Kenny was living peacefully in a ski lodge when a group of strangers show up on his front door while a crazy guy is chasing them. The crazy guy shows and holds his people hostage. He kills one of the people who is holding his people hostage. What is he supposed to do? Surrender himself to random assault gun wielding strangers? He gets kidnapped and taken prisoner just because some random people showed up and got 2 of his friends killed. Arvo shows up and everyone's beloved jane try's to rob him at gunpoint. To which my clementine said no and didnt steal supplies. Jane threatens him and he leaves. A day later the group is walking along minding their own business and Arvo and his thugs show up(angry at jane that abandoned the group) and they attack a group of people who have a newborn and an 11 year old for no reason I can see. They have a shoot out while there are children in the cross fire. Kenny's pissed because he was just attacked unwarranted. So he was gonna just kill him and be done but the group decided to keep him prisoner so that he could get them supplies. Arvo gets Luke/Bonnie killed and Kenny beats him up. Later in the night he attempts to steal their truck/supplies and shoots a 11 year old girl trying to protect it. Yeah Kenny and Arvo are very similar lol
What was the reason for assaulting the group? Getting revenge on jane (that's who they were looking for) but she already abandoned the group so the Russians still decided rob them at gunpoint. So you're right that wasn't unwarranted because it was Janes fault.but what about shooting Clem?
::Sounds like hes done some real awful things compared to shooting a child and attacking a group unwarranted.::
None of those things were… more unwarranted. They all had reasons for why they did those things. Its just that since we are not on their side, so to speak, they come off the villians. If we were and we were watching Kenny do all those things you described, and try to justify as being good things, then we would be seeing Kenny in a whole new, very unfavorable light.
The only time he had a chance to speak with her was when everyone was getting cozy by the fire whilst he was freezing in the cold tied to a fence... Most of the time she didn't have a chance to speak to him because either Kenny was too busy beating him or the game gave you no option to.
I would try to communicate instead of instantly going to punish him, I would want Clementine to use compassion and be sympathetic/empathetic and not rush to the conclusion that physical abuse or threats is the way to deal with people like Arvo, who she barely knows. I'd like the option to talk to him, so Clementine can understand why Arvo is specifically angry at her.
Considering Kenny chose to keep Arvo with him at all times and constantly beat him up when it was completely unnecessary, I think Arvo does deserve an apology, and why not a hug? Everyone deserves a hug
Well said. Idk why Kenny gets shit constantly. Don't they ever get sick of talking about him constantly? This is a discussion about Arvo and not how Kenny is such a bad guy. Everything to do with Kenny is so black in white. But that's not the case for every other character. It's hypocritical.
Works both ways too though doesn't it? For Kenny's critics, why is it so black and white for him and not everyone else? People wanna sit Ar… morevo down, talk to him, understand why he did it. Kenny gets more shit for having a fight with Lee at his worst state of mind than Arvo did for shooting a kid, at his worst state of mind. Now in fiction not everyone is equal in every thing and we're free to like who and what we like for whatever. I'm not gonna start going round calling anyone hypocrites or any of that shit, but just saying...
Now personally I understand why Arvo did what he did. Even before he tried to kill Clementine, it was highly unlikely that the two were going to be buddies or anything and I didn't get the feeling that either would ever want that. Too much bad blood there. Hell if I was playing from Arvo's point of view, i'd want Jane, Kenny and Clementine all wiped out. Jane especially put all the events into motion that got the kids family killed.
I still don't see how it was Jane's fault that Arvo's Group assaulted Clementine's Group when they show up regardless of whether Jane and Clementine steal Arvo's Medicine which he was trying to store in a bin and they also show up regardless of when the group leave(be it the next day or a few days later), it's all the same which makes the attack quite inconsistent, it's more of a chance that the group managed to get ambushed on their way to the town. But as for the reason? Well I remember Arvo saying Clementine's group to give his group all their stuff, that's pretty much a big reason why people are ambushed - to steal things. In the Apocalypse where there aren't many places that haven't been cleared out, people are the only things you can get more stuff off of.
