It doesn't matter who you choose, they will both die anyway.
Asher got an arrow to the leg so they could use the same limping animation for… more either character in the final episode.
I just wonder who season 2 will continue with, they are running out of Forresters.
Maybe a new house will get involved ?
Chose Rodrik. Though, Rodrik might live this time around, since it's the last episode of season one.
Hopefully season two doesn't feature Rodrik/Asher, only because I want them to live.
Those who picked Asher to live have some stupid reasons (I like Asher)
1.(the most stupid) It's his war, because he and Gwyn started the wa… morer. Seriously? It was mentioned not once that Forresters and Whitehills are fighting for generations
2. Rodrik isn't the warrior he used to be. Asher got an arrow in his ankle, both warriors have an weak leg.
3. Why would you consider an alliance with the Whitehills (marrying Gwyn) after they had a hand in the death of 3 Forresters (Ethan, Rodrik and Gregor)
4. Why would Gwyn marry Asher if he kills her brother and father? Because of love? I bet she loves her family more.
5. If you don't kill the Whitehills (they win) why would Ludd let her marry a Forrester ? Again, because of love ? I don't think he cares ( he is the reason Asher got exiled)
6. It's Rodrik's duty as a lord to sacrifice himself. No, it's everyone else duty protect the lord.
7. The pit fighters ? Rodrik is the best warrior of Ironrat… [view original content]
Saved Asher, but the more I think about it, the more ridiculous the situation seems. Between the Lost Legion and the soldiers of Meereen, Asher and Beshka have probably killed two dozen soldiers. Yet just because a gate separates them, Beshka and company are just like, "Oh well, can't do anything"? Wouldn't you think they'd have tried to shoot arrows at the Whitehill soldiers from a covert location? It's not like that gate didn't have spaces arrows could fit through.
Rodrik Forrester. He is the rightful lord of House Forrester, a survivor of the Red Wedding, who--in my playthrough--defied Ludd, and refused to kiss his ring, punched and stood up to Gryff Whitehill, and tried to kill Ramsay Snow. As I've said before, he's a "badass with a big heart." And it's his destiny to bring the Whitehills to ruin. All along, he's been saying, [About Ludd] "I am going to kill that man." Telling Gryff, "You're not the man to finish the job." Also, when he tripped Gryff with his cane in Episode 4, and Gryff goes, "You fucking--you're dead, Rodrik!"
Rodrik stands firm and goes, "I doubt that."
Having Rodrik stay behind and be cut down by Gryff's goons would render all that meaningless, and in vain. And I love the idea that Rodrik is, as Ramsay said, "a man who cannot be broken." The Red Wedding can't stop him, House Bolton can't stop him, and neither can the Whitehills.
Now, onto Asher. From episode 1, we're introduced to two elements about him. It was him who got the Forresters into trouble by falling in love with Gwyn Whitehill, and it was his reputation that got ruined as a result. But clearly he still loves his family, hence how highly they seem to regard him, and Mira's Yunkish Coin that Asher sent her. But here's the real kicker, the story Lady Forrester tells Ethan. About how, when he was in trouble, Asher's "first instinct" was to intervene and save him. "Asher doesn't hesitate, he acts!" So, Episode 1 builds Asher up as a volatile, but good-hearted man, who was always first in defending his family, and is clearly hurt by not being able to help them.
Meanwhile, it portrays Rodrik as being, "House Forrester's best," and a "Strong one" who "would have made a good lord."
So, when it came down to the wire, it was clear Asher had to stay. At least for me. And this is fuelled by the fact in that sequence, we're actually playing as Asher (unless you choose Rodrik to stay, and then it switches) so it also feels more like you're making the choice, as Asher, to volunteer to stay behind, or not.
