Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Well, I'm good. Just played CAH wth @ZapThroat, @Eryka, @Brodester08 and with others ^-^

    Too bad that the CAH game is now over, tho ;__;

    How's everybody doing? Everything good coming on Christmas Eve?

  • It kicked me for nothing.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Well, I'm good. Just played CAH wth @ZapThroat, @Eryka, @Brodester08 and with others ^-^ Too bad that the CAH game is now over, tho ;__;

  • Well, it does say that CAH will have some bugs :D

    Brodester08 posted: »

    It kicked me for nothing.


    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Well, I'm good. Just played CAH wth @ZapThroat, @Eryka, @Brodester08 and with others ^-^ Too bad that the CAH game is now over, tho ;__;

  • enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Well, I'm good. Just played CAH wth @ZapThroat, @Eryka, @Brodester08 and with others ^-^ Too bad that the CAH game is now over, tho ;__;

  • Yeah, you missed lots of fun :^)


  • edited December 2015

    I hope you all have the best Christmas ever! I'm so glad we're a happy family, and you're all just so cool.

    Though I'm spending the first half of Christmas alone with my dogs, I'll be sure to talk to you all soon!

    Merry Christmas! <3

    He edged closer to her face every few seconds, not daring to even breathe as to not wake her. His face scrunched up, before he almost whimpered from the struggle of not bursting out into fits of laughter from his genius idea. Once he was about an inch away from her ear, his eyes flicked back to the alarm clock which lit up the otherwise blacked out room, then breathed in, and-


    She was up in an instant, yelling in surprise, and varying degrees of anger.

    He stopped screaming the lyrics to the overly-heard festive song and began spouting shrieks of laughter, while eyes brimmed with tears. She wasn’t impressed.

    “Rhys. It’s 6. In the morning.” She spat through gritted teeth, rubbing her eyes to rid them of any crusts of sleep. The sound of him calming himself echoed throughout the room, before he sniffed.

    “Yeah, but, it’s Chri-“ A fit of coughs strung into his sentence, halting further speech, “It’s Christmas, and we need to g-” More coughs, “Get the house looking nice,”

    Fiona tutted, placing the back of her hand to his forehead. Upon noticing how burning it was, she pushed his chest downwards slightly, “And you’re not feeling well. You need some sleep, I’ll start the housework today.”

    “I want to he-“ Sneeze. Another series of coughs.

    “Sleep. Now.” Fiona demanded, rolling out of the bed only to tuck Rhys in. He shielded his eyes with his organic arm, and muttered something incoherent, before rolling over and attempting to submit to sleep.

    The lady with the pink streak in her hair smiled triumphantly, then grabbed a towel from ‘the chair’ (a chair in which clothes and fresh ironings are scattered upon, along with hastily torn off clothes from a drunken night) and went into the bathroom.

    She sang in the shower, doing a little dance as she lathered her hair in the expensive conditioner which her fiancé had bought. Always a sucker for hygiene, she always told him. It wasn’t a lie; he showered twice a day and winced if he even got the slightest of dirt or stains on his garments.

    The water was turned off and she stepped out of the shower, patting her skin dry with the towel before putting on her clean clothes which Rhys had picked for her the previous night. It was a tradition - a stupid one at that - to pick each other’s clothing for Christmas, and Fiona would always end up with some cheesy festive jumper which lit up, or some ridiculous headgear which made her look like a ‘Christmas Goddess’.

    This year was no exception, as she discovered when she pulled on the overly festive tee-shirt. It was of a deep red pigmentation, with a beetle pasted on the centre. Some sort of speech bubble was emitting off of it with the words ‘Bah HumBUG’ written on it. It was also sporting a red hat which hung lopsidedly off of it’s head, antenna poking out the sides of it.

    She sighed loudly, and heard Rhys chuckling from beyond the door. Thankfully, he had just picked some skinny jeans to go with the top. She exited the bathroom and quietly snuck out of the bedroom, scampering down the stairs to lay out Rhys’ presents.

    Once she had done that, it was time for breakfast, and Fiona planned to make it a good one.

    Unfortunately, neither Fiona nor Rhys can cook for shit.

    The smoke alarm went off once the pan, in which she was cooking pancakes in, was knocked off of the hob and crashed to the floor with a loud smack.

    She was not happy.

    Letting out a defeated scream, Fiona solemnly picked up the pan and remains of the pancake, shovelling them into a nearby bin before clanking the pan onto the heap of dishes piling out of the sink.

