I really miss the positive, negative, neutral and silent responses from season 1 and unfortunately Kenny isn't the only character being affected by this problem. i can't choose who I want to friendship and that bothers me.
Example: Episode 3.
Kenny: 'Do you trust me Clementine?'
Options: 'I trust you' 'I'm scared' 'This is a bad plan'.
No option to say… more 'No Kenny, I don't trust you.'
And the entire Jane situation at the end of episode 5 relies on the assumption that Clementine is attached to Kenny in some way, which mine wasn't, due to him refusing to help save her.
Example: Episode 3.
Kenny: 'Do you trust me Clementine?'
Options: 'I trust you' 'I'm scared' 'This is a bad plan'.
No option to say… more 'No Kenny, I don't trust you.'
And the entire Jane situation at the end of episode 5 relies on the assumption that Clementine is attached to Kenny in some way, which mine wasn't, due to him refusing to help save her.
when do you think you realized you disliked Kenny?
This summer when I replayed the game.
I tried to pay more atention to the chra… morecters and their actions. I tried to understand why they were doing what they are doing.
Now, back when No Going Back was realeased when I saved Kenny and, when I saw that Jane had planned it all, all I thought was "she is manipulative and she brought this to herself", I didn't even worried about asking myself why did Jane hide the baby. I remember being such a Kenny fanboy that I could ignore everything he did just because his "good intentions" made it all up!
Now when I did my replay I payed more atention to jane character and well, I liked her as a character a lot. Then when playing episode 5 i finally decided to see Jane's POV:
* There's a dude in your group that looks to apreciate needless violence;
* The only person (apart from the baby that can't talk) that he seems to care about couldn'… [view original content]
Lol well congrats on converting him/her, that's surprised me to be honest. Was he/she a Kenny fan? Or just someone who maybe didn't like Jane at first? Like do they now hate Kenny and like Jane after you changed their mind?
I don't remember if they were a Kenny "fan," but they didn't like Jane before my posts, and their original ending was going with Kenny. Now they look at Jane in a more positive/neutral light than before, which I'm happy with. They still chose to go with Kenny at the end, which is fine by me.
Good find comparing the scene in the woods and when they spoke at the picnic table, i liked that.
Thank you.
Jane's still very much a loner though and i still question what she would do if something happened where Clem/AJ were in danger. If her own life was at risk would she try and save them? I'm not so sure because she made that clear with Sarah when she insisted on leaving her at the trailer. Even letting the timer run out after the deck collapsed and her going to save her, Clem can still have the option to say "don't pretend your sorry, you didn't even want to save her", pretty sure that's what the line is. I won't forget that which is why i wonder if she'd be reluctant if Clem or AJ were in danger. I know she saved Clem from the freezing water and that was a risk but what if there was a situation where they were surrounded by walkers and Jane was the only one nearest to being able to escape safely but Clem/AJ weren't? It just makes me wonder. However i stand by what I've always said, i think Jane sees Clementine as a replacement for her sister, she cares for Clem in that sense yes and the good points i mentioned in the other post about her reflect that but at the same time would she risk her own life for her and the baby if it came down to it? I'm not so sure.
First off, I very highly doubt that Jane will abandon Clem or AJ. See, the problem with your reasoning is that you're implying to me that in season 3, Jane will abandon Clem/AJ and end her story on a sour note, before she takes her inevitable leave from the game (because she's determinant.) It baffles me that people think this would actually happen, because if it did, Telltale would basically be showing a giant middle finger to anyone who took the Jane endings (which is a big fat chunk of their customers), as Telltale themselves would be implying that the Jane endings were the "incorrect" ones and we'd be "wrong" for going with Jane. Not just that, but from a story-telling perspective, Jane's character arc would be completely undone, and for a company that markets their games as the best in interactive storytelling, that would not only be a mistake, but a grievance.
Now don't get me wrong. I think that Kenny is a dangerous guy, and I don't think he's the best pick for taking care of Clem and AJ. However if Telltale were to do something in season 3 that implied that Kenny's endings were the wrong ones like you're implying with the Jane ones, I would be extremely surprised.
Never did I say that I was right and you are wrong. Don't put words in my mouth please; I really don't appreciate it.
Well sorry if … morethis has offended you sialark but it just seemed like you were to me
In addition I chose to screenshot this particular scene because I felt it was a scene that I've never seen people even mention or take note of anywhere on these forums, and I felt it deserved more attention. If you however do find a post discussing it, please by all means link me.
That's fine, its good to find scenes that doesn't seem to have been discussed much. I have no problem with that. I just would have liked something from another perspective perhaps from another scene also.
This is false. I have actually publicly successfully changed the opinion of at least one forum user on their opinion of Jane in the distant past.
So I have been able to sway people's opinions before and I don't see why I can't do it agai… [view original content]
What I didn't like about the "negative" dialogue options, is that they put it in the nicest way possible. For example, in Amid The Ruins, when your walking to the museum with Jane and Rebecca, you can tell Rebecca that she needs to "keep up". Instead, Clementine says "it shouldn't be that far" or something. What I didn't like about Kenny is you don't have too many options to show disdain towards him. Only times I can think of is when you stand up to him in the tent, and a couple of times in No Going Back.