What was the reason for assaulting the group? Getting revenge on jane (that's who they were looking for) but she already abandoned the group… more so the Russians still decided rob them at gunpoint. So you're right that wasn't unwarranted because it was Janes fault.but what about shooting Clem?
Replay it. Arvo clearly says they are looking for Jane to which Clem can respond with "she left"and other options regardless of stealing the medicine or not.
I still don't see how it was Jane's fault that Arvo's Group assaulted Clementine's Group when they show up regardless of whether Jane and Cl… moreementine steal Arvo's Medicine which he was trying to store in a bin and they also show up regardless of when the group leave(be it the next day or a few days later), it's all the same which makes the attack quite inconsistent, it's more of a chance that the group managed to get ambushed on their way to the town. But as for the reason? Well I remember Arvo saying Clementine's group to give his group all their stuff, that's pretty much a big reason why people are ambushed - to steal things. In the Apocalypse where there aren't many places that haven't been cleared out, people are the only things you can get more stuff off of.
Must we really call it these? "Kenny Bashing", "Jane Bashing", "Arvo Bashing" why not look at what they actually are? Different opinions and perspectives on a character that make them sound villainous - because subjectively they are. There's something about arguments everyone needs to understand, it's not an argument until someone presents an opposing opinion, this is a Forum with many opposing opinions just like many other Forums on the internet, don't expect everyone to agree with your own opinion or to stay silent with their disagreement :x Sorry but that's just how it is and in my opinion, there's no need to label a subjective view point of a character that's different from yours as 'bashing'.
Well said. Idk why Kenny gets shit constantly. Don't they ever get sick of talking about him constantly? This is a discussion about Arvo and… more not how Kenny is such a bad guy. Everything to do with Kenny is so black in white. But that's not the case for every other character. It's hypocritical.
I did replay it, he claims that Jane robbed him regardless - possibly for his Gun but they're the ones who decided to wait on the same path for the group to arrive and he says "We're going to take all your stuff".
Replay it. Arvo clearly says they are looking for Jane to which Clem can respond with "she left"and other options regardless of stealing the medicine or not.
I did replay it, he claims that Jane robbed him regardless - possibly for his Gun but they're the ones who decided to wait on the same path for the group to arrive and he says "We're going to take all your stuff".
I know they've been mentioned it doesn't mean they are accurate though. He is mentioned in like every thread by people trying to convince people to dislike him. Bringing up how bad of a person he is CONSTANTLY has gotten old. I don't dislike that Kenny has an impact on Arvos actions I actually liked how it panned out. Kenny was over zealous with Arvo but him shooting Clem just doesn't sit right with me. "But... But.. Kenny did this... Kenny did that.." He shot a little girl that is adored with almost everyone and he's not ok in my book. People like Kenny. People hate Kenny. Everyone has their own opinion and that should be the end of it. Each choice is for each individual not anybody else's "like it or not" lol
Idk why Kenny gets shit constantly.
The reasons have been mentioned dozens of times.
Kenny is mentioned because what he did to Arvo had a direct impact on what Arvo did. They're linked, like it or not.
I'm saying it's hard to believe he and his group decided to wait in the blizzard to ambush the group just to get back at one specific individual for stealing a gun and determinantly medicine.
The only time he had a chance to speak with her was when everyone was getting cozy by the fire whilst he was freezing in the cold tied to a … morefence... Most of the time she didn't have a chance to speak to him because either Kenny was too busy beating him or the game gave you no option to.
He did, he wanted to be left alone, he shouted "Leave me alone" and said some stuff in Russian(I don't speak Russian so I don't know what he said), I wouldn't blame him considering it was the night he lost 3 members of his group, one of them we know he had a good relationship with - Natasha, his sister, he saw them die, he was threatened as well beaten by Kenny twice. As for accepting Clementine's apology, she just says sorry, doesn't state what she's sorry for and that's all she says, that could've made Arvo think she's only saying that but doesn't mean that, remember that people are complicated :x
Are you really trying to say that criticisms of Kenny arent accurate? That doesnt go with saying everyone has their own opinion.
