“Are you worried?”, Harpy asked softly, as she moved closer, putting her head onto Jaron's chest. They were lying on his bed, fully… more dressed of course, although not yet dressed for the masquerade they were about to attend today.
Jaron let out a sigh and glanced at the window. From the way the sun shined into his room, he was sure it was afternoon already. Soon, they had to get up, soon they had to leave the mansion, had to get into danger once more. If it would have been only himself, Jaron wouldn't be worried. But with Harpy around, he was afraid to loose her.
“Are you not?”, he asked in return. “Today is going to be dangerous and I can't hide how worried I am. If anything goes wrong, if our cover is blown, then we...” She cut him off by softly kissing him on the lips. “I am not worried. You shouldn't be worried. You got me and I got you”, she stated. “As long as nothing changes about that, neither of us has to worry. I won't a… [view original content]
[Agree to his wish - Leave the city with Harpy] I totally agree to him. It's the savest to leav the city. I feel like a bomb will blow up soon, and i want my favourite couple miles away from it, when the boom comes. Oldtown reminds me a lot of Gotham xD
I said its once and i will say it in every Jaron Part again. I fucking love Jarpy. I wish them to be happy and even if this is GOT i dont want to see any of them dead!
“Are you worried?”, Harpy asked softly, as she moved closer, putting her head onto Jaron's chest. They were lying on his bed, fully… more dressed of course, although not yet dressed for the masquerade they were about to attend today.
Jaron let out a sigh and glanced at the window. From the way the sun shined into his room, he was sure it was afternoon already. Soon, they had to get up, soon they had to leave the mansion, had to get into danger once more. If it would have been only himself, Jaron wouldn't be worried. But with Harpy around, he was afraid to loose her.
“Are you not?”, he asked in return. “Today is going to be dangerous and I can't hide how worried I am. If anything goes wrong, if our cover is blown, then we...” She cut him off by softly kissing him on the lips. “I am not worried. You shouldn't be worried. You got me and I got you”, she stated. “As long as nothing changes about that, neither of us has to worry. I won't a… [view original content]
[Agree to his wish - Leave the city with Harpy] I totally agree to him. It's the savest to leav the city. I feel like a bomb will blow up so… moreon, and i want my favourite couple miles away from it, when the boom comes. Oldtown reminds me a lot of Gotham xD
I said its once and i will say it in every Jaron Part again. I fucking love Jarpy. I wish them to be happy and even if this is GOT i dont want to see any of them dead!
“Are you worried?”, Harpy asked softly, as she moved closer, putting her head onto Jaron's chest. They were lying on his bed, fully… more dressed of course, although not yet dressed for the masquerade they were about to attend today.
Jaron let out a sigh and glanced at the window. From the way the sun shined into his room, he was sure it was afternoon already. Soon, they had to get up, soon they had to leave the mansion, had to get into danger once more. If it would have been only himself, Jaron wouldn't be worried. But with Harpy around, he was afraid to loose her.
“Are you not?”, he asked in return. “Today is going to be dangerous and I can't hide how worried I am. If anything goes wrong, if our cover is blown, then we...” She cut him off by softly kissing him on the lips. “I am not worried. You shouldn't be worried. You got me and I got you”, she stated. “As long as nothing changes about that, neither of us has to worry. I won't a… [view original content]
Ah, shit. This is hard. Well I guess Arkan is right, leaving Oldtown would be for the best, but I'm afraid that it wont be so easy or that the danger will follow them even if they leave.
[Agree to his wish - Leave the city with Harpy] Alright, I'll go with this, but still... I have a really bad feeling about this.
“Are you worried?”, Harpy asked softly, as she moved closer, putting her head onto Jaron's chest. They were lying on his bed, fully… more dressed of course, although not yet dressed for the masquerade they were about to attend today.
Jaron let out a sigh and glanced at the window. From the way the sun shined into his room, he was sure it was afternoon already. Soon, they had to get up, soon they had to leave the mansion, had to get into danger once more. If it would have been only himself, Jaron wouldn't be worried. But with Harpy around, he was afraid to loose her.
