.
The episode shouldn't have ended so abruptly. What would be a greater cliffhanger is to have the whole chaotic scene among the herd happen just like the comics, have Ron shoot off Carl's eye in revenge for what Rick did to his mom before he joins his mom and brother and Rick carrying his son to a nearby house and tell the inhabitants, "Please... help my son!" Now that would've been a blast!
Morgan should have kicked some walker butt this episode though.
oh yea it is gonna happen, and its gonna be epic. at least i hope it is... but i wanted to see it now! :P well i dont really want to see it as in jessie getting killed i like her like in the comics. but i wanted to see it that episode, it just feels they just doing too much cliffhangers now a days. i mean i guess i understand, cuz it seems like negan might show up in this last episode of the season and thats the 100 issue, and then there would be like only 50 or so more issues, so i guess they want to stall it a bit more. but still, if done right i still could see it as one of the most epic scenes TWD has produced.
I second your comment. Every single word. I'm just not feeling Season 6, not sure why. Seasons 1 and 2 were nice, and Seasons 3-5 were my favorites, with "Too Far Gone" being my favorite mid-season finale and my favorite episode of the entire series overall. I was really looking forward to the "No Way Out" arc and I just thought this mid-season would be like Season 4's in terms of comic fidelity. I'm not saying I'm not liking Season 6, but I'm not feeling it at all. Hopefully 6B will be better.
sigh Son of a bitch. Season 6 is nothing if not endlessly disappointing. Most disappointing mid-season finale thus far. Not the worst, as th… moreat goes to Season 5, but not even Season 5's was this disappointing, because at least it completed a storyline and got rid of Beth, a complete waste of a character. There was a sense of progression, even if the events were stupid, and we could at least say we were done with that story. This one just meanders and then... stops. And a Walking Dead mid-season finale should never feel like it just stops, goddamn it. At this point, I won't be at all surprised if Carl's injury just doesn't happen with how much they botched up this friggin' season already. I know it most likely will and I'm just really annoyed right now, but I honestly wouldn't be surprised.
And now for some specific comments...
I liked Deanna fine and her final moments were emotional. I just can't believe she was the death of the MSF.
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For a long time, I pronounced Negan 'Nay-Gan'. It was only until like a year ago when I was on the Walking Dead wikia where it said it was pronounced 'Knee-Gan'. It was one of the more unclear pronunciations until I read that.
My "Start to Finish" Review:
Honestly, This was my favorite episode of the Season. Season 6 has been nothing short of legendary for me, a… morend this is no exception. They paced this well and built up to it, they definitely made it suspenseful, and they made me genuinely care about the characters, which is something I haven't felt for a long time. And that ending scene where the left the porch left me with a shit ton of goosebumps. This episode is seriously fucking fantastic. The fall of the wall was well done, the script was amazing, and I cried my eyes out in Deanna's final moments.
As for the post-credits scene (AKA the scene that came on literally 15 minutes after the actual episode ends because AMC is shoving Badlands down people's throats instead of letting them try to enjoy it themselves.), I was very impressed. It only took 1 minute and 50 seconds for me to be super excited for something that we hardly have any info for. Also, was I … [view original content]
For a long time, I pronounced Negan 'Nay-Gan'. It was only until like a year ago when I was on the Walking Dead wikia where it said it was pronounced 'Knee-Gan'. It was one of the more unclear pronunciations until I read that.
I agree. It was very slow, but the episodes "Pretty Much Dead Already", "18 Miles Out", "Judge, Jury, Executioner", "Better Angels", "Beside the Dying Fire" kind of saved the season. I'd say 2A, 3B and the second half of 5A, with some exceptions, were the weakest episodes of the series. And as I said, I didn't "feel" 6A very much.
I've liked pretty much every episode this season... until now. It definitely wasn't mid-season finale worthy. This should have been last weeks episode.
So,.. last week's episode was a setup for the setup that we saw tonight.
Or that's what it felt like.
There were some successes, however.
For example, they succeeded in turning Morgan into an incredibly dim-witted, unlikable character.
Thanks to his bone- headedness, the one person with medical experience has very little chance of making it into the second half of the season.
Even if she survives, ,putting her life in danger by leaving her alone with the Wolf was idiotic.
Judith is a baby shoved under a poncho covered in guts, and is staying quieter than Sam. Sam is worse than useless, he's dangerously stupid. And his brother is no prize either.
Carl should have told Rick about Ron’s attempt to kill him. Rick needed to know – asap – because Ron’s a huge liability. He’s already convinced they’re going to die and would happily see Rick and Carl (and probably Judith) dead, so I could easily see him doing something stupid, again, endangering everyone. (I am glad Carl pointed the gun at him and got the gun away from Ron.)
