What would you have changed in Season One?


Heys guy, I was just wondering, what would you guys have changed in Season One of The Walking Dead Game, whether it's one or several choices or even the possibility to save/kill certain characters, here's what I would've changed(Note that some of what I would've changed would be what they were originally going to do). I love Season One of The Walking Dead Game it's one of my favorite games, these are just some of the changes I thought would've been cool for the game, just a bunch of stuff I wish could've happened :p

Episode 1

  • If you left at Day - you'll get a scene where Lee has a conversation with Shawn and Chet in Shawn's Truck, they will talk about when they first noticed this happening and why they went into town, Chet will talk a bit about how he's worried about his family and have a short conversation with Clementine.
  • If you left at Night - you'll get a scene where Lee has a conversation with Shawn and Andre in Andre's Car, they will talk about when they first noticed this happening, Andre will recall what happened to the other Officers and the chaos in town whilst Shawn will grieve over Chet.
  • Larry doesn't punch Lee to the ground if he sides with him about Duck being bit.

Episode 2

  • If you saved David, Katjaa will only manage to save him if Lee helps her when she asks him for assistance, if David lives, Lee can have conversations with him and ask him multiple questions - who he is and what happened to him and his students and how they got here. David will make his way to the farm aided by either Carley or Doug, Brenda will see him and insist on checking his leg, David will accept her offer. Later on, when Mark and Lee get back to the St. John's House, Brenda will offer to check Mark's wound, after the Jolene scene, Mark will be in the Barn with Kenny, he'll agree with Kenny that he feels there's something suspicious happening and that Brenda wouldn't let him see David upstairs, Lee can have a small conversation with Mark about his thoughts on the St. John's Dairy Farm and the Save-Lot Bandits. Mark will believe Lee when he warns everyone that they're eating human flesh, he'll be in the Meat Locker with everyone else trying to help Lilly calm Larry down. When Lee makes the choice between trying to save Larry or letting Kenny kill him, Mark will try to stop Kenny but Kenny will just nudge him away. He'll express his shock at what just happened. Later on when the group robs from the Van, Mark will argue that they shouldn't take other peoples' food and will remind everyone that the Van wasn't there earlier.
  • If David wasn't saved, Travis would end up being fine if Lee gave Katjaa some aid. In this scenario, everything plays out as it originally does, Travis continue to express his distrust towards the St. John's Dairy and Lee can have a conversation with him when he wakes up - about who he is, how he got here and about the Bandits that attacked their camp, he'll act nervous talking to Lee. Later on, he'll appear with Carley and Ben when coming to the St. John's Dairy Farm. When it comes to the Van filled with food, Travis will agree with Kenny about taking the food since the person who owns the car just left it wide open. In Episode 3, Lee can have a conversation with Travis, when asking him about the crayon he'll be very defensive prompting Lee to get suspicious over him, Lilly will overhear this and think the culprit is Travis, if Carley is alive, Lee can tell Travis about his past and he'll show that he's afraid of Lee. Travis and Ben will get into an argument and Lee can stop it, otherwise Kenny does. Travis will hide with Ben and manage to get into the R.V., in the next scene, Lilly accuses Travis of being the culprit, Ben and Carley/Doug will try to defend him. When they pull the R.V. over, Travis and Lilly would get into an argument and Travis would end up calling Lilly a psychotic bitch, which prompts her to shoot and kill Travis, if Doug lives, he tries to help Travis but he pushes him away, if Carley tries to help Travis, Lilly just ignores her. In this instance, Doug/Carley can live.
  • If Lee tries to save Larry in the Meat Locker, Lilly will stop Kenny from grabbing the Salt Lick and end up fighting, if Mark is alive, he'll try to stop the fight, Larry will end up waking up but he can't be saved because his medicine is back at The Motel, instead he has a monologue where he apologizes to Lilly for not being able to be there for her anymore and tells her how much he loves her. He'll give his coins to Lee when he asks for it, Lilly will stay with Larry and Lee can have a short conversation with him where he'll ask Lee to take care of Lilly and Clementine. Lilly will still express dislike towards Kenny for attempting to kill Larry, she'll hug Larry and he'll ask her to end him, she'll say she can't do it so Larry just asks that Lilly finds him a gun. After Lee either kills or spares Danny, Lilly will pick up his rifle and contemplate on whether to give it to Larry or do it herself. When Andrew is pushing Lee to the electric fence, Lilly will still help Lee using the rifle, then she decides to give the rifle to Larry before she ends up leaving with the group. As the group walk about from the farm, Lilly looks back and a loud gunshot is heard from the Barn, prompting Lilly to start crying, Clementine will express her sympathy for Lilly.