What I didn't like about the "negative" dialogue options, is that they put it in the nicest way possible. For example, in Amid The Ruins, wh… moreen your walking to the museum with Jane and Rebecca, you can tell Rebecca that she needs to "keep up". Instead, Clementine says "it shouldn't be that far" or something. What I didn't like about Kenny is you don't have too many options to show disdain towards him. Only times I can think of is when you stand up to him in the tent, and a couple of times in No Going Back.
Im not implying the Jane endings are wrong at all for gods sake! Im saying Jane would abandon the kids if her own life was put in danger and that's my opinion ok?? And that is going on how i have seen her as a character throughout the game and what i think of her. Its not right or wrong. We all know in season 3 if these characters return, Jane and Kenny won't be around for long and the likelihood is that both will leave on a sour note as you say. Im not saying Kenny's ending was right over Jane's ending either even though I obviously liked the Wellington one better.
It's funny though because i know a lot of people i've seen online think the Kenny endings are better than the Jane endings. Not everyone agrees obviously but from the way TTG made one more emotional/longer than the other which i agree was biased but who knows? Maybe they had a favourite? Lol. I don't honestly care though.
Lol well congrats on converting him/her, that's surprised me to be honest. Was he/she a Kenny fan? Or just someone who maybe didn't like Jan… moree at first? Like do they now hate Kenny and like Jane after you changed their mind?
I don't remember if they were a Kenny "fan," but they didn't like Jane before my posts, and their original ending was going with Kenny. Now they look at Jane in a more positive/neutral light than before, which I'm happy with. They still chose to go with Kenny at the end, which is fine by me.
Good find comparing the scene in the woods and when they spoke at the picnic table, i liked that.
Thank you.
Jane's still very much a loner though and i still question what she would do if something happened where Clem/AJ were in danger. If her own life was at risk would she try and save them? I'm not so sure because she made that clear with Sarah when she insisted on leaving her at the trailer. Even letting… [view original content]
And what exactly is the point to all this? Yes Kenny isn't the easiest character to like, but he is fiercely loyal to his own.
For example, When Lee gets knocked on his ass by Larry at the drugstore, regardless if Lee sided with Kenny about Duck or not, Kenny still comes back and saves his life.
When Ben fell in the alleyway, in spite of the fact that Ben got Kenny's family killed, and had continually put the group at risk through a series of hair-brained decisions, Kenny was still willing to try and save him, and when that wasn't an option, he was willing to spare Ben from being eaten alive by walkers.
If Clementine surrenders to Carver, even though Kenny might not be happy about it, in episode 3 Kenny gets upset when Clementine is manhandled by Troy, and is also willing to protect her from possibly being harmed by Carver, and takes a severe beating for it. And if Clementine cuts Sarita's arm off, Kenny is still protective of her in episode 4, and later apologizes for saying anything hurtful to her in episode 5.
And at the end of everything, Kenny pleads for her and the baby to be allowed into Wellington, even though he knows he will never see them again, and is even willing to give up the supplies that Edith gives him, if it means that Clementine and the baby will have a better chance of being allowed sanctuary in Wellington.
So Kenny is clearly NOT a bad man. In fact, he's very selfless on many levels, despite being flawed like eveyone else. So I don't exactly see the point in bringing up all of what you did?
This post is not meant to demonize Kenny's character in any way.
I didn't write this whole post to talk trash about him; you missed the point completely. I wrote this to show how Kenny has had arguments and/or fights with almost everyone on the group at that time. That's why I didn't include the St. Johns, Carver and Arvo.
when that wasn't an option, he was willing to spare Ben from being eaten alive by walkers.
Actually, no. If you saved Ben, Kelly will tell you he "couldn't help the kid, but I got out" on "A House Divided", meaning he didn't put Ben down. Telltale apparently thought it would be a great idea to let his sacrifice go to waste.
And I understand how loyal Kenny is. We've seen him look after the people he cares about several times throughout the game.
And what exactly is the point to all this? Yes Kenny isn't the easiest character to like, but he is fiercely loyal to his own.
For exampl… moree, When Lee gets knocked on his ass by Larry at the drugstore, regardless if Lee sided with Kenny about Duck or not, Kenny still comes back and saves his life.
When Ben fell in the alleyway, in spite of the fact that Ben got Kenny's family killed, and had continually put the group at risk through a series of hair-brained decisions, Kenny was still willing to try and save him, and when that wasn't an option, he was willing to spare Ben from being eaten alive by walkers.
If Clementine surrenders to Carver, even though Kenny might not be happy about it, in episode 3 Kenny gets upset when Clementine is manhandled by Troy, and is also willing to protect her from possibly being harmed by Carver, and takes a severe beating for it. And if Clementine cuts Sarita's arm off, Kenny is still protective of her in e… [view original content]
I took that to mean that he couldn't save his life. We heard the gun shot, cutting off Ben's screams so I do think we're supposed to understand that Kenny shot him.
This post is not meant to demonize Kenny's character in any way.
I didn't write this whole post to talk trash about him; you missed … morethe point completely. I wrote this to show how Kenny has had arguments and/or fights with almost everyone on the group at that time. That's why I didn't include the St. Johns, Carver and Arvo.
when that wasn't an option, he was willing to spare Ben from being eaten alive by walkers.