And the midseason finale ended not with the word “Dad?” as I guessed, but with the word “Mom?”
I don't want to sound like I'm victim blaming or anything, but Carol was pretty much asking for Morgan to kick- excuse me, redirect-- her ass.
Morgan took on five armed Wolves that were surrounding him, and successfully held off all five of them by himself. He also held off two of them back in Season 5 by himself, and managed to successfully knock both of them out. Your odds of beating him in a one-on-one are pretty slim, to be completely honest.
I don't want to sound like I'm victim blaming or anything, but Carol was pretty much asking for Morgan to kick- excuse me, redirect-- her as… mores.
Morgan took on five armed Wolves that were surrounding him, and successfully held off all five of them by himself. He also held off two of them back in Season 5 by himself, and managed to successfully knock both of them out. Your odds of beating him in a one-on-one are pretty slim, to be completely honest.
I have been skeptical for quite a long time now, but this show actually really feels like it might be on the right track again. After seeing the preview for the 2nd half of the season, I gotta say that I'm kind of excited about where things are going.
The episode just should have been 5 minutes longer, the ending just felt flat
Cool. Now I don't have to try and give a shit about Into the Badlands.
My "Start to Finish" Review:
Honestly, This was my favorite episode of the Season. Season 6 has been nothing short of legendary for me, and this is no exception. They paced this well and built up to it, they definitely made it suspenseful, and they made me genuinely care about the characters, which is something I haven't felt for a long time. And that ending scene where the left the porch left me with a shit ton of goosebumps. This episode is seriously fucking fantastic. The fall of the wall was well done, the script was amazing, and I cried my eyes out in Deanna's final moments.
As for the post-credits scene (AKA the scene that came on literally 15 minutes after the actual episode ends because AMC is shoving Badlands down people's throats instead of letting them try to enjoy it themselves.), I was very impressed. It only took 1 minute and 50 seconds for me to be super excited for something that we hardly have any info for. Also, was I the only one who thought Negan's name was pronounced "Neh-Gan" and not "Nee-Gan"? Because if I was I'm going to be very upset.
FTWD: Flight 462 is... How should I put this..? It's fucking awful. Seriously, Fear The Walking Dead was so good and had excellent pacing and made me actually okay with it if nothing was happening. But this shit... THIS SHIT... I hate all of the characters, the Korean chick is annoying as fuck, it's been 8 episodes and NOTHING had happened, we have no story, and now I have to wait for 3 FUCKING MONTHS for more nothing.
And as for "Into the Badlands", Fuck you, AMC! Just let people explore the show for themselves! Don't force it on us, let us watch The Walking Dead, The trailer, and The Talking Dead, and THEN we'll watch your Micheal Bay style shitty action show!
Overall, the entire episode was pretty awesome, and I'm super excited for it's return!
Wow, that'd be how Judith (AKA Judy) died in the comics actually. Lori's shot, She lands on the baby. Holy crap they'd be following the comics a lot better than I thought.
Morgan is so aggravating to watch, his pacifism shtick is literally not believable. And what were Tara and Rose thinking just handing over their guns like that, that Wolf guy could have just shot them! And then bowl-head kid screws over everyone, obviously.
I swear this is show is just a look at how stupid people screw things up * takes deep breath *
They might still do it. They are holding hands in the middle of a herd and Jessies son starts talking.......sounds familiar?
Its called insane fan joy
Actually its 'Knee-gan' kirkman confirmed it after some fans had the same confusion.
Actually if the shot the wolf his body would twinch from the bullets impact and kill Denise. Its something most people riduculously ignore in tv so intentional or not its welcomed.
I'm talking about handing over their guns so that he could shoot them.
Eh, it was alroight. Should've been longer though.
AMC released promo pictures for this episode that showed that Aaron, Heath and Spencer would appear, but they weren't in it, so yeah, those must have been from a deleted scene or for another episode.
Deanna's definitely not as good as her comic counterpart Douglas, but I liked her death scene more than Douglas'. Douglas was about to shoot himself and only shot the walkers when he saw Rick in trouble, while Deanna fought for herself and refused to take the easy way out.
I swear to God, if the writers decide to keep Jessie alive for this episode and immediately kill her off in the first episode of next year... She's like my only favourite Alexandrian, besides Aaron.
The episode shouldn't have ended so abruptly. What would be a greater cliffhanger is to have the whole chaotic scene among the herd happen just like the comics, have Ron shoot off Carl's eye in revenge for what Rick did to his mom before he joins his mom and brother and Rick carrying his son to a nearby house and tell the inhabitants, "Please... help my son!" Now that would've been a blast!