Episode 3

  • If Carley ends up living, she will comment on Travis' death, she will say that they should leave her behind for what she did, Lilly then argues with Carley. Lee can have a conversation with her about Lilly, and if Lee 'romanced' her earlier, they'll flirt and back and forth, to which Ben and determinantly Lilly will look uncomfortable at what they overhear. Carley will end up getting the animal crackers for Duck and Clementine. A conversation about Duck, Chuck and/or the Train as well as Savannah can be prompted if Lee talks to Carley when she's with everyone else. If Lilly steals the R.V., Carley will try to shoot the wheels on the R.V. and attract a couple of Walkers which Lee can kill, Katjaa will then have a small argument with Carley about using her gun like that. When on the Train, Lee can talk about Carley's past and continue to flirt with her. When Lee tries to teach Clementine how to use a gun, Carley will also give her some tips, she'll also offer to cut Clementine's hair. When Katjaa and Duck die, Carley will talk to Lee about what happened. When Christa and Omid appear, Carley will point her gun at them to which Christa expresses dislike towards. Carley says she's keeping a close eye on Christa and Omid, she'll say that she's skeptical about them.
  • If Doug ends up living, he will comment on Travis' death. He will say that they should give Lilly another chance, Lilly then thanks Doug for what he said. Lee can then have a heart to heart with Doug about everything that's been happening over the past few months in the R.V. Doug will end up getting the animal crackers for Duck and Clementine, he'll also give some to Ben. A conversation about Duck, Chuck and/or the Train as well as Savannah can be prompted if Lee talks to Doug when he's with everyone else. If Lilly steals the R.V., Doug will tell Lee to just let her go. When on the Train, Lee can have another heart to heart with Doug and learn more about him and even start flirting with him. When Lee tries to teach Clementine how to use a gun, Doug will provide moral support and cheer Clementine on, he'll also offer to cut her hair. When Katjaa and Duck die, Doug tries to comfort Kenny to which he gets angry at Doug, Lee can then defend Doug and talk to him about what had just happened. Doug will try to be friendly to Christa and Omid, but this prompts Christa to be more cautious due to Doug's friendliness, he makes conversation with Omid, you can overhear their banter.
  • If Mark is alive - Lee can have a conversation with him, ask him about the crayon and if Carley is alive - tell him his secret - which will make Mark nervous. When everyone is fleeing from the Bandit Attack, Mark is still hiding and he ends up getting left behind and we see him get shot in the head right before the next scene plays. There would be an argument about leaving Mark behind.
  • If you let Lilly stay, you can talk to her about who she just killed, either using force or compassion and either understanding what she was trying to do or making her feel worse for killing someone.
  • If Travis was saved, Ben will tell Lee that it was his idea to trust the Bandits, that Travis pressured him into giving them the Medicine so that they'd stay of their backs.