Actually, no. If you saved Ben, Kelly will tell you he "couldn't help the kid, but I got out" on "A House Divided", meaning he didn't put Ben down. Telltale apparently thought it would be a great idea to let his sacrifice go to waste.
And I understand how loyal Kenny is. We've seen him look after the people he cares about several times throughout the game.
kenny "where's the kid?" clem "jane has him" ken "you left him with her?!" (knowing jane kept talking about how she would leave the baby of things got tough) jane walks into gas station without a baby she was responsible with looking after leaving him in a car in the blizzard and is basically one of 2 reason kenny has left to live kenny "jane are you okay? where's the baby?" jane's "he's.." (she says with a guilty face so put two and two together and you can assume she left the baby to die) kenny the goes outside to look for the baby "you have to trust me. you're gonna see what he really is" (she says in a manipulating way obviously knowing kenny is gonna hurt or attempt to kill her even though she has the chance to tell him she left him in the car) kenny comes back and clem tries to stop him but gets pushed out of the way ken "how could you kill a fucking child?" jane "i didnt kill him" (at this moment she can say he's in a car but instead...) "it was an accident kenny" (which basically with her acting she says it as i left that kid to die and im not gonna feel remorse which just pisses kenny off more, cause apologizing after killing a baby isnt gonna bring the kid back is it) jane "i wont back down from you kenny" (meaning she wants to fight until one of them dies when SHE HAS THE OPPORTUNITY TO TELL HIM HE'S ALIVE) jane "clem stay back" (the only thing she says that doesnt make her sound like an asshole) sheathes knife jane "dont come near me you son of a bitch" (she says whilst she knows kenny doesnt care and is gonna attack her anyway even though she can STILL SAY HE'S ALIVE!) kenny attacks her after she unsheathes her knife (worst thing he does) fight happens and goes both ways both are in shithead mode and are going too far not listening to clem kenny chokes her and doesnt listen to clementine and clem tries to stop jane from fighting which gives her another opportunity to stop and tell the truth but is as about as levelheaded as kenny, says not happening and pushes kenny and shoves her fingers into kenny's eyes but doesnt stop (AT THIS POINT SHE CAN STOP AND TELL HIM THE TRUTH) kenny stabs jane in the leg and jane accidently knocks clem on her ass kenny yells "fuckin baby killer. ill kill you" to which jane replies "i knew you would" (now pay attention to that part of what she says cause youll see why in a minute) shoot kenny or let jane get stabbed if you chose save jane bang kenny gets shot kenny says "clem....you made the right choice...i let you down...i let everyone down" (which the reason he had to live was to try to save the people he cared about and so he had to stop jane from getting clem killed too) goes through dramatic talk about how he thought wanted to die but now he's scared of dying. then says something cheesy like your always good for a smile and then diescrying in the background and so clem runs to the car where AJ is clem "oh my god AJ" "...he's alive" jane "i know your upset. AJ was never in any danger. i just wanted to convince you to come with me" (so i got kenny killed so i could get my own way) OK HERE IT COMES. jane "clem im sorry" "i didnt know he WOULD GO THAT FAR!" OK so remember that shit i said to remember? lemme copy and paste it "i didnt think he would go that far" (kenny yells "fuckin baby killer. ill kill you" to which jane replies "i knew you would") she fuckin knew he would go that far. which is why i hated her. for manipulating people to get her own way. clem "so you put AJ in danger. and got my friend killed. just to prove a point?" boom i rest my case kenny may go too far in fights but thats to protect the ones he cares about. jane was a manipulative woman who used kenny's anger to try and prove a point that kenny is evil which she fails because kenny's anger was a natural reaction. i would do it. you would do it. anyone would. in the end she gets kenny killed and possibly gets her own way if you follow her to carvers which has shit all food left and has shit defenses from being previously raped by walking corpses. or if you dont she starts manipulating again by saying how she doesnt wanna be alone but clearly show she does by leaving her sister and doing retarded shit. letting kenny live on the other hand. he hears AJ. follows it to the car. finds aj. kenny hugs aj. ken "i thought..i thought we lost you little buddy" clem "i cant believe he's alive" ken "i thought she took him from us" clem "why would she?" ken "she was nuts clem. a disturbed person who only looked out for herself" "hey listen i didnt want that to happen. i thought she killed AJ. and at any point she couldve stopped what was happening by saying he's fine" "she wanted a fight" "i'd never ever hurt you? you understand? i was protecting you from her" "you believe me right?" if you say yes you and him go towards wellington which takes 9 days but you find it...its real." lady fires but she's friendly. and so then he asks what they are required to do to get in. but she gives him a bag and explains the town is full. to which kenny asks her to take the kids sacrifising his safety for them. and even offers that he doesnt need the bag. and so if you choose to stay which in my opinion this is the best ending. she accepts the children and even gives kenny the bag and so she's safe behind walls and kenny can go on living knowing he was able to save 2 children and so he now has a stronger will to live and even has a bag of supplies to survive. or if you go with him im assuming you and him use the bag of gear to survive till you reach carvers place and live there. anyway thats what i got from playing the game. i went with kenny to wellington and then had the 2 children stay whilst kenny went away with supplies. unless you have a better excuse for killing kenny off and living in carvers shitty broken down warehouse with manipulator jane and 3 random characters with a kid who looks like he is already gonna be annoying based on the "cull hat bruh" xD i'd like to see it.
