**[Accompany Terroma] ** I wanna see some conversation between Raenna and Samuel.
[Talk to Federico]Clearly Sherrly is trying to distract Harris and Jenna. So it'd be best to do the opposite of what she wants. I doubt there was even any Ravens flying away.
Just barely suppressing a cry of pain, Raenna stumbled backwards as the blade hit her shoulder. If the sword would have been sharp… more, if this would have been a real fight, she would have been dead by now, for the third time to be honest. Thankfully, it was only a sparring match with dulled swords. Dulled swords... the thought of how unnecessary she had found this safety measure just five minutes ago caused a smile to form on her face, despite the pain in her shoulder.
“You're reckless”, Terroma scolded her sternly as he swung the dulled blade through the air. “You're fast and strong, but reckless at the same time. You're skilled, but that does not make you invincible” His expression softened considerably as he realized the pain she was in after his heavy blow and he started to walk towards her. “But on the positive side, you managed to do something my previous sparring partners never did. You came damn close to actually land a hit … [view original content]
[Accompany Terroma] This can really go either way. I'll pick this choice because I'm curious for the interaction that will ensue. That, and I like Terroma better than Puffer.
[Go to the ravenry and wait] No need to rush things. Just take our time and go with the safer option for now.
Just barely suppressing a cry of pain, Raenna stumbled backwards as the blade hit her shoulder. If the sword would have been sharp… more, if this would have been a real fight, she would have been dead by now, for the third time to be honest. Thankfully, it was only a sparring match with dulled swords. Dulled swords... the thought of how unnecessary she had found this safety measure just five minutes ago caused a smile to form on her face, despite the pain in her shoulder.
“You're reckless”, Terroma scolded her sternly as he swung the dulled blade through the air. “You're fast and strong, but reckless at the same time. You're skilled, but that does not make you invincible” His expression softened considerably as he realized the pain she was in after his heavy blow and he started to walk towards her. “But on the positive side, you managed to do something my previous sparring partners never did. You came damn close to actually land a hit … [view original content]
Just barely suppressing a cry of pain, Raenna stumbled backwards as the blade hit her shoulder. If the sword would have been sharp… more, if this would have been a real fight, she would have been dead by now, for the third time to be honest. Thankfully, it was only a sparring match with dulled swords. Dulled swords... the thought of how unnecessary she had found this safety measure just five minutes ago caused a smile to form on her face, despite the pain in her shoulder.
“You're reckless”, Terroma scolded her sternly as he swung the dulled blade through the air. “You're fast and strong, but reckless at the same time. You're skilled, but that does not make you invincible” His expression softened considerably as he realized the pain she was in after his heavy blow and he started to walk towards her. “But on the positive side, you managed to do something my previous sparring partners never did. You came damn close to actually land a hit … [view original content]
It would probably be a bad idea to wait in the Ravenry as it is likely Sherlly made up the raven thing. So we can just make sure by persuading Frederico into explaining if anything has been happening in the Ravenry.
[Accompany Terroma] Without any bias here, the way I see it is that either Raenna will get a backstory on Puffer and clean house with him, or accompany the Old Man and meet the most dangerous mercenary to ever live. 3 dangerous killers at the same place and time will prove interesting.
[Go to the ravenry and wait] Don't see why Jenna should waste her time.
Just barely suppressing a cry of pain, Raenna stumbled backwards as the blade hit her shoulder. If the sword would have been sharp… more, if this would have been a real fight, she would have been dead by now, for the third time to be honest. Thankfully, it was only a sparring match with dulled swords. Dulled swords... the thought of how unnecessary she had found this safety measure just five minutes ago caused a smile to form on her face, despite the pain in her shoulder.
“You're reckless”, Terroma scolded her sternly as he swung the dulled blade through the air. “You're fast and strong, but reckless at the same time. You're skilled, but that does not make you invincible” His expression softened considerably as he realized the pain she was in after his heavy blow and he started to walk towards her. “But on the positive side, you managed to do something my previous sparring partners never did. You came damn close to actually land a hit … [view original content]
Hey Liquid, we don't absolutely know if Sherrly is even telling the truth about there being any Ravens right? And it's kinda known that she is a spy for the Stormlands, so she probably isn't up to good.
Hey Liquid, we don't absolutely know if Sherrly is even telling the truth about there being any Ravens right?
Indeed, you don't know if Sherryl told the truth. So far, you only have her side of the story and you know that she is extremely manipulative. Maybe she tells the truth, but it is entirely possible that she is lying to cover something up.
And it's kinda known that she is a spy for the Stormlands, so she probably isn't up to good.
So far, she is only confirmed as the one who sent the information about Lord Raylan's death and Argilac's inheritance to Storm's End. She is also known to be a childhood friend of Tariel, Argilac's advisor. This likely makes her an ally of the Stormlands in general, even though her loyalties haven't been confirmed without a doubt so far. If you see the Storm King as a villain (which is actually debatable) and if Sherryl really works for him, then it is understandable that you see her goals as bad. She in turn will likely see her goals as good, at least for herself.
Hey Liquid, we don't absolutely know if Sherrly is even telling the truth about there being any Ravens right? And it's kinda known that she is a spy for the Stormlands, so she probably isn't up to good.
Just barely suppressing a cry of pain, Raenna stumbled backwards as the blade hit her shoulder. If the sword would have been sharp… more, if this would have been a real fight, she would have been dead by now, for the third time to be honest. Thankfully, it was only a sparring match with dulled swords. Dulled swords... the thought of how unnecessary she had found this safety measure just five minutes ago caused a smile to form on her face, despite the pain in her shoulder.
“You're reckless”, Terroma scolded her sternly as he swung the dulled blade through the air. “You're fast and strong, but reckless at the same time. You're skilled, but that does not make you invincible” His expression softened considerably as he realized the pain she was in after his heavy blow and he started to walk towards her. “But on the positive side, you managed to do something my previous sparring partners never did. You came damn close to actually land a hit … [view original content]
Just barely suppressing a cry of pain, Raenna stumbled backwards as the blade hit her shoulder. If the sword would have been sharp… more, if this would have been a real fight, she would have been dead by now, for the third time to be honest. Thankfully, it was only a sparring match with dulled swords. Dulled swords... the thought of how unnecessary she had found this safety measure just five minutes ago caused a smile to form on her face, despite the pain in her shoulder.
“You're reckless”, Terroma scolded her sternly as he swung the dulled blade through the air. “You're fast and strong, but reckless at the same time. You're skilled, but that does not make you invincible” His expression softened considerably as he realized the pain she was in after his heavy blow and he started to walk towards her. “But on the positive side, you managed to do something my previous sparring partners never did. You came damn close to actually land a hit … [view original content]
One of my favorite moments was when John Gutten was with Cass, they were cute together. RIPeace Cass. I was also really excited when I found out one of my characters was a POV character. Moments I really hated was when Cass and Lunett died. RIPieces Lunett
It's kinda hard for me to believe that I'm already writing this for a whole year now
I have plenty of fond memories over the past year of writing. Every time I finish a chapter, for example, that always gives me a huge feeling of success. The finale of Butterfly stands out in particular, because out of all the parts I've written, 134 as we're speaking, it caused by far the strongest reactions from you. There are also a couple of parts who I see as highlights and who mostly have been planned months in advance. Finishing these parts is also always great. But I think nothing beats the feeling I had when I read the first bunch of comments after the prologue, when I first realized that people actually enjoy my writing and when I realized that this story is going to be a lot bigger than I initially thought.