Ultimately, I don't mind who picked who to survive. They're both valid choices, but damn, some people have some illogical one's for saving Asher. Such as:
Well, not really. Firstly, it's established in the codex and multiple lines of dialogue, that Rodrik was "House Forrester's best fighter by far." Also, it's established he's fully healed by the time of Episode 5's ending. Hence why he burns the cane. Just look at the scene! Him and Asher kill just as many soldiers, and Asher gets a crossbow bolt in the leg (which everyone loves to forget about). They're even. Like I said, saving Asher is fine--doing so for solely this false reason, is not.
You know what? You're right. If you save Asher, he leads the army against the Whitehills and wins. Yay. If you save Rodrik, they won't follow him, and it's game-over. Everyone dies. No. It's blatantly obvious, due to plot, and Beskha, the Pit Fighters will follow him. Just like the soldiers back at Ironrath, will follow Asher. It will just take a bit of winning-over from the both of them. Which, if you're like my Asher, said "All men learn to love Rodrik." Even Asher was confidant, they would fight for him. So again, another false reason.
An understandable point, but it glosses over fact that, what? Rodrik finally gets it on with Eleana, and recovers from his injuries, just to ride out and die in his first battle? They are both equally unsatisfying and anti-climatic ends for these great characters. So again, neither has an edge here, so one more false reason.
So you instead would split up Rodrik and Eleana, plus people like Talia, Lady Forrester and the Sentinel who've come to rely on Rodrik, and be used to Asher's absence? There's the last false reason!
Lol so yeah. I saved Rodrik, for the reasons I mentioned at the start, plus I identify with him more than Asher. Ultimately, it's a preference thing--who do you feel should lead House Forrester, moving forward? Who do you feel, should spearhead the assault against the Whitehills, once and for all? For me, it's Rodrik. But I understand completely if, for you, it's Asher. As long as your reasons for doing so aren't the stupid one's I mentioned above. :P
Rodrik Forrester. He is the rightful lord of House Forrester, a survivor of the Red Wedding, who--in my playthrough--defied Ludd, and refuse… mored to kiss his ring, punched and stood up to Gryff Whitehill, and tried to kill Ramsay Snow. As I've said before, he's a "badass with a big heart." And it's his destiny to bring the Whitehills to ruin. All along, he's been saying, [About Ludd] "I am going to kill that man." Telling Gryff, "You're not the man to finish the job." Also, when he tripped Gryff with his cane in Episode 4, and Gryff goes, "You fucking--you're dead, Rodrik!"
Rodrik stands firm and goes, "I doubt that."
Having Rodrik stay behind and be cut down by Gryff's goons would render all that meaningless, and in vain. And I love the idea that Rodrik is, as Ramsay said, "a man who cannot be broken." The Red Wedding can't stop him, House Bolton can't stop him, and neither can the Whitehills.
Now, onto Asher. From episode 1, we're intr… [view original content]
Rodrik Forrester. He is the rightful lord of House Forrester, a survivor of the Red Wedding, who--in my playthrough--defied Ludd, and refuse… mored to kiss his ring, punched and stood up to Gryff Whitehill, and tried to kill Ramsay Snow. As I've said before, he's a "badass with a big heart." And it's his destiny to bring the Whitehills to ruin. All along, he's been saying, [About Ludd] "I am going to kill that man." Telling Gryff, "You're not the man to finish the job." Also, when he tripped Gryff with his cane in Episode 4, and Gryff goes, "You fucking--you're dead, Rodrik!"
Rodrik stands firm and goes, "I doubt that."
Having Rodrik stay behind and be cut down by Gryff's goons would render all that meaningless, and in vain. And I love the idea that Rodrik is, as Ramsay said, "a man who cannot be broken." The Red Wedding can't stop him, House Bolton can't stop him, and neither can the Whitehills.
Now, onto Asher. From episode 1, we're intr… [view original content]
PREACH! Your are completely correct, Rodrik started this fight, it only seems natural that he shall end this fight. Frankly, you can make a strong argument for either choice, and I like that. That shows good writing, shows that Telltale really didn't rush this pivot moment.