Also, you missed my point. Kenny and Arvo being linked through their interaction is not a choice. Its what happens in the game. No matter what you choose, Arvo is still taken prisoner and beaten relentlessly by Kenny.
This backward logic of "Arvo shot clem, so everything Kenny did to him before that is deserved", makes my head hurt.
I know they've been mentioned it doesn't mean they are accurate though. He is mentioned in like every thread by people trying to convince pe… moreople to dislike him. Bringing up how bad of a person he is CONSTANTLY has gotten old. I don't dislike that Kenny has an impact on Arvos actions I actually liked how it panned out. Kenny was over zealous with Arvo but him shooting Clem just doesn't sit right with me. "But... But.. Kenny did this... Kenny did that.." He shot a little girl that is adored with almost everyone and he's not ok in my book. People like Kenny. People hate Kenny. Everyone has their own opinion and that should be the end of it. Each choice is for each individual not anybody else's "like it or not" lol
I'm on about Jane robbing Arvo and threatening to kill him if I remember correctly (I try not to get involved directly in Jane vs Kenny thing at the end lol). I'm dismissing Jane and Clementine as the robbers, as it is pretty clear cut that Jane robbed him to some degree which put the events into motion. Clementine at any point could have said "you just robbed a kid, I don't want to hang with you anymore", yet she continued to assccoiate with Jane. Why? Survival, loyalty, closeness, maybe all of them. The why isn't important.
Point i'm trying to make is that it's hard to sympathise or see characters as victims or innocent once they make these choices. Arvo and his group responded by trying to rob the entire group, which has consequences.
Which option with Jane do you mean? If you mean the ending one after the fight, that option was stupid, imo. And again, its not so simple. H… moree obviously loved his sister, and according to him, she was sick. He wanted to be there for her. Its not that easy to walk away from your family. Also, he is a child, and physically handicapped. His sister probably protected him and took care of him. Our group werent always angels either, so just dismissing them as robbers is the reason why I wanted to know more about their motivations instead of them just being villians and getting quickly wiped out.
I said he was over zealous. That means he went overboard. I didn't say once that I thought what Kenny did was right because it wasn't. But now since he shot Clem then I think Kenny should get a hold of him. I never justified what he did to Arvo before he shot Clem. Idk where you got that from. And yeah the criticism aren't always factual. It's purely opinion. Wether if you think what kenny did was just or unjust is opinion. I can criticize anything I want but that doesn't mean it's right. His criticisms aren't accurate with me. And it's my opinion to think like that just like it's your opinion to think that he's a bad guy. So I do believe that does go with everyone having their own opinion. Wasn't Kenny taken prisoner too? And Kenny was just going to shoot him and be done with it but it was Luke/Bonnie/mikes idea to take him as prisoner. You people act like it's all Kenny's fault. It's janes fault they even came back in the first place! Yes Kenny has done bad things but so has everyone else. Arvo shot a kid. Mike/Bonnie stole supplies. Jane caused the Russians to return. Luke/jane got Sarah killed. It's not just Kenny. I swear Kenny haters are more obsessed with Kenny than Kenny fans. Why else would he be brought up CONSTANTLY. Kenny exists. People like him. Get over it. Jane exists. People like Jane. Get over it. Pointing out their pros and cons constantly gets old doesn't it? You're not going to Change anyone's mind. So why waste the energy? I hate Jane with a passion but I'm not bringing up how awful she is to anyone who brings up Jane in a good light.
Are you really trying to say that criticisms of Kenny arent accurate? That doesnt go with saying everyone has their own opinion.