No please, the screenshots are alright! They probably shouldn't, but I feel like they give a bit more credibility to your post.
Yeah, it … moredoes seem like it would take them a lot less effort to find Wellington if knowing where it is was as easy as pinpointing it on a map. And who knows, it might be a shipping container company! Do those have cranes, by the way?
I think we can agree on a couple of things, though. It's pretty unrealistic that Kenny, Clem and A.J. found Wellington in nine days having no idea where it could be.
Also, how are Christa, Carver and Kenny all supposed to know about Wellington's existence when it's up near Michigan? Christa and Clem were in North Carolina when they were talking about getting more wood. Howe's Hardware is supposed to be in Tennessee. Moonstar Lodge is in the Blue Ridge Mountains, Virginia.
Also, the dialog with Matthew can go like this, implying that there's a lot more people coming from t… [view original content]
kenny "where's the kid?" clem "jane has him" ken "you left him with her?!" (knowing jane kept talking about how she would leave the baby of … morethings got tough) jane walks into gas station without a baby she was responsible with looking after leaving him in a car in the blizzard and is basically one of 2 reason kenny has left to live kenny "jane are you okay? where's the baby?" jane's "he's.." (she says with a guilty face so put two and two together and you can assume she left the baby to die) kenny the goes outside to look for the baby "you have to trust me. you're gonna see what he really is" (she says in a manipulating way obviously knowing kenny is gonna hurt or attempt to kill her even though she has the chance to tell him she left him in the car) kenny comes back and clem tries to stop him but gets pushed out of the way ken "how could you kill a fucking child?" jane "i didnt kill him" (at this moment she can say he's in a car but instead..… [view original content]
I actually decided to play Season 1 again, for my second play through. I have to say Kenny is as selfish on Season 1 as he is on Season 2.. I just didn't notice it as much. In fact I think I can easily find reasons to blame him for much of the main cast's deaths in Season 1 as well. Including Lee.
Well when a guy and his Russian pals threaten you at gunpoint and try to rob you im pretty sure i'd remain hostile towards someone who did that even if he is a kid, it doesn't matter.
Oh, the hypocresy; you just described Arvo's perspective! A woman and her American pal threatened him at gunpoint and tried to rob him. He sure would remain hostile towards someone who did that, even if she is a girl, it doesn't matter.
Well when a guy and his Russian pals threaten you at gunpoint and try to rob you im pretty sure i'd remain hostile towards someone who did t… morehat even if he is a kid, it doesn't matter. Maybe wouldn't go as far as Kenny but I wouldn't defend him like Mike and Bonnie kept doing
Yup, unnecessarily beating up a guy who was shot and couldn't even stand to the point where he's already died hits to the head before instead of trying to escape as quickly as possible before the walker horde came close or the Howe's survivors began shooting.
Yup, unnecessarily beating up a guy who was shot and couldn't even stand to the point where he's already died hits to the head before instea… mored of trying to escape as quickly as possible before the walker horde came close or the Howe's survivors began shooting.
For me it was with Larry, I didn't think he'd go to the point where he'd kill the guy without letting me try to save him first, he was one of my favorite characters along with Lilly and Clementine but I felt shocked and in a way betrayed, I guess I just didn't really expect Kenny to do that.
For me, Kenny doing that is when I started to get very interested in his character. It's a drastic character moment for Kenny, and showcases a radical shift in who he is as a person. You get this very clear dichotomy between who Kenny was, and who he is now. I've always been fond of the little speech he gives when you try to talk to him: "I'm the guy that couldn't bear to watch the family dog get put down."
It really puts it in perspective how much a desperate situation like this can change the average person, if not completely skewer their own moral/ethical codes. How someone who couldn't watch a dog get put down manages to reach the point where he can smash a man's head in with little difficulty or hesitation. And the worst part? This kind of change can truly happen in the real world. It can happen to just about anyone if they're pushed to the right point. Just about every character goes through similar changes, but it's the suddenness of Kenny's (d)evolution that makes it stand out to me. A lot of the other characters slowly start to ease into the darker sides of their character, while with Kenny, it's almost like a flip of a switch. Yet it still feels very natural and believable in terms of his character.
For me it was with Larry, I didn't think he'd go to the point where he'd kill the guy without letting me try to save him first, he was one o… moref my favorite characters along with Lilly and Clementine but I felt shocked and in a way betrayed, I guess I just didn't really expect Kenny to do that.
I actually decided to play Season 1 again, for my second play through. I have to say Kenny is as selfish on Season 1 as he is on Season 2..… more I just didn't notice it as much. In fact I think I can easily find reasons to blame him for much of the main cast's deaths in Season 1 as well. Including Lee.
There are many factors in the situation where you could theorize many reasons for why Kenny did what he did, I still can't say I appreciate him throwing a Saltlick on Larry's face when I was trying to save the guy, that kind of action is too irrational for me, I do like the detail put into his character, he's very controversial which is why I think Kenny is a good character in terms of development. All the characters are believable and natural in my opinion since individuality is a thing, I don't doubt that there's something that could trigger that kind of action in everyone but at the same time, I don't doubt that not everyone is triggered by events to behave irrationally as to kill a person.