“Are you not?”, he asked in return. “Today is going to be dangerous and I can't hide how worried I am. If anything goes wrong, if our cover is blown, then we...” She cut him off by softly kissing him on the lips. “I am not worried. You shouldn't be worried. You got me and I got you”, she stated. “As long as nothing changes about that, neither of us has to worry. I won't a… [view original content]
[Ask for more time to think about it - Postpone the decision]
Hopefully Harpy can die in this time. Seriously guys vote this and compromise. At least we might get a chance to decide. What if we tell Harpy during the masquerade, and then she gets all upset and ruins the mission.
“Are you worried?”, Harpy asked softly, as she moved closer, putting her head onto Jaron's chest. They were lying on his bed, fully… more dressed of course, although not yet dressed for the masquerade they were about to attend today.
Jaron let out a sigh and glanced at the window. From the way the sun shined into his room, he was sure it was afternoon already. Soon, they had to get up, soon they had to leave the mansion, had to get into danger once more. If it would have been only himself, Jaron wouldn't be worried. But with Harpy around, he was afraid to loose her.
“Are you not?”, he asked in return. “Today is going to be dangerous and I can't hide how worried I am. If anything goes wrong, if our cover is blown, then we...” She cut him off by softly kissing him on the lips. “I am not worried. You shouldn't be worried. You got me and I got you”, she stated. “As long as nothing changes about that, neither of us has to worry. I won't a… [view original content]
He's fighting to save the lives of Oldtown, and he is taking down an evil crime lord and his psychotic right hand man. I think that's a worthy cause for an honorable knight.
I'm willing to compromise because I am fairly certain that Harpy will find out some how and we'll get and other chance to convince her to not ruin the mission, but knowing our luck we may mess that up. So let's just be safe and compromise. Hint hint wink wink Wildling,Mathea,Agent, and Xemnes
[Ask for more time to think about it - Postpone the decision]
Hopefully Harpy can die in this time. Seriously guys vote this and compromi… morese. At least we might get a chance to decide. What if we tell Harpy during the masquerade, and then she gets all upset and ruins the mission.
“Are you worried?”, Harpy asked softly, as she moved closer, putting her head onto Jaron's chest. They were lying on his bed, fully… more dressed of course, although not yet dressed for the masquerade they were about to attend today.
Jaron let out a sigh and glanced at the window. From the way the sun shined into his room, he was sure it was afternoon already. Soon, they had to get up, soon they had to leave the mansion, had to get into danger once more. If it would have been only himself, Jaron wouldn't be worried. But with Harpy around, he was afraid to loose her.
“Are you not?”, he asked in return. “Today is going to be dangerous and I can't hide how worried I am. If anything goes wrong, if our cover is blown, then we...” She cut him off by softly kissing him on the lips. “I am not worried. You shouldn't be worried. You got me and I got you”, she stated. “As long as nothing changes about that, neither of us has to worry. I won't a… [view original content]
“Are you worried?”, Harpy asked softly, as she moved closer, putting her head onto Jaron's chest. They were lying on his bed, fully… more dressed of course, although not yet dressed for the masquerade they were about to attend today.
Jaron let out a sigh and glanced at the window. From the way the sun shined into his room, he was sure it was afternoon already. Soon, they had to get up, soon they had to leave the mansion, had to get into danger once more. If it would have been only himself, Jaron wouldn't be worried. But with Harpy around, he was afraid to loose her.
“Are you not?”, he asked in return. “Today is going to be dangerous and I can't hide how worried I am. If anything goes wrong, if our cover is blown, then we...” She cut him off by softly kissing him on the lips. “I am not worried. You shouldn't be worried. You got me and I got you”, she stated. “As long as nothing changes about that, neither of us has to worry. I won't a… [view original content]
Wink wink, actually I was wondering myself if not to change the vote since something can come up while Masquerade... like they will find out they did not kill Butterfly at all... and their mission was not completed at all. Wink wink :-)
I'm willing to compromise because I am fairly certain that Harpy will find out some how and we'll get and other chance to convince her to no… moret ruin the mission, but knowing our luck we may mess that up. So let's just be safe and compromise. Hint hint wink wink Wildling,Mathea,Agent, and Xemnes
“Are you worried?”, Harpy asked softly, as she moved closer, putting her head onto Jaron's chest. They were lying on his bed, fully… more dressed of course, although not yet dressed for the masquerade they were about to attend today.
