Anyone else agree leaving Asher is stupid

I always wanted to leave Roderick to save Asher, not because I like Asher, but because I feel like Rodrick story line was over. His Story in episode 6 did not have a lot of intrigue. Who agrees with me.
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It's not stupid, it's your own choice
Who the hell is Roderick?
It's not stupid at all.
Rodrik is the Lord of the House -- of whom's survival is top priority. Asher should understand that. It's almost hypocritical otherwise-- I've come home to save my family! Oh what's that, Rodrik, my Lord brother, you're going to die for me? sweet.
Asher's death is a fitting end to his arc in my eyes. He brought back the army that could save the house, he ensured its Lord survived to utilise them, and redeemed himself in the eyes of his whole family. There would be no doubt in history that Asher Forrester was a good man.
And it brings about a better tragedy I like. As someone wrote on the forum a while ago:
Asher knew if he came back to Westeros, he'd die. But he did it anyway -- because it was the right thing to do. He's a sellsword, a warrior, and a hero, but he's no Lord. He doesn't even want to be one.
I will never be convinced Asher would allow his brother, and the true Lord of the House Forrester, to be butchered by Whitehills when he could prevent it. Never.
No, not really.
Personally I felt like having Rodrick stay was the best way for Rodrick's story to end, but having Asher stay works for Asher's story as well, he came all that way but was willing to die for his brother.
I know it's not stupid, but the way how rodrick dies in episode 5 is much sadder and fits the story much more.
Is it a coincidence that most people left Rodrik, and most people can't spell Rodrik? Hmm
But anyway, if that's how you felt, that's fine. Your game, your choices, your justifications. However, anyone who thinks saving Rodrik is stupid, or somehow "wrong" is quite frankly an idiot.
Sometimes I feel like all choices are wrong. Yet they're all right.
Well, it is all opinions and how you want the story to play out. There are NO right and wrong choices on this. It is all come downs to who you want the Lord of House Forrester to be.
I personally felt that Asher's death in episode 5, fits way better than Rodrik's, because it fits the way I have played him during the whole Season 1.
So don't call it stupid, because there are no stupid choices. If you please, I would you ask you to edit your title, so instead of "stupid" to "bad choice" because it is rather offensive and provoking thing to say.
I don't think saving Rodrick was bad, I like it. I meant I don't like Asher's death. It was bad someone had to die, but I feel like Rodrick's death is less stupid than Asher's death
I like Roderick, I just wish The both survived
Yet you titled this topic "Anyone else agree leaving Asher is stupid?"
Discrepancy much?
I know I'm being an ass about this, but pls, pls people... it's Rodrik. RODRIK!
Well, in your eyes it does. Which is fine. But as a die-hard Rodrik fan, seeing everyone try to pass of the notion of him staying behind as "canon" and the only "right choice" is pretty irritating. Especially when it can be so easily argued against, for reasons that all but always overlooked and ignored.
Are you kidding me ? Either Asher or Rodriks death of Ep.5 was sad. I cried when Asher died on my play through.
I am starting to think that people is doing this intentionally. Clearly someone can read and figure out how to spell Rodrik's name, just by reading our posts. Hell, they don't even need to write it down, they can just copy and paste it! If it is unintentionally, I think it is because some people's keyboards or PC just outright refuse to allow them to spell Rodrik's name correctly!
I've gotten to the point now where I don't even care how I come across -- there is no excuse for spelling it wrong on the forums after all this time. Like, at all. I mean, in a few cases, maybe it's justifiable--but it's so, so common, it's maddening. Hearing people discredit Rodrik constantly is one thing, hear everyone talk about leaving him being the only right choice is another, but watching it be spelt: Rodrick. Roderick. Rodric. Roderik. Is kinda the straw that breaks the camel's back :P
They are both sad, but Asher's is sad because he is a like able character.Rodrik's is sad because he was a cripple and changed from a wounded soldier into a man, only to end as if he never survived the attack. Rodrik's death also has meaning, kill or be killed. People with dark pasts are how people. Need to live
Just because it's someone's choice doesn't mean it's smart.
But Rodrik isn't? HE IS YOU AFTER ALL!
Right, because Rodrik doesn't have a dark past -- what with being betrayed, and forced to watch as his King's army is massaced. Then waking up alongside the corpses of his father and soldiers, many of whom were presumably his friends. And returning home a crippled man, to find his castle, filled with their oldest enemies? I'm pretty sure that's a lot fucking darker than Asher's drinking, whoring and cracking jokes in Slaver's Bay with Beskha...
That is present, expirence not past.
I agree with everything you said about Rodrik, but Asher did have a rather bad past, nearly starting a war because he loved a girl and being sent away from his home at a young age by his own family.
Right, so the past being, Rodrik fighting in the War of the Five Kings? While Asher is starting his sellsword career with Beskha?
Once again, I fail to see how Asher's story is 'darker'. Past, present, or future. Please educate me.
Rodrik was grown into royalty and acclaim, Asher few up in a world of neglect, though the townsfolk liked him, he was considered an outcast by his parents
Rodrik and Asher both got a dark story. There is no reason to compare them. They are both worthy to become the Lord of House Forresters. They both got their dark flaws and heroic virtue. They are brothers and they are different. No one is better than the other. They are equals.