Anyway, thank you, all of you, for always taking the time to read the stuff I write, for your kind words, for your support. Over the past year, writing Forum of Thrones became my favourite hobby and an important part of my leisure activities and I doubt it would be as enjoyable for me if it weren't for your support. For that, I want to thank you. I'm probably using this word excessively, but you are awesome! Here's to the next twelve months. May they be as enjoyable as the past twelve months, hopefully even more
It's kinda hard for me to believe that I'm already writing this for a whole year now
I have plenty of fond memories over the past year o… moref writing. Every time I finish a chapter, for example, that always gives me a huge feeling of success. The finale of Butterfly stands out in particular, because out of all the parts I've written, 134 as we're speaking, it caused by far the strongest reactions from you. There are also a couple of parts who I see as highlights and who mostly have been planned months in advance. Finishing these parts is also always great. But I think nothing beats the feeling I had when I read the first bunch of comments after the prologue, when I first realized that people actually enjoy my writing and when I realized that this story is going to be a lot bigger than I initially thought.
Anyway, thank you, all of you, for always taking the time to read the stuff I write, for your kind words, for your support. Over the pas… [view original content]
No, thank YOU Liquid, for writing this amazing story. This is by far my favorite story on the forum (no offense to anyone else who I read, every story is great!). Your writing is great, and it will only get better as time progresses. Keep up the good work!
It's kinda hard for me to believe that I'm already writing this for a whole year now
I have plenty of fond memories over the past year o… moref writing. Every time I finish a chapter, for example, that always gives me a huge feeling of success. The finale of Butterfly stands out in particular, because out of all the parts I've written, 134 as we're speaking, it caused by far the strongest reactions from you. There are also a couple of parts who I see as highlights and who mostly have been planned months in advance. Finishing these parts is also always great. But I think nothing beats the feeling I had when I read the first bunch of comments after the prologue, when I first realized that people actually enjoy my writing and when I realized that this story is going to be a lot bigger than I initially thought.
Anyway, thank you, all of you, for always taking the time to read the stuff I write, for your kind words, for your support. Over the pas… [view original content]
It's kinda hard for me to believe that I'm already writing this for a whole year now
I have plenty of fond memories over the past year o… moref writing. Every time I finish a chapter, for example, that always gives me a huge feeling of success. The finale of Butterfly stands out in particular, because out of all the parts I've written, 134 as we're speaking, it caused by far the strongest reactions from you. There are also a couple of parts who I see as highlights and who mostly have been planned months in advance. Finishing these parts is also always great. But I think nothing beats the feeling I had when I read the first bunch of comments after the prologue, when I first realized that people actually enjoy my writing and when I realized that this story is going to be a lot bigger than I initially thought.
Anyway, thank you, all of you, for always taking the time to read the stuff I write, for your kind words, for your support. Over the pas… [view original content]
Even if i have fallen behind a little i still remember the death of Ilhan 'The Impaler' Lagoon, it may not been the first nail to hit the coffin but it was one of the strongest.
I also smiled with glee when i "saw" that one of my characters first appear in the story. (all hail Lord Jarow Lord of the Bridges, may he rule in glory)
I also liked sharing ideas With Liquid about the Hawk and company...still waiting for him...one day, one day
[Accompany Terroma] It is quite the choice. On the one hand, I think Samuel can use some help while, on the other hand, I want to see Terroma's story and what happens to her.
[Go to the ravenry and wait] It may take some time, but it's the only way to really see who does what.
Just barely suppressing a cry of pain, Raenna stumbled backwards as the blade hit her shoulder. If the sword would have been sharp… more, if this would have been a real fight, she would have been dead by now, for the third time to be honest. Thankfully, it was only a sparring match with dulled swords. Dulled swords... the thought of how unnecessary she had found this safety measure just five minutes ago caused a smile to form on her face, despite the pain in her shoulder.
“You're reckless”, Terroma scolded her sternly as he swung the dulled blade through the air. “You're fast and strong, but reckless at the same time. You're skilled, but that does not make you invincible” His expression softened considerably as he realized the pain she was in after his heavy blow and he started to walk towards her. “But on the positive side, you managed to do something my previous sparring partners never did. You came damn close to actually land a hit … [view original content]
Well first of all reading the prologue and realizing that this is amazing And then I submitted Jaron, thinking he would be a small side character. It was a great surprise to see him as PoV. Alisa, my other character, was also nice to see in the story The climax parts of Butterfly chapter were amazing. Well, there have been many, many great moments in this story and I know there will continue to be!
I'm back from my vacation, which means, the voting is closed!
Raenna is going to accompany Terroma
Jenna is going to go to the ravenry and wait for whomever sends the ravens
The option that won in Raenna's choice, while not necessarily better or worse than the alternative, was certainly the more interesting option, I can give you that, because it is going to give a bit more screentime to Samuel Harrington that way. I like writing stuff for him and the interaction between him, Raenna and Terroma is hopefully going to be interesting to you as well. Now, the option that won in Jenna's choice on the other hand might have been the more intelligent option, yet at the same time, it made it harder for me to develop the character of Federico. One choice in Jenna's Chapter 5 storyline already severely limited his appearance in the last chapter, although this time I have an idea how to give him at least something that resembles a role in the current chapter. We'll see how this plan of mine works out.
Anyway, the next part will certainly be out tomorrow. I had little time to write during Christmas and of course, I had no time to write while I was on vacation, but the part makes some good progress. Currently, I am writing a PoV for Samantha, but there will certainly be room for a second PoV, which is currently planned to be either Marak or Willfred. At the moment, it is more likely going to be Willfred, but considering that I haven't even started to write this second PoV, I might decide to write a completely different PoV altogether.
With a smirk, Samantha glanced at Lucas and Leonard talking near the railing, as they were slowly entering the harbour of Raylansfair. The fact that the knights were standing there, having this conversation, it was her work and she was proud of it. She had a similar feeling back at the warehouse, when she fought against the man she had believed to be Butterfly, but this time she knew that it wasn't a lie. She had saved these knights and even though she still hadn't understand every connection, by doing so she might as well contributed in saving the city of Raylansfair.
For now, there was one more thing that forced her attention, something she had to deal with soon. Her smirk faded as she thought of Aylard Kawl. More importantly, she thought of the seven graves behind his old inn, where his wife and six of his children were buried. Not for the first time, she felt regret about what happened, as well as utter fury at the man responsible.
“What are you thinking about?”, she heard Sasha behind her, sounding unusual soft. Samantha let out a sigh as she turned around to face her friend. “What happened. What's going to happen”, she answered. “All that fucking bullshit”
“Aye...”, Sasha agreed. “I've been into a lot of shit, but this time, it's something special. Small wonder we both made it out alive” Samantha gave her a short nod. “Yeah...”, she answered and the thought that not all of them were that lucky lingered in her mind. She didn't knew Davith or Jaylon very well. Davith... irritated her, but at the same time, he understood her. He knew the feeling of loosing a loved one, the cold, all-consuming anger such an event caused. Jaylon on the other hand... Samantha wasn't sure what to think of him. She only knew, she would have never made it without his help. As much as she knew that talking about them might be good for her, might relieve her guilty conscience, she couldn't. The events were still too fresh on her mind. Davith and Jaylon were gone and Samantha couldn't bear the thought of talking about them now, about what might happened to them.
“Now you”, she said, with a smile that only got wider as Sasha glanced at her in confusion. “Now what?”, her friend answered. “What are you thinking about?”, Samantha clarified and Sasha narrowed her eyes. “Didn't know we're sharing our thoughts now”, she hissed. Samantha shrugged. “You asked first”, she chuckled. “Because I was interested!”, Sasha stuttered. “So am I”, Samantha answered.
Finally, Sasha let out a defeated sigh. “I'm not getting out of this one anymore, huh?”, she said with a forced grin and Samantha shook her head. As she said this, she stepped next to her, putting her hands onto the railing as she watched the city of Raylansfair. “I miss my arakh”, she finally revealed.