Rodrik Forrester. He is the rightful lord of House Forrester, a survivor of the Red Wedding, who--in my playthrough--defied Ludd, and refuse… mored to kiss his ring, punched and stood up to Gryff Whitehill, and tried to kill Ramsay Snow. As I've said before, he's a "badass with a big heart." And it's his destiny to bring the Whitehills to ruin. All along, he's been saying, [About Ludd] "I am going to kill that man." Telling Gryff, "You're not the man to finish the job." Also, when he tripped Gryff with his cane in Episode 4, and Gryff goes, "You fucking--you're dead, Rodrik!"
Rodrik stands firm and goes, "I doubt that."
Having Rodrik stay behind and be cut down by Gryff's goons would render all that meaningless, and in vain. And I love the idea that Rodrik is, as Ramsay said, "a man who cannot be broken." The Red Wedding can't stop him, House Bolton can't stop him, and neither can the Whitehills.
Now, onto Asher. From episode 1, we're intr… [view original content]
This was heartbreaking, but I saved Asher. He's my favorite. I feel more connected with him & I can't explain it, but he reminds me of Ragnar Lothbrok from Vikings. Which is a plus for me.
I love Asher and don't care much about Rodrik but even so let Asher stay behind. It just made more sense story-wise. I felt that Asher, being the second son and the castaway, would sacrifice himself for his lord brother. It sucked but I'm not sure if Asher would be content or any good at being the lord of Ironrath. I'll do my second play-through with Asher alive.
In my first and canon playthrough I had Rodrik Forrester stay behind. First of all I'd like to point out, I myself have a younger brother who's quite close to me in age, so given the situation at hand the choice was obvious but difficult. It's the elder brother's duty to look out for and defend his younger brother, that's what I've always believed. On top of this, Lord Gregor Forrester sacrificed himself for a member of his house, to ensure that he would return to save the House. In my opinion the scenario with Rodrik and Asher is no different, Rodrik is Lord so it's his duty to save any member of his House, no matter how high or low and in saving Asher he knows that his House will survive and his sacrifice will have been worthy as Asher will go on to justice in his brothers name. For me, it felt right for Rodrik to stay behind- in the dialogue he was even the one to bring it up, which even suggests he knew somehow it had to be him and not Asher. I've played both scenes and the pace is much slower with Rodrik, making it seem like much more of an ultimate sacrifice and with his final wish for Asher to become Lord just made it excellent. I feel like anyone with a younger brother who they're close with in person would've chosen Rodrik to stay behind, it just felt right.
I played Rodrick as a peace-maker and a long term strategist, biding his time while the family was weakened. Now the time for diplomacy is over, and so is Rodrick's usefulness. He can feel it too - his alliance with the Glenmores is shattered, his people are divided (fucking Royland,) and the best thing he can do now is sacrifice himself so that Asher can take over.
Asher has the backing of Daenerys when she finally invades Westeros, which is huge in my opinion. He has pit fighters riled up. After the ambush they'll be screaming for revenge, and Asher can deliver on his promise to set them loose. There's also a strong possibility that Asher has a shot of convincing Gwyn Whitehill to rekindle their old spark, and to turn on her father for good, not the half-assed way she did for Rodrick.
This was heartbreaking, but I saved Asher. He's my favorite. I feel more connected with him & I can't explain it, but he reminds me of Ragnar Lothbrok from Vikings. Which is a plus for me.