For me, Kenny doing that is when I started to get very interested in his character. It's a drastic character moment for Kenny, and showcases… more a radical shift in who he is as a person. You get this very clear dichotomy between who Kenny was, and who he is now. I've always been fond of the little speech he gives when you try to talk to him: "I'm the guy that couldn't bear to watch the family dog get put down."
It really puts it in perspective how much a desperate situation like this can change the average person, if not completely skewer their own moral/ethical codes. How someone who couldn't watch a dog get put down manages to reach the point where he can smash a man's head in with little difficulty or hesitation. And the worst part? This kind of change can truly happen in the real world. It can happen to just about anyone if they're pushed to the right point. Just about every character goes through similar changes, but it's the suddenness o… [view original content]
Kenny was the one crying to steal all the supplies out of that car. Lilly and Clementine said not to, as the owners could still be near by as it was obviously freshly abandoned. In turn owner of said car then stalked the group, kidnapped Clem, in turn Lee looking for Clem ends up getting bitten. I'd assume it would be as plain as day.
He could also be blamed for indirectly participating in the deaths of Carley, Katjaa, Duck and the St. John family; if he hadn't wanted to snoop around on the barn, the Motel Inn group would've had Mark for dinner and headed back to their place, and the bandits wouldn't have attacked because they would still be getting food from the St. Johns.
Edit: Include the entirety of the Save-Lots bandits in the list. They died as well.
Kenny was the one crying to steal all the supplies out of that car. Lilly and Clementine said not to, as the owners could still be near by … moreas it was obviously freshly abandoned. In turn owner of said car then stalked the group, kidnapped Clem, in turn Lee looking for Clem ends up getting bitten. I'd assume it would be as plain as day.
I think what put this incident over for me was that it was so cold and deliberate. It wasnt Kenny just having a violent outburst or losing control of himself. It was him planning to slowly beat someone to death, even inviting a little girl to watch. That is next level.
I didnt feel it was that radical in the sense that I felt there was a slow build up throughout the seasons, but I do see your point. You have this image of yourself as the person you think you are, and find yourself becoming something else. Kenny didnt acknowledge that change in himself until the very, very end.
For me, Kenny doing that is when I started to get very interested in his character. It's a drastic character moment for Kenny, and showcases… more a radical shift in who he is as a person. You get this very clear dichotomy between who Kenny was, and who he is now. I've always been fond of the little speech he gives when you try to talk to him: "I'm the guy that couldn't bear to watch the family dog get put down."
It really puts it in perspective how much a desperate situation like this can change the average person, if not completely skewer their own moral/ethical codes. How someone who couldn't watch a dog get put down manages to reach the point where he can smash a man's head in with little difficulty or hesitation. And the worst part? This kind of change can truly happen in the real world. It can happen to just about anyone if they're pushed to the right point. Just about every character goes through similar changes, but it's the suddenness o… [view original content]
It's the best in the sense that I felt the horror for choosing to stay and watch, and I felt like it was a step in the right direction story wise, I didn't expect Carver to die as quickly as he did, but the way in which he was dealt with was perfect for the story aspect of this game, Kenny, being the only one to stoop down to that level and execute Carver, and getting vengeance in the process, and don't get me started on the musical score for the scene, it was excellent and just an overall amazing scene, I honestly prefer my Clem staying compared to leaving with Sarita, I understand that it may be wrong and a tad bit terrifying, but the way Clementine's expressions change during the scene conveys so much, without even uttering a word. The choice to leave feels off to me, maybe because it wasn't my canon choice, but for a lot of people it was, I just feel like you get much more out of the characters, well for Rebecca, Kenny, and Clem anyways, from that scene and it just really hits you. It's one of the few moments that I enjoyed very much throughout the game, where I felt the weight of my decision and how it affected Clem and the group. Carver served his purpose as a catalyst and evoked change within all of the characters, for better or for worse. He brought out Kenny's darker side, and depending on your actions, Clem's darker tendencies, or her willingness to stay composed and not subject herself to the onslaught that ensues, whichever you decide, Carver transfers a part of himself onto the group one way or another, the act of Kenny slaying Carver reminds me of the ending scene in Apocalypse Now, between Martin Sheen and Marlon Brando, I won't go into details to avoid spoilers, although I kind have already spoiled some of it. The purpose is that Kenny, in a way becomes Carver for killing him so brutally in the manner that he does, and if Clem chooses to watch, she, in a way, becomes like him. But if you choose to stay with Kenny in the end, he eventually redeems himself with his actions at Wellington, which was a good outcome for him, he could have easily fallen too far and could've become a complete Psychopath, he comes close, but Clem and A.J. are what keeps him from going over that edge. Woo, I can't believed I typed all that.
Yup, unnecessarily beating up a guy who was shot and couldn't even stand to the point where he's already died hits to the head before instea… mored of trying to escape as quickly as possible before the walker horde came close or the Howe's survivors began shooting.
What. That bitch shot you.
Yes but, I sometimes being shot would be a better option than go with Kenny
I really miss the positive, negative, neutral and silent responses from season 1 and unfortunately Kenny isn't the only character being affected by this problem. i can't choose who I want to friendship and that bothers me.