The bluntness with which she said this caught Samantha off guard and a short chuckle forced its way out of her throat. “Your arakh...”, she repeated slowly and Sasha gave her an irritated nod. “Yeah. My sword. Me and that old thing have been through a lot together. Loosing it to Butterfly of all people...”, she answered. “Don't you try telling me you don't miss your tiny axes”
“Hatchets”, Samantha corrected her. “And yeah, I miss them. They have been fine craftsmanship and the man I took them from probably paid quite the sum for them. I took down a Bear and a Butterfly with them. But in the end, they were tools. I'll find new ones”
“See, it's not that easy for me. Try to find an arakh west of Tyrosh, I dare you”, Sasha stated. “Besides, it is this particular arakh I felt connected to” This remark was enough to spark Samantha's curiosity. “Sounds like a story I have to hear”, she chuckled. Sasha pressed her lips together and shrugged. “Not that important right now, is it?”, she answered, before she rolled her eyes. “You're not going to stop questioning me about it, are you?”
“Never”, Samantha answered with a grin. This talk was nice. Something easy and straightforward, just what she needed after everything that happened lately. Sure, there were important things ahead soon, but right now, she enjoyed talking to her new friend. Before she reached Oldtown a week ago, she was sure that nothing good would ever come out of her visit there. But right now, as she stood next to Sasha, the soft breeze blowing through her hair, she was happy that there was at least one good thing that happened. Two, she corrected herself, as she glanced over her shoulder, at the knights. Two good things, to counterbalance a multitude of bad things.
“Well, this arakh is a reminder... more like, was a reminder. I took it from the first man I killed”, Sasha revealed sullen, even though she was clearly uncomfortable with saying these words. “Well, there are worse mementos”, Samantha answered in the attempt to lighten the mood a bit. Seeing Sasha in such a sullen state just felt wrong to her. “I once met a man in Volantis who kept a finger from each man he killed. You can't imagine the stench”
For the blink of a moment, a smirk flashed across Sasha's face, before she slowly shook her head. “I didn't keep it to remind myself of this man. In fact, I did everything I could to forget him. The moment he stopped screaming, I forced myself to forget the sound of his voice. The moment I turned away from him, I forced myself to forget his face. He is not worth being remembered”, she said, her voice almost in a whisper, getting increasingly stressed with each word.”The only thing I can't forget is what he did. And I kept the arakh, not to remember him, but to remember the woman he killed”
Samantha noticed that Sasha had clenched her fists around the railing, hard enough to cause her knuckles to turn white. “You don't have to...”, she started to say, before Sasha cut her off. “I know”, she growled. “I don't have to...”
After she said this, the two women remained silent for a while, standing next to each other at the railing. “Her name was Thalia...”, Sasha finally mumbled. “She was my friend” Samantha softly put a hand onto her back. “I'm sorry for your loss”, she said candidly.
“I grew up an orphan. Never had many friends”, Sasha continued, not looking at Samantha, talking more to herself than to anyone else. “Thalia was different though. She cared for me. I cared for her” Again, she paused, although this time she was visibly more relaxed, as if some sort of burden fell off her. Visibly calmer, she finally continued. “We lived together. Never had much, but each other”, she explained and her gaze hardened. “Until one son of a bitch had to destroy it”
“I know that feeling”, Samantha assured her. “I guess you killed the man who took her from you, huh?” Sasha gave her a nod. “When he approached our place, we tried to hide. He was a scout, from the khalasar of Khal Qhorro, not the kind of person we wanted to provoke”, she explained. “He looted out things and finally, he found Thalia. A fight broke out and he...” She paused again, although she didn't seem to hesitate anymore as she continued. “Thalia managed to wound him. Allowed me to track him down later, to defeat him”, she concluded her story.
“So, you managed to catch up to a dothraki scout on horseback and you defeated him in single combat?”, Samantha asked, genuinely impressed at the thought. She always considered herself to be a good rider and a good fighter. But the dothraki she had met so far have been downright terrifying on a horse.
“Told you I am good”, Sasha answered flatly. “Told you he was wounded” She glanced at the city, now closer than ever, before she let out a sigh. “That sword was supposed to remind me. Of Thalia. Of the time we had”, she mumbled.
Samantha realized how hard it must have been for Sasha to talk that openly about her past and she appreciated it. “Maybe I can find it for you. I'm going back to Oldtown either way”, she offered, half-joking, half-serious. Sasha glanced at her, raising an eyebrow, before her sullen expression slowly faded. Then, she burst into a short chuckle. “You... you're going back?”, she asked, although Samantha noticed that she clenched her fists again. “And you want to bring me my arakh back... Gods, you are unbelievable”
“I know”, Samantha answered with a grin. “That's what friends are there for, right?” Sasha gave her a short, almost insecure nod. “Yeah... guess so”, she mumbled, before she narrowed her eyes and gave Samantha a short nudge with her elbow. She slightly pointed at a figure standing at the docks. By now, the ship was close enough for Samantha to see the white in the young man’s eyes. More importantly, she saw his tabard, which identified him as a member of Raylansfairs guard. He was obviously watching them. Specifically, he was looking at Lucas and Leonard. Every possibility of this encounter just being a coincidence was destroyed as soon as he realized that Samantha and Sasha were looking at him. The young guard froze in shock as he slowly staggered backwards. Then, he turned around and started to run down the street that lead away from Raylansfairs embarrassingly small docks.
“So much for staying undetected”, Sasha said, glancing at the knights. “Guards usually don't behave that way. I bet someone is soon going to learn about the knights' presence here pretty soon. Guess they'll be in trouble” She stopped, as she suddenly glared at Samantha. “Don't you dare”, she growled.
Samantha raised her eyebrows in confusion, even though she knew what Sasha was hinting at. “What are you talking about?”, she asked. Sasha let out a frustrated sigh. “You were about to send me with them”, she answered.
“And if I would?”, Samantha asked. “I don't want to loose them to some back-alley ambush now that we brought them back to their city” Sasha pressed her lips together, obviously upset at this answer. “Yeah, and I don't want to...”, she started, before she cut herself off. “We don't know if they are in any immediate danger, or at least, if I could even be able to save them. Most likely, I'd die with them if we encounter an ambush. What we know is, you'll be in danger for real when you meet up with that innkeeper. You did so much for them, there is no need to get yourself killed”
“I know”, Samantha answered. “Sasha, if I'd give you that order, would you follow it?” Without hesitating, Sasha gave her a nod. “You are technically still my employer, so yeah, I would”, she growled. “But I'm telling you, I wouldn't be happy about it. You just told me that you are my friend. The way I see it, friends should stick together, especially when one of them needs help, so please don't send me away now. You need my help!”
[Order Sasha to accompany Lucas and Leonard][Keep her with you]
“A little bit faster, Marak!”, Noelle ordered him and Marak only grunted in response. It was remarkable how untiring the priestess was. The long way down the streets of Oldtown, with what little sleep he got in the past night and carrying both, his and Noelle's belongings, it was no big deal for Marak. The tedious amounts of waiting in the Citadel's courtyard, without the possibility to sit down, he endured them. The countless stairs that lead up to the chamber Noelle was approaching, they were the final straw for him though. Completely out of breath, he fell back a little bit, amazed by how fast, how elegant Noelle was able to walk. For her sake he fastened his steps, soon catching up to her. A pleased smile appeared on her face. “See? I knew you could do it”, she stated.
The room they were approaching had no door, at least not at the moment. From the charred remains that were visible in the corners of the doorway, it was clear that there had been a door here originally. Marak had to wonder what kind of force was needed to destroy the door like that.
“So... this man we're visiting... he is an old friend of yours?”, he asked. Yeah, that would explain a lot. Only an old friend of Noelle could be crazy enough to live in such a place. Noelle slowly shook her head. “Calling him a friend would be too much. We are acquaintances. Fellow minds”, she explained. Great. A fellow insane person...
As Noelle and Marak approached the room, Marak was finally able to take a look inside, at the man that was standing there, his back turned towards them. He was holding a mop in his hands and was obviously cleaning something on the floor, which on closer inspection was clearly a rather large stain of dried blood.
“No visitors”, the man said, without even turning around to look at them. His voice was sounding tired, but more youthful than Marak would have expected from his dull grey hair. Noelle stopped in the doorway, a large smile on her face. “I believe you won't mind this visitor”, she chuckled.