Jaron let out a sigh and glanced at the window. From the way the sun shined into his room, he was sure it was afternoon already. Soon, they had to get up, soon they had to leave the mansion, had to get into danger once more. If it would have been only himself, Jaron wouldn't be worried. But with Harpy around, he was afraid to loose her.
“Are you not?”, he asked in return. “Today is going to be dangerous and I can't hide how worried I am. If anything goes wrong, if our cover is blown, then we...” She cut him off by softly kissing him on the lips. “I am not worried. You shouldn't be worried. You got me and I got you”, she stated. “As long as nothing changes about that, neither of us has to worry. I won't a… [view original content]
Jaron is going to agree to the Burned Man's wish and he will leave Oldtown together with Harpy
First of all, if you are worried about Jaron deliberately revealing the Burned Man's plans to Harpy before they have finished their current mission, you shouldn't be. He is not stupid after all and he has a rough idea how pissed she would be. His plan is to let the Burned Man make the first move in this matter. That said, there is the possibility that she learns it some other way or that he reveals it by accident. This choice will have consequences. Jarons storyline in general in this chapter will have consequences, so choose wisely.
The next part is not going to be out today, but I will try my best to finish it tomorrow. Currently, it is planned to be a Garthon part. Roughly half of it is already written and currently I am contemplating if I should give you a choice at this point of the part or if I should continue writing until it has the usual length of a part. If I decide for the former, there would be room for a second PoV, which is most likely going to be either Marak, Jenna or Raenna, with Marak being the most likely choice at the moment.
Hi guys its Lord with another of my wait-killer questions. Now i know that in Westeros there are some really strange people but in your opin… moreion:
Who you think is the weirdest character of the story?
And as a bonus question: Who do you think is the most annoying character?
Hi guys its Lord with another of my wait-killer questions. Now i know that in Westeros there are some really strange people but in your opin… moreion:
Who you think is the weirdest character of the story?
And as a bonus question: Who do you think is the most annoying character?
The Voting is closed!
Jaron is going to agree to the Burned Man's wish and he will leave Oldtown together with Harpy
First of all, if … moreyou are worried about Jaron deliberately revealing the Burned Man's plans to Harpy before they have finished their current mission, you shouldn't be. He is not stupid after all and he has a rough idea how pissed she would be. His plan is to let the Burned Man make the first move in this matter. That said, there is the possibility that she learns it some other way or that he reveals it by accident. This choice will have consequences. Jarons storyline in general in this chapter will have consequences, so choose wisely.
The next part is not going to be out today, but I will try my best to finish it tomorrow. Currently, it is planned to be a Garthon part. Roughly half of it is already written and currently I am contemplating if I should give you a choice at this point of the part or if I should continue wr… [view original content]
Now these are questions I can actually answer without the fear of spoiling any future plot point
Who you think is the weirdest character of the story?
Personally, I think Dimitri the Wise is the weirdest character in the whole story, even when taking those that haven't been introduced yet into consideration. It doesn't get much weirder than a madman who lives in the forest, sees himself as a wise philosopher and is in a borderline-romantic relationship with a pigeon. At the same time, these characteristics make me appreciate him a lot. Every story needs some oddball after all.
And as a bonus question: Who do you think is the most annoying character?
I am rarely annoyed by a character while writing, but I was trying to make Garen intentionally annoying, considering that Drent is deeply annoyed by him. Judging from your reactions, I succeeded and, at least in my eyes, that qualifies him for the most annoying character. Considering that we only saw him from Drent's PoV, Garen might be a bit less annoying if he talks to a different PoV character, but to be honest, the chances are slim.
Hi guys its Lord with another of my wait-killer questions. Now i know that in Westeros there are some really strange people but in your opin… moreion:
Who you think is the weirdest character of the story?
And as a bonus question: Who do you think is the most annoying character?
Now these are questions I can actually answer without the fear of spoiling any future plot point
Who you think is the weirdest charac… moreter of the story?
Personally, I think Dimitri the Wise is the weirdest character in the whole story, even when taking those that haven't been introduced yet into consideration. It doesn't get much weirder than a madman who lives in the forest, sees himself as a wise philosopher and is in a borderline-romantic relationship with a pigeon. At the same time, these characteristics make me appreciate him a lot. Every story needs some oddball after all.