Isn't 'This is a bad plan' a different version of 'I don't trust you?'
Also , you can tell Kenny to stop being an asshole at one point.
Thank you for sharing your perspective!
Very interesting.
I don't remember if they were a Kenny "fan," but they didn't like Jane before my posts, and their original ending was going with Kenny. Now they look at Jane in a more positive/neutral light than before, which I'm happy with. They still chose to go with Kenny at the end, which is fine by me.
Thank you.
First off, I very highly doubt that Jane will abandon Clem or AJ. See, the problem with your reasoning is that you're implying to me that in season 3, Jane will abandon Clem/AJ and end her story on a sour note, before she takes her inevitable leave from the game (because she's determinant.) It baffles me that people think this would actually happen, because if it did, Telltale would basically be showing a giant middle finger to anyone who took the Jane endings (which is a big fat chunk of their customers), as Telltale themselves would be implying that the Jane endings were the "incorrect" ones and we'd be "wrong" for going with Jane. Not just that, but from a story-telling perspective, Jane's character arc would be completely undone, and for a company that markets their games as the best in interactive storytelling, that would not only be a mistake, but a grievance.
Now don't get me wrong. I think that Kenny is a dangerous guy, and I don't think he's the best pick for taking care of Clem and AJ. However if Telltale were to do something in season 3 that implied that Kenny's endings were the wrong ones like you're implying with the Jane ones, I would be extremely surprised.
What I didn't like about the "negative" dialogue options, is that they put it in the nicest way possible. For example, in Amid The Ruins, when your walking to the museum with Jane and Rebecca, you can tell Rebecca that she needs to "keep up". Instead, Clementine says "it shouldn't be that far" or something. What I didn't like about Kenny is you don't have too many options to show disdain towards him. Only times I can think of is when you stand up to him in the tent, and a couple of times in No Going Back.
Wouldnt it be great if you, an eleven year old girl, could give him the finger? I would laugh so hard at that.
THAT WOULD BE SO COOL but who would Clem have learned the finger from?
Im not implying the Jane endings are wrong at all for gods sake! Im saying Jane would abandon the kids if her own life was put in danger and that's my opinion ok?? And that is going on how i have seen her as a character throughout the game and what i think of her. Its not right or wrong. We all know in season 3 if these characters return, Jane and Kenny won't be around for long and the likelihood is that both will leave on a sour note as you say. Im not saying Kenny's ending was right over Jane's ending either even though I obviously liked the Wellington one better.
It's funny though because i know a lot of people i've seen online think the Kenny endings are better than the Jane endings. Not everyone agrees obviously but from the way TTG made one more emotional/longer than the other which i agree was biased but who knows? Maybe they had a favourite? Lol. I don't honestly care though.
Omid, of course.
Why is her finger all red XD
As long as he knows how to pick a lock!
And what exactly is the point to all this? Yes Kenny isn't the easiest character to like, but he is fiercely loyal to his own.
For example, When Lee gets knocked on his ass by Larry at the drugstore, regardless if Lee sided with Kenny about Duck or not, Kenny still comes back and saves his life.
When Ben fell in the alleyway, in spite of the fact that Ben got Kenny's family killed, and had continually put the group at risk through a series of hair-brained decisions, Kenny was still willing to try and save him, and when that wasn't an option, he was willing to spare Ben from being eaten alive by walkers.
If Clementine surrenders to Carver, even though Kenny might not be happy about it, in episode 3 Kenny gets upset when Clementine is manhandled by Troy, and is also willing to protect her from possibly being harmed by Carver, and takes a severe beating for it. And if Clementine cuts Sarita's arm off, Kenny is still protective of her in episode 4, and later apologizes for saying anything hurtful to her in episode 5.
And at the end of everything, Kenny pleads for her and the baby to be allowed into Wellington, even though he knows he will never see them again, and is even willing to give up the supplies that Edith gives him, if it means that Clementine and the baby will have a better chance of being allowed sanctuary in Wellington.
So Kenny is clearly NOT a bad man. In fact, he's very selfless on many levels, despite being flawed like eveyone else. So I don't exactly see the point in bringing up all of what you did?
I didn't write this whole post to talk trash about him; you missed the point completely. I wrote this to show how Kenny has had arguments and/or fights with almost everyone on the group at that time. That's why I didn't include the St. Johns, Carver and Arvo.
Actually, no. If you saved Ben, Kelly will tell you he "couldn't help the kid, but I got out" on "A House Divided", meaning he didn't put Ben down. Telltale apparently thought it would be a great idea to let his sacrifice go to waste.
And I understand how loyal Kenny is. We've seen him look after the people he cares about several times throughout the game.