The man stopped cleaning the ground immediately and turned around. As expected, he had a short beard and the same pasty skin Marak had seen with the other maesters. Around his neck, Marak saw a probably highly valuable collar that was made entirely out of Valyrian Steel. His bright blue eyes widened in surprise, even though Marak wasn't sure if he was pleased or shocked to see them. To make things easier for the Maester and to prove that he and Noelle were no danger to him, he gave him one of his friendly and charming smiles.
“Noelle...”, the Maester mumbled. “You haven't aged a day” The priestess took a step into the room, respectfully bowing her head in front of him, a polite gesture that surprised Marak. “Hello, Wulvren”, she greeted him. “It's Archmaester Wulvren now”, Wulvren corrected her and Noelle gave him a nod. “So I've heard. Congratulations” She glanced over her shoulder. “The tall guy with the stupid grin is Marak”, she introduced him and Marak's smile faded. “My grin is not stupid...”, he protested weakly.
“You're travelling with a hired muscle now?”, Wulvren stated coldly. Noelle gave him a nod. “The streets can be dangerous these days”, she answered, before she let out a sigh. “Listen, Wulvren, I know you are not thrilled to see me and I can't hold it against you. You know I wouldn't approach you if it wouldn't be urgent”
“I know”, Wulvren answered. “But I haven't forgotten what you did the last time we met. I am afraid, this time you have to find someone else to screw over. As you can see, I am quite busy at the moment”
“So I've seen”, Noelle said, her voice gaining a bit of sharpness for a moment. “I didn't know they made you the Archmaester of Janitoring as well. Or is the stain of blood part of a new experiment” Marak chuckled at her words, barely suppressing a snorting laugh. Only Wulvren's cold glare prevented him from bursting into laughter.
“It's neither”, Wulvren answered sternly. “My apprentice was murdered a few days ago. Decency demands it from me to clean his blood myself” Immediately, Noelle's cold glare faded, replaced by the usual warm look. “I am sorry for your loss”, she said. Wulvren shook his head. “He was a good boy. Didn't deserve it. So, is there anything else? I'd show you the door, but as you can see, there is an obvious problem”
“As I said, I need your help and I don't intend to leave without it”, Noelle repeated. “Wulvren, this is about what the Lord showed me in my dreams” Wulvren let out a sigh. “Yeah, your dreams”, he growled. “I know what you are willing to do just because you think you saw something in your dreams”
“This time is different. It already happened, some of the things I saw. My powers grow stronger, more accurate with each day, but there are still things I can't do without your knowledge”, Noelle urged him. “I know we are no friends and that is probably my fault, but you have to believe me. Something big is happening. Something terrible. It is up to me to prevent it. But I need your help...”
Wulvren's eyes showed a certain interest. Marak knew the look from women whenever they saw him. From most women at least. Well... from some. “Give me one good reason why I should believe you this time. Even better, give me one good reason why I should help you once again”, the Archmaester said. “And hurry up a little bit, you are wasting my time”
Noelle gave him a triumphant smile and looked at Marak. “My powers are becoming stronger. This can only mean that the Lord of Light is becoming stronger as well. In fact, he sends visions not only to his faithful disciples, but to others as well”, she explained. “Marak here had a vision, not long ago”
Immediately, the interested stare hit Marak, as the Archmaester gave him a look that made him uncomfortable. “A vision?”, he asked. “You are telling me your R'hllor gave this buffoon a vision?”
“It is pronounced Rollmop”, Marak corrected him, always ready to help, while he asked himself what a buffoon was. The Archmaester and Noelle shared a confused glance, before Noelle gave him a nod. “He did”, she said and a pleased, anticipating smile appeared on Wulvren's face. “Am I right with the assumption that he is your peace offer?”, he asked.
“If you want to see him as a peace offer, then yes”, Noelle answered. “Though I consider him more a token of my respect” This time, Marak roughly understood what she said. He understood it and he hated it. “Wait, wait, wait...”, he growled. “I am not a token, you hear me?”
Noelle softly smiled at him and put an uncomfortably warm hand onto his chest. “Marak...”, she purred. “There is no need to be worried. Wulvren has a special interest in those who have been blessed by the Lord of Light. People like you and me. He is convinced that R'hllor's touch left stains in our blood, stains he tries to find and with which he hopes to learn more about the god”
Wulvren gave her a nod. “Indeed. All I need is a small blood sample”, he assured him. “Personally, I am not very fond of Noelle's Red God, if you want to call that thing a god at all. Most likely, it is just a very powerful spirit, or a creature even more eldritch” As he said these words, Noelle narrowed her eyes and Marak had the feeling that her hand on his chest got slightly colder. “Nonetheless, it is a fascinating topic. One of the last few instances of true magic in our world”
“So... you're going to need my blood?”, Marak asked slowly, not liking the sound of these words. “You're going to take a blood sample?” His left hand moved down, protecting his crotch, just to be save.
Wulvren shook his head. “I won't take blood from there. I also won't take blood without your approval. Let me assure you, I will only study it. I don't participate in applied blood magic” With these words, he let go of his mop, simply letting it fall to the ground as he rushed to one of the numerous cupboards in his room. He opened a drawer, pulling out a crudely looking, oversized syringe that made Marak cringe from just looking at it.
“If you allow it, I'm going to take a little bit of blood from your arm. Don't you worry, it won't hurt and your arm won't be impaired by it at all”, Wulvren promised and his voice sounded honest, at least in Marak's ears. But taking a blood sample, that was surely some sort of magic! And Marak hated magic... “To make things clear, you're not doing anything without my approval?”, he asked.
Wulvren gave him a nod. “Correct”, he stated. “Though, the chance to study the blood of someone who is not... like Noelle, but still blessed by R'hllor's power... this is the chance of a lifetime. Don't make me beg, please”
“Leave the begging part to me, Wulvren”, Noelle said, before she moved closer towards Marak. “Marak, please”, she whispered into his ear. “You can trust Wulvren. It won't harm you. However, if it is enough to win his help, then it will help me tremendously. And you can't imagine how much it will please me. Just allow him to take a small sample. Do it for me, please”
[Allow Wulvren to take a sample of your blood][Don't allow it]
[Order Sasha to accompany Lucas and Leonard] To be honest, I feel that Lucas and Leonard's lives are more important than Samantha's, and if Aylard came at her, I think she could hold her own.
[Don't allow it] I don't really trust their motives, and this might become a blood craving.
With a smirk, Samantha glanced at Lucas and Leonard talking near the railing, as they were slowly entering the harbour of Raylan… moresfair. The fact that the knights were standing there, having this conversation, it was her work and she was proud of it. She had a similar feeling back at the warehouse, when she fought against the man she had believed to be Butterfly, but this time she knew that it wasn't a lie. She had saved these knights and even though she still hadn't understand every connection, by doing so she might as well contributed in saving the city of Raylansfair.
For now, there was one more thing that forced her attention, something she had to deal with soon. Her smirk faded as she thought of Aylard Kawl. More importantly, she thought of the seven graves behind his old inn, where his wife and six of his children were buried. Not for the first time, she felt regret about what happened, as well as utter fury at the man resp… [view original content]
With a smirk, Samantha glanced at Lucas and Leonard talking near the railing, as they were slowly entering the harbour of Raylan… moresfair. The fact that the knights were standing there, having this conversation, it was her work and she was proud of it. She had a similar feeling back at the warehouse, when she fought against the man she had believed to be Butterfly, but this time she knew that it wasn't a lie. She had saved these knights and even though she still hadn't understand every connection, by doing so she might as well contributed in saving the city of Raylansfair.