And as a bonus question: Who do you think is the most annoying character?
I am rarely annoyed by a character while writing, but I was trying to make Garen intentionally annoying, considering that Drent is deeply annoyed by him. Judging from your reactions, I succeeded and, at least in my eyes, that qualifies him for the most annoying charact… [view original content]
Yeah, while I always enjoy your questions, I can't always answer them, mostly because I am afraid I might spoil anything. But the answers are always very interesting for me
I hope Garen lives long enough for us to see his real personality (under the annoying).
Well, the characteristics that make him annoying are part of his real personality. He is arrogant, rude and a bit of a jerk, which is the initial reason Drent disliked him. On top of that, he has a very low opinion on Argella for several reasons and just loves to complain about her. He is not entirely unlikeable and we haven't seen all sides of him, but what we have seen so far is part of his real personality.
Thank god i finally found one
Yeah Dimitri is a very 'special' guy. It i think his life defines weird.
I hope Garen lives long enough for us to see his real personality (under the annoying).
Mullendore, Lord Royce and even Anturion strike me as some of the biggest schemers, so smart in a way.
And probably the moggy for the least smart, since I'm pretty sure he's mentally handicapped.
It was asked before? Dammit. Gotta make sure that won't happen.
Anyway i get Mullendore with his insane fake butterfly scheme. But why two-face as the dumbest?
Well obviously Mullendore is good with his schemes. I'd also like to say the Burned Man is very smart - without having to dull his senses with milk of the puppy constantly he would probably handle the situation even better.
Hi guys its Lord with another of my wait-killer questions. Now i know that in Westeros there are some really strange people but in your opin… moreion:
Who you think is the weirdest character of the story?
And as a bonus question: Who do you think is the most annoying character?
Well obviously Mullendore is good with his schemes. I'd also like to say the Burned Man is very smart - without having to dull his senses with milk of the puppy constantly he would probably handle the situation even better.
[Agree to his wish - Leave with Harpy] Finally we get to leave this shit filled town.
[Agree to his wish - Leave the city with Harpy] I totally agree to him. It's the savest to leav the city. I feel like a bomb will blow up soon, and i want my favourite couple miles away from it, when the boom comes. Oldtown reminds me a lot of Gotham xD
I said its once and i will say it in every Jaron Part again. I fucking love Jarpy. I wish them to be happy and even if this is GOT i dont want to see any of them dead!
But by that logic don't you think leading them away might lead to worse things?
[Agree to his wish - Leave with Harpy]
Could. But right now i thinkt it's the smartest to just go out of this crazy town.
Ah, shit. This is hard. Well I guess Arkan is right, leaving Oldtown would be for the best, but I'm afraid that it wont be so easy or that the danger will follow them even if they leave.
[Agree to his wish - Leave the city with Harpy] Alright, I'll go with this, but still... I have a really bad feeling about this.
Oh come on Agent, if you can root for someone like Alysanne then you can be a little more forgiving towards Jaron
[Ask for more time to think about it - Postpone the decision]
Hopefully Harpy can die in this time. Seriously guys vote this and compromise. At least we might get a chance to decide. What if we tell Harpy during the masquerade, and then she gets all upset and ruins the mission.
He's fighting to save the lives of Oldtown, and he is taking down an evil crime lord and his psychotic right hand man. I think that's a worthy cause for an honorable knight.
I'm willing to compromise because I am fairly certain that Harpy will find out some how and we'll get and other chance to convince her to not ruin the mission, but knowing our luck we may mess that up. So let's just be safe and compromise. Hint hint wink wink Wildling,Mathea,Agent, and Xemnes
[Agree to his wish - Leave the city with Harpy]
XD A very good point. I do still like Jaron as a characher, I'm just still not very happy with that particular decision.
[Agree to his wish - Leave the city with Harpy]
I think Jaron just needs to get out of Oldtown. That place is just waiting for disaster to happen... he needs to be safer.
Wink wink, actually I was wondering myself if not to change the vote since something can come up while Masquerade... like they will find out they did not kill Butterfly at all... and their mission was not completed at all. Wink wink :-)
[Agree to his wish - Leave the city with Harpy]
The Voting is closed!