Also, yo… moreu missed my point. Kenny and Arvo being linked through their interaction is not a choice. Its what happens in the game. No matter what you choose, Arvo is still taken prisoner and beaten relentlessly by Kenny.
This backward logic of "Arvo shot clem, so everything Kenny did to him before that is deserved", makes my head hurt.
You choose not to steal from him, he still accuses you, because Jane took his gun (not blaming Jane for anything). You stick up for him when Kenny is beating him around, he still mean mugs you. Why? All because you shot his sister who reanimated and is going after Clem and AJ.
That's because Telltale wanted you to hate him, so that they could get him out of the way and have Kenny vs Jane.
We're about two years into the apocalypse, everyone should know by now you turn once you die from anything less of a brain injury. Did he not see his sister's face and eyes?
He was performing CPR, without actually knowing that it wouldn't help. While being kept hostage by Kenny, he saw her crawling to safety in the corner of his eye, and thought that he had saved her. Seconds later she was shot by a girl in the other group.
Also, let's not forget: Mike, Bonnie, and Arvo were stealing EVERYTHING from Kenny, Jane, AJ, and Clem. When Clem caught them, Arvo shot her to assure their escape. Stealing one bag and leaving them the other would've been understandable, but stealing both is like making sure they wouldn't survive in the cold of nowhere.
Why do people conveniently forget that all those supplies, including the truck, were from the Russian group, and not ours? We just claimed it as ours as soon as we made it to their camp.
Just wanted to say:
As I said several days ago, it doesn't matter how you treat Arvo. You choose not to steal from him, he still accuses … moreyou, because Jane took his gun (not blaming Jane for anything). You stick up for him when Kenny is beating him around, he still mean mugs you. Why? All because you shot his sister who reanimated and is going after Clem and AJ. We're about two years into the apocalypse, everyone should know by now you turn once you die from anything less of a brain injury. Did he not see his sister's face and eyes?
Also, let's not forget: Mike, Bonnie, and Arvo were stealing EVERYTHING from Kenny, Jane, AJ, and Clem. When Clem caught them, Arvo shot her to assure their escape. Stealing one bag and leaving them the other would've been understandable, but stealing both is like making sure they wouldn't survive in the cold of nowhere.
That's why I would shoot Arvo in the knee and let the walkers get him. Same with Mike … [view original content]
Good points. I won't lie, I forget the supplies were the Russians, but it's all about survival. I know that's cliché, so I'll give more than that. Whatever motive(s) the Russians had for attacking Clem's group; whether they set up an ambush or whether they crossed paths coincidentally, a fight broke out, and they lost. Clem's group needed supplies, and Arvo was a member of the opposing side who knew where they were. Whether he's guilty or innocent, he still treated Clem poorly. Right or wrong from his perspective.
When Clem's group recovered those supplies, they now belonged to the group. Right or wrong. Such is life if you want to survive. So, when Mike, Bonnie, and Arvo attempted to steal both bags and the only working car in reach, it's the same as attempting to kill us. But I get it. They needed to get away from Kenny, but when you rob me and leave me with nothing, especially when I have a baby to care for, I'm going to be pissed and eliminate you, if I have it my way. We haven't heard Arvo's reasons, and I don't care. Not after what he's done. That's just me though.
You choose not to steal from him, he still accuses you, because Jane took his gun (not blaming Jane for anything). You stick up for him when… more Kenny is beating him around, he still mean mugs you. Why? All because you shot his sister who reanimated and is going after Clem and AJ.
That's because Telltale wanted you to hate him, so that they could get him out of the way and have Kenny vs Jane.
We're about two years into the apocalypse, everyone should know by now you turn once you die from anything less of a brain injury. Did he not see his sister's face and eyes?
He was performing CPR, without actually knowing that it wouldn't help. While being kept hostage by Kenny, he saw her crawling to safety in the corner of his eye, and thought that he had saved her. Seconds later she was shot by a girl in the other group.