    Soon after she had just succeeded in making three pancakes, she heard some sluggish footsteps thumping down the stair. She looked through the door to spot none other than Rhys lousily making his way down the stairs, nose red and eyes tired.



    “Go back to bed,”

    “But I want to see the presents Santa got me,”

    “Go back to bed,”

    “Bu- Why?”


    He let out a loud sigh and rolled his sleepy eyes, before slowly backing up the stairs and walking into their bedroom, slamming the door shut. Fiona muttered a small ’Ugh, children’, tutting while smirking at her fiancée’s childish behaviour.

    “Rhys?” She called once more, a response of a drained ‘What?’ to be met.

    “Santa isn’t real,”

    She heard the thunderous noise of Rhys exiting his bed and rushing down the stairs once more, then entering the kitchen with mock horror on his face.

    “What do you mean, ‘Santa isn’t real’?”

    Fiona only winked and continued with the breakfast, succumbing to the fact that Rhys cannot be held within the confinements of their bedroom.

    He was sighing impatiently, drumming his fingers on the battered table profusely while tapping his feet.

    Fiona decided this would be the perfect time to wind him up; moving as slowly and taking the most time possible to make the food. He groaned.

    “Stop it,”

    “I’ll only stop if you go put your clothes on, I picked out something cool this time so you better like it,”

    “Wha-“ He was halted by his coughs, “Whatever,”

    And with that, he thumped back up the stairs, coughing most of the way.

    Fiona was eventually finished preparing the pancakes, and before long, Rhys strutted into the kitchen sporting his picked-out Christmas jumper. A cream ensemble with purple details. Fiona could say that he suited it far too much, but she only smiled in triumph, as it seemed he liked it.

    “Can we eat now?” Was his first question, and he was satisfied when Fiona nodded her head sharply, and starting munching away at the stack before him.

    The plate was clean within minutes.

    Now it was Rhys’ favourite part - presents.

    Fiona had only bought him around 10 things, while Rhys had splurged out on stupid gadgets and whatzits for Fi, with one or two main presents.

    “So, who’s going first?”

    He instantly grabbed for the biggest present, pulling it close and trying desperately to lift it off the ground, but to no avail. Instead, he began to shake the box, and Fiona let out a distressed wail.

    “Don’t shake it!” She squealed, pulling Rhys off of the box and sitting him back down again. He laughed quietly and apologised, before scrappily shedding the wrapping paper off.

    He was surprised to see the latest and greatest advanced computer in today’s society. It had some long and complicated name that Fiona could never pronounce, that she had never even bothered attempting to say.

    His speechless reaction proved to Fiona that she had done something right.

    He squealed like a toddler and wrapped his lengthly arms around Fiona, repeating the phrase ‘thank you’ over and over again. Never had she seen someone so enthralled by technology in her life. Rhys was definitely special.

    He continued to open the rest of his presents, getting excited for every single thing he received.

    Now, when it was Fiona’s turn to open her gifts, she was nothing short of amazed.

    Trinkets, hats, odd little decorations and accessories, those sorts of things were the theme of her presents.

    Fiona could tell that Rhys was looking extra anxious as he watched her open the presents. His hand reached for the next gift, when he feigned confusion.

    “Oh-What’s this?” He flatly asked, gripping a boxy shape in his hand, but Fiona’s untrained eye had yet to catch on to what he was doing.

    He awkwardly opened the box behind his back before revealing it to Fiona, a weak smile on his face.

    She stared at it for minutes, realisation slowly dawning upon her.

    Rhys - shy, awkward, unpredictable Rhys - was proposing to her.

    On Christmas. While snow was packed around their home.

    She didn’t say no.

    The ring slid perfectly onto her finger, a white band with interesting red dashes around it.

    When they sat on the couch, watching the snow together, Fiona pressed herself into his side, uncaring to the fact that he was fully loaded with the cold.

    She reached out and lightly gripped his face, and planted a little kiss on his jawline.

    He smiled, and looked at her like she was the world.

    Truth be told, she was.

    Fiona had to conclude one thing.

    This was the best Christmas yet.


    I remember this photo was made, but the creator's name has slipped my mind. If the creator of the photo would please comment on this, I would be thankful. I made the overlay thing over it, though, but I think credit is necessary for this amazing scene.