Jaron is going to agree to the Burned Man's wish and he will leave Oldtown together with Harpy
First of all, if you are worried about Jaron deliberately revealing the Burned Man's plans to Harpy before they have finished their current mission, you shouldn't be. He is not stupid after all and he has a rough idea how pissed she would be. His plan is to let the Burned Man make the first move in this matter. That said, there is the possibility that she learns it some other way or that he reveals it by accident. This choice will have consequences. Jarons storyline in general in this chapter will have consequences, so choose wisely.
The next part is not going to be out today, but I will try my best to finish it tomorrow. Currently, it is planned to be a Garthon part. Roughly half of it is already written and currently I am contemplating if I should give you a choice at this point of the part or if I should continue writing until it has the usual length of a part. If I decide for the former, there would be room for a second PoV, which is most likely going to be either Marak, Jenna or Raenna, with Marak being the most likely choice at the moment.
Hi guys its Lord with another of my wait-killer questions. Now i know that in Westeros there are some really strange people but in your opinion:
Who you think is the weirdest character of the story?
And as a bonus question: Who do you think is the most annoying character?
I find Himani to be a bit odd. As for annoying... at the moment it'd have to be Garen because of his constant bitching about Argella.
Dimitri the Wise. That's enough.
Jenna for most annoying.
That was a very one sided compromise lol.
Now these are questions I can actually answer without the fear of spoiling any future plot point
Personally, I think Dimitri the Wise is the weirdest character in the whole story, even when taking those that haven't been introduced yet into consideration. It doesn't get much weirder than a madman who lives in the forest, sees himself as a wise philosopher and is in a borderline-romantic relationship with a pigeon. At the same time, these characteristics make me appreciate him a lot. Every story needs some oddball after all.
I am rarely annoyed by a character while writing, but I was trying to make Garen intentionally annoying, considering that Drent is deeply annoyed by him. Judging from your reactions, I succeeded and, at least in my eyes, that qualifies him for the most annoying character. Considering that we only saw him from Drent's PoV, Garen might be a bit less annoying if he talks to a different PoV character, but to be honest, the chances are slim.
Thank god i finally found one
Yeah Dimitri is a very 'special' guy. It i think his life defines weird.
I hope Garen lives long enough for us to see his real personality (under the annoying).
Ok, other wait questions. Who is the smartest character?
And by contrast who is the least smart?
Yeah, while I always enjoy your questions, I can't always answer them, mostly because I am afraid I might spoil anything. But the answers are always very interesting for me
Well, the characteristics that make him annoying are part of his real personality. He is arrogant, rude and a bit of a jerk, which is the initial reason Drent disliked him. On top of that, he has a very low opinion on Argella for several reasons and just loves to complain about her. He is not entirely unlikeable and we haven't seen all sides of him, but what we have seen so far is part of his real personality.
I think this question was asked before. But I'll go with Mullendore.
As for least smartest probably Two-Face or the Moggy.
It was asked before? Dammit. Gotta make sure that won't happen.
Anyway i get Mullendore with his insane fake butterfly scheme. But why two-face as the dumbest?
Mullendore, Lord Royce and even Anturion strike me as some of the biggest schemers, so smart in a way.
And probably the moggy for the least smart, since I'm pretty sure he's mentally handicapped.
I obviously get Mullendore and Royce but Anturion? Why?
He didn't seem that smart compared to others but he would definitely be smarter than Moggy.
Well obviously Mullendore is good with his schemes. I'd also like to say the Burned Man is very smart - without having to dull his senses with milk of the puppy constantly he would probably handle the situation even better.
I agree with everyone about Dimitri (though Kreep is pretty weird, and disturbing, too).
However, with annoying, I would like to add Irving.
Have you not noticed how he complains (almost) every time he opens his mouth.
Yes, still Garens pretty bad.
Oh yeah, Garen annoys me too, I just wanted to add a name that had not been said yet but definitely "deserves" a mention.
Oh ok gotcha
Now you make me want to see a battle of wits between the two. Like a chess game or something.
I love Irving
I asked who's the smartest character a while ago using a poll.
Oh, sorry i barely check those.