Saved Asher or Rodrick ?? (POLL)



  • i think mabey the allince will still be there but mabey they'll give u a choice to marry asher of to elena there prolly be a choice like mary gwyn to save ur house or marry elena to to save ur house or save elena or gwyn imo i would save gwyn elena seems to needy to begin with she wants u to d everything for and doesn't care about ur brother u even can no to here elite soilders because u need to think of ryon and she didn't seem to bat an eyelash for his safety gwyn on they other seems to care more

    As a fan of the Forresters and Starks (more honorable houses) Its too one-sided with the heroes getting killed off without getting some man

  • hes more poupular cause of his and Gwyns Story arch i think a lot of people know wheres its gonna go and wanna see it play out

    Flog61 posted: »

    I'm surprised that Asher is much more popular. Pleasantly so, to be honest.

  • its prolly more dramatic in the snse gwyn will prolly be pissed but i thnk Roderick dying is more got fit you also have to realize this is a story of the forresters not of the tv show yeah theres elements from the show in it but its the forreseters story entirely and asher living is more of a fit because gwyn is definitely manipulating the situation and it be more got with Gwy&asher because chances are there will be her betraying him or not I'm assuming based on ur choices and 2 people who love each other betraying each other is more GOT to me than anything

    Xemnes posted: »

    Imo it is much more dramatic if Asher dies. That fits more the got universe

  • Roderick is owned by Disney asher isn't Roderick story feels more like a dark fantasy Disney story ashesrs feels more GOT

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    It fits Rodrick's character more than it does for Asher imo, and he leads those 6 pit fighters, so I let him live.

  • Lol or Rodrik gets killed the second he's finally healed and ready to fight. They both fit the world of GoT.

    Rodrik coming back to life to save his house sounds a little more like something that happens in a high fantasy fiction.

    The classic exiled son who is coming home to save his family. In a high fantasy fiction, Asher would have been that kind of hero. But in the GoT setting, it gets subverted when he unexpected gets killed once he returns home.

  • Asher forrester treat this like a game of chess hes the best piece u need to check mate the king hes got a small army everyone seems to be more loyal to him than anyone else hes the only one who hasnet been betrayed yet and hes got the most important piece to the puzzle Gwyn if id say to save anyone its him also in the ending of episode 5 did no one notice how he was the only 1 tht saw the bad guy going for the gate controls hes obviously more alert making him less subcetable to gwyn manipulating aside from the fact they love ech other. I had royland as my traitor and even he said heed bend the knee to asher over everyone else in this house and tht hes the true lord not Roderick so to me hes best choice hes got respect from others and hes not even there thts what blew my mind the most

  • Not really, in my opinion, Rodrick's story fits the GoT universe as much as any of the other characters. He's devoted his life to his house, he fought at the Twins and almost died, reigned as lord of House Forrester for a while and in the end, sacrificed himself to prevent the house from being eradicated, and to save his brother. He gave everything for his house, which is what most of the noble families do. Cersei and Tywin are good examples for that.

    Roderick is owned by Disney asher isn't Roderick story feels more like a dark fantasy Disney story ashesrs feels more GOT

  • That's why it can be both. :)

    Wigams posted: »

    Lol or Rodrik gets killed the second he's finally healed and ready to fight. They both fit the world of GoT. Rodrik coming back to life to save his house sounds a little more like something that happens in a high fantasy fiction.

  • Neither fit the got universe then :P

    The classic exiled son who is coming home to save his family. In a high fantasy fiction, Asher would have been that kind of hero. But in the GoT setting, it gets subverted when he unexpected gets killed once he returns home.

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited August 2015

    Doesn't matter who you pick . They both become determinant and die later anyway . So no matter who you chose first you will still lose both .

  • You don't know that, you could be right but still you don't know. I'm aware every determinant character in the past has died but it might be different this time.

    Cope49 posted: »

    Doesn't matter who you pick . They both become determinant and die later anyway . So no matter who you chose first you will still lose both .

  • just to know whom other players saved :)

  • lol we players come to the discussion threads after playing the game

    Batteries posted: »

    Shouldn't you censor the title to something like "Save A**** or R******? (POLL)" Just in case someone hasn't played it yet.

  • he is fun to play ... but i like rodrick more

    Flog61 posted: »

    I'm surprised that Asher is much more popular. Pleasantly so, to be honest.

  • Sentences are a thing you know. ._.

    is it me or does the asher and gwyn plot seem more canon they almost started a war she wants him to come back but not under these surcomstan

  • I save rodrick

  • Unfortunately this is true... D:

    Cope49 posted: »

    Doesn't matter who you pick . They both become determinant and die later anyway . So no matter who you chose first you will still lose both .

  • nice

    CHRISPS4 posted: »

    I save rodrick

  • enter image description here

    Killah posted: »

    U kno nothing Jon snu

  • That's not why I picked Asher. My Asher will be a killer of Whitehill he won't marry one.

    hes more poupular cause of his and Gwyns Story arch i think a lot of people know wheres its gonna go and wanna see it play out

  • Think about it, It's telltale. Carley and Doug, Ben, Nick, Alvin, The only two That haven't died is Malcolm and Beskha. I hope it's different, i'm also hoping that if you save Asher that Ramsey will get what he should of got off Rodrik. (sorry Rodrikbut I'd have to save Asher! ;( ;( ;(

    But I guess: "No battle is without difficulty"

  • I really hope it is different because The walking dead really gave me the feels.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    You don't know that, you could be right but still you don't know. I'm aware every determinant character in the past has died but it might be different this time.