Episode 4

  • If Carley lives, Lee can talk to her at the House and continue to flirt with her, at this point in time, Lee can kiss Carley. She will try to scavenge around for anything that can still be taken. When Lee arrives back at the House, Carley goes up to him and hugs him, Lee can get mad at her for Clementine sneaking out of the House, he can apologize to her later. Carley will look for Clementine inside with Lee. When she hears about the plan to sneak into Crawford, Lee can convince her to stay with Omid or come with them. Carley will volunteer to stay behind with Omid and Clementine if Clementine doesn't come to Crawford. When everyone gets their tasks, Lee can tell Carley to either help Christa, Kenny or Molly. If She helps Christa, she'll shoot down some of the Walkers, if she helps Kenny, they get into an argument that the door can't be opened and she'll have a conversation with Clementine and Ben, in these two instances, you can talk to Carley about Crawford. If you tell her to help Molly and you, she'll follow Lee around and comment on their surroundings, Lee will tell Carley to stay on the other side of the fence. When everyone is back together and Ben confesses what he'd done, Carley will vote to leave Ben behind. When running from the Walkers and Ben ends up holding onto the ledge, Carley will slow down the Walkers by shooting at them, if Lee saves Ben, Carley will get grabbed and bitten by a Walker and tumble down the stairs. If Lee lets go of Ben, Carley reassures his guilt by saying that Ben wanted to die. Back at the House, Lee can kiss Carley again or just continue flirting with her and talk about Molly leaving and the Boat plan.
  • If Doug lives, Lee can talk to him at the house and continue to flirt with him. Doug will say that he thinks there might be something useful in the Shed outside, so he tries to open it. When Lee returns to the House, he runs up to him and asks where he's been, they'll have a conversation about Crawford and Vernon's group. Lee can also get angry at Doug for Clementine being missing, but he can apologize for doing so later. Doug then tells him that Clementine is inside the Shed and that he was inside the house to try to find some tools to get the door opened from the outside. When he hears about the plan to sneak into Crawford, Lee can convince Doug to stay with Omid or to come with, if Clementine stays at the House, Doug will offer to stay and look after her and Omid. If Doug comes to Crawford, Lee can get him to help Christa, Kenny or Molly, if Doug helps Christa, he distracts the walkers with a gadget he made that emits sound, drawing the Walkers away from him and the others. He later tells Lee that he's been working on ways to lure Walkers to certain locations using sound ever since they were at The Motel. If Doug helps Kenny, he tries to think of a way to break the door down, he has a conversation with Kenny and Brie. Lee can talk to Doug about Crawford. If Doug comes with Lee to help Molly, he'll comment on their surrounding environment and Lee will tell Doug to stay on the other side of the fence. When everyone is back together and Ben reveals his secret, Doug votes to give Ben a second chance. When Ben ends up hanging by the ledge, Doug will give Lee some time to try and save him by shooting at the Walkers, since he's not as good a shot, he pushes some down the stairs, if Lee saves Ben, a couple of Walkers grab hold of Doug, causing all three to lean to the right and fall to the floor. If Lee let's Ben fall to his death, Doug will express shock and question why Lee just let him die. Later on at the House, Lee can convince Doug to understand why he let Ben die and they can kiss for the first time. Lee can then discuss Molly and the Boat with him.
  • A scene where everyone makes their way through the Sewers into Crawford whilst also running into some Walkers is added, a kind of maze level where you have to navigate where the group goes.
  • If Travis lived in Episode 2, Ben would blame what happened on Travis, Kenny would then get angry at him for keeping it a secret and trusting Travis. Christa, Omid, Brie and Vernon will ask who Travis is.

Episode 5

  • If Carley lived - If Lee showed the group his bite, Carley, if romanced, will look at Lee and tear up, Lee can hug her, she'll offer to help find Clementine whether Lee is bitten or not and whether she was romanced or not bu Lee can decline her help. If Carley comes with Lee alone, they will talk about their feelings towards one another if she is romanced and she will promise that Clementine will be safe, Carley will offer to cut Lee's hand off or he can do it. Lee can continue to converse with Carley on the Roof, they can talk about everything that's happened since the day they met and Carley will hug and kiss Lee again after he jumps back to the Roof if she was romanced. When they get back to the house, Kenny will tell Lee that he feels bad for Carley knowing that she's going to lose him. Lee can kiss Carley one last time if he romanced her. When everyone exits the Balcony, Carley is the last one to jump, the balcony breaks and she ends up getting impaled leading to a scene where Lee tries to her, Kenny comes down with him to try and help her but she just tells Lee to go and save Clementine, Lee refuses but Kenny pushes him back to make sure he does, telling Lee that Clementine still needs him, Lee and Carley says their goodbyes and I-Love-Yous, Kenny shoots Carley and Lee sees him push Walker after Walker away as he manages to escape and makes his way onto the road. The scene plays different depending on whether Carley was romanced/Lee had a good relationship with her.
  • If Doug is lived - If Lee shows his bite to the group, Doug will look at Lee teary eyed and go up and hug him if romanced. He offers to help find Clementine regardless but Lee can decline. If Doug comes alone with Lee, they will have a special moment where they recount when they first met and Doug will tell Lee about how he began to see him as a best friend/the only good thing to come out of the Apocalypse, Doug will tell Lee how he feels and reassures Lee that he'll save Clementine. When Lee wakes up, Doug will try to tell Lee that it's probably too late to cut his hand off now and that he might struggle getting out if he only has one hand. On the Roof, Lee can ask Doug about his relationship with Carley and he'll talk about how they met, how the two met Lilly, Larry and Glenn and he'll talk about how he had a crush on her. Before Lee tries to walk over the ladder, Doug will kiss Lee if romanced saying that he's afraid he might not get another chance, he'll hug Lee again after he jumps back to the Roof. Back at the House, Doug will try to ease the tension between Kenny and Lee and Kenny will express his sympathy for Doug, due to knowing that Lee was going to die. Lee can kiss Doug one last time if romanced. When the group exit through the balcony, Doug is the last to exit and he ends up getting impaled, Lee and Kenny go down to try and help Doug but he feels too much pain, Doug will tell them that he can't be saved and that they should just focus on Clementine, Kenny then pushes Lee away and prevents him from getting back into the alleyway and tells him to go look for Clementine, Lee and Doug say their good-byes and I-love-yous, Kenny shoots Doug and escapes the alleyway. The scene plays differently depending on whether Doug was romanced and their relationship.
  • If Ben, Carley and Doug all died - Kenny jumps down to save Christa, but instead of hearing him just scream from the oncoming Walkers, the group hear a fading echo of Kenny screaming, like he either jump down or fell down multiple stories.
  • Christa and Omid will comment on Lee's relationship with Carley/Doug, it plays differently if he romanced them.
  • The Stranger won't blame Lee for leaving Clementine with Omid if Carley/Doug stayed behind.