I took that to mean that he couldn't save his life. We heard the gun shot, cutting off Ben's screams so I do think we're supposed to understand that Kenny shot him.
kenny "where's the kid?" clem "jane has him" ken "you left him with her?!" (knowing jane kept talking about how she would leave the baby of things got tough) jane walks into gas station without a baby she was responsible with looking after leaving him in a car in the blizzard and is basically one of 2 reason kenny has left to live kenny "jane are you okay? where's the baby?" jane's "he's.." (she says with a guilty face so put two and two together and you can assume she left the baby to die) kenny the goes outside to look for the baby "you have to trust me. you're gonna see what he really is" (she says in a manipulating way obviously knowing kenny is gonna hurt or attempt to kill her even though she has the chance to tell him she left him in the car) kenny comes back and clem tries to stop him but gets pushed out of the way ken "how could you kill a fucking child?" jane "i didnt kill him" (at this moment she can say he's in a car but instead...) "it was an accident kenny" (which basically with her acting she says it as i left that kid to die and im not gonna feel remorse which just pisses kenny off more, cause apologizing after killing a baby isnt gonna bring the kid back is it) jane "i wont back down from you kenny" (meaning she wants to fight until one of them dies when SHE HAS THE OPPORTUNITY TO TELL HIM HE'S ALIVE) jane "clem stay back" (the only thing she says that doesnt make her sound like an asshole) sheathes knife jane "dont come near me you son of a bitch" (she says whilst she knows kenny doesnt care and is gonna attack her anyway even though she can STILL SAY HE'S ALIVE!) kenny attacks her after she unsheathes her knife (worst thing he does) fight happens and goes both ways both are in shithead mode and are going too far not listening to clem kenny chokes her and doesnt listen to clementine and clem tries to stop jane from fighting which gives her another opportunity to stop and tell the truth but is as about as levelheaded as kenny, says not happening and pushes kenny and shoves her fingers into kenny's eyes but doesnt stop (AT THIS POINT SHE CAN STOP AND TELL HIM THE TRUTH) kenny stabs jane in the leg and jane accidently knocks clem on her ass kenny yells "fuckin baby killer. ill kill you" to which jane replies "i knew you would" (now pay attention to that part of what she says cause youll see why in a minute) shoot kenny or let jane get stabbed if you chose save jane bang kenny gets shot kenny says "clem....you made the right choice...i let you down...i let everyone down" (which the reason he had to live was to try to save the people he cared about and so he had to stop jane from getting clem killed too) goes through dramatic talk about how he thought wanted to die but now he's scared of dying. then says something cheesy like your always good for a smile and then dies crying in the background and so clem runs to the car where AJ is clem "oh my god AJ" "...he's alive" jane "i know your upset. AJ was never in any danger. i just wanted to convince you to come with me" (so i got kenny killed so i could get my own way) OK HERE IT COMES. jane "clem im sorry" "i didnt know he WOULD GO THAT FAR!" OK so remember that shit i said to remember? lemme copy and paste it "i didnt think he would go that far" (kenny yells "fuckin baby killer. ill kill you" to which jane replies "i knew you would") she fuckin knew he would go that far. which is why i hated her. for manipulating people to get her own way. clem "so you put AJ in danger. and got my friend killed. just to prove a point?" boom i rest my case kenny may go too far in fights but thats to protect the ones he cares about. jane was a manipulative woman who used kenny's anger to try and prove a point that kenny is evil which she fails because kenny's anger was a natural reaction. i would do it. you would do it. anyone would. in the end she gets kenny killed and possibly gets her own way if you follow her to carvers which has shit all food left and has shit defenses from being previously raped by walking corpses. or if you dont she starts manipulating again by saying how she doesnt wanna be alone but clearly show she does by leaving her sister and doing retarded shit. letting kenny live on the other hand. he hears AJ. follows it to the car. finds aj. kenny hugs aj. ken "i thought..i thought we lost you little buddy" clem "i cant believe he's alive" ken "i thought she took him from us" clem "why would she?" ken "she was nuts clem. a disturbed person who only looked out for herself" "hey listen i didnt want that to happen. i thought she killed AJ. and at any point she couldve stopped what was happening by saying he's fine" "she wanted a fight" "i'd never ever hurt you? you understand? i was protecting you from her" "you believe me right?" if you say yes you and him go towards wellington which takes 9 days but you find it...its real." lady fires but she's friendly. and so then he asks what they are required to do to get in. but she gives him a bag and explains the town is full. to which kenny asks her to take the kids sacrifising his safety for them. and even offers that he doesnt need the bag. and so if you choose to stay which in my opinion this is the best ending. she accepts the children and even gives kenny the bag and so she's safe behind walls and kenny can go on living knowing he was able to save 2 children and so he now has a stronger will to live and even has a bag of supplies to survive. or if you go with him im assuming you and him use the bag of gear to survive till you reach carvers place and live there. anyway thats what i got from playing the game. i went with kenny to wellington and then had the 2 children stay whilst kenny went away with supplies. unless you have a better excuse for killing kenny off and living in carvers shitty broken down warehouse with manipulator jane and 3 random characters with a kid who looks like he is already gonna be annoying based on the "cull hat bruh" xD i'd like to see it.
I think you might have meant to place this post as a reply to something else, @jackman117.
Perhaps she's wearing fake nails? A girl gotta accessorize.
I think her Amid The Ruins model just had bloody fingers XD
Not really, no.
Saying 'this one plan is bad' is different to saying 'I don't trust you generally'.
I actually decided to play Season 1 again, for my second play through. I have to say Kenny is as selfish on Season 1 as he is on Season 2.. I just didn't notice it as much. In fact I think I can easily find reasons to blame him for much of the main cast's deaths in Season 1 as well. Including Lee.