From my perspective, Asher worked his arse off assembling these sell swords to help out his family back home toward the end. All his work would have been for nothing if he was killed off, even though it would be like the Game of Thrones show. Everybody comes to love a character only to be killed off by George R. R. Martin ha ha ha
He still has Elaena, compare to Asher and Gwyn this is a better chance
He as a Lord still has Gryff and Ludd to deal with, Rodrik dying in front of them could be a huge waste after everything, I wanted them dead before Rodrik does
For the sentinel, we can't sacrifice another current lord, now that we lost 2 of them
He has better reason to fight for the House now that Asher is gone too
He just recovered, we can't waste that
Pit fighters barely listened to Asher anyway, so it works the same for Rodrik
Tough choice but Rodrik
* He still has Elaena, compare to Asher and Gwyn this is a better chance
* He as a Lord still has Gryff and Lu… moredd to deal with, Rodrik dying in front of them could be a huge waste after everything, I wanted them dead before Rodrik does
* For the sentinel, we can't sacrifice another current lord, now that we lost 2 of them
* He has better reason to fight for the House now that Asher is gone too
* He just recovered, we can't waste that
* Pit fighters barely listened to Asher anyway, so it works the same for Rodrik
Rodrik Forrester. He is the rightful lord of House Forrester, a survivor of the Red Wedding, who--in my playthrough--defied Ludd, and refuse… mored to kiss his ring, punched and stood up to Gryff Whitehill, and tried to kill Ramsay Snow. As I've said before, he's a "badass with a big heart." And it's his destiny to bring the Whitehills to ruin. All along, he's been saying, [About Ludd] "I am going to kill that man." Telling Gryff, "You're not the man to finish the job." Also, when he tripped Gryff with his cane in Episode 4, and Gryff goes, "You fucking--you're dead, Rodrik!"
Rodrik stands firm and goes, "I doubt that."
Having Rodrik stay behind and be cut down by Gryff's goons would render all that meaningless, and in vain. And I love the idea that Rodrik is, as Ramsay said, "a man who cannot be broken." The Red Wedding can't stop him, House Bolton can't stop him, and neither can the Whitehills.
Now, onto Asher. From episode 1, we're intr… [view original content]
Bro let me tell you good reasons,1=it's older brother's duty to protect the little ones 2=the alliance with glenmors is over,it's for after war according to ramsey terms 3=rodrik will be remembered as a lord after this but what about asher a GUY who was exiled by his family and finally was killed by whitehills and the most important reasone is reasone 1, you know like lady forrester said in ep 1 asher knows how to act when ethan was in danger the only thing he needs to know at that moment i played rodrik as a guy who forgot About everything and all he knows is that asher is in danger,no war,no revenge,no glory,my BROTHER is in danger so it's not worth his life,i didn't mean to blame people who picked rodrik but picking rodrik is satisfying and picking asher is logical and seriously bro if you have a younger brother or sister wont you sacrifice yourself?,don't get me wrong here
Those who picked Asher to live have some stupid reasons (I like Asher)
1.(the most stupid) It's his war, because he and Gwyn started the wa… morer. Seriously? It was mentioned not once that Forresters and Whitehills are fighting for generations
2. Rodrik isn't the warrior he used to be. Asher got an arrow in his ankle, both warriors have an weak leg.
3. Why would you consider an alliance with the Whitehills (marrying Gwyn) after they had a hand in the death of 3 Forresters (Ethan, Rodrik and Gregor)
4. Why would Gwyn marry Asher if he kills her brother and father? Because of love? I bet she loves her family more.
5. If you don't kill the Whitehills (they win) why would Ludd let her marry a Forrester ? Again, because of love ? I don't think he cares ( he is the reason Asher got exiled)
6. It's Rodrik's duty as a lord to sacrifice himself. No, it's everyone else duty protect the lord.
7. The pit fighters ? Rodrik is the best warrior of Ironrat… [view original content]
Tough choice but Rodrik
* He still has Elaena, compare to Asher and Gwyn this is a better chance
* He as a Lord still has Gryff and Lu… moredd to deal with, Rodrik dying in front of them could be a huge waste after everything, I wanted them dead before Rodrik does
* For the sentinel, we can't sacrifice another current lord, now that we lost 2 of them
* He has better reason to fight for the House now that Asher is gone too
* He just recovered, we can't waste that
* Pit fighters barely listened to Asher anyway, so it works the same for Rodrik
Asher did his duty, and fulfilled his mission. He brought back soldiers, saved the Lord Forrester, and went out in a badass blaze of glory. You can tell all those years of living in Essos, unable to help his family, had taken a toll on him -- and when he was at the wheel with Rodrik, his beloved elder brother, and the lord of the house Asher had travelled across the world to protect... "Go, Rodrik, I know what I'm doing!"