These were just some of the things I would've loved to have seen in Season One, I know it's impossible now but I just wanted to share what I would've changed and would like to know what others would've changed if they could've as well :) I tried to think of changes that wouldn't effect the climax of the series or Season 2 too much.
P.S. Sorry that it's so long xD



  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited February 2016

    I liked the story of Season One just fine (it's one of my favorite Telltale stories). However, I definitely would change some things game-play wise.

    It would be great if the optional inventory puzzles actually mattered to the plot (like how Minecraft: Story Mode handled things with the optional puzzles in the Ellegard path - you could solve a puzzle or simply brute force your way through), so that people who like inventory puzzles in their adventure games could play them without feeling like they were tacked on (which, apparently, even Telltale felt that they were - as they dropped inventory puzzles completely later in the season and continued on that path in season two). I also would have really liked more direct control shooting sections in the episodes, as I enjoyed those a lot. They're much more fun than QTE's in my opinion. If you count adding things that Telltale learned after season one, then I would really love direct close quarters combat like Minecraft story mode. It would be awesome if you could swing the axe at walkers directly instead of going through tedious quick time events to do it.

    If they just did all that, and kept the quick time events to events such as loading the gun, and moving away from and dealing with the walkers when you can't walk (such as with the babysitting walker) or when you're pinned in a tight spot (and didn't have the tedious repetitive button mashing QTE's), The Walking Dead: Season One would probably be my favorite Telltale game of all time.

  • I also loved Season One's story, it's mostly the subplots I would've liked to be in more detail :p

    Actually, I definitely agree, I found allot of the newer gameplay, rather than mostly QTEs a fresh change for a TTG game, I'd love to have different ways to solve puzzles , close combat and better shooting(since I kind of feel like sometimes if you miss, you hit xD), it doesn't have to be completely detailed gameplay to be more enjoyable after all :) I'm hoping we'll see more gameplay in Season 3 and perhaps more Side Quests like Season One had.

    I haven't played every TTG game, so I'm not sure if I can say any of the games are my favorite from the company but I must say that I'm really enjoying some of their older games like Back To The Future, with lots of puzzles(some including inventory items) as well as more different types of gameplay in a sense, or a guess making use of the gameplay available to make a pretty unique and entertaining puzzle.

    Jennifer posted: »

    I liked the story of Season One just fine (it's one of my favorite Telltale stories). However, I definitely would change some things game-p

  • I don't know about the Carley/Doug romance options. I think that having Lee's only chance at a relationship (with Carley) being cut short reinforces the idea that Clem is the only thing he has left.

  • edited February 2016

    Save Duck at the farm

    Defend Duck at the drugstore

    Defend Kenny at the drugstore

    (Edit: Add on) Feed Duck at the drugstore

    Have Kenny's side at the Motor Inn

    Feed Duck, Kenny, and offer food to Kat at the Motor Inn

    Have Kenny's side at the Dairy farm before the meat locker scene

    Help Lilly try to revive Larry, and all of a sudden, everything before that no longer happened.

    According to Kenny, you NEVER had his back. That's B.S. I know that that moment is supposed to be the turning point in the story, but come on... To blatantly ignore all that I've done for him was frustrating. I don't blame Kenny at all; I blame the writing. Whether or not Larry could've been revived, I don't care, that's not the point I'm making. I was fine with Larry dying. Not everyone can live.