Oh, absolutely! I don't mean to diminish Asher's past, or try to make out he's had an easy time of it. He hasn't. But even still, I find it hard to believe his experiences have been darker than Rodrik's. Just objectively speaking.
Asher didn't grew up neglected. It is quite apparent, that he have a good relationship with his family. He cares about his younger siblings, considering how protective he was of Ethan when he got bullied. He have a good relationship with Mira, because he send her a coin. He has a father figure in Malcom. It is clear that Elissa still loved him. And in episode 6, Rodrik revealed how he and Asher used to sneak out to drink and how Asher was always the one carrying him home, which show that they did have a close relationship, The only bad relationship he have, was with his father. But even then, his own father regreted that he exiled him, which show that he did indeed love Asher. So don't say that Asher was neglected, because he wasn't.
But don't say that Rodrik didn't have it hard. He has been raised from birth with the knowledge that he is one day responsible for leading and protecting his family, when his father will pass away. That is a HUGE burden to bear and NOT easy to live with at all. So, don't say that Rodrik has it easy, because he really don't.
I really don't think being the heir to a minor vassal house in the Wolfswood of the North can be attributed to "royalty." And any acclaim Rodrik had was clearly earned--people didn't call him House Forrester's best warrior because they were arse-kissers, they called him that because he was that. He wasn't regarded to be a good commander and charismatic leader because of his "royalty" -- he was regarded as such, because again, HE WAS SUCH.
Well, that's not quite true. Lady Forrester clearly adores Asher, that's obvious from every discussion she has about him. Clearly, Rodrik and him had a great relationship, as did him and the Forrester children. His exile was due to his love affair with Gwyn, and the chaos it caused with Ludd, plus his volatile dynamic with Gregor. Neglect doesn't really enter into it. And if it does, we've certainly been given no indication that, that is the case. So it's pure conjecture.
Lol you beat me to it, Dave. :P
Well said btw.
No, I think Asher may well want to be bold and save Rodrik. Rodrik is the Lord of Ironrath, he is a fantastic warrior AND commander, but for his injuries, and his deeds in Episode 6 prove that! Rodrik is also wiser than Asher and he is potentially a father, which is why I made Asher stay behind. It was still sad though.
I had Rodrik stay behind, but I don't think having Asher stay behind is stupid. There are good reasons for either of them dying
I picked Asher just to see what would happen if he was Lord of House Forrester and he led the mercenaries.
At the end of the game I realized how amazing it would have been to have Rodrick though. He would have to get thrashed like Asher was in he end as well. Then he would be considered even more unbreakable in season 2.
I myself saved Asher, but I must say that you sir... are wrong!
To me, it made way more sense to have Asher survive...just thought it fit the story line better and with how I played both characters. Not to mention, Asher was my favorite character, which helped a bit
Asher coming back from being exiled to protect his house and family in times of war made all the sense in the world story wise, and why I also picked him. Plus, what Malcolm said to Asher just before he left to go to Westeros.
I thought Rodrik's story arc had come to a perfect close during the end of episode 5. Also, I don't think Rodrik was going to sacrifice his younger brother if he could help it, even being lord.
So, yeah, those were my reasons as to why I saved Asher over Rodrik.
I liked Asher's story in episode 6 a lot more over Rodrik's by far. I only felt really bad for Eleana. Losing her brother and her lover
Oh my god....(facepalm). You didn't know ? Roderick is Rodrik's secret name on telltale forums...
I prefered Rodrik's story, of how he won over the pitfighters and fought to defend Ironrath. I don't think his story was done, he had just become strong again like his prime and he was potentially going to be a father.
I disagree. Roaderrreck was the Lord.
"I'm just a soldier now,"
-Asher Forrester
The King should not die for a pawn.
Seriously? This crap is still going on?
Everything; his uncle's travel, Mereen, Dany, dragon, night attack, is POINTLESS if you're leaving Asher. Just the moment he returns he dies? WTF?! Rodrik part was boring; constant humiliations, annoying sister, materialistic woman. He was already dead in 1st ep., so decision of leaving him in 5th wasn't a problem for me.
I agree with you - leaving Asher is stupid.
What do you mean by saying 'materilaistic woman' ?
Elaena. I don't like her. She's... weird.
Rodrik, we played hide and seek in the grove, remember? I want to play again. Half of the Forresters' ironwood would be perfect place.
Rodrik, my brother is dead, it's your fault. We're doomed. Let's go to bed.
I believe there was a time skip before they banged, so Elaena was not thinking about Arthur that much, also she never said Arthur death was Rodriks fault.
I liked Elaena, she wanted to stay at Ironrath with Forresters and she loved Rodrik. She was cool overall.
I should not care about this, but this is actually starting to annoy me. Why is it so hard for certain people to accept that people have different opinions. I let Asher stay behind because i like Rodrik better, and he is a better lord in my opinion. But that is just my opinion and not a proved fact. I do not go around and claiming that leaving Rodrik is stupid, like some Asher fans apparently claim leaving Asher is stupid. Just accept that people have different opinions, it should not be so hard.