  • So true

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I think this a true representation of @Eryka :P

  • I'm still filing a big fuckin lawsuit.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Well, it does say that CAH will have some bugs

  • edited December 2015

    Bsenter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah, you missed lots of fun :^)

  • Solar pls, don't turn into a maniac.

  • enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Solar pls, don't turn into a maniac.

  • Damnit, I was gonna join. ;-;

    Ah well, some other time, maybe. :)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Well, I'm good. Just played CAH wth @ZapThroat, @Eryka, @Brodester08 and with others ^-^ Too bad that the CAH game is now over, tho ;__;

  • Yeah, everyone had to go and/or they were just bored ;_;

    Of course, I wanted it to continue. :( Oh well... tomorrow I will just start another CAH game, tho ^-^

    Damnit, I was gonna join. ;-; Ah well, some other time, maybe.

  • Whelp
    Whelp °Sigh°

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Goddamn it, Ross!

  • Babe, pls put the gun down before you shoot anyone.

    Also that GIF is so lewd lmao.

    Whelp °Sigh°

  • First of all, I'm not a babe.

    Second...enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Babe, pls put the gun down before you shoot anyone. Also that GIF is so lewd lmao.

  • This was absolutely perfect. Great Job!

  • What about "now"?

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah, everyone had to go and/or they were just bored ;_; Of course, I wanted it to continue. Oh well... tomorrow I will just start another CAH game, tho ^-^

  • First of all, I'm not a babe.

    I know. I just like calling people like that ^-^

    Goddamn it, Solar. Better luck next time, tho :^)

    Be faster tomorrow, though because I will make another CAH game :3

    First of all, I'm not a babe. Second...

  • I doubt a lot of people will join now, though.

    But if anyone wants another CAH game right now then I have no problem with that :D

    Eryka posted: »

    What about "now"?

  • My body is ready

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I doubt a lot of people will join now, though. But if anyone wants another CAH game right now then I have no problem with that

  • edited December 2015

    Fuck it. I'll make another game right now.

    Just gimme some time to add the custom decks, okay?

    Edit: Done lmao. For anyone who wants to join, here's the link (again):


    PM me if you want to know the password so you can join (again).

    Edit 2: Fuck it. The password is 'iamboredaf'.

    Eryka posted: »

    My body is ready

  • So besides BL2, CSGO, L4D(and 2), TF2, what games do you think we could get Rhyionas on? Some suggestions:

    Starwars battlefront (and 2), TESO, Speedrunners, starwals, Rocket League.

    Does anyone else have any suggestions?

  • BL 1,duh..

    Also,I'm gonna get both L4Ds and either BL1 or 2,so count me in this ;)

    So besides BL2, CSGO, L4D(and 2), TF2, what games do you think we could get Rhyionas on? Some suggestions: Starwars battlefront (and 2), TESO, Speedrunners, starwals, Rocket League. Does anyone else have any suggestions?

  • Hey Y'all, its me Chef. I'm back again... well, briefly. Just here to wish everyone on the thread a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year! I know I haven't been on since November which is because of the situation my life is in, which has gradually been getting better and better since then. Maybe even someday in the future I'll have the chance to come back to the same community I once called home.

    But anyways,

    merry Christmas!

  • Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Fuck it. I'll make another game right now. Just gimme some time to add the custom decks, okay? Edit: Done lmao. For anyone who wants t

  • I just love that they wanted to play CAH yet they don't join at all :D

    Eryka posted: »

    @GaredAndBacon @Solar_Sistem

  • tps?

    So besides BL2, CSGO, L4D(and 2), TF2, what games do you think we could get Rhyionas on? Some suggestions: Starwars battlefront (and 2), TESO, Speedrunners, starwals, Rocket League. Does anyone else have any suggestions?

  • Heya Handsome! Glad to see you here.

    Merry Christmas to you too!

    enter image description here

    Hey Y'all, its me Chef. I'm back again... well, briefly. Just here to wish everyone on the thread a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year! I


    Wolfenus54 posted: »


  • lol


  • Hey Chef! Merry Christmas to you too,Bro! You take it easy out there... :)

    Hey Y'all, its me Chef. I'm back again... well, briefly. Just here to wish everyone on the thread a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year! I

  • enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I just love that they wanted to play CAH yet they don't join at all

  • Hey, it's not our fault that you weren't fast enough, babe ;>

  • Sigh I am done

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Hey, it's not our fault that you weren't fast enough, babe ;>

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