    That's the only thing I really didn't like about Season One. Everything else was great.

  • That is a good way of looking at it, I just felt like it would've been pretty nice for those who wanted Lee to have an actual romantic relationship with either Carley or Doug could've had a chance to have that if they chose to, although I considered Kenny as family when I played as Lee, even counted Christa and Omid and to an extent Molly, but I Clementine is really the only character Lee has a special relationship with, just thinking that having more options and more instances might've been nice for some people :3

    Clem4S3 posted: »

    I don't know about the Carley/Doug romance options. I think that having Lee's only chance at a relationship (with Carley) being cut short reinforces the idea that Clem is the only thing he has left.

  • Fair enough, I do agree with the Kenny situation, it would've been nice if characters remembered things more, especially if you as Lee saved Duck several times and fed his family, pretty much took care of his family, in the end with the Larry situation, Kenny gets his wish wanting Larry dead, so I don't think it was very fair for him to forget everything Lee has done good just because of one decision that ends in the same way.

    Wintryon posted: »

    Save Duck at the farm Defend Duck at the drugstore Defend Kenny at the drugstore (Edit: Add on) Feed Duck at the drugstore Have

  • Exactly, and I like Kenny. That made it even more frustrating for me. The entire time he's scolding me in one playthrough, I'm saying out loud... "Listen, buddy... I like you. Enough with the 3rd degree." Haha

    prink34320 posted: »

    Fair enough, I do agree with the Kenny situation, it would've been nice if characters remembered things more, especially if you as Lee saved

  • I would have liked Chuck to have a more prominent role in Season 1, or at least give him a better death. His only purpose in the game was to get Lee to teach Clem how to shoot and cut her hair, which is a shame because he is one of the most likable and underrated characters in the series. And what does he get, an off screen death in a sewer. Not only that, but no one even asks about Chuck and Lee doesn't tell anyone that he found him. Not even Clem, who Chuck saved when Ben ran away, seems to care about what happened to him. I understand there are bigger concerns at the moment, but how hard is it to include one dialogue option to tell people that Chuck is dead, I'd imagine it's not that hard.

    Also, I wouldn't have Crawford be overrun with walkers. They were building this place up to be the worst of the worst, a Nazi Germany in the heart of Savannah, a serious threat that, if we got caught, could lead to the death of everyone. Instead, all we get is utter disappointment. Everyone is dead and the threat they had built up from the start of the episode goes down the drain, along with Crawford's potential. Sneaking around a living Crawford could have been much more challenging, they're could have been some great puzzles similar to the motel scene in Episode 1 where we have to quietly get what we need without making too much noise. And while this was happening, we could overhear conversations between the residents of Crawford and learn how it came about, why they put Crawford in charge, why they resorted to such drastic measures, was there anyone who didn't like it or were they all just blind followers, etc.

  • Don't make Lee gay, PLS.

  • Why?

    Killah posted: »

    Don't make Lee gay, PLS.

  • I wish Lily was able to be romanced :(

  • edited February 2016

    I would've wanted the game to show Clementine shooting Lee ON-screen to make Lee-Alive thinkers think he is dead 100%. Also, I would have had Chuck alive for Season 2 or give him a better fate. Despite being the main reason Clem taught how to survive and the most likeable character, he dies off-screen in the sewers, saving Clem, and no one from the group, especially Clem who Chuck saved seemed curious to ask Lee if he had found him. This is the worst death of a character in Season 1.

  • Showing Lee getting killed onscreen would be taking it to far and a bit harsh.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I would've wanted the game to show Clementine shooting Lee ON-screen to make Lee-Alive thinkers think he is dead 100%. Also, I would have ha

  • A-IBRAHIM0702A-IBRAHIM0702 Banned
    edited February 2016

    Too many kisses...

  • I don't care, I just hate to see people thinking Lee is still alive, we did see him die, with OUR eyes and he ain't coming back.

    Showing Lee getting killed onscreen would be taking it to far and a bit harsh.

  • People saying that Lee is alive are more then likely kidding around, in fact it is rare to see people say that Lee is alive.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I don't care, I just hate to see people thinking Lee is still alive, we did see him die, with OUR eyes and he ain't coming back.