Also, let's not forget: Mike, Bonnie, and Arvo were stealing EVERYTHING from Kenny, Jane, AJ, and Clem. When… [view original content]
I would try to communicate instead of instantly going to punish him, I would want Clementine to use compassion and be sympathetic/empathetic… more and not rush to the conclusion that physical abuse or threats is the way to deal with people like Arvo, who she barely knows. I'd like the option to talk to him, so Clementine can understand why Arvo is specifically angry at her.
A man his age yeah but how would we be if we got our eye bashed in causing probable brain damage. Did any Anti Kenny fans think maybe this is the reason he became violent and not just because they think he's a horrible guy? Kenny wasn't half as bad (violent) before that happened to him. It's another theory and another reason i sympathise with him because if it were brain damage from Carver then it's no wonder we saw such a big change in him the last 2 episodes and you can't blame him for what Carver did to him.
We have to remember that he beat Arvo up because he felt there was reason to even though it was very extreme and we all know that. Arvo said fuck you to him so he got angry and yes he couldn't control himself where as in the past he may have been able to better. When Arvo was tied up during the campfire scene, Kenny knocks him out but you could argue that it was because Arvo was screaming loudly, on the way to the lake, he carries on walking when Kenny asks him to stop so he pushes him to the ground. What im saying is, he had reasons for doing all that and im not saying im defending him on these situations but in my opinion he didn't just do it for no reason like some people here think.
Well, of course, one situation led to another. Just like our group robbing that car led to the Stranger kidnapping Clementine. But its how y… moreou deal with a situation that says a lot about you. I would think that a man his age would have more self control.
I know he had reasons. His reasons, imo, were that he needed an outlet for his angry outbursts, and Arvo was a scapegoat. I will always believe that because of the frequency and severity of his abuse.
But im thinking Im finally starting to get tired of talking about Kenny, at least for now. He is dead and gone in my game, so onto the Michonne miniseries.
A man his age yeah but how would we be if we got our eye bashed in causing probable brain damage. Did any Anti Kenny fans think maybe this i… mores the reason he became violent and not just because they think he's a horrible guy? Kenny wasn't half as bad (violent) before that happened to him. It's another theory and another reason i sympathise with him because if it were brain damage from Carver then it's no wonder we saw such a big change in him the last 2 episodes and you can't blame him for what Carver did to him.
We have to remember that he beat Arvo up because he felt there was reason to even though it was very extreme and we all know that. Arvo said fuck you to him so he got angry and yes he couldn't control himself where as in the past he may have been able to better. When Arvo was tied up during the campfire scene, Kenny knocks him out but you could argue that it was because Arvo was screaming loudly, on the way to the lake, he carries o… [view original content]
Being serious, just give me an option for Clementine to hit Arvo [that girl needs payback for getting shot] and I'm all good. If he ever comes back I'd prefer they did something interesting with him and not the generic evil Russian route as his group got dumped into the box as. Like the character who tried to kill Glenn in the TV show and several episodes were of him trying to redeem himself and work as a team with Glenn, something like that might work with Arvo.
Clem: I...I forgive you, Arvo.
Arvo: Really? T_T
Clem: No [pursues with chainsaw].
Being serious, just give me an option for Clemen… moretine to hit Arvo [that girl needs payback for getting shot] and I'm all good. If he ever comes back I'd prefer they did something interesting with him and not the generic evil Russian route as his group got dumped into the box as. Like the character who tried to kill Glenn in the TV show and several episodes were of him trying to redeem himself and work as a team with Glenn, something like that might work with Arvo.
I know he had reasons. His reasons, imo, were that he needed an outlet for his angry outbursts, and Arvo was a scapegoat. I will always beli… moreeve that because of the frequency and severity of his abuse.
But im thinking Im finally starting to get tired of talking about Kenny, at least for now. He is dead and gone in my game, so onto the Michonne miniseries.