And he did. After all:
"Asher doesn't hesitate, he acts!" -- Lady Forrester
"You are your fathers son, Asher, and for all your differences, he would be proud." -- Malcolm to Asher
"He was always first in protecting you and your sisters." -- Lady Forrester to Ethan
Plus, CANON ASHER, doesn't want to be lord anyway. At all. So it makes him leaving Rodrik--knowing that, by so doing, he becomes the next lord--even more unfathomable to me.
Anyway, all this stuff aside, at the end of the day--Rodrik's been through the most this series, and his arc has been the one I've enjoyed most--the crippled lord, forced to bide his time, and suffer humiliation after humiliation... all so he can get butchered by Whitehills in front of Gryff? And, by Ramsay's terms, give victory over to the Whitehills?
No way. My Rodrik refused to kiss Ludd's ring, he stood up to Gryff Whitehill, and then spared him, he went to Highpoint alone with his Sentinel Royland, he stabbed Ramsay Snow, he killed Duncan his traitor, and after Asher died for him, he went full alpha in Episode 6. Vowing to kill the Pit Fighters themselves unless they got back in line, forcing Gryff into the mud, and yelling "For Asher!" before ripping his head off. He killed Harys, and survived the battle to end up with Royland and Talia--and surely, by this point, must become the stuff of legends. The Man Who Cannot Be Broken.
The War of the Five Kings didn't stop him. The Red Wedding didn't stop him. The Whitehill Occupation of Ironrath didn't stop him. His visit to Highpoint didn't stop him. Ramsay's visit didn't stop him. The Harbour Ambush didn't stop him. His fight with Gryff and his soldiers didn't stop him. The Battle of Ironrath didn't stop him. Rodrik is still out there, with his warrior Sentinel by his side, and with the true Lord Forrester still living, and Ludd as well, this war is far from over, and I'm 100% content with the way Season 1 left off for my version of House Forrester. I understand that most people feel differently -- that Rodrik should stay, but I've given it a lot of thought, and honestly, there's just more reasons to justify him not staying, than him, is.
"Rodrick is a cripple!" = No, he's not. He was crippled, up until the end of Episode 5, where he made a full recovery.
"Rodrick is weak!" = Well, if he is, that's your fault for picking the weak options. With ease, you can make Rodrik one of the most badass characters in all of GoT
"Rodrick should die for his younger brother!" = if you feel that way, fine, I personally don't. Though I am a younger brother, so there is that. I feel the person who needs to survive most should survive. Age is irrelevant, especially when both are adults.
But whatever. They're both great characters, and you can scarcely go wrong with either. But Rodrik will always be who I save. And I will always defend the notion that, that is the best decision -- if there are best decisions -- to the end of time.
There might not be season 2
There might not be a season 2
My reasons were pretty simple. I wasn't willing to leave Beskha alone after I dragged her half way across the world.
Saved Asher, but the more I think about it, the more ridiculous the situation seems. Between the Lost Legion and the soldiers of Meereen, Asher and Beshka have probably killed two dozen soldiers. Yet just because a gate separates them, Beshka and company are just like, "Oh well, can't do anything"? Wouldn't you think they'd have tried to shoot arrows at the Whitehill soldiers from a covert location? It's not like that gate didn't have spaces arrows could fit through.
Rodrik Forrester. He is the rightful lord of House Forrester, a survivor of the Red Wedding, who--in my playthrough--defied Ludd, and refused to kiss his ring, punched and stood up to Gryff Whitehill, and tried to kill Ramsay Snow. As I've said before, he's a "badass with a big heart." And it's his destiny to bring the Whitehills to ruin. All along, he's been saying, [About Ludd] "I am going to kill that man." Telling Gryff, "You're not the man to finish the job." Also, when he tripped Gryff with his cane in Episode 4, and Gryff goes, "You fucking--you're dead, Rodrik!"