For now, there was one more thing that forced her attention, something she had to deal with soon. Her smirk faded as she thought of Aylard Kawl. More importantly, she thought of the seven graves behind his old inn, where his wife and six of his children were buried. Not for the first time, she felt regret about what happened, as well as utter fury at the man resp… [view original content]
With a smirk, Samantha glanced at Lucas and Leonard talking near the railing, as they were slowly entering the harbour of Raylan… moresfair. The fact that the knights were standing there, having this conversation, it was her work and she was proud of it. She had a similar feeling back at the warehouse, when she fought against the man she had believed to be Butterfly, but this time she knew that it wasn't a lie. She had saved these knights and even though she still hadn't understand every connection, by doing so she might as well contributed in saving the city of Raylansfair.
For now, there was one more thing that forced her attention, something she had to deal with soon. Her smirk faded as she thought of Aylard Kawl. More importantly, she thought of the seven graves behind his old inn, where his wife and six of his children were buried. Not for the first time, she felt regret about what happened, as well as utter fury at the man resp… [view original content]
With a smirk, Samantha glanced at Lucas and Leonard talking near the railing, as they were slowly entering the harbour of Raylan… moresfair. The fact that the knights were standing there, having this conversation, it was her work and she was proud of it. She had a similar feeling back at the warehouse, when she fought against the man she had believed to be Butterfly, but this time she knew that it wasn't a lie. She had saved these knights and even though she still hadn't understand every connection, by doing so she might as well contributed in saving the city of Raylansfair.
For now, there was one more thing that forced her attention, something she had to deal with soon. Her smirk faded as she thought of Aylard Kawl. More importantly, she thought of the seven graves behind his old inn, where his wife and six of his children were buried. Not for the first time, she felt regret about what happened, as well as utter fury at the man resp… [view original content]
With a smirk, Samantha glanced at Lucas and Leonard talking near the railing, as they were slowly entering the harbour of Raylan… moresfair. The fact that the knights were standing there, having this conversation, it was her work and she was proud of it. She had a similar feeling back at the warehouse, when she fought against the man she had believed to be Butterfly, but this time she knew that it wasn't a lie. She had saved these knights and even though she still hadn't understand every connection, by doing so she might as well contributed in saving the city of Raylansfair.
For now, there was one more thing that forced her attention, something she had to deal with soon. Her smirk faded as she thought of Aylard Kawl. More importantly, she thought of the seven graves behind his old inn, where his wife and six of his children were buried. Not for the first time, she felt regret about what happened, as well as utter fury at the man resp… [view original content]
[Order Sasha to accompany Lucas and Leonard] Their safety comes first in my opinion.
[Allow Wulvren to take a sample of your blood] Why not? I trust Wulvren. I can't seem to remember, but did Marak and Noelle actually get the chance to travel to Oldtown?
With a smirk, Samantha glanced at Lucas and Leonard talking near the railing, as they were slowly entering the harbour of Raylan… moresfair. The fact that the knights were standing there, having this conversation, it was her work and she was proud of it. She had a similar feeling back at the warehouse, when she fought against the man she had believed to be Butterfly, but this time she knew that it wasn't a lie. She had saved these knights and even though she still hadn't understand every connection, by doing so she might as well contributed in saving the city of Raylansfair.
For now, there was one more thing that forced her attention, something she had to deal with soon. Her smirk faded as she thought of Aylard Kawl. More importantly, she thought of the seven graves behind his old inn, where his wife and six of his children were buried. Not for the first time, she felt regret about what happened, as well as utter fury at the man resp… [view original content]
With a smirk, Samantha glanced at Lucas and Leonard talking near the railing, as they were slowly entering the harbour of Raylan… moresfair. The fact that the knights were standing there, having this conversation, it was her work and she was proud of it. She had a similar feeling back at the warehouse, when she fought against the man she had believed to be Butterfly, but this time she knew that it wasn't a lie. She had saved these knights and even though she still hadn't understand every connection, by doing so she might as well contributed in saving the city of Raylansfair.
For now, there was one more thing that forced her attention, something she had to deal with soon. Her smirk faded as she thought of Aylard Kawl. More importantly, she thought of the seven graves behind his old inn, where his wife and six of his children were buried. Not for the first time, she felt regret about what happened, as well as utter fury at the man resp… [view original content]
I can't seem to remember, but did Marak and Noelle actually get the chance to travel to Oldtown?
It was mentioned in Marak's last part in Chapter 5 that Noelle plans to travel to Oldtown with him. They did so during the small timeskip between Chapter 5 and Chapter 6.
[Order Sasha to accompany Lucas and Leonard] Their safety comes first in my opinion.
[Allow Wulvren to take a sample of your blood] Why n… moreot? I trust Wulvren. I can't seem to remember, but did Marak and Noelle actually get the chance to travel to Oldtown?
Once Sam's dealt with Aylard, what will she do? Try to rejoin John?
Actually, she is still undecided about this. Originally, I planned to include a small paragraph in this part, exactly about this topic. She would love to rejoin John and his group. At the same time, she knows that she can't just do nothing against Mullendore. Because of this, she is not sure if she should rejoin John, or if she should travel back to Oldtown on her own, to hopefully find a way to take down Mullendore.
I'm assuming she has no clue he's in Raylansfair.
She knows that he is in Raylansfair and she knows that Aylard is there as well. After they survived Bear's attack on Aylard's tavern and after John agreed to send her to Oldtown, they made the plan that John brings Aylard, his son and the remaining barmaids to Raylansfair, while Samantha travels to Oldtown to get Lunett.
[Keep her with you] I don't want to make Sasha do something she doesn't want to.
you can't imagine how much it will please me.
… more [Allow Wulvren to take a sample of your blood] I am convinced.
Once Sam's dealt with Aylard, what will she do? Try to rejoin John? I'm assuming she has no clue he's in Raylansfair.
With a smirk, Samantha glanced at Lucas and Leonard talking near the railing, as they were slowly entering the harbour of Raylan… moresfair. The fact that the knights were standing there, having this conversation, it was her work and she was proud of it. She had a similar feeling back at the warehouse, when she fought against the man she had believed to be Butterfly, but this time she knew that it wasn't a lie. She had saved these knights and even though she still hadn't understand every connection, by doing so she might as well contributed in saving the city of Raylansfair.
For now, there was one more thing that forced her attention, something she had to deal with soon. Her smirk faded as she thought of Aylard Kawl. More importantly, she thought of the seven graves behind his old inn, where his wife and six of his children were buried. Not for the first time, she felt regret about what happened, as well as utter fury at the man resp… [view original content]
Mullendore, Lord Royce and even Anturion strike me as some of the biggest schemers, so smart in a way.
And probably the moggy for the least smart, since I'm pretty sure he's mentally handicapped.
**[Accompany Terroma] ** I wanna see some conversation between Raenna and Samuel.
[Talk to Federico]Clearly Sherrly is trying to distract Harris and Jenna. So it'd be best to do the opposite of what she wants. I doubt there was even any Ravens flying away.
[Accompany Terroma] This can really go either way. I'll pick this choice because I'm curious for the interaction that will ensue. That, and I like Terroma better than Puffer.
[Go to the ravenry and wait] No need to rush things. Just take our time and go with the safer option for now.
I'm glad you like it
(Go to the ravenry )
(Accompany Samuel)
Yeah, that's what I'm afraid this is about... We'll see, I guess.
[Accompany Terroma] Without any bias here, the way I see it is that either Raenna will get a backstory on Puffer and clean house with him, or accompany the Old Man and meet the most dangerous mercenary to ever live. 3 dangerous killers at the same place and time will prove interesting.
[Go to the ravenry and wait] Don't see why Jenna should waste her time.
Merry Chrismas guys (and girls)
I hope yours is good
He is so awesome...he just remind me of my father xD haha. I'm so proud of this char
Happy Holidays ladies and gents
Hey Liquid, we don't absolutely know if Sherrly is even telling the truth about there being any Ravens right? And it's kinda known that she is a spy for the Stormlands, so she probably isn't up to good.
Allow me to chime in. My friends, I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
Indeed, you don't know if Sherryl told the truth. So far, you only have her side of the story and you know that she is extremely manipulative. Maybe she tells the truth, but it is entirely possible that she is lying to cover something up.