Break his other leg. Jk. It would depend on the situation we meet him in, but I would be the better person and leave for the walkers. Give a warning how dangerous this fool is to anyone that is around and carrion.
Kenny was living peacefully in a ski lodge when a group of strangers show up on his front door while a crazy guy is chasing them. The crazy guy shows and holds his people hostage. He kills one of the people who is holding his people hostage. What is he supposed to do? Surrender himself to random assault gun wielding strangers? He gets kidnapped and taken prisoner just because some random people showed up and got 2 of his friends killed. Arvo shows up and everyone's beloved jane try's to rob him at gunpoint. To which my clementine said no and didnt steal supplies. Jane threatens him and he leaves. A day later the group is walking along minding their own business and Arvo and his thugs show up(angry at jane that abandoned the group) and they attack a group of people who have a newborn and an 11 year old for no reason I can see. They have a shoot out while there are children in the cross fire. Kenny's pissed because he was just attacked unwarranted. So he was gonna just kill him and be done but the group decided to keep him prisoner so that he could get them supplies. Arvo gets Luke/Bonnie killed and Kenny beats him up. Later in the night he attempts to steal their truck/supplies and shoots a 11 year old girl trying to protect it. Yeah Kenny and Arvo are very similar lol
What was the reason for assaulting the group? Getting revenge on jane (that's who they were looking for) but she already abandoned the group so the Russians still decided rob them at gunpoint. So you're right that wasn't unwarranted because it was Janes fault.but what about shooting Clem?
The only time he had a chance to speak with her was when everyone was getting cozy by the fire whilst he was freezing in the cold tied to a fence... Most of the time she didn't have a chance to speak to him because either Kenny was too busy beating him or the game gave you no option to.
I would try to communicate instead of instantly going to punish him, I would want Clementine to use compassion and be sympathetic/empathetic and not rush to the conclusion that physical abuse or threats is the way to deal with people like Arvo, who she barely knows. I'd like the option to talk to him, so Clementine can understand why Arvo is specifically angry at her.
Considering Kenny chose to keep Arvo with him at all times and constantly beat him up when it was completely unnecessary, I think Arvo does deserve an apology, and why not a hug? Everyone deserves a hug
Well said. Idk why Kenny gets shit constantly. Don't they ever get sick of talking about him constantly? This is a discussion about Arvo and not how Kenny is such a bad guy. Everything to do with Kenny is so black in white. But that's not the case for every other character. It's hypocritical.
I still don't see how it was Jane's fault that Arvo's Group assaulted Clementine's Group when they show up regardless of whether Jane and Clementine steal Arvo's Medicine which he was trying to store in a bin and they also show up regardless of when the group leave(be it the next day or a few days later), it's all the same which makes the attack quite inconsistent, it's more of a chance that the group managed to get ambushed on their way to the town. But as for the reason? Well I remember Arvo saying Clementine's group to give his group all their stuff, that's pretty much a big reason why people are ambushed - to steal things. In the Apocalypse where there aren't many places that haven't been cleared out, people are the only things you can get more stuff off of.
Replay it. Arvo clearly says they are looking for Jane to which Clem can respond with "she left"and other options regardless of stealing the medicine or not.
Must we really call it these? "Kenny Bashing", "Jane Bashing", "Arvo Bashing" why not look at what they actually are? Different opinions and perspectives on a character that make them sound villainous - because subjectively they are. There's something about arguments everyone needs to understand, it's not an argument until someone presents an opposing opinion, this is a Forum with many opposing opinions just like many other Forums on the internet, don't expect everyone to agree with your own opinion or to stay silent with their disagreement :x Sorry but that's just how it is and in my opinion, there's no need to label a subjective view point of a character that's different from yours as 'bashing'.
The reasons have been mentioned dozens of times.
Kenny is mentioned because what he did to Arvo had a direct impact on what Arvo did. They're linked, like it or not.
I did replay it, he claims that Jane robbed him regardless - possibly for his Gun but they're the ones who decided to wait on the same path for the group to arrive and he says "We're going to take all your stuff".