  • That's a bad joke

    People saying that Lee is alive are more then likely kidding around, in fact it is rare to see people say that Lee is alive.

  • No, many people are dead serious about it. They start arguing with shit like 'But Clem pulled the gun up before shooting Lee, so she didn't hit him.'

    I get that it's what a troll would write, but some people are completely serious about Lee being alive and well.

    People saying that Lee is alive are more then likely kidding around, in fact it is rare to see people say that Lee is alive.

  • I would've liked that too actually, it would've been nice to have another conversation with Chuck at the beginning of Episode 4 before he gets separated from the group, then break the news to Clementine when Lee discovers he's dead.

    Hmm, I think the original story fits rather well with Crawford, although, you'd think there might be more survivors, in the end Crawford did prove to be a threat every now and again for the group, getting Brie and determinantly Ben killed(although that would be Lee's fault). It would be cool if we got to infiltrate an active community, maybe even be able to recruit someone who wants to get out of Crawford?

    I would have liked Chuck to have a more prominent role in Season 1, or at least give him a better death. His only purpose in the game was to

  • That wouldn't depend on me, it would depend on whether each individual saved Doug and whether they'd want their Lee to romance him, I don't see why there's anything wrong with homosexual romance, it's not like they're having sex.

    Killah posted: »

    Don't make Lee gay, PLS.

  • I do too, I was hoping she would be since you can kind of flirt with her at the start of Episode 3, I think what Lilly does could've had a bigger impact if she was romanceable.

    I wish Lily was able to be romanced

  • Sorry xD, at least they're optional ;)

    Too many kisses...

  • Yeah, but it's too late

    prink34320 posted: »

    I do too, I was hoping she would be since you can kind of flirt with her at the start of Episode 3, I think what Lilly does could've had a bigger impact if she was romanceable.

  • Then they're indenial, which I can't get Mad at them for. I still to this day can't believe Lee died, but it happened. But I don't think that is enough for wanting to show Clem shooting Lee. It's to extreme.

    No, many people are dead serious about it. They start arguing with shit like 'But Clem pulled the gun up before shooting Lee, so she didn't

  • Would like to see the downfall of Vernons group in ep 5

  • Lee will never come back. I promise you all that.

    Then they're indenial, which I can't get Mad at them for. I still to this day can't believe Lee died, but it happened. But I don't think that is enough for wanting to show Clem shooting Lee. It's to extreme.

  • No Kenny or Duck.

  • edited February 2016

    I never said he was coming back...

    AronDracula posted: »

    Lee will never come back. I promise you all that.

  • Ben's fate.

  • Lee's fate and Carley/Doug's death scene.

  • edited February 2016

    Would you have preferred Lee survived???

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Lee's fate and Carley/Doug's death scene.

  • edited February 2016

    Well actually if you had done all those things but sided with Lilly at the meat locker, in episode 4 he does say "family is all that matters and you were there for kat and duck when it mattered most i guess" but thats only if you choose Clem is my family option but yeah i'd change it to have more suitable dialogue

    Wintryon posted: »

    Save Duck at the farm Defend Duck at the drugstore Defend Kenny at the drugstore (Edit: Add on) Feed Duck at the drugstore Have

  • Great post prink, loved those ideas

  • At least drama happened when Kenny appeared whether you like it or not and that's what made the game interesting for me.

    CunningFox posted: »

    No Kenny or Duck.

  • Lee hilariously carrying the blowtorch up the bridge ladder, with Omid.

    He just stuffed it in his back pocket and pulled it out on the bridge!

  • edited February 2016

    I didnt mind Duck. I kind of liked him. What if it had just been Duck and Katjaa?

    CunningFox posted: »

    No Kenny or Duck.

  • I'm hoping that mothers will get more focus in the next Walking Dead game, and the children too.

    KCohere posted: »

    I didnt mind Duck. I kind of liked him. What if it had just been Duck and Katjaa?

  • Rap music at the end of the game, or during Lee's walker killing spree at the end (not the corny modern party rap, i'm talking about real 90's gangster shit)
    Kenny being the one to look after Clementine at the end (thankfully the writers stepped up and brought him back in season 2)

    Apart from that I can't really think of anything. Game was damn near flawless.

  • Calmly tell Vernon to fuck off when he gives you the choice to take Clem. I always thought Lee went a little too aggressive at that part. A good speech, but I wanted Vernon to still like me.

  • Yeah

    prink34320 posted: »

    Sorry xD, at least they're optional

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