Morgan should have kicked some walker butt this episode though.
There was no point in his head. They're dead anyway.
I was watching Home Alone with my little cousins on AMC and guess what commercial came on
Firstly, risking your life on hoping he thinks that is still stupid.
Secondly, if he thinks he can escape then why not them too?
I think they don't care as long as they save somone.
Ego i guess. He probably thinks hes better.
The 'prologue'
I'm gonna flip a fucking table. This is going to be very hard for me to think about.
Anyone else expecting the final line spoken in the episode to be "...... Dad?" instead of "Mom?"
oh yea it is gonna happen, and its gonna be epic. at least i hope it is... but i wanted to see it now! :P well i dont really want to see it as in jessie getting killed i like her like in the comics. but i wanted to see it that episode, it just feels they just doing too much cliffhangers now a days. i mean i guess i understand, cuz it seems like negan might show up in this last episode of the season and thats the 100 issue, and then there would be like only 50 or so more issues, so i guess they want to stall it a bit more. but still, if done right i still could see it as one of the most epic scenes TWD has produced.
I second your comment. Every single word. I'm just not feeling Season 6, not sure why. Seasons 1 and 2 were nice, and Seasons 3-5 were my favorites, with "Too Far Gone" being my favorite mid-season finale and my favorite episode of the entire series overall. I was really looking forward to the "No Way Out" arc and I just thought this mid-season would be like Season 4's in terms of comic fidelity. I'm not saying I'm not liking Season 6, but I'm not feeling it at all. Hopefully 6B will be better.
That would've made the ending 10x better.
For a long time, I pronounced Negan 'Nay-Gan'. It was only until like a year ago when I was on the Walking Dead wikia where it said it was pronounced 'Knee-Gan'. It was one of the more unclear pronunciations until I read that.
Why? That would've made no sense.
Yeah, but why would Sam say it? He would have no reason to
Unless OP meant for it to have been said by Carl
They said final line. I was under the impression that they were speaking about Carl, not Sam.
Yeah, I thought they were talking about Sam, whoopsies ^-^
Yeah. Plus, "Knee-Gan" sounds a lot less threatening, so it's a very weird feeling for me to know it's pronounced that way.
I agree. It was very slow, but the episodes "Pretty Much Dead Already", "18 Miles Out", "Judge, Jury, Executioner", "Better Angels", "Beside the Dying Fire" kind of saved the season. I'd say 2A, 3B and the second half of 5A, with some exceptions, were the weakest episodes of the series. And as I said, I didn't "feel" 6A very much.
I just hope they don't make it exactly like the comics...
I've liked pretty much every episode this season... until now. It definitely wasn't mid-season finale worthy. This should have been last weeks episode.
So,.. last week's episode was a setup for the setup that we saw tonight.
Or that's what it felt like.
There were some successes, however.
For example, they succeeded in turning Morgan into an incredibly dim-witted, unlikable character.
Thanks to his bone- headedness, the one person with medical experience has very little chance of making it into the second half of the season.
Even if she survives, ,putting her life in danger by leaving her alone with the Wolf was idiotic.
Judith is a baby shoved under a poncho covered in guts, and is staying quieter than Sam. Sam is worse than useless, he's dangerously stupid. And his brother is no prize either.
Carl should have told Rick about Ron’s attempt to kill him. Rick needed to know – asap – because Ron’s a huge liability. He’s already convinced they’re going to die and would happily see Rick and Carl (and probably Judith) dead, so I could easily see him doing something stupid, again, endangering everyone. (I am glad Carl pointed the gun at him and got the gun away from Ron.)
And the midseason finale ended not with the word “Dad?” as I guessed, but with the word “Mom?”
Good episode. They really kept me at the edge of my seat. They set up the next half, perfectly. Can not wait.
I do.
I seriously do not understand the Morgan hate.
I don't want to sound like I'm victim blaming or anything, but Carol was pretty much asking for Morgan to kick- excuse me, redirect-- her ass.
Morgan took on five armed Wolves that were surrounding him, and successfully held off all five of them by himself. He also held off two of them back in Season 5 by himself, and managed to successfully knock both of them out. Your odds of beating him in a one-on-one are pretty slim, to be completely honest.
XD During that scene where Carol's threatening to kill him, I was just like "Seriously Morgan, just knock her out!"
I have been skeptical for quite a long time now, but this show actually really feels like it might be on the right track again. After seeing the preview for the 2nd half of the season, I gotta say that I'm kind of excited about where things are going.
doesn't carol have a holstered pistol?