Ok well I don't get your point? Are you denying that Arvo wasn't looking for Jane?
I know they've been mentioned it doesn't mean they are accurate though. He is mentioned in like every thread by people trying to convince people to dislike him. Bringing up how bad of a person he is CONSTANTLY has gotten old. I don't dislike that Kenny has an impact on Arvos actions I actually liked how it panned out. Kenny was over zealous with Arvo but him shooting Clem just doesn't sit right with me. "But... But.. Kenny did this... Kenny did that.." He shot a little girl that is adored with almost everyone and he's not ok in my book. People like Kenny. People hate Kenny. Everyone has their own opinion and that should be the end of it. Each choice is for each individual not anybody else's "like it or not" lol
I'm saying it's hard to believe he and his group decided to wait in the blizzard to ambush the group just to get back at one specific individual for stealing a gun and determinantly medicine.
i don't even care at this point lmao
But he didn't say a word to her. He didn't even accept Clem's apology.
He did, he wanted to be left alone, he shouted "Leave me alone" and said some stuff in Russian(I don't speak Russian so I don't know what he said), I wouldn't blame him considering it was the night he lost 3 members of his group, one of them we know he had a good relationship with - Natasha, his sister, he saw them die, he was threatened as well beaten by Kenny twice. As for accepting Clementine's apology, she just says sorry, doesn't state what she's sorry for and that's all she says, that could've made Arvo think she's only saying that but doesn't mean that, remember that people are complicated :x
Are you really trying to say that criticisms of Kenny arent accurate? That doesnt go with saying everyone has their own opinion.
Also, you missed my point. Kenny and Arvo being linked through their interaction is not a choice. Its what happens in the game. No matter what you choose, Arvo is still taken prisoner and beaten relentlessly by Kenny.
This backward logic of "Arvo shot clem, so everything Kenny did to him before that is deserved", makes my head hurt.
I'm on about Jane robbing Arvo and threatening to kill him if I remember correctly (I try not to get involved directly in Jane vs Kenny thing at the end lol). I'm dismissing Jane and Clementine as the robbers, as it is pretty clear cut that Jane robbed him to some degree which put the events into motion. Clementine at any point could have said "you just robbed a kid, I don't want to hang with you anymore", yet she continued to assccoiate with Jane. Why? Survival, loyalty, closeness, maybe all of them. The why isn't important.
Point i'm trying to make is that it's hard to sympathise or see characters as victims or innocent once they make these choices. Arvo and his group responded by trying to rob the entire group, which has consequences.
I said he was over zealous. That means he went overboard. I didn't say once that I thought what Kenny did was right because it wasn't. But now since he shot Clem then I think Kenny should get a hold of him. I never justified what he did to Arvo before he shot Clem. Idk where you got that from. And yeah the criticism aren't always factual. It's purely opinion. Wether if you think what kenny did was just or unjust is opinion. I can criticize anything I want but that doesn't mean it's right. His criticisms aren't accurate with me. And it's my opinion to think like that just like it's your opinion to think that he's a bad guy. So I do believe that does go with everyone having their own opinion. Wasn't Kenny taken prisoner too? And Kenny was just going to shoot him and be done with it but it was Luke/Bonnie/mikes idea to take him as prisoner. You people act like it's all Kenny's fault. It's janes fault they even came back in the first place! Yes Kenny has done bad things but so has everyone else. Arvo shot a kid. Mike/Bonnie stole supplies. Jane caused the Russians to return. Luke/jane got Sarah killed. It's not just Kenny. I swear Kenny haters are more obsessed with Kenny than Kenny fans. Why else would he be brought up CONSTANTLY. Kenny exists. People like him. Get over it. Jane exists. People like Jane. Get over it. Pointing out their pros and cons constantly gets old doesn't it? You're not going to Change anyone's mind. So why waste the energy? I hate Jane with a passion but I'm not bringing up how awful she is to anyone who brings up Jane in a good light.
