Saved Asher or Rodrick ?? (POLL)
I saved asher and left rodrick behind damn it's a tough choice .... toughest telltale games choice ever
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I saved asher and left rodrick behind damn it's a tough choice .... toughest telltale games choice ever
In my last poll i asked everyone who is your favourite charachter and everyone chose rodrick
Rodrik sacrificing himself felt like the much more fitting end to the character, imo. I feel like his story could end there, while Asher's would just feel incomplete.
My exact reasoning as well. Seemed a waste for Asher to come all that way just to die
I voted now and I chose Gared. Such a dear fellow. Rodrik is too angsty for me.
I don't agree with, for me it feels incomplete for both of them. Rodrik survived the Red Wedding just to die in his first battle ?! Not good for me
I let Rodrik die. He was the older brother, I felt like it was his duty to sacrifice himself to keep his sibling/family safe.
It felt most fitting for me to have Asher sacrifice his life for his brother. Throughout my game, Asher's every action is driven and motivated by his desire to help his family even at the possible cost of his close bond with Beskha. Also in my story, it was Asher's greatest show of love and loyalty to his family. He wanted to show that despite exiling him, he never stopped loving them.
Of course.
Saying either of the characters gets a "fitting end" here is absurd. In either case, Rodrik's story arc of revenge is just as brutally and prematurely ended as Asher's story arc of returning home.
None of the brothers gets a satisfying end here.
And in the end,if asher dies in battle when garret returns with ice dragon,I only presume that garret will marry talia in close future and thus become a new lord.
However if asher survives the battle,I bet he will spare gwen and later marry her.
There are so many possibilities for ending!
the best lord ever rodrik
Thank you! I'm sick to bloody death, of people saying it was a "fitting end" for Rodrik, while for Asher it wasn't.
It's not a fitting end for either of them! In my eyes, least of all Rodrik.
Sure, Asher spends his whole arc trying to get to Westeros, but Rodrik spends his whole arc battling the Whitehills and trying to recover from being crippled. Saying about Ludd, "I'm going to kill that man," Telling Gryff, "you're not the one to finish the job." So having him, just after recovering, die fighting Gryff's goons, is not a fitting end for him at all. Not really .
Ultimately, it's a preference thing. Who would you rather have leading House Forrester, moving forward? For me, it's Rodrik. It's his destiny. But I respect people who chose to save Asher instead. However, I do not respect people who are like, "I saved Asher. It was the right thing. Saving Rodrik is stupid and if you did that, you're stupid."
More arguements are:
"The Pit Fighters won't follow Rodrik!" Yes, they will... because of plot. And Beskha.
"Asher is stronger than Rodrik!" Not really, considering it's established Rodrik has fully healed. Asher got a crossbow bolt in the ankle. Just look at their death scenes, they both preform equally. So yeah.
Lol everyone has really turned on Rodrik, since Episode 5. I really don't know why.
I agree. As the oldest sibling, I know that if push came to shove, I would give my life for my sister. It seemed painfully, so painfully, obvious that Rodrik would give his life to save his brother.
I like them both, Rod's steadfast dignity and Asher's cheekiness and his pretty blond beard. This truly was awful, having to choose which one we had to let die, but I suppose it fits into the GOT sensibility where everyone and everything is awful.
Also, my Rodrik is and always has been a man with a warrior spirit and balls of steel. Standing up again and again in defiance of Gryf Whitehill while threatened with death and surrounded by enemy soldiers, attempting to stab Ramsay Bolton...
If Asher could impress them, you bet my Rodrik can impress them too.
I guess people who see Rodrik as weaker are the ones who made him crawl at every opportunity, and now they blame their character for not giving a tough vibe when they are the ones who made him go weak in the first place. It's unfair when you think about it.
The Bacon God, Gared
I chose asher for 3 reasons 1 of witch is gwyn I know shes playing games and now with asher in power it will make it harder for her since shes in love with him 2 hes a genuine badass I litteraly could punch somone in the face and no one would care cause its asher 3 I probbly will have the choice to force the white hills to take my deal since most likley gwyn will play a cruicial part and probbably show her true colors at tht point
I stayed behind as Asher. I mean we are playing as Asher at that moment.
I let Rodrik sacrifice himself because, like someone already said, it seemed more befitting of his character due to everything he's been through to protect House Forrester. Asher, to me, doesn't seem like the type and even though he's a determined character now I feel like his story has a bit more to it whereas Rodrik's is pretty much over.
I might have also been a bit biased because I simply like Asher more.
Thank you
Am I the only one who was kinda surprised that it seems Asher is in the majority for being saved? I remember looking at the choices I was thinking to myself, that it would change from 50 50 to like 25 50 for saving Asher
Quite a number of reasons I saved Rodrik:
I saved Asher. I think this is the most interesting choice for me. Asher was away for a long time, has unresolved business with Gwyn and with his family, and has a more violent approach than my Rodrik-the-peace-keeper-who-choose-Duncan-as-Sentinel. He'll have a few interesting dialogues on episode 6 if he doesn't get himself killed 5 minutes in.