  • edited June 2017


  • really?

    Cope49 posted: »

    Doesn't matter who you pick . They both become determinant and die later anyway . So no matter who you chose first you will still lose both .

  • edited August 2015

    I know what you mean. I had the same hopes with Finn, since you can leave him at castle black. But then they killed him at episode 5 without the option of burning his body. And look at all the determinant characters from earlier episodes: The Whitehill soldier, Tazal, Bowen and maybe some more. They all had no appearance again, only being mentioned one or two times.

    Determinant characters are doomed to die or to have no active role in the future. The only hope we can have about Rodrik/Asher is that season 2 will not take place at Ironrath, meaning that he will not have an active role (but maybe one or two scenes where you can easily switch models). The same goes for our sentinel. But Iam curious how they will deal with the traitor if you spare his life. Either he will be in jail forever and no one ever mentions him again or someone kills him. I just hope Talia doesnt kill the traitor, she really wanted him dead.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    You don't know that, you could be right but still you don't know. I'm aware every determinant character in the past has died but it might be different this time.

  • I just saved Asher. I like both Rodrik AND Asher equally, but everyone in the house family-wise would respect Asher AND Rodrik, but I get the feeling the pit fighters and Beshka would only follow orders from Asher, so I made the smarter decision imo. Still wept manly tears at that death scene, though.

  • I play this game three ways. A main account where all decisions are made on my own. I also have peace and war campaigns where all decisions and conversation is based around those two concepts. For my peace account I saved Rodrik, since he seemed the more peaceful of the two, for the war account I saved Asher, you know why. For the main account, which obviously carries the most weight. I chose Rodrik because I like him more, don't get me wrong. It tore my heart out to choose, but still.

  • Yea. Welcome to telltale.

    The only determinant characters that lives for more than 3 eps is Doug/Carley. Reminds me if there're more.

    brucewayne posted: »


  • lol yeah i love carley a lot tried to save her but couldn't :(

    ComingLate posted: »

    Yea. Welcome to telltale. The only determinant characters that lives for more than 3 eps is Doug/Carley. Reminds me if there're more.

  • I saved Rodrick cause I felt bad for Elaena. ;-;

  • It doesn't matter who you choose, they will both die anyway.
    Asher got an arrow to the leg so they could use the same limping animation for either character in the final episode.

    I just wonder who season 2 will continue with, they are running out of Forresters.
    Maybe a new house will get involved ?

  • even i thought about elaena too ...i love her lol

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I saved Rodrick cause I felt bad for Elaena. ;-;

  • what if telltale surprises us by actually saving our chosen charachter for season 2 but that will be difficult for them to design 2 gameplays with 2 charachters

    EmperorZorn posted: »

    It doesn't matter who you choose, they will both die anyway. Asher got an arrow to the leg so they could use the same limping animation for

  • First time in my telltale experience I literally did not know who to choose. My finger dancing left and right on who to save. In the end I chose Asher only because he is a lot more fitter (physically) than his brother. I know Rodrick was getting better but Forresters needed a Lord who was in tiptop shape like now! Also the men that Asher brought back wouldn't of followed Rodricks orders, Asher had to gain their respect. I did feel abit sorry for Eleanor but at least she got some action before I killed Rodrick off!

  • Chose Rodrik. Though, Rodrik might live this time around, since it's the last episode of season one.

    Hopefully season two doesn't feature Rodrik/Asher, only because I want them to live.

  • Those who picked Asher to live have some stupid reasons (I like Asher)
    1.(the most stupid) It's his war, because he and Gwyn started the war. Seriously? It was mentioned not once that Forresters and Whitehills are fighting for generations
    2. Rodrik isn't the warrior he used to be. Asher got an arrow in his ankle, both warriors have an weak leg.
    3. Why would you consider an alliance with the Whitehills (marrying Gwyn) after they had a hand in the death of 3 Forresters (Ethan, Rodrik and Gregor)
    4. Why would Gwyn marry Asher if he kills her brother and father? Because of love? I bet she loves her family more.
    5. If you don't kill the Whitehills (they win) why would Ludd let her marry a Forrester ? Again, because of love ? I don't think he cares ( he is the reason Asher got exiled)
    6. It's Rodrik's duty as a lord to sacrifice himself. No, it's everyone else duty protect the lord.
    7. The pit fighters ? Rodrik is the best warrior of Ironrath do you really think he can't impres them ?

    Don't get me wrong, I'm okay with you picking Asher, but don't try make it look like the right choice.

  • edited August 2015

    Saved Asher, I think saving him is a smarter choice.

  • edited August 2015

    I just couldn't leave Asher
    He just came to westroes and kill him ? Nah
    i felt like he didn't fill his role yet plus i chose Asher to stay and sacrifice in the other save, after what Beshka Said I felt Sorry plus the pit fighters will not respect Rodrick if he was the lord, and he is ruined after all, it's time he died , and fuck the Glenmors I don't care if that bitch cries over rodrick
    Edit: Plus what you dragged fucking Beshka all across the ocean for nothing, and again think about it he just arrived to westroes why would he die if he's fucking brother came to rescue him.

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