Charm coming out of their ass.
That's because Telltale wanted you to hate him, so that they could get him out of the way and have Kenny vs Jane.
He was performing CPR, without actually knowing that it wouldn't help. While being kept hostage by Kenny, he saw her crawling to safety in the corner of his eye, and thought that he had saved her. Seconds later she was shot by a girl in the other group.
Why do people conveniently forget that all those supplies, including the truck, were from the Russian group, and not ours? We just claimed it as ours as soon as we made it to their camp.
Good points. I won't lie, I forget the supplies were the Russians, but it's all about survival. I know that's cliché, so I'll give more than that. Whatever motive(s) the Russians had for attacking Clem's group; whether they set up an ambush or whether they crossed paths coincidentally, a fight broke out, and they lost. Clem's group needed supplies, and Arvo was a member of the opposing side who knew where they were. Whether he's guilty or innocent, he still treated Clem poorly. Right or wrong from his perspective.
When Clem's group recovered those supplies, they now belonged to the group. Right or wrong. Such is life if you want to survive. So, when Mike, Bonnie, and Arvo attempted to steal both bags and the only working car in reach, it's the same as attempting to kill us. But I get it. They needed to get away from Kenny, but when you rob me and leave me with nothing, especially when I have a baby to care for, I'm going to be pissed and eliminate you, if I have it my way. We haven't heard Arvo's reasons, and I don't care. Not after what he's done. That's just me though.
Edit: I corrected a spelling error
100% agree with you.
Give him a taste of a salt-lick.
Shoot him
He shot an 11 year old girl
If he returns he's f*****
A man his age yeah but how would we be if we got our eye bashed in causing probable brain damage. Did any Anti Kenny fans think maybe this is the reason he became violent and not just because they think he's a horrible guy? Kenny wasn't half as bad (violent) before that happened to him. It's another theory and another reason i sympathise with him because if it were brain damage from Carver then it's no wonder we saw such a big change in him the last 2 episodes and you can't blame him for what Carver did to him.
We have to remember that he beat Arvo up because he felt there was reason to even though it was very extreme and we all know that. Arvo said fuck you to him so he got angry and yes he couldn't control himself where as in the past he may have been able to better. When Arvo was tied up during the campfire scene, Kenny knocks him out but you could argue that it was because Arvo was screaming loudly, on the way to the lake, he carries on walking when Kenny asks him to stop so he pushes him to the ground. What im saying is, he had reasons for doing all that and im not saying im defending him on these situations but in my opinion he didn't just do it for no reason like some people here think.
That's my take on this anyway
I know he had reasons. His reasons, imo, were that he needed an outlet for his angry outbursts, and Arvo was a scapegoat. I will always believe that because of the frequency and severity of his abuse.
But im thinking Im finally starting to get tired of talking about Kenny, at least for now. He is dead and gone in my game, so onto the Michonne miniseries.
Clem: I...I forgive you, Arvo.
Arvo: Really? T_T
Clem: No [pursues with chainsaw].
Being serious, just give me an option for Clementine to hit Arvo [that girl needs payback for getting shot] and I'm all good. If he ever comes back I'd prefer they did something interesting with him and not the generic evil Russian route as his group got dumped into the box as. Like the character who tried to kill Glenn in the TV show and several episodes were of him trying to redeem himself and work as a team with Glenn, something like that might work with Arvo.
I hope the Arvo thing would work out better. Seriously, Glenn is the nicest person on earth to give that guy another chance after what he did.
About time
Good one lol.
Break his other leg. Jk. It would depend on the situation we meet him in, but I would be the better person and leave for the walkers. Give a warning how dangerous this fool is to anyone that is around and carrion.
What did Glenn do?
That ended well...
Not Glenn, Nicholas.
Sorry, say no spoilers of TWD season 6 because I didn't start watching that season yet because I got little bored and lazy