More like:
Oh, the hypocresy; you just described Arvo's perspective! A woman and her American pal threatened him at gunpoint and tried to rob him. He sure would remain hostile towards someone who did that, even if she is a girl, it doesn't matter.
Yup, unnecessarily beating up a guy who was shot and couldn't even stand to the point where he's already died hits to the head before instead of trying to escape as quickly as possible before the walker horde came close or the Howe's survivors began shooting.
I think this was the first time Kenny actually scared me. Anyone who could do such thing has a screw loose.
For me it was with Larry, I didn't think he'd go to the point where he'd kill the guy without letting me try to save him first, he was one of my favorite characters along with Lilly and Clementine but I felt shocked and in a way betrayed, I guess I just didn't really expect Kenny to do that.
For me, Kenny doing that is when I started to get very interested in his character. It's a drastic character moment for Kenny, and showcases a radical shift in who he is as a person. You get this very clear dichotomy between who Kenny was, and who he is now. I've always been fond of the little speech he gives when you try to talk to him: "I'm the guy that couldn't bear to watch the family dog get put down."
It really puts it in perspective how much a desperate situation like this can change the average person, if not completely skewer their own moral/ethical codes. How someone who couldn't watch a dog get put down manages to reach the point where he can smash a man's head in with little difficulty or hesitation. And the worst part? This kind of change can truly happen in the real world. It can happen to just about anyone if they're pushed to the right point. Just about every character goes through similar changes, but it's the suddenness of Kenny's (d)evolution that makes it stand out to me. A lot of the other characters slowly start to ease into the darker sides of their character, while with Kenny, it's almost like a flip of a switch. Yet it still feels very natural and believable in terms of his character.
I'm curious as to how Lee's death can be blamed specifically on Kenny
There are many factors in the situation where you could theorize many reasons for why Kenny did what he did, I still can't say I appreciate him throwing a Saltlick on Larry's face when I was trying to save the guy, that kind of action is too irrational for me, I do like the detail put into his character, he's very controversial which is why I think Kenny is a good character in terms of development. All the characters are believable and natural in my opinion since individuality is a thing, I don't doubt that there's something that could trigger that kind of action in everyone but at the same time, I don't doubt that not everyone is triggered by events to behave irrationally as to kill a person.
Kenny was the one crying to steal all the supplies out of that car. Lilly and Clementine said not to, as the owners could still be near by as it was obviously freshly abandoned. In turn owner of said car then stalked the group, kidnapped Clem, in turn Lee looking for Clem ends up getting bitten. I'd assume it would be as plain as day.
He could also be blamed for indirectly participating in the deaths of Carley, Katjaa, Duck and the St. John family; if he hadn't wanted to snoop around on the barn, the Motel Inn group would've had Mark for dinner and headed back to their place, and the bandits wouldn't have attacked because they would still be getting food from the St. Johns.
Edit: Include the entirety of the Save-Lots bandits in the list. They died as well.
He scared me a little on the train, and how he treated sarita in episode 2. But yeah this takes the cake.
I think what put this incident over for me was that it was so cold and deliberate. It wasnt Kenny just having a violent outburst or losing control of himself. It was him planning to slowly beat someone to death, even inviting a little girl to watch. That is next level.
I didnt feel it was that radical in the sense that I felt there was a slow build up throughout the seasons, but I do see your point. You have this image of yourself as the person you think you are, and find yourself becoming something else. Kenny didnt acknowledge that change in himself until the very, very end.
It's the best in the sense that I felt the horror for choosing to stay and watch, and I felt like it was a step in the right direction story wise, I didn't expect Carver to die as quickly as he did, but the way in which he was dealt with was perfect for the story aspect of this game, Kenny, being the only one to stoop down to that level and execute Carver, and getting vengeance in the process, and don't get me started on the musical score for the scene, it was excellent and just an overall amazing scene, I honestly prefer my Clem staying compared to leaving with Sarita, I understand that it may be wrong and a tad bit terrifying, but the way Clementine's expressions change during the scene conveys so much, without even uttering a word. The choice to leave feels off to me, maybe because it wasn't my canon choice, but for a lot of people it was, I just feel like you get much more out of the characters, well for Rebecca, Kenny, and Clem anyways, from that scene and it just really hits you. It's one of the few moments that I enjoyed very much throughout the game, where I felt the weight of my decision and how it affected Clem and the group. Carver served his purpose as a catalyst and evoked change within all of the characters, for better or for worse. He brought out Kenny's darker side, and depending on your actions, Clem's darker tendencies, or her willingness to stay composed and not subject herself to the onslaught that ensues, whichever you decide, Carver transfers a part of himself onto the group one way or another, the act of Kenny slaying Carver reminds me of the ending scene in Apocalypse Now, between Martin Sheen and Marlon Brando, I won't go into details to avoid spoilers, although I kind have already spoiled some of it. The purpose is that Kenny, in a way becomes Carver for killing him so brutally in the manner that he does, and if Clem chooses to watch, she, in a way, becomes like him. But if you choose to stay with Kenny in the end, he eventually redeems himself with his actions at Wellington, which was a good outcome for him, he could have easily fallen too far and could've become a complete Psychopath, he comes close, but Clem and A.J. are what keeps him from going over that edge. Woo, I can't believed I typed all that.