So far, she is only confirmed as the one who sent the information about Lord Raylan's death and Argilac's inheritance to Storm's End. She is also known to be a childhood friend of Tariel, Argilac's advisor. This likely makes her an ally of the Stormlands in general, even though her loyalties haven't been confirmed without a doubt so far. If you see the Storm King as a villain (which is actually debatable) and if Sherryl really works for him, then it is understandable that you see her goals as bad. She in turn will likely see her goals as good, at least for herself.
[Accompany Samuel] I don't know who trained Harrington (which I hope does get revealed) but I don't think he would stand a chance against Terroma.
[Talk to Federico]
[Accompany Samuel]
[Go to the ravenry and wait]
[Accompany Terroma]
[Talk to Federico]
One year anniversary! Share your fondest memories below!
One of my favorite moments was when John Gutten was with Cass, they were cute together. RIPeace Cass. I was also really excited when I found out one of my characters was a POV character. Moments I really hated was when Cass and Lunett died. RIPieces Lunett
It's kinda hard for me to believe that I'm already writing this for a whole year now
I have plenty of fond memories over the past year of writing. Every time I finish a chapter, for example, that always gives me a huge feeling of success. The finale of Butterfly stands out in particular, because out of all the parts I've written, 134 as we're speaking, it caused by far the strongest reactions from you. There are also a couple of parts who I see as highlights and who mostly have been planned months in advance. Finishing these parts is also always great. But I think nothing beats the feeling I had when I read the first bunch of comments after the prologue, when I first realized that people actually enjoy my writing and when I realized that this story is going to be a lot bigger than I initially thought.
Anyway, thank you, all of you, for always taking the time to read the stuff I write, for your kind words, for your support. Over the past year, writing Forum of Thrones became my favourite hobby and an important part of my leisure activities and I doubt it would be as enjoyable for me if it weren't for your support. For that, I want to thank you. I'm probably using this word excessively, but you are awesome! Here's to the next twelve months. May they be as enjoyable as the past twelve months, hopefully even more
Thank you for this Liquid.
Just all of it. Thank You.
I hope the Next year of Forum is just as good if not better
No, thank YOU Liquid, for writing this amazing story. This is by far my favorite story on the forum (no offense to anyone else who I read, every story is great!). Your writing is great, and it will only get better as time progresses. Keep up the good work!
The time flies soooo fast that I just feel like you started this story only a month ago.
I know that a year anniversary is always exciting when you're writing a story and I wish you good luck in continuing it!
Even if i have fallen behind a little i still remember the death of Ilhan 'The Impaler' Lagoon, it may not been the first nail to hit the coffin but it was one of the strongest.
I also smiled with glee when i "saw" that one of my characters first appear in the story. (all hail Lord Jarow Lord of the Bridges, may he rule in glory)
I also liked sharing ideas With Liquid about the Hawk and company...still waiting for him...one day, one day
I really like your Interactive Story.
[Accompany Terroma] It is quite the choice. On the one hand, I think Samuel can use some help while, on the other hand, I want to see Terroma's story and what happens to her.
[Go to the ravenry and wait] It may take some time, but it's the only way to really see who does what.
Well first of all reading the prologue and realizing that this is amazing
And then I submitted Jaron, thinking he would be a small side character. It was a great surprise to see him as PoV. Alisa, my other character, was also nice to see in the story
The climax parts of Butterfly chapter were amazing. Well, there have been many, many great moments in this story and I know there will continue to be! 
I'm back from my vacation, which means, the voting is closed!
Raenna is going to accompany Terroma
Jenna is going to go to the ravenry and wait for whomever sends the ravens
The option that won in Raenna's choice, while not necessarily better or worse than the alternative, was certainly the more interesting option, I can give you that, because it is going to give a bit more screentime to Samuel Harrington that way. I like writing stuff for him and the interaction between him, Raenna and Terroma is hopefully going to be interesting to you as well. Now, the option that won in Jenna's choice on the other hand might have been the more intelligent option, yet at the same time, it made it harder for me to develop the character of Federico. One choice in Jenna's Chapter 5 storyline already severely limited his appearance in the last chapter, although this time I have an idea how to give him at least something that resembles a role in the current chapter. We'll see how this plan of mine works out.
Anyway, the next part will certainly be out tomorrow. I had little time to write during Christmas and of course, I had no time to write while I was on vacation, but the part makes some good progress. Currently, I am writing a PoV for Samantha, but there will certainly be room for a second PoV, which is currently planned to be either Marak or Willfred. At the moment, it is more likely going to be Willfred, but considering that I haven't even started to write this second PoV, I might decide to write a completely different PoV altogether.
With a smirk, Samantha glanced at Lucas and Leonard talking near the railing, as they were slowly entering the harbour of Raylansfair. The fact that the knights were standing there, having this conversation, it was her work and she was proud of it. She had a similar feeling back at the warehouse, when she fought against the man she had believed to be Butterfly, but this time she knew that it wasn't a lie. She had saved these knights and even though she still hadn't understand every connection, by doing so she might as well contributed in saving the city of Raylansfair.
For now, there was one more thing that forced her attention, something she had to deal with soon. Her smirk faded as she thought of Aylard Kawl. More importantly, she thought of the seven graves behind his old inn, where his wife and six of his children were buried. Not for the first time, she felt regret about what happened, as well as utter fury at the man responsible.
“What are you thinking about?”, she heard Sasha behind her, sounding unusual soft. Samantha let out a sigh as she turned around to face her friend. “What happened. What's going to happen”, she answered. “All that fucking bullshit”
“Aye...”, Sasha agreed. “I've been into a lot of shit, but this time, it's something special. Small wonder we both made it out alive” Samantha gave her a short nod. “Yeah...”, she answered and the thought that not all of them were that lucky lingered in her mind. She didn't knew Davith or Jaylon very well. Davith... irritated her, but at the same time, he understood her. He knew the feeling of loosing a loved one, the cold, all-consuming anger such an event caused. Jaylon on the other hand... Samantha wasn't sure what to think of him. She only knew, she would have never made it without his help. As much as she knew that talking about them might be good for her, might relieve her guilty conscience, she couldn't. The events were still too fresh on her mind. Davith and Jaylon were gone and Samantha couldn't bear the thought of talking about them now, about what might happened to them.
“Now you”, she said, with a smile that only got wider as Sasha glanced at her in confusion. “Now what?”, her friend answered. “What are you thinking about?”, Samantha clarified and Sasha narrowed her eyes. “Didn't know we're sharing our thoughts now”, she hissed. Samantha shrugged. “You asked first”, she chuckled. “Because I was interested!”, Sasha stuttered. “So am I”, Samantha answered.
Finally, Sasha let out a defeated sigh. “I'm not getting out of this one anymore, huh?”, she said with a forced grin and Samantha shook her head. As she said this, she stepped next to her, putting her hands onto the railing as she watched the city of Raylansfair. “I miss my arakh”, she finally revealed.
The bluntness with which she said this caught Samantha off guard and a short chuckle forced its way out of her throat. “Your arakh...”, she repeated slowly and Sasha gave her an irritated nod. “Yeah. My sword. Me and that old thing have been through a lot together. Loosing it to Butterfly of all people...”, she answered. “Don't you try telling me you don't miss your tiny axes”
“Hatchets”, Samantha corrected her. “And yeah, I miss them. They have been fine craftsmanship and the man I took them from probably paid quite the sum for them. I took down a Bear and a Butterfly with them. But in the end, they were tools. I'll find new ones”
“See, it's not that easy for me. Try to find an arakh west of Tyrosh, I dare you”, Sasha stated. “Besides, it is this particular arakh I felt connected to” This remark was enough to spark Samantha's curiosity. “Sounds like a story I have to hear”, she chuckled. Sasha pressed her lips together and shrugged. “Not that important right now, is it?”, she answered, before she rolled her eyes. “You're not going to stop questioning me about it, are you?”