Rodrik stands firm and goes, "I doubt that."
Having Rodrik stay behind and be cut down by Gryff's goons would render all that meaningless, and in vain. And I love the idea that Rodrik is, as Ramsay said, "a man who cannot be broken." The Red Wedding can't stop him, House Bolton can't stop him, and neither can the Whitehills.
Now, onto Asher. From episode 1, we're introduced to two elements about him. It was him who got the Forresters into trouble by falling in love with Gwyn Whitehill, and it was his reputation that got ruined as a result. But clearly he still loves his family, hence how highly they seem to regard him, and Mira's Yunkish Coin that Asher sent her. But here's the real kicker, the story Lady Forrester tells Ethan. About how, when he was in trouble, Asher's "first instinct" was to intervene and save him. "Asher doesn't hesitate, he acts!" So, Episode 1 builds Asher up as a volatile, but good-hearted man, who was always first in defending his family, and is clearly hurt by not being able to help them.
Meanwhile, it portrays Rodrik as being, "House Forrester's best," and a "Strong one" who "would have made a good lord."
So, when it came down to the wire, it was clear Asher had to stay. At least for me. And this is fuelled by the fact in that sequence, we're actually playing as Asher (unless you choose Rodrik to stay, and then it switches) so it also feels more like you're making the choice, as Asher, to volunteer to stay behind, or not.
Ultimately, I don't mind who picked who to survive. They're both valid choices, but damn, some people have some illogical one's for saving Asher. Such as:
Well, not really. Firstly, it's established in the codex and multiple lines of dialogue, that Rodrik was "House Forrester's best fighter by far." Also, it's established he's fully healed by the time of Episode 5's ending. Hence why he burns the cane. Just look at the scene! Him and Asher kill just as many soldiers, and Asher gets a crossbow bolt in the leg (which everyone loves to forget about). They're even. Like I said, saving Asher is fine--doing so for solely this false reason, is not.
You know what? You're right. If you save Asher, he leads the army against the Whitehills and wins. Yay. If you save Rodrik, they won't follow him, and it's game-over. Everyone dies. No. It's blatantly obvious, due to plot, and Beskha, the Pit Fighters will follow him. Just like the soldiers back at Ironrath, will follow Asher. It will just take a bit of winning-over from the both of them. Which, if you're like my Asher, said "All men learn to love Rodrik." Even Asher was confidant, they would fight for him. So again, another false reason.
An understandable point, but it glosses over fact that, what? Rodrik finally gets it on with Eleana, and recovers from his injuries, just to ride out and die in his first battle? They are both equally unsatisfying and anti-climatic ends for these great characters. So again, neither has an edge here, so one more false reason.
So you instead would split up Rodrik and Eleana, plus people like Talia, Lady Forrester and the Sentinel who've come to rely on Rodrik, and be used to Asher's absence? There's the last false reason!
Lol so yeah. I saved Rodrik, for the reasons I mentioned at the start, plus I identify with him more than Asher. Ultimately, it's a preference thing--who do you feel should lead House Forrester, moving forward? Who do you feel, should spearhead the assault against the Whitehills, once and for all? For me, it's Rodrik. But I understand completely if, for you, it's Asher. As long as your reasons for doing so aren't the stupid one's I mentioned above. :P
Spoiler alert your title please.
Heir and a spare. Just sayin'. #RIPAsher
Thank you so much for making me feel better about my decision to leave Asher behind. :,(
PREACH! Your are completely correct, Rodrik started this fight, it only seems natural that he shall end this fight. Frankly, you can make a strong argument for either choice, and I like that. That shows good writing, shows that Telltale really didn't rush this pivot moment.