I felt like this has way more potential than going "Great, Asher is here. SYKE he's dead. Now where were we again?". Rodrik was established as the Lord for 4 episodes, I want to spin things around a bit.
Plus I like Asher's beard.
i agree but i do belive th ice dragon has more to do with danerys targarian possibly coming to ur aid after all uncle Malcom did stay behind to secure relations with her and hopefully gain her as and ally and findng the ice dragon might be wht the grove really is gared may find it but it wont follow him only the dragon lady after all shes is looking for her missing dragons and she well most likely help tht of who finds the most precious one as for asher and gwyn ull most likely have to take a pecful route to marry her she wont marry asher if he kills her whole family yeah she loves him but they didn't say it was enough to wathc her family die just enough to start a war
is it me or does the asher and gwyn plot seem more canon they almost started a war she wants him to come back but not under these surcomstance where half his family is dead most likely cause hell blame the white hills and she does want the two house to be together again also i have noticed tht everyone in ironrath and it seems whitells only cause of gwyn ten to lead towards asher being lord i mean come on if u look at the tapestry in epiode one when u play gared hes holding a two handed axe and just looks more stirn than Roderick he also has beshka which imo will play an important role in the Whole Asher Gwyn plot my opinion would be he tells her how much he loves gwyn and beshka sacrifice hrself to protect her
this whole story is ashers story hes the reason the 2 house are in such a titer fued than they are him and gwyn if u ask me hes the one ment to be lord because hes the only tht has something to gain out of it because he was exiled he knows shame frm tht he loved the wrong person at the wrong time no one can fault him for tht but his farther exileing him tought him humiliation him living in essos tas a sell sword toought him strength him loving gwyn tought him honor and courage aftr she is a bitterr rivals daughter but in all this the one thing he has to gain is he never wanted to be lord but in reality it was all training rodericks story does seem like the right plot but ashers seems more right hes the only one tht hasn't had to dela with anything in westeros might make his choices smarter he is a northmen afterall and the people of the north neverforget no matter how left out of the loop they are the forrester sayin Iron From Ice has its meaning and i think asher represents tht the best i think his father exiled him for tht very reason after all he did hide the north grove form evry one mabey the farthers plan was to keep him there for something like this eevr happened hed fall into lord ship ver easly
It fits Rodrick's character more than it does for Asher imo, and he leads those 6 pit fighters, so I let him live.
Okay, do you want people not to understand you?
Sorry, I am not someone who thinks everyone should write perfect, but seriously, with no Punctuations and horrible spelling, your text is barely readable.
Imo it is much more dramatic if Asher dies. That fits more the got universe
i want to save rodrick for elaena but asher is pure badass ... but i like rodrick too
Shouldn't you censor the title to something like "Save A**** or R******? (POLL)" Just in case someone hasn't played it yet.
I'm surprised that Asher is much more popular. Pleasantly so, to be honest.
How does it fit the got universe more?
The classic exiled son who is coming home to save his family. In a high fantasy fiction, Asher would have been that kind of hero. But in the GoT setting, it gets subverted when he unexpected gets killed once he returns home.
As a fan of the Forresters and Starks (more honorable houses) Its too one-sided with the heroes getting killed off without getting some manner of revenge (lose Ethan, kidnapped Ryon, countless insults, a traitor, lose Rodrik or Asher vs beating Gryph). However, when faced with that last choice, I saved Asher. Not much time to think about it at the time, but I figured Rodrik facing so much betrayal, loss of family and actually being at the Twins, that he had enough and was ready to give his life for his house. Afterwards, I was thinking "Hmmmm, how does this effect the Glenmore alliance? Guess that one will be gone too." Very entertaining to have difficult choices.
Some people haven't played the Episode yet.
i like them both but to me the story fits more with asher since Asher & Gwyn practically started a war it would be interesting to see how the whitehills react to him as lord will they be more scared of him or not after all hes not afraid to admit he loves Gwyn and it seems in my playthrough don't know if anyone else noticed it but practically everyone on the forester side pretty much said theyed raise there flags for asher out of all the brothers even uncle Malcom belives him to be the true lord
to Me though i chose asher because in episode 4 the whitehills invite you to highpoint to make peace and there form of peace was trying to make a deal with u to help them make iron but at the cost of degrading ur family and practically turning into slave so i picked asher so i could use tht to his advantage and turn it around on lord whitehills face and possibly minipulate gwyn i had a game plan gfrom the moment tht gir asked me to do things peacfullly now if given the chance perhaps ill say the samew thing and make her farther bend the knee instead
it wasn't a tough choice for me like the lady says when u play the game of trhones iu either win or u die And for me choosing roderick to stay behind was the best choice because outa of Asher And Roderick the only one who has a chance of winning is Asher since Hes got 2 pices to the puzzle and thts Gwyn&beshka chances are shell play a crucial roll in either your survival or Your victory And Gwyn Will be Ur Game winning piece most likely ull be able to use her to either talk down ludd whitehill for the peaceful end or distract him for somthig else who knows but to me he fits the best rght now story wise because its only fair he ends a war after almost starting 1