“Never”, Samantha answered with a grin. This talk was nice. Something easy and straightforward, just what she needed after everything that happened lately. Sure, there were important things ahead soon, but right now, she enjoyed talking to her new friend. Before she reached Oldtown a week ago, she was sure that nothing good would ever come out of her visit there. But right now, as she stood next to Sasha, the soft breeze blowing through her hair, she was happy that there was at least one good thing that happened. Two, she corrected herself, as she glanced over her shoulder, at the knights. Two good things, to counterbalance a multitude of bad things.
“Well, this arakh is a reminder... more like, was a reminder. I took it from the first man I killed”, Sasha revealed sullen, even though she was clearly uncomfortable with saying these words. “Well, there are worse mementos”, Samantha answered in the attempt to lighten the mood a bit. Seeing Sasha in such a sullen state just felt wrong to her. “I once met a man in Volantis who kept a finger from each man he killed. You can't imagine the stench”
For the blink of a moment, a smirk flashed across Sasha's face, before she slowly shook her head. “I didn't keep it to remind myself of this man. In fact, I did everything I could to forget him. The moment he stopped screaming, I forced myself to forget the sound of his voice. The moment I turned away from him, I forced myself to forget his face. He is not worth being remembered”, she said, her voice almost in a whisper, getting increasingly stressed with each word.”The only thing I can't forget is what he did. And I kept the arakh, not to remember him, but to remember the woman he killed”
Samantha noticed that Sasha had clenched her fists around the railing, hard enough to cause her knuckles to turn white. “You don't have to...”, she started to say, before Sasha cut her off. “I know”, she growled. “I don't have to...”
After she said this, the two women remained silent for a while, standing next to each other at the railing. “Her name was Thalia...”, Sasha finally mumbled. “She was my friend” Samantha softly put a hand onto her back. “I'm sorry for your loss”, she said candidly.
“I grew up an orphan. Never had many friends”, Sasha continued, not looking at Samantha, talking more to herself than to anyone else. “Thalia was different though. She cared for me. I cared for her” Again, she paused, although this time she was visibly more relaxed, as if some sort of burden fell off her. Visibly calmer, she finally continued. “We lived together. Never had much, but each other”, she explained and her gaze hardened. “Until one son of a bitch had to destroy it”
“I know that feeling”, Samantha assured her. “I guess you killed the man who took her from you, huh?” Sasha gave her a nod. “When he approached our place, we tried to hide. He was a scout, from the khalasar of Khal Qhorro, not the kind of person we wanted to provoke”, she explained. “He looted out things and finally, he found Thalia. A fight broke out and he...” She paused again, although she didn't seem to hesitate anymore as she continued. “Thalia managed to wound him. Allowed me to track him down later, to defeat him”, she concluded her story.
“So, you managed to catch up to a dothraki scout on horseback and you defeated him in single combat?”, Samantha asked, genuinely impressed at the thought. She always considered herself to be a good rider and a good fighter. But the dothraki she had met so far have been downright terrifying on a horse.
“Told you I am good”, Sasha answered flatly. “Told you he was wounded” She glanced at the city, now closer than ever, before she let out a sigh. “That sword was supposed to remind me. Of Thalia. Of the time we had”, she mumbled.
Samantha realized how hard it must have been for Sasha to talk that openly about her past and she appreciated it. “Maybe I can find it for you. I'm going back to Oldtown either way”, she offered, half-joking, half-serious. Sasha glanced at her, raising an eyebrow, before her sullen expression slowly faded. Then, she burst into a short chuckle. “You... you're going back?”, she asked, although Samantha noticed that she clenched her fists again. “And you want to bring me my arakh back... Gods, you are unbelievable”
“I know”, Samantha answered with a grin. “That's what friends are there for, right?” Sasha gave her a short, almost insecure nod. “Yeah... guess so”, she mumbled, before she narrowed her eyes and gave Samantha a short nudge with her elbow. She slightly pointed at a figure standing at the docks. By now, the ship was close enough for Samantha to see the white in the young man’s eyes. More importantly, she saw his tabard, which identified him as a member of Raylansfairs guard. He was obviously watching them. Specifically, he was looking at Lucas and Leonard. Every possibility of this encounter just being a coincidence was destroyed as soon as he realized that Samantha and Sasha were looking at him. The young guard froze in shock as he slowly staggered backwards. Then, he turned around and started to run down the street that lead away from Raylansfairs embarrassingly small docks.
“So much for staying undetected”, Sasha said, glancing at the knights. “Guards usually don't behave that way. I bet someone is soon going to learn about the knights' presence here pretty soon. Guess they'll be in trouble” She stopped, as she suddenly glared at Samantha. “Don't you dare”, she growled.
Samantha raised her eyebrows in confusion, even though she knew what Sasha was hinting at. “What are you talking about?”, she asked. Sasha let out a frustrated sigh. “You were about to send me with them”, she answered.
“And if I would?”, Samantha asked. “I don't want to loose them to some back-alley ambush now that we brought them back to their city” Sasha pressed her lips together, obviously upset at this answer. “Yeah, and I don't want to...”, she started, before she cut herself off. “We don't know if they are in any immediate danger, or at least, if I could even be able to save them. Most likely, I'd die with them if we encounter an ambush. What we know is, you'll be in danger for real when you meet up with that innkeeper. You did so much for them, there is no need to get yourself killed”
“I know”, Samantha answered. “Sasha, if I'd give you that order, would you follow it?” Without hesitating, Sasha gave her a nod. “You are technically still my employer, so yeah, I would”, she growled. “But I'm telling you, I wouldn't be happy about it. You just told me that you are my friend. The way I see it, friends should stick together, especially when one of them needs help, so please don't send me away now. You need my help!”
[Order Sasha to accompany Lucas and Leonard] [Keep her with you]
“A little bit faster, Marak!”, Noelle ordered him and Marak only grunted in response. It was remarkable how untiring the priestess was. The long way down the streets of Oldtown, with what little sleep he got in the past night and carrying both, his and Noelle's belongings, it was no big deal for Marak. The tedious amounts of waiting in the Citadel's courtyard, without the possibility to sit down, he endured them. The countless stairs that lead up to the chamber Noelle was approaching, they were the final straw for him though. Completely out of breath, he fell back a little bit, amazed by how fast, how elegant Noelle was able to walk. For her sake he fastened his steps, soon catching up to her. A pleased smile appeared on her face. “See? I knew you could do it”, she stated.
The room they were approaching had no door, at least not at the moment. From the charred remains that were visible in the corners of the doorway, it was clear that there had been a door here originally. Marak had to wonder what kind of force was needed to destroy the door like that.
“So... this man we're visiting... he is an old friend of yours?”, he asked. Yeah, that would explain a lot. Only an old friend of Noelle could be crazy enough to live in such a place. Noelle slowly shook her head. “Calling him a friend would be too much. We are acquaintances. Fellow minds”, she explained. Great. A fellow insane person...
As Noelle and Marak approached the room, Marak was finally able to take a look inside, at the man that was standing there, his back turned towards them. He was holding a mop in his hands and was obviously cleaning something on the floor, which on closer inspection was clearly a rather large stain of dried blood.
“No visitors”, the man said, without even turning around to look at them. His voice was sounding tired, but more youthful than Marak would have expected from his dull grey hair. Noelle stopped in the doorway, a large smile on her face. “I believe you won't mind this visitor”, she chuckled.
The man stopped cleaning the ground immediately and turned around. As expected, he had a short beard and the same pasty skin Marak had seen with the other maesters. Around his neck, Marak saw a probably highly valuable collar that was made entirely out of Valyrian Steel. His bright blue eyes widened in surprise, even though Marak wasn't sure if he was pleased or shocked to see them. To make things easier for the Maester and to prove that he and Noelle were no danger to him, he gave him one of his friendly and charming smiles.