I like them both but I like Asher more so I chose to save him I want to see him rule. A sellsword lord.....AMAZING!
I like them both but I like Asher more so I chose to save him I want to see him rule. A sellsword lord.....AMAZING!
I like them both but I like Asher more so I chose to save him I want to see him rule. A sellsword lord.....AMAZING!
I think there will be a second season since there's a show with 6 seasons and books so yeah I'm guessing there will be.
I chose Asher to die.
Could you tell the reason?
I just made the choice. Heat of the moment, I can't really think of any reasons.
This was heartbreaking, but I saved Asher. He's my favorite. I feel more connected with him & I can't explain it, but he reminds me of Ragnar Lothbrok from Vikings. Which is a plus for me.
Wolf Among Us didn't
Prince Lawrence and Tweelde Dum didn't die
I saved Rodrik. We can't lose another lord and it's all Asher's fault for returning with less than subpar fighters in the first place
I love Asher and don't care much about Rodrik but even so let Asher stay behind. It just made more sense story-wise. I felt that Asher, being the second son and the castaway, would sacrifice himself for his lord brother. It sucked but I'm not sure if Asher would be content or any good at being the lord of Ironrath. I'll do my second play-through with Asher alive.
In my first and canon playthrough I had Rodrik Forrester stay behind. First of all I'd like to point out, I myself have a younger brother who's quite close to me in age, so given the situation at hand the choice was obvious but difficult. It's the elder brother's duty to look out for and defend his younger brother, that's what I've always believed. On top of this, Lord Gregor Forrester sacrificed himself for a member of his house, to ensure that he would return to save the House. In my opinion the scenario with Rodrik and Asher is no different, Rodrik is Lord so it's his duty to save any member of his House, no matter how high or low and in saving Asher he knows that his House will survive and his sacrifice will have been worthy as Asher will go on to justice in his brothers name. For me, it felt right for Rodrik to stay behind- in the dialogue he was even the one to bring it up, which even suggests he knew somehow it had to be him and not Asher. I've played both scenes and the pace is much slower with Rodrik, making it seem like much more of an ultimate sacrifice and with his final wish for Asher to become Lord just made it excellent. I feel like anyone with a younger brother who they're close with in person would've chosen Rodrik to stay behind, it just felt right.
I saved Asher.
I played Rodrick as a peace-maker and a long term strategist, biding his time while the family was weakened. Now the time for diplomacy is over, and so is Rodrick's usefulness. He can feel it too - his alliance with the Glenmores is shattered, his people are divided (fucking Royland,) and the best thing he can do now is sacrifice himself so that Asher can take over.
Asher has the backing of Daenerys when she finally invades Westeros, which is huge in my opinion. He has pit fighters riled up. After the ambush they'll be screaming for revenge, and Asher can deliver on his promise to set them loose. There's also a strong possibility that Asher has a shot of convincing Gwyn Whitehill to rekindle their old spark, and to turn on her father for good, not the half-assed way she did for Rodrick.
yup even i want to
yeah i want to save rodrick too but we can only choose 1
From my perspective, Asher worked his arse off assembling these sell swords to help out his family back home toward the end. All his work would have been for nothing if he was killed off, even though it would be like the Game of Thrones show. Everybody comes to love a character only to be killed off by George R. R. Martin ha ha ha
The rebelious, funny, perverted, and blonde beard hero always survives.
Title spoilers. Just saying.
Tough choice but Rodrik
elaena made me think twice but i chose asher
You're right mate , I made the same decision too! But I feel bad for Asher..... He deserved an better ending....
)" /> We want more of this Telltale!!!
ONTOPIC: I chosed Ahser to stay behind. Sorry blonde beard.:((
Im a sucker for a good love story so i picked Rodrick Because of many things but mostly because of Elaena!
Bro let me tell you good reasons,1=it's older brother's duty to protect the little ones 2=the alliance with glenmors is over,it's for after war according to ramsey terms 3=rodrik will be remembered as a lord after this but what about asher a GUY who was exiled by his family and finally was killed by whitehills and the most important reasone is reasone 1, you know like lady forrester said in ep 1 asher knows how to act when ethan was in danger the only thing he needs to know at that moment i played rodrik as a guy who forgot About everything and all he knows is that asher is in danger,no war,no revenge,no glory,my BROTHER is in danger so it's not worth his life,i didn't mean to blame people who picked rodrik but picking rodrik is satisfying and picking asher is logical and seriously bro if you have a younger brother or sister wont you sacrifice yourself?,don't get me wrong here
Well I've only been able to watch gameplays because fuck my broke ass but, Asher because... I like him?
Asher is way too hot to be left behind
apparently elaena is kidnapped if you save rodrick and asher gets to kill gryff and have gwyn betray house whitehill if he picks: Call off the plan
Asher did his duty, and fulfilled his mission. He brought back soldiers, saved the Lord Forrester, and went out in a badass blaze of glory. You can tell all those years of living in Essos, unable to help his family, had taken a toll on him -- and when he was at the wheel with Rodrik, his beloved elder brother, and the lord of the house Asher had travelled across the world to protect... "Go, Rodrik, I know what I'm doing!"
And he did. After all:
"Asher doesn't hesitate, he acts!" -- Lady Forrester
"You are your fathers son, Asher, and for all your differences, he would be proud." -- Malcolm to Asher
"He was always first in protecting you and your sisters." -- Lady Forrester to Ethan
Plus, CANON ASHER, doesn't want to be lord anyway. At all. So it makes him leaving Rodrik--knowing that, by so doing, he becomes the next lord--even more unfathomable to me.
Anyway, all this stuff aside, at the end of the day--Rodrik's been through the most this series, and his arc has been the one I've enjoyed most--the crippled lord, forced to bide his time, and suffer humiliation after humiliation... all so he can get butchered by Whitehills in front of Gryff? And, by Ramsay's terms, give victory over to the Whitehills?
No way. My Rodrik refused to kiss Ludd's ring, he stood up to Gryff Whitehill, and then spared him, he went to Highpoint alone with his Sentinel Royland, he stabbed Ramsay Snow, he killed Duncan his traitor, and after Asher died for him, he went full alpha in Episode 6. Vowing to kill the Pit Fighters themselves unless they got back in line, forcing Gryff into the mud, and yelling "For Asher!" before ripping his head off. He killed Harys, and survived the battle to end up with Royland and Talia--and surely, by this point, must become the stuff of legends. The Man Who Cannot Be Broken.
The War of the Five Kings didn't stop him. The Red Wedding didn't stop him. The Whitehill Occupation of Ironrath didn't stop him. His visit to Highpoint didn't stop him. Ramsay's visit didn't stop him. The Harbour Ambush didn't stop him. His fight with Gryff and his soldiers didn't stop him. The Battle of Ironrath didn't stop him. Rodrik is still out there, with his warrior Sentinel by his side, and with the true Lord Forrester still living, and Ludd as well, this war is far from over, and I'm 100% content with the way Season 1 left off for my version of House Forrester. I understand that most people feel differently -- that Rodrik should stay, but I've given it a lot of thought, and honestly, there's just more reasons to justify him not staying, than him, is.
"Rodrick is a cripple!" = No, he's not. He was crippled, up until the end of Episode 5, where he made a full recovery.
"Rodrick is weak!" = Well, if he is, that's your fault for picking the weak options. With ease, you can make Rodrik one of the most badass characters in all of GoT
"Rodrick should die for his younger brother!" = if you feel that way, fine, I personally don't. Though I am a younger brother, so there is that. I feel the person who needs to survive most should survive. Age is irrelevant, especially when both are adults.
But whatever. They're both great characters, and you can scarcely go wrong with either. But Rodrik will always be who I save. And I will always defend the notion that, that is the best decision -- if there are best decisions -- to the end of time.