“Noelle...”, the Maester mumbled. “You haven't aged a day” The priestess took a step into the room, respectfully bowing her head in front of him, a polite gesture that surprised Marak. “Hello, Wulvren”, she greeted him. “It's Archmaester Wulvren now”, Wulvren corrected her and Noelle gave him a nod. “So I've heard. Congratulations” She glanced over her shoulder. “The tall guy with the stupid grin is Marak”, she introduced him and Marak's smile faded. “My grin is not stupid...”, he protested weakly.
“You're travelling with a hired muscle now?”, Wulvren stated coldly. Noelle gave him a nod. “The streets can be dangerous these days”, she answered, before she let out a sigh. “Listen, Wulvren, I know you are not thrilled to see me and I can't hold it against you. You know I wouldn't approach you if it wouldn't be urgent”
“I know”, Wulvren answered. “But I haven't forgotten what you did the last time we met. I am afraid, this time you have to find someone else to screw over. As you can see, I am quite busy at the moment”
“So I've seen”, Noelle said, her voice gaining a bit of sharpness for a moment. “I didn't know they made you the Archmaester of Janitoring as well. Or is the stain of blood part of a new experiment” Marak chuckled at her words, barely suppressing a snorting laugh. Only Wulvren's cold glare prevented him from bursting into laughter.
“It's neither”, Wulvren answered sternly. “My apprentice was murdered a few days ago. Decency demands it from me to clean his blood myself” Immediately, Noelle's cold glare faded, replaced by the usual warm look. “I am sorry for your loss”, she said. Wulvren shook his head. “He was a good boy. Didn't deserve it. So, is there anything else? I'd show you the door, but as you can see, there is an obvious problem”
“As I said, I need your help and I don't intend to leave without it”, Noelle repeated. “Wulvren, this is about what the Lord showed me in my dreams” Wulvren let out a sigh. “Yeah, your dreams”, he growled. “I know what you are willing to do just because you think you saw something in your dreams”
“This time is different. It already happened, some of the things I saw. My powers grow stronger, more accurate with each day, but there are still things I can't do without your knowledge”, Noelle urged him. “I know we are no friends and that is probably my fault, but you have to believe me. Something big is happening. Something terrible. It is up to me to prevent it. But I need your help...”
Wulvren's eyes showed a certain interest. Marak knew the look from women whenever they saw him. From most women at least. Well... from some. “Give me one good reason why I should believe you this time. Even better, give me one good reason why I should help you once again”, the Archmaester said. “And hurry up a little bit, you are wasting my time”
Noelle gave him a triumphant smile and looked at Marak. “My powers are becoming stronger. This can only mean that the Lord of Light is becoming stronger as well. In fact, he sends visions not only to his faithful disciples, but to others as well”, she explained. “Marak here had a vision, not long ago”
Immediately, the interested stare hit Marak, as the Archmaester gave him a look that made him uncomfortable. “A vision?”, he asked. “You are telling me your R'hllor gave this buffoon a vision?”
“It is pronounced Rollmop”, Marak corrected him, always ready to help, while he asked himself what a buffoon was. The Archmaester and Noelle shared a confused glance, before Noelle gave him a nod. “He did”, she said and a pleased, anticipating smile appeared on Wulvren's face. “Am I right with the assumption that he is your peace offer?”, he asked.
“If you want to see him as a peace offer, then yes”, Noelle answered. “Though I consider him more a token of my respect” This time, Marak roughly understood what she said. He understood it and he hated it. “Wait, wait, wait...”, he growled. “I am not a token, you hear me?”
Noelle softly smiled at him and put an uncomfortably warm hand onto his chest. “Marak...”, she purred. “There is no need to be worried. Wulvren has a special interest in those who have been blessed by the Lord of Light. People like you and me. He is convinced that R'hllor's touch left stains in our blood, stains he tries to find and with which he hopes to learn more about the god”
Wulvren gave her a nod. “Indeed. All I need is a small blood sample”, he assured him. “Personally, I am not very fond of Noelle's Red God, if you want to call that thing a god at all. Most likely, it is just a very powerful spirit, or a creature even more eldritch” As he said these words, Noelle narrowed her eyes and Marak had the feeling that her hand on his chest got slightly colder. “Nonetheless, it is a fascinating topic. One of the last few instances of true magic in our world”
“So... you're going to need my blood?”, Marak asked slowly, not liking the sound of these words. “You're going to take a blood sample?” His left hand moved down, protecting his crotch, just to be save.
Wulvren shook his head. “I won't take blood from there. I also won't take blood without your approval. Let me assure you, I will only study it. I don't participate in applied blood magic” With these words, he let go of his mop, simply letting it fall to the ground as he rushed to one of the numerous cupboards in his room. He opened a drawer, pulling out a crudely looking, oversized syringe that made Marak cringe from just looking at it.
“If you allow it, I'm going to take a little bit of blood from your arm. Don't you worry, it won't hurt and your arm won't be impaired by it at all”, Wulvren promised and his voice sounded honest, at least in Marak's ears. But taking a blood sample, that was surely some sort of magic! And Marak hated magic... “To make things clear, you're not doing anything without my approval?”, he asked.
Wulvren gave him a nod. “Correct”, he stated. “Though, the chance to study the blood of someone who is not... like Noelle, but still blessed by R'hllor's power... this is the chance of a lifetime. Don't make me beg, please”
“Leave the begging part to me, Wulvren”, Noelle said, before she moved closer towards Marak. “Marak, please”, she whispered into his ear. “You can trust Wulvren. It won't harm you. However, if it is enough to win his help, then it will help me tremendously. And you can't imagine how much it will please me. Just allow him to take a small sample. Do it for me, please”
[Allow Wulvren to take a sample of your blood] [Don't allow it]
[Order Sasha to accompany Lucas and Leonard] To be honest, I feel that Lucas and Leonard's lives are more important than Samantha's, and if Aylard came at her, I think she could hold her own.
[Don't allow it] I don't really trust their motives, and this might become a blood craving.
[Keep her with you]
[Allow Wulvren to take a sample of your blood]
[Keep her with you]
[Allow Wulvren to take a sample of your blood]
[Keep her with you]
[Allow Wulvren to take a sample of your blood]
[Order Sasha to accompany Lucas and Leonard]
[Don't allow it]
[Keep her with you][Allow Wulvren to take a sample of your blood]
Hey Liquid, happy new years. Late, that is.
[Order Sasha to accompany Lucas and Leonard] Their safety comes first in my opinion.
[Allow Wulvren to take a sample of your blood] Why not? I trust Wulvren. I can't seem to remember, but did Marak and Noelle actually get the chance to travel to Oldtown?
[Order Sasha to accompany Lucas and Leonard]
[Allow Wulvren to take a sample of your blood]
[Keep her with you] I don't want to make Sasha do something she doesn't want to.
[Allow Wulvren to take a sample of your blood] I am convinced.
Once Sam's dealt with Aylard, what will she do? Try to rejoin John? I'm assuming she has no clue he's in Raylansfair.
[Keep her with you]
[Allow Wulvren to take a sample of your blood]
It was mentioned in Marak's last part in Chapter 5 that Noelle plans to travel to Oldtown with him. They did so during the small timeskip between Chapter 5 and Chapter 6.
Actually, she is still undecided about this. Originally, I planned to include a small paragraph in this part, exactly about this topic. She would love to rejoin John and his group. At the same time, she knows that she can't just do nothing against Mullendore. Because of this, she is not sure if she should rejoin John, or if she should travel back to Oldtown on her own, to hopefully find a way to take down Mullendore.
She knows that he is in Raylansfair and she knows that Aylard is there as well. After they survived Bear's attack on Aylard's tavern and after John agreed to send her to Oldtown, they made the plan that John brings Aylard, his son and the remaining barmaids to Raylansfair, while Samantha travels to Oldtown to get Lunett.
[Order Sasha to accompany Lucas and Leonard]
[Allow Wulvren to take a sample of your blood]
I'm still curious to how